Every Sunday we bring you TBB’s Best of Web links. Today we have an incredible story about a mega Russian Ponzi MMM scheme that went on for many years, a great interview about the Artificial Intelligence race that is happening, some needed Trump era psychology lessons, how our world is getting better and look at amazing pictures of unusual homes.
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As always, click on the headline to be taken to the original source. Sometimes I insert my incendiary comments on article excerpts between [brackets].
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Russia’s greatest Ponzi mastermind is dead, but his legacy lives on in the crypto world
This story will blow you away. I was blown away. But then again, maybe not. We are all different.
It is amazing to realize how many suckers are out there who want to be separated from their money! Ever since this planet was invented. Greed is a very powerful emotion! You can be responsible all you can but when you give money to such assholes like this guy what the hell do you expect?
What is shocking is how this went on for so long and how it morphed to adapt to technology. Which means a pivot to crypto of course! And how it skirted regulation and compliance laws. It is a wild story. And deeply disturbing! And watching the television advertisements with these characters showing off how much money they made and then…you just keep shaking your head. If you will only do one thing please watch these advertisements. No doubt they will shock you.
No excerpts. Read it all.
Pedro Domingos on the Arms Race in Artificial Intelligence
There are some recurring themes in my blog. One of them is how the technology is advancing way too fast. You know, AI and robots and stuff like that. So I bring you another gem to make you THINK. I don’t do clickbait crap about incidents inside airplanes with shocking videos, I despise this stuff with passion!
In an interview, best-selling author and machine-learning expert Pedro Domingos discusses the global competition to take the lead in artificial intelligence, the advance of autocrats and the threats modern technology presents to Western democracies
Very insightful. How different countries approach this. The big tech companies. Privacy. Cultural issues. Autocracy vs democracy. I really enjoyed this. We may be losing it with all what is happening around the world (Trump) but for some reason I remain optimistic that this will be used to enhance humanity rather than harm it. But I am not sure for how long 🙂
DER SPIEGEL: So, in the long run, it’s about who controls the machines?
Domingos: Exactly. History shows how ready and willing we are to obey leaders and do what the gods say. We are psychologically totally prepared to put things in the hands of AI, even though we shouldn’t. But in the end, it’s not AI making the decisions, it is those who control AI. Who will be steering the major algorithms? Is it us — or is it Xi Jinping? That’s the question.
9 essential lessons from psychology to understand the Trump era
We live in unprecedented times. Every day is like a wild ride in the Trump era. I had said there were two positives with Trump being elected President of the United States. One is it will not be boring. Two is I tell my kids that yes you can become President too! I mean, if Trump can become President, what is there to stop anyone? So, thanks Donnie I guess 🙂
This is very insightful of what American politics is going through at this time. You will enjoy it. Before the right wingers dismiss it without giving it a chance…maybe THAT is part of the problem. Send me right wing stuff to read, I love opposing views. Maybe I am wrong. I consider that ALWAYS. Maybe you should too before you close down everything and watch…Fox News lol.
You are in for a treat…
As it has matured, the Trump era of conservative politics is increasingly defined by its tribalism and fear and the fracturing of our sense of a shared reality.
- Rooting for a team alters your perception of the world.
- We can be immune to uncomfortable facts.
- Leaders like Trump have special powers to sway public opinion.
- People don’t often make decisions based on the truth.
- Political opponents are often really, really bad at arguing with one another.
- White people’s fear of being replaced is incredibly powerful.
- It’s shockingly easy to grow numb to mass suffering.
- Fake news preys on our biases — and will be very hard to stamp out.
- Conspiracy theories may be rampant, but they’re a specific reaction to a dark, uncertain world.
We are all living in a perpetual echo chamber…
50 Ways The World Is Getting Better
Enough depressing material this Sunday morning. Time to uplift and inspire you. Because, inspiring you is part of the mission of my blog. Sometimes, we need to realize that we are living in unprecedented good times and humanity will indeed work out its problems and keep progressing. You may not realize it sometimes because I like to whine a bit but I am all in on humanity keep making the world better. And you do your part by clicking on my Sapphire Preferred card link. Bwahahahaha…Sorry, I could not resist this joke 🙂
Here are the first ten:
1. Over the last 20 years, the proportion of people living in extreme poverty has almost been cut in half.
2. Just 200 years ago, 85% of the world population lived in extreme poverty. 20 years ago it was 29%. Today only 9% live in extreme poverty while the majority of people (75%) around the globe live in middle-income countries.
3. In 1997, 42% of the population of both India and China were living in extreme poverty. By 2017 that share had dropped to 12% and less than 1% for India and China, respectively. That means almost three-quarters of a billion fewer people are living in extreme poverty in these two countries than there were just 20 years earlier.
4. In 1800, among all babies who were ever born, roughly half died during their childhood. Life expectancy was just 30 years and no country had a life expectancy above 40. Life expectancy at birth was only 45 years in 1870. The average life expectancy around the world today is 72.
5. The violent crime rate has been on a downward trend since 1990 in the U.S. Just under 14.5 million crimes were reported in 1990. By 2016 that figure was well under 9.5 million.
