We learn about the 2015 review & the State of The Hobby, how to be careful with Shopping Portals, learn about Cuban History & closing with a post about Haters!
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I will aim to keep the weekend Buzz posts to be short.Trying to keep it light so you can go out and play!
So many review type posts around the blogosphere along with all kinds of predictions. The best review was by The Lazy Traveler and the best predictions were from Personal Finance Digest.
A good post on Doctor of Credit about Shopping Portals and expensive lessons you can learn with them.
Cuba’s Revolutionary Trail: From Che Guevara to the Missile Crisis. Fantastic post at The Bohemian Blog. Very educational.
600 foot Insane Rope Swing over SHIPWRECK!!! – in Greece in 4K! Incredible Video in Zakynthos, Greece.
Fascinating article: “Why Some People Dislike Everything?“. Many references apply to the haters we already have witnessed here, in Flyer Talk and in other blogs. Some excerpts:
…no matter what you create, a small group of people will hate it, often without reason.
…putting your work online means preparing for a slew of vitriolic, bitter comments that people would never dare say in person.
Six primary factors as to why we may treat others differently online than we do in person:
1. You don’t know me
2. You can’t see me
3. See you later
4. It’s all in my head
5. It’s just a game
6. Your rules don’t apply here
…criticism can take it’s toll on people who haven’t developed a thick skin, or who don’t yet recognize that even great works are going to have critics.
…bitter comments stick with us and are often much harder to forget than praise
…you also can’t let yourself succumb to the fear of getting your ego bruised. It’s going to happen. It’s your job to understand when to listen to a real critique. It’s easy to be a critic. There’s no backlash, there’s no risk. But creating? That takes guts.
20 best National Geographic Photos of 2015

And I leave you with this…This is how I react when I find out a reader got his Amazon shopping done elsewhere or, (heaven forbid), got a credit card with a Titan blog and not used mine lol.
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I believe it’s the first first :). Thanks Buzz for the wonderful blog, I sure have discovered lots of good sites because of you.
So, Buzz, what are your resolutions for 2016?
Mine start with being first (when I can).
Thanks again for the kind words.
Waiting for the haters to come because…well, online you know 🙂
I have my NW Resolution almost ready, missing one item. The Theme is “More & Less”. I have 4 things I am going to do more and 3 things I am going to do less. I need one more of the “less” things to complete it. #developing
Just spent an hour devouring Bohemian Blog posts on Cuba. Loved it. Yomadic-level stuff. Thanks!
Don’t tell Darmon that, his head is too big already. 🙂
Haha, I can only dream about writing decent posts… Maybe after a trip to Iran 😉
Hey, the one you are preparing is not too shabby!
Yomadic-level? High praise indeed. 🙂
Watch Steve Martin Play Greek Music
WOW Seeing that again was awesome, soooo much fun. Paul was great on the piano, don’t you think? Of course everyone else was rockin the house! #grateful Thank you for posting that, many people don’t realize I am part Greek. Best Wishes to all for a Happy, Healthy full of fun New Year. Glad someone turned me on to your site. Steve
Thought of this when you said to get out and play:
HT: a Saverocity tweet
Happy New Year, George!
I read that and I may have tweeted it out myself.
The author know his way around Flyertalk 😉
Yeah good stuff on Cuba, let the scams float by. I spead a little Spanish, maybe that will help. I think I might tell them I was destroyed in the stock market/real estate crash and was bankrupt.
Buzz no haters will come on here, but if they do you have already set a good example — by letting them have their say and replying with courtesy.
I forget to use the Amazon link sometimes, reason is that I use a different email for travel blogs twitter etc. so I don’t get cluttered, and I can’t log in at the same time in my regular browser. Like that article you linked about portals mentioned, there is another issue about credit cards, which is that the Titans are putting persistent cookies on our computers which will automatically give them the referral fee for ANY credit card we sign up for. Wait a sec, using an anonymous window won’t necessarily defeat that ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? NEED TO USE DIFFERENT BRAND OF BROWSER ? ? ?? ? ?? ? ??? ? ? This is news to me, OK I can use Firefox. That’s just unbelievable, Buzz I hope you didn’t miss my Sapphire referral fee due to that happening. 🙁 Totally bogus. Or is he just talking about shopping portals ? This reminds me of those oil wells that drilled sideways to steal the oil out of someone else’s land.
The 600 foot swing, wow. And the beach was beautiful. I did find myself starting to get a little bit critical about those guys but I think I was just envious. Don’t want to become a hater so thanks for the reminder.
I like the Lazy Traveler comments, just what we were discussing the other day. Best bet seems to burn up those miles by transferring them into whichever program still has decent availability. Am I on the right track ?
I’m still trying to figure out premium fares deals forum over on FT, I get the basics but the finer points escape me. I need an expert travel agent !
Working on where to travel in Mexico this year. Mexico City booked, need to pick hotel. Others on list — Cabo, Guanajuato, Puerto Vallarta, Guadalara. I’d like to get to Taxco, maybe from Mexico City on another trip as it takes all day. Maybe Acapulco just for kicks. I want to do these on long weekends and coordinate them for good weather months, not too hot in the tropics, or rainy in the highlands. Accommodations are available for surprisingly affordable rates, it is just a matter of picking one. Do you guys prefer B and Bs or hotels ?
Thanks for this blog Buzz !
Hope you are kidding about the stock market/real estate crash & bankruptcy. If not, ouch.
The haters come out via email as well. I hope they stop there but sometimes I wonder…
Just start a new session on Chrome if you like and open a “New Incognito Window”, go to my homepage and then click accordingly. It should work without issues that way. This happens a lot and it pisses me off. How am I ever going to beat back the Titans???
That Greek island is the favorite destination by that Drew guy at Travel Is Free. Check out some of his posts, search for “Zakynthos” in his site.
Sam nailed it….the “decent” award availability is becoming a pathetic joke across the board!
Not that up with Mexico destinations. I think The Deal Mommy recently went to Mexico City, you may want to check out her trip review.
Well, I preferred hotels because I don’t pay for accomodations. I have only done airbnb once and really liked it. I have never stayed in a pure B and B place. As I get older I am slowly striving for more local flavor, more intimate surrrounding, more culture so maybe who knows. I am going to ponder about that when I spend 3 nights at the Tokyo Conrad next June for free lol.
Please post names of programs that still,have decent availability. By decent I mean ones where you can book a trip.
Buzz, I thought that one article you linked was saying something about even opening an anonymous browser window might not work. It was a bit over my head I have to say.
Sam — this is top secret so don’t let the Titans in on it, in fact I will type it in code.
enilria anihc no koob ot selim elbitapmoc rehto ro naiiawah ruoy esu
hcaoc tuoba wonk tnod i dna ssalc ssenisub ni dekoob yllautca i
luoes aiv ytlibiliava sah yldesoppus hcihw ria naerok er ereh deknil yltnecer elcitra ot refer
sah taht rehtona ro enilria emos tuoba sklat taht elcitra na ees i neht dna won refsnart rof wolla yam yeht reirrac su non a yllausu era yeht hguohtla dna staes elbaliava
selim fo
tsael ta ereht yaw eht fo trap yldoog a uoy teg thgim ti selpmaxe owt evoba ees margorp rieht otni
Got it ?
No, that’s just way too long and too backward to decipher it….I need some sleep now.