It is a cold Saturday, take some time off from the blogs you read and spend some time here laughing. Life is too short to be angry and take things so seriously! Sometimes I sit and wonder if there was a way to score some miles smoking weed woohoo!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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One of the funniest videos I have seen in a very long time. So well acted too! I think it’s a classic. Helps if you have a good knowledge of soccer too…Enjoy!
This Goalkeeper Gets Hit In The Face By Every Penalty Kick, But He Manages To Stand Til The End!
This is what happens when three Grandmas smoke weed for the first time. “Thought it was a dildo” or “I love to iron”. LOL!
Ok, a little inspiration next? Video: Sanctuary “It features some lovely timelapse imagery shot in Colorado, Alaska, and Canada over this past summer. When mixed with soothing music, it is three minutes of visual bliss.”
And say hello to the Mexican GIJoe!

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I win!
One of the first non-hillbillies.
Woohoo! Still placed, just like UA MileagePlus Premier Silvers (aka over-entitled elite scum.)
“Ahora sabemos”
“Y saber es la mitad de la batalla” “GI Jose”
Thanks for playing along…I think the soccer video is just brilliantly funny or I just have a quirky sense of humor…
TBB is in suspend mode…
Thought had one cc sale…but just noticed it was taken away so back to a big fat nada.
Amazon $1.75 ads $0
Sorry folks need to end this farce…
Refocusing on passion #1
#upintheair #noclooney
Buzz/George/TBB, If you are ending this farce so am I. Thank you for all your hard work and insight. I hope my comments here didn’t hurt anyone, it was all in good fun and bad taste……. Except to the pretentious, toilet bowl picture posting, credit card whoring, intimidating/ ratting on hard working service employees because they didn’t get their inflight hot towel quickly enough bloggers. My dislike for you is real. George I love you man and will miss you! You will always have a friend here in Portland and an open invitation for some home cooked Italian food………. I will leave you here with some advice to pass on to our old friend (choke) and nemesis from Delta Points…Rene, keep your chins up, things will get better for you, Buzz is retiring.
Wait… The whole blog is on suspend??? Or just the CC referral?
Ahhh wait it out. Most of us are on a 3 month app cycle so we haven’t had a chance to use your links yet. There are a few gold ones in there.
Taking a day off tomorrow I think. Just way too much to clear before Thanksgiving and my trip to Hong Kong. Need to dial down TBB a little. I have kept up with Feedly but nothing worthy to appear here in my opinion, so much repetition of inconsequential irrelevant for most people “news”. Actually the most I have marked in Feedly is….Buzz stuff. This may turn into a weekly rant and Delta Points will be a permanent feature. Trust me when I say the present format is good for that blog lol.
Anyways, the season from hell at the University of Michigan can not end soon enough! I may talk about it but I don’t really care. I am a Detroit Lions fan and still believe in miracles….beating New England away!
The cc’s are not on suspend but not going to be around either at this frenetic pace lol.
Son had last day of work at the local burger joint and went out with a bang ordering (at 50% off) and eating 10 freaking patties. I knew where the defibrillators were just in case 🙂 Good lesson for him, realized physical labor is too hard…so he got a tutoring job making more.
Or maybe I can do a post like Titan Gary and open it up!
TBB has said that before…didn’t happen.
He can’t quit now…have good word that he ‘ll be “attacked” by sexy groupies at the next DO!
Now allow me to go cry at my corner for the loss of Korean Air through Chase UR portal…
Groupies? Sexy ones? Ok…I am going to go down fighting…
So it appears Korean Air is gone for good….Can’t wait for the news again to be “confirmed” and the whole parade of Chase credit card links to be marketed…
Maybe not suspend the blog, but maybe just once a week? or maybe the 1st of each month?
Something that we can all look forward to reading, yet doesn’t impede too harshly on George’s RL?
Man fighting for life after being run over at McDonald’s drive-thru in Queens ……..I don’t see what all the fuss is about here, need my Micky D’s.
The once a week TBB sounds so good…so good…
it may happen, trying to get to Thanksgiving and will do a lot of thinking in my trip to HKG trying to get away from it all and recharge my bateries…No staff here to pump content so I wonder what I am going to do….
Been working on my other writing gig this weekend….
That McDoalds news is just horrible, all that for some super crappy Big Mac & chicken nuggets…what a disgrace!
Wait, your dealer doesn’t accept Visa gift cards?! You gotta work on that!
Yeah really good point!
Dang Simon gift cards went up by a $1, another hit…they keep on coming!
This is the slowest weekend of all time or what…
Ok, a few videos with Lucky’s dad were cool and kind of new. Now they are getting on my nerves. Sometimes I wonder if his son is…there along with him lol.
TBB Accounting Dept with report from yesterday!
Amazon $1.26 ads $0.20
Credit cards: $0 actually just one click on one (probably by accident) in the past 5 days WTF
I am killing it you guys…
Well, if the Lions beat the Patriots today it will all be worth it
TBB=worst pumper ever online woohoo!