This is a VERY short post as the action in the TBB comments was way down. Which suits me perfectly right now as I am gearing up for a good stretch of intense activity in my day job!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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Thoughts about the #WestCoastDO Travel Miles/Points Enthusiasts Meeting! And mini review of Kimpton Firesky Resort
MilesAbound: (in responding to question why would anyone pay for an event like the WestCoastDO): Cost of entry just covered the cost of hiring the hotel facilities, food and wine (which were all excellent). We made no profit at all. In fact for CLT three of us individually underwrote the event and agreed we would make up any shortfalls personally (it turns out we broke even and didn’t need to). It’s one thing to have a social with a dozen friends, arranging it in one place for 125 is something else.
JA: Regarding the Diplomat in Hollywood, FL: It’s gone from 12,000 SPG pts to 70k Hilton pts!
More #WestCoastDO Reviews, 500 Free SPG Points, China Visas, El Al, Virgin Galactic, Bribery, Life on Earth, Angry Blog Buzzing It Up!
Jake from State Farm: Only 50 more shopping days left until Visa Savings Edge disappears from Staples? I hope not!…..BYW my favorite 80’s song was that wonderful duet by Michael Jackson and Boy George, I’ll Beat It For You
Alaska Airlines Miles, Free Products For Bloggers, London, Wakhan Afghanistan, 25k Delta Award Ticket, Life’s Unanswered Questions
TBB: Now here is something I have been thinking. Being a blog critic has an ulterior motive to challenge everyone to get better and improve this community. And that comes with a lot of flak which I absolutely expect and deserve. But here is what I have been thinking lately and bothers me…
By praising a blogger who is not doing this full time am I making him/her more inclined to spend more time on their blog to justify TBB’s praise to the expense of other more important things in their life? Should I be more understanding towards the true part timers and treat the full timers differently? To this point, I have not made a distinction, I generally stuck to blog content alone. Should I? Perhaps I should not praise part timers and instead get them to do other more important things in their life (e.g., look harder for a real job that will support them instead of spending so much time in their blog for not much money!, etc). I am feeling weird and guilty about this lately…
The common man: The bigger question is what would such a merger imply for the Hawaiian World Elite Most Distinguished Supreme Commander Mastercard?
Silvercar, Pot Tourism, United Raising $ on Elites, Hotel Occupancy Rates, Islamic Architecture, Space Rosetta Comet ISS links
Khloe and Lamar: George it was wonderful for us to meet you in Phoenix last weekend. Thank you for saving our marriage and helping Lamar get his basketball career back on track!!!…Love K/L
Is this a cool picture or what? In the Philippines…

Ok, I like to tweet a lot. I discovered Twitter years ago and have over 20,700 tweets (from my miles related account alone). Tweeting is like therapy, I just…tweet. I tweeted stuff like this yesterday:
TBB kids at the Great Wall of China. Because we like being silly and all and stuff like that
Man asked U-M student for directions while masturbating at South Quad What can I say, I live in an exciting city [LINK]
and right after it I tweeted this:
The CSP card is NOT the best travel rewards credit card. If you intend to get it…it is in Page XXX! Take a stand [LINK]
and right after that I tweeted this:
That’s it. I have not tweeted my Amazon and Uber links for a while because, well, I do not like to pump, I suck at it! Well, OMG, I was attacked mercilessly and treated like a Titan pumper, you gotta be kidding me! Actually, I find this all quite entertaining and educational. And then we get attacks attacking my integrity which I found totally pathetic but I also understand it it is da Internet and it comes with the territory. If you want to waste some time reading interactions here are some:
More angry tweets. Sometimes you gotta laugh things off…
Ok, here are all the tweets & replies in my own Twitter feed. Twitter and Feedly keeps me quite busy! Just imagine if I was REALLY pumping it properly instead of researching gazilion posts each day on Feedly to produce a quality blog post for you and interacting on Twitter & making one or two “pumpy” posts about my pathetic credit card banner ad and Silvercar account (signed up from reader’s link, did not pump my own link in tweet). Unbelievable, chill out everyone!
Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs To Ignore
Please pass my blog link to your friends and family if you think they will enjoy it too.
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Clever you are….For a moment, I thought changing it to First Lol
And the last shall be first.
I now expect someone to start posting around here as Titan Pumper. Don’t disappoint me, internet!
I hope Ludicrous starts posting again, I miss that guy!
