We read a fantastic State Of Miles Address, weep together about the history of miles devaluations, learn how to redeem Fidelity Amex Worldpoints, check out the schedule of TravelConOC, and more!
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Hi from San Diego, it is way too late on Friday night and got an early am Saturday flight out of San Diego. Missed you guys. Here is a very short post so I don’t go more than a day without a post. I mean I can’t see my Alexa rankings crumble you know!
Best thing I read all week was State of Miles Address 2015 by Milenomics.
Another great read was by Milecards with the history of devaluations going back to the 80s. Read it and weep.
Milenomics has not been posting much lately but he is back with a vengeance with another killer post on how to redeem your Fidelity Amex Worldpoints. If you have that card that is.
The schedule of the TravelCon OC is out. TBB endorses this as the speakers are genuinely into the hobby instead of the other plastic pushers so called “experts”.
Hitler learns about the British Airways devaluation. Major LOL.
Beautiful Photos of the World’s Oldest and Most Majestic Trees

State Tax Guide for Retirees. Pretty good reference.
The Million Mile Secrets Friday interview was one of the most ridiculous ever. Some dude with bankruptcy record blogging about debt and then pumping readers with credit cards. OMG, I threw up all over myself. But nope, this blog publishes this stuff and pumps plastic links with them. Eeeeeeek. So if you link back to this blog I don’t like you and my lists will reflect it. Soon. #warning!
It was a pretty awful day, very dirty, spent lots of time in the shower….as Frugal Travel Guy now has a Wallet that idiots will fill it up with their credit cards so the system will tell them how this business can maximize its revenue by pumping them with plastic to oblivion. Why would you ever want to give a device all your credit card info and logins, and especially this one, is beyond me! Stay the hell away. If anyone did it, let me know your experience. Investigative blogging at its finest here at TBB as always!
And I leave you with this…please don’t judge…

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Late first.
Quick second.
So we’re supposed to give our mile accounts info to the outfit that couldn’t figure out that US Air did not have one way awards?
Step right up, folks, don’t be shy.
So many suckers…
State of the Miles and Points Blog Address: sigh…..
My favorite quote : ” Asking her why she applied for all of these cards, she replied, “I kept emailing bloggers to ask for help, and I received back responses to apply for more cards.”
TBB note:
“My Fellow Milenomics, more miles is not always the answer.”
That is a classic: “I kept emailing bloggers to ask for help, and I received back responses to apply for more cards.”
I wonder if Kathleen Bangs Bloggers.
Lol….I think there was a song in the 80s…that had the line “She bangs a lot” or something like that