It is time for an update on the world famous TBB Blog Review lists! World famous means only me and you care for them. Let the haters hate, we know they are the best. Please direct newbies here to learn our “craft” and don’t let them get pumped lol.
Anyways, do you have any feedback on the lists? It has been a while since I last updated them. All decisions are mine. But I do read every comment you take the time to leave here and I do appreciate it. If you think a blog belongs in one of the lists please state your case. If you provide proof you bought thousands of dollars of crap with my Amazon link just tell me which blog you want me to include then, just kidding 😉 Some of the descriptions are kind of stale so I am open to enhancing them too!
And for crying out loud American Airlines….bring back the cooooooooooooooooooookieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order
You can support TBB by clicking/forwarding any of our Referral Links and starting your online shopping at our Amazon affiliate link . Or click on the Amazon Banner on the right, thank YOU!
No changes
Weed in Albania. Communist party headquarters in Bulgaria. Homeless people in Budapest. My favorite travel blogger. I enjoy every post, they are all unique and original! And the pictures are awesome too. Hope he posted more often.
How can you describe Twisted Sifter? Eclectic appears to be an understatement. I get this feeling that my life being is enhanced with what appears here.
Ok, not a blog technically. What they do is find flight deals. I recommend following them on twitter. I get their tweets on my smart phone and I get excited every time. I also wished my home airport was not Detroit!
One of the most knowledgeable bloggers in the miles/points space. Veers to the most advanced subject matters. Full time traveler. I learn from this blog more often than any other.
Added Miles to Memories
Deleted WorldGeography (not updating)
Consistent production of good content with great variety including family travel. Does an excellent job of keeping readers informed about, well, most everything they need to be informed about.
A natural in the blogging world! Original posts almost daily while most other bloggers repeat themselves. And you know your eye sockets will NOT be assaulted by marketing pitches.
Prolific blogger living somewhere in Asia. Breaks lots of royalty related news and finds details in program changes before the next blogger notices. Deserves a lot more recognition imho.
Slowly building a blog network. Posts with original thinking. Love the travel related posts, not all personal finance related posts but can sure appreciate a different view. Watch them, it appears unique and quality content is high on the priority list here.
Well, the most miles on the less amount of time possible and he means it. And about twice a year he will go on an epic rant which is just a beautiful thing!
Very well written and mostly original content. Not very frequent posting but when it comes it is really good usually. Now a full time blogger…
You always find something different/original here. Always trying hard to educate readers and add value. I may not read every post but I usually find good stuff here.
Travel maniac. Likes to go to obscure countries. Has been to North Korea twice! Since most of us got in this hobby to travel you will probably enjoy some of his posts on the trips he takes, I do. He also has good knowledge of miles/points stuff and tries to post original content.
Focus on travel photography. And we are talking simply the best photos appear here! Does not post very often.
Excellent coverage of hotels and their royalty programs.
Blogs and has developed many techie tools for this hobby. I always like to read his points of view which tends to be unique. Not afraid to follow any line or call something what he thinks it is. I appreciate this direct approach!
Does not post very often but when she does it is something really unique with great travel photos. She also hangs out with Yomadic so she must be a true original. No miles/points here, just pure traveling!
The blog tagline is: “Exploring the bizarre, the macabre & other secret wonders of the world”. And he does that very well, always interesting posts. For example, check out the post on smoking weed in North Korea on September 29, 2013!
If you are in Britain you must be a reader. Posts frequently. Sometimes there is a gem. Always a good resource to ask UK/Europe questions.
Blog focusing on birding and ecotourism. Blogger knows a lot about miles too. You will not come here for a trip report featuring flat beds in First Class.
I like the originality of the content and refreshing way to approach the miles/points hobby. The blog has developed a great repository of content all tied together in a unique way & lingo. Great addition to improve/add to the hobby, unlike so so many new blogs that keep popping up that offer, well, not much at all! Posting has slowed down.
Short, concise, educational and just plain fun to read. Special bent towards (personal) finance aspects of this hobby addiction.
Original frequent content. Broke several big stories in this space. Puts reader first like most on this list. You can learn here.
Incredible links to incredible adventure-ish videos. I have lost count how many times I have said WOW watching some of the videos that appear here!
Deleted Wallet Slot (gone from F2B list)
Deleted Extra Pack of Peanuts (went all podcasty)
Delta Points
The Frugal Travel Guy
Million Mile Secrets
The Points Guy
Points, Miles & Martinis
Deals We Like
Noob Traveler
Mommy Points
View from the Wing
One Mile at a Time
Canadian Kilometers
Please pass my blog link to your friends and family if you think they will enjoy it too.
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No way….second? usually I am a day late…..
John is Number Uno!
Phxbne: who are you getting the hardware again?
Third! Do I get a cookie?
I will make sure it is the older cookie as the new cookie served apparently is just awful.
My suggestion is to add a new page called “Blogs I Monitor” of all the blogs in your feedly. No need for any links, descriptions, change updates, comments, etc. If possible, I would organize it by blog affiliation: Boarding Area, Prior2boarding, First2board, Saverocity, Internet Brands, and Independent.
You mean list all 359 of them?
Very interesting. If there was an easy way to export or copy/paste the blog names from Feedly I could do that. Categorizing them will take much longer. I deleted over 200 a few months ago as they were deemed totally a waste of time. It could serve as a notice to blogs that do not even appear on the list that they are so inconsequential they can’t even make THAT list lol. I will keep an eye on how to do this, thanks.
That would be a nice list to post once a month, from your Feedly list!