“The CSP card is NOT the best travel rewards credit card”
Best or not, it isn’t working right now. I hit a few of your links a couple hours ago when I was doing my AOR, but now that I’m doing my wife’s, the CSP errors out. My own direct link does work – sorry man, but I gotta finish it, write a post, and go to bed (well, sometime in the morning). You should inform them that due to their incompetence, they have deprived you of income. 🙂
Still, you will catch some ca-ching tomorrow from my direction. 🙂
I spoke too soon. My Chase link has died too. I guess they are changing the bonus from 40K to 75K, that’s the only plausible explanation. 🙂
Thanks a lot, appreciated. The 40k to 75k made me laugh…a lot! I wonder if the Titan pumpers will still say “now is the best time, hurry”…you know, like they just did…again 🙂
I shake my head on the craziness last night on Twitter. I pimp a few tweets after such a long time and I am attacked as a pumper…oh the irony of it all. You can’t please everyone…it’s da Internet!
This whole space is quite lunatic and ironic….which makes it entertaining and…addictive!
I see you are going to TBEX again. One day I would like to make it to one just to say I experienced one.
Yeah, I missed that precious exchange yesterday. How does it feel – joining the ranks of pumpers? LOL.
Just finished my wife’s CSP app with your link. Most of her apps are delayed decisions, but will come through, hopefully.
What do you mean, one day? I have a $30 code off the already ridiculous price of $127. And it’s only 40K AA to Europe (if you can find your way to the back of the bus after all these years 🙂 ). Let’s go!
Don’t know how it feels yet as the register still shows $0. Apparently it takes for ever to show up. It’s a sham…You don’t pimp, you don’t get any clicks. You pimp a lot, you get lots of clicks/$$ & no respect. I managed to lose respect (from a few) and get no clicks/$$ LOL.
The Spain event is too soon….Need to step up in day job and get two new clients come tax season…I am out for a while. I am going to enjoy my HKG trip in a few weeks and then it’s time to get serious!
Coming to NJ/NYC for a few days Dec 24-26. In and out (not the burger joint!)
Thanks for the cc app…hope it shows before they take it away from me 🙂
Let me know when you’re in Brooklyn if you’re up for coffee or something.
Ok…so far it does not look like I will have any time at all.
No surprise here, VFTW is a coffee snob in his latest post……………………
and he does a piece (a piece of you know what) on how to sneak in a popular restaurant back exit door to avoid waiting in line out front……………….not as bad as the MMS piece on how to jump the TSA screening line and equal to the advice on how to round up luggage carts at the airport for the return refund. Maybe he will do an article on how to skip out a restaurant w/o paying next or going to the bathroom when the check comes so other you are with will pick up the tab. Oy Vey!
I no longer read VFTW’s posts on the culinary happenings. Zzzzzzz
Well, we are hackers here, Ramsey, so let’s be fair; skipping a line is not the same as “skipping” a payment. The first is a hack, the second is a fraud.
Andy cutting ahead of folks who are waiting on line is not a hack, it is just a sh!tty selfish thing to do. To blog about it is just mind boggling to me………btw I have been hacking in life since the 60’s, when I read the very first hacking manual published. Book is called “Steal This Book” by Abby Hoffman, The Abby Hoffman the Vietnam War/Richard Nixon adversary. Book’s first line was to advocate going to library and stealing that book. Also teaches you how to mail a letter for free. Send a letter w/o a stamp and reverse your return address with the address you want to send the letter to . A must read for the kiddies.
Abby Hoffman was a legend. When once asked exactly what he was protesting against, he famously answered “What d’ya got?”.
Abby ran onto the stage at Woodstock during The Who’s set. Pete Townshend pushed him bak in the crowd with one strong kick.
God, I remember “Steal This Book.” Another iconic book (should be required reading) was Edward Abbey’s The Monkey Wrench Gang. Whatever happened to environmentalism? Keep on truckin’ y’all.
There is a connection with Abby Hoffman to Ann Arbor:
If you are ever visiting come around Hash Bash time. I went a few times back in college, it was a smoking good time!
Ramsey, I agree it’s shitty sometimes, but then there are all kinds of VIP iines and such, and their primary goal is to help you skip the line. At least, in places like Vegas, Disney World, and Washington, DC.
I’ll need to look up this book. It sounds like something I would enjoy. 🙂