I am announcing the second ever TBB Blog reader meetup next weekend in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I hope somebody shows up. If not, your loss…I am going!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
You can support TBB by applying for CREDIT CARDS, shopping with our AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK & clicking our REFERRAL LINKS. Thank you!
Date: Saturday April 29, 2017
Time: start at 11.15 am, end whenever
City: Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Location: Westin Beach Resort
321 North Fort Lauderdale Beach Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33304
Meet at the Starbucks inside first and then ? #developing!
I had so much fun in the TBB reader meetup in San Diego back in February I am doing it again! I need to get a good idea how many are going to show up, if anyone! And I need some ideas where to go nearby. Accessible parking, good food and drinks within walking or short Uber/Lyft ride?
Or we can stay in the hotel and just walk over to the Waves Bar & Grill restaurant/bar. Parking at the hotel is not recommended obviously.
Read my blog on location updates/changes, if any.
I picked up the check at the last meetup and it was okay, I need a way to launder my obscene profits from my blog! As long as it is less than ten, it’s on me! It’s giving back in a way, you guys always come first. If more than ten show up we’ll figure something out. But if you answer my question “What blogs do you read” with “The Points Guy and Million Mile Secrets”, well, you pay then bwahahaha.
I have a special blog post tomorrow. I keep it short on the weekends around here. And leave the best links I find over the week for my Sunday posts. You will like it, I guarantee it. Wait, I sound like that Men’s Warehouse guy. Who got canned, oh oh.
Oh, the part above about my blog’s obscene profits was a joke, come on!
And I leave you with this…Full Disclosure: This is NOT me, WTF!
Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs To Ignore
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
First at the meetup AND first here today!
When TBB is gold, we’re all in the consolation bracket. So I’m… Pyrite?
I think TBB readers like to sleep in during the weekends for sure, easiest silver ever! Errrrr, I mean, Pyrite!
2 out of the 4 links in Doctor of Credit recap went to View From The Wing. The Doc is going to pass that Tagging Miles dude at Saverocity as the biggest VFTW promoter in this pace, wow!
My blog is not going to post bullshit videos from aboard any plane. Stop clicking on this click bait bullshit.
This was a PSA.
…and here’s a GSA (George Service Announcement :-))
It’s a story that needs views, just like the previous one, so more people realize how poorly FAs and US Airlines treat their customers. Of course all of us know it–we try as hard as possible NOT to fly segments with/on them. But talk to many ‘civilians’ and they don’t understand.
I hope for even more public shaming of the US 3. The more, the better!
Your a BRIT?
George your stance here is nothing to be proud of. How anyone can watch that video and not feel anything is so incredibly strange. Your “stance” of not talking about it is nothing to be proud of.
There is absolutely nothing left to say about yet another onboard incident!
I am not going to play their click bait game.
I focus on entertainment, education, and inspiration here…These onboard incidents, with millions flying every day, are just filler and I let other thought leaders and experts chase the clicks and give us their opinion before they go back to do what they do best, push plastic.
I RTed a FA’s tweet which I agree with. And that’s about it. Lets move on. These posts are posted because…they chase the clicks and feel like they have something important to add. Mainstream media also chasing eyeballs is enough.
I just don’t get on these bandwagons.
Everyone with their damn phones….looking for the next viral video. You will soon see people staging these.
We have so many more important things to deal with and we all lose it for seeing someone lose it aboard a plane…
You will all like the blog post tomorrow. I will let others come down from their “expert” pulpit…
Yeah, but you also believed Cosby when the count was “only” 15 or so…and you thought too much was being made of THAT story…
your grammar there was so bad i couldn’t even understand you. dude how do you even say this stuff with a straight face? you don’t like bandwagons? all this site is is you trying to get people on your bandwagon. getting less credible every day. go back to not inspiring anyone ever. looking forward to a blogger with integrity calling you out. unfortunately nobody reads this site so it probably won’t happen.
You are knocking George’s grammar? !
English is his second language, what is your excuse?
Is the shift button broken on your complaining device.
Stop whining and loosen your Bro-mansiere, you will feel better.