6. The number of deaths from natural disasters is 25% of what it was 100 years ago.
7. Flying has gotten 2,100 times safer over the past 70 years. 2016 was the second safest year in aviation history. The odds of being fatally injured in a plane crash are just 0.000025%.
8. The real price of plane travel in the U.S. has fallen by more than half since the late 1970s.
9. Between the late Middle Ages and the 20th century, European countries saw a 10-fold-to-50-fold decline in their rates of homicide.
10. The share of homes that had electricity in 1870 was exactly zero. Today the proportion of people with electricity is 85%.
For another forty awesome ways click the headline.
Unusual Homes Around the World
Another theme in my blog is that I care about your eyes. As in I like you to look at images that will awe you. With every post. Because…like I said, I care about your eyes. For your eyes only. That was a Bond film title by the way. Whatever. These homes are awesome, your eyes enjoy the feast…

Rumors abound that this Liu guy was a blogger who refused to pump his readers with affiliate links at every post…so sad! 🙂
The music world lost a legend over the weekend. RIP Charles Neville. Here is one my favorite songs:
Neville Brothers – Yellow Moon
And I leave you with this…
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Sunday morning!
Sunday afternoon…from the north coast of Spain!
There are few points hotels on the Camino del Norte, and absolutely no overpriced overwater bungalows. No $400 transfers from the airport to the island, no $100 breakfasts, and no resort fees.
Many actual pilgrims (we’re filthy atheists 😉 spend their nights in aubergines or hostels, in a dormitory with shared bathrooms, and pay a pittance because the aubergines don’t charge—they only accept donations (travel for freeeee!!!). The camaraderie comes from fellow travelers and not the concierge angling for a good tip.
You won’t read about these kinds of trips on miles/points blogs. They want you to get their cards (commissions!) and then spend a sh*tload of money on “aspirational travel” so…you need to get even more cards for your next trip (more commissions!!).
And, if you need to go to the Maldives, Bora-Bora, or stay at Aman to impress your friends, then (A) you’re stupid and (B) you need to get better friends.
@ DML: Good morning to you too! I am off to Chicago on Megabus today, staying for the first time at Swissotel. No review probably forthcoming because I find them all boring 🙂
@ DiffPaul: Well said! Of course you forgot to add that in order to book that complex aspirational trip that required opening many credit cards for…you likely need an award booking sevice so keep on clicking those links hey!
I was just in that area of Chicago last weekend. Swissotel is a stone’s throw from my parents’ place, but I haven’t stayed there in a while (since I like to sample the myriad other hotels in that immediate area). My last memory of the Swissotel is that it could use a refresh, but it’s a pretty nice hotel overall.
Stayed here last time back i 2011. It is very nice, looks renovated. Doing a 2 stay get a free night promo to add to 2 other free nights from Fairmont Platinum bang. Will deduct it for business epxense of course. But paying for Fairmont stay with gift cards from Fairmont card.
I need to figure out where to burn 3 free Fairmont nights this year. Le club should be renamed Le Suck….won Program of the Year at the Freddies….LUDICROUS!
Swissotel is jsut that tiny odd duckling brand 🙂
Interesting piece about Trump. I’m politically apathetic and haven’t liked either major party candidate for many years. Though in the past I’ve voted Dem and Rep for President. To my perspective, I think a lot of the points in the article apply broadly to portions of both liberals and conservatives in the past 10-15 years.
You see it in other areas of society too. Federal politics is just one manifestation.
OTOH if you look back at politics thru the ages it was also bitter, acrimonious, and nasty. It’s probably more obvious now with the internet and 24/7 news than when newspapers were the only media.
But I do feel that the silent majority of people of either political side don’t adhere to the extreme things that get the most attention.
Or maybe I’m wrong and it’s all worse!
I am apathetic too, I just vote for the ones who will hurt me less! Every time!
I think internet and social media are amplifying the problem for sure.
I say we kill all extremists so we can save the planet!!!!<——Hi Mark
Just kidding.
Swissotel gave me an "upgrade" and free breakfast which I probably won't use. Fitness room is being renovated so they can give me a pass to a huge facility. Thing is…it is six minutes away and it is freezing here!
Lots of goods reads in today’s blog.
I agree 🙂
Here’s a smoking hot deal for any male Canadians reading this: man saves $1K/yr on car insurance by filing some paperwork to change his gender.
MMS would have killed that one too while pushing some plastic 🙂
Man, could I tell you a story or 2 about Mavrodi! The most amazing thing about that dude is that he survived the 90s in Russia. Seriously, the guy pissed off so many people (not just illiterate investors, mind you, but also corrupt government officials) that he really lived on a borrowed time. He actually blackmailed the government and on the New Year’s Eve in 1994, adressed Russian people on TV — in lieu of the president. What a guy!
He reminds me Trump, somehow. A brazen, yet cunning crook and impostor who gets (well, got) away with anything, despite running his mouth like there is no tomorrow. Way smarter, though.
Thanks for the insight Andy….Yeah, amazing story…and those shocking videos smh.