Not easy to cut and paste from it!
From this article, it doesn’t seem too hard. I don’t think the list needs to be updated often, but it would be nice for your readers to see what blogs you’re monitoring so we don’t have to read them.
Step 1: From the Feedly sidebar, select Organize, then click on the link called, “As OPML.” You can also go directly to the Feedly OPML export page at
Step 2: Once your subscriptions appear, copy the text and paste it into your favorite text editor. Save the file as, “feedly.opml.”
I have separated out in a different folder the non miles/points/travel blogs I regularly keep track of. Only 236 in there now!
I have emailed myself your instructions. I may do this one day when life gets to be too much and need yet another filler post 🙂
Travel is Free is still loved?
I think TIF is loved even more as we all know how much TBB loves criticism 🙂
Yes. As far as blog content goes it is the best out there in a sea of chaos!
I always tried very hard to separate the blogs from the bloggers. But it is very hard to do as so many of us do add personal stuff in our content. Like bow ties or our kids or food obsessions (like the *&%&ing cookies and diet cokes).
Wandering Aramean is still in the Like list too. Pissing me off is not a prerequisite to appear on my good lists. Commenting here with “this is my last comment, I do not want to be associated with you guys” also does not affect my lists. Hey life is like that, it happens.
Changes to the list are so minor, Buzz is just trolling us with this post
Since the introduction of the Lists changes have always been minor.
Yes life got in the way and I was looking for an easy filler post. At least I did not do a whole blog post about a &^%$ing cookie 🙂
Would you rather have him create click-bait posts just to sell you credit cards?
+1 on M2M, and congrats Shawn!
“Blogs I Ignore” should be re-titled “Blogs To Be Ignored” or “Blogs One Should Ignore.” Or course, we’ve had this discussion before.
Yeah you are right but may need to change URLs and all that stuff….Definitely should change to “To” or “Should” as I certainly do not ignore them for…TBB’s mission to entertain 🙂
Great call on Miles TO Memories, he has been turning out such great content lately that even FM is using it. My only regret is that he is not with the Saverocity team. It is always my first read of the day (after TBB, of course)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….BUZZ…I had a long talk with my Shrink on why I do not like VFTW so much (sorry Drew) yesterday. I thought going into my session my issue stemmed from the fact that I just don’t like people who are pretentious and pompous. But after finishing my 3 hour session, my dislike of the author goes back to my former career as a Flight Attendant. Reading his post about not liking the new AA cookie gave me a Vietnam War-like flashback of having to deal with jerky passengers who would complain about the most trivial of things. They would berate you like you were the person responsible for changes the airline made. I am still bugged in my sleep by an idiot who went berserk on me because I would not go into First Class for himto get a real butter replacement for his “I Cannot Believe It’s Butter” mini tub that came on the coach tray………….Come to think of it, that guy did look a little like Gleff………………….ribs.
I guarantee you my shrink is better looking than yours hehe.
butter replacement for his “I cannot believe it’s Butter” LOL
It was quite the scene, a grown man having a childlike temper tantrum. He also demanded to know my name, I told him Fabio.
I used to be called Flabio 🙂
I’ll be honest – it’s been a while since I’ve been impressed with any Hack my Trip posts
When comparing him to the other blogs on your “like” list that I read, doesn’t appear he measures up.
Better than most of BoardingArea to be sure, but then again, so is Ebola
Yeah I agree. I think the top two writers there are too busy, one with FT job and the other in med school…
Hackmytrip? You mean Travel Codex?
Looks like you are on it!
Hey D’Ramsey Unchained and off his zoloft-
Good story, but I doubt it was Gleff if the guy was sitting in coach. Unless he was writing one of his “what do the simple folk do” posts about “I’m Flying Coach and Loving It!!!”.
George-Instead of the “I haven’t posted my list of blogs in a while…….”, you could just go for “A friend asked me which blogs I love….”. Grab a template over at OMAAT or MP.
Or what is your favorite shop to shop online? YES!
It would be nice to see more women bloggers on your list.
Hmm, never thought of that, I did not even realize it! Yes it will be nice indeed. There was a reader here a while back that went off on me for being misogynistic…maybe now she will be back.
“It would be nice to see more women bloggers on your list”
Agreed, some bloggers on his lists should get a sex change
It would be nice to have more women bloggers on the like/love list, but bloggers should be judged based on the originality and creativity of their content; not by gender, race, or sexual / religious / political preferences. Of course, a TBB approved blogger would also have to be a non-pumper. It seems many of the women bloggers are more into deals and less about miles and points so that could be a factor.
Yes my bias against pumping is evident 🙂
I only discriminate towards bloggers who order a bunch of stuff with my Amazon link. Darn it, I forgot to pimp it again during lunch time….actually, I have been forgetting to do it since last week! I am just an awful pumper what can I say?
Do you have binders full of women bloggers?
No….but I would highly prefer groupies instead 🙂
I am offended we were left off the list. What links do we have to pimp to get noticed around here????
You can start with some Barclay cards #hint
Thank you Dia & Ramsey for the kind comments. I am honored to be on the “Like” list! Next stop “Love”!
Well deserved. Great work Shawn!
What a sham! How did Miles Professor miss your ignore list again?!? I thought she’d for sure make the list this time around with her general worthlessness as usual.
Come-on she should be right behind the two big douches on BA because all she does is copy their stories, hashtags them, and inserts her own affiliate links! No original content here but the links are still fresh!
As far as I can tell the links are always fresh lol.
I will say hi to her from you next weekend 😉