Shouldn’t MS. Le Pen be called MS. Le Plume
View From The Wing: 6 Things I Love about the British Airways Visa
Hey, beat Hyatt’s five lol.
This guy is just losing steam, where is the excitement, the urgency…and no phucking exclamation marks, WTF!
More videos like that, more hope something is gonna change.
I’m so sick and tired of some a@@holes who had a bad morning treating me like sh@#$
because of “security” and “federal regulations”.
People don’t realize a small incident might change their lives for ever!
One complaint from a mad FA and if you land on a non-flight list or worse, you life is over.
Those people have an absolute power to do whatever they want and we supposed to stay
quiet and hopeless because “it’s a safety rule” or another BS…
I still don’t understand why me adding my voice to the mayhem about each viral video adds…anything of substance.
I am sorry dear readers for feeding the troll…who just does not have anything else to do but..try to find something to prove he was right all along and I have no integrity…
I will let the shit stay on here.
I better take my own advice not to feed trolls.
And now Greak Freak time #NBA
George The King Of Trolls
Thank you for your support.
This has been the highest traffic Saturdays ever…
Thank you all and, most importantly, to the dedicated trolls of this site…You have choices but you choose to troll here instead, thanks!
Breaking: TPG just posted how Oscar will NOT become United chairman!
It’s the Buzz’s blog and if he doesn’t want in-cabin drama videos on here, that’s that.
It’s not like you can’t find the videos elsewhere. More like everywhere.
I’m still waiting for the director’s cut where the FA grabs the stroller out of the bin. Maybe the union rep will release it sometime.
Exactly. Why would he bother having any rhyme or reason now? His blog & his illogical reasoning. Just biz as usual here. Hey lets start a site criticizing people for pushing links and then start pushing links. Lets for some weird reason be against passengers going through mistreatment. Lets not have any content that makes sense at all. Lets call anyone a troll who sounds like George but says it about TBB. Yay!!! Cool!!!
Thank you for your support.
Record Saturday.
Troll definition: One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or blog with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.
That troll definition, fits George perfectly. He is the troll of the travel hacking hobby
Hacking is a pejorative word and refers to a crime. I prefer my hobby to be “travel” not “cheating/escaping rules.” Typically, trolls are commenters, not people who are transparent about any and all motivations they have on their blog. Trolls post just to stir up drama, and would never say what they say online to someone’s face. I’m fairly confident most of us would tell you exactly what we think of you in person.
Hope you’re enjoying retirement under the bridge.
You can define it however you want but George has been trolling (posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or blog (this one) with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument to “The Hobby)
There is that better?
Keep drinking the Koolaid ! and Click, Click Click…..
And to think I care one iota what you clowns think is preposterous. (All 11 or 12 of you 😉
I feel so bad all the chicken is gone so no way to throw Ingy some under his bridge on this glorious Saturday night. But…it was sooooo good!
I kept hammering Scott over at Travel Codex to change his name from the former “Hack My Trip” to the current one, he finally listened.
I never liked the hacking term either!
I don’t go around posting comments (universally known as trolling in internet speak) on other blogs, especially the ones I can’t stand. That’s just sick!
I only bought two $4 wine bottles from Whole Foods. That was a mistake…
Funny story: Met some new people who recently got into the Hobby…What blogs do you read? “We used to read The Points Guy..but he got too commercial”…No shit! I have been telling them stories about the old days. They never heard of The Frugal Travel Guy, so sad but good for them!
Ok, going back in, bye
“I don’t go around posting comments on other blogs, especially the ones I can’t stand. That’s just sick!”
No. You dedicated an entire website to trolling them. That’s a completely new level of sick. You’re nuts dude. The reasoning and rationalization you use is straight up rambling.
You should go to the TBB meet-up next week and wear a t-shirt saying “Where we all come from, it’s a “Do”.
You should hire the bald AA gate agent to show Ingy to his seat. Have a stroller handy, along with plenty of towels.
I like the t-shirt idea!
Wow, Guess I got the “rot leader” all worked up by just stating the obvious.
To All TBB Readers: Follow your leader. Bitch, moan, whine about others!!!!! All 11 or 12 of you.
ROT Leader. I like that 🙂