Driving on the Road to Hana. Bucket list item, check. Enjoy! Or you can read the full trip report to Maui HERE.
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The most famous and desired drive of Hawaii, the Road to Hana! We started pretty early. Many places to stop, there is no way you can hit them all in one day! Most do this as a one day trip. If you have the time you should spend a night (or two) in Hana. It’s a two lane road with many one-lane bridges. There are about 600 turns. But, let me tell you, if you drove through the northwest part of Maui like we did, the Road to Hana is something you just never sweat it…TOO easy! And yes we drove all the way around it, we did not turn back!
We made some quick stops along the way until we decided to take the road into Ke’anae Penisula and village. The road ends near a park.
On the way out we decided to stop at Aunty Sandy’s to eat its famous banana bread. This beautiful bird said hello!
Back on the road…Waterfalls…so many of them left and right!
Ching’s Pond, just before the 17 Mile marker…
Hanawi Falls. Beware of the shorter than it looks guard rail if you take a photo from the bridge!
Past the 25 Mile marker, you can stand directly above this spot where Makapipi Falls plunges into a large pool.
We kept driving through and decided to take the road to Nahiku. Green everywhere!
Great spot at the bottom of Nahiku Road, almost no one around!
Back on Highway 360 and now stepping it to Hana! Just past the 32 Mile marker we took the road to Wai’anapanapa State Park. There are two spring-fed freshwater caves here.
At last, we reach Pa’iloa Beach, better known as the Black Sand Beach.
Other than the novelty of it, I am not sure this place deserves its hype.
I love this picture of TBB familia. And I took it! #highfiveme
We drove into Hana. It rains a lot here and everything moves slow. We stopped in the Hana Pier.
There are some nice beaches around Hana but we just did not have the time as we aimed to be back at our hotel by night fall. So we drove on past Hana through Southeast Maui…At this point I am starting to lose track of which Falls I took pictures of!
The Seven Sacred Pools, another must stop attraction…Above the pools lies one of the best island hikes: The Pipiwai Trail. But since it takes 2.5 to 5 hours to do it, we passed!
We drove on…Past the 41 mile marker you see this old FX London Taxi, wtf!
I let the familia at a nearby food stand to enjoy some food and refreshments and then I went for a search to find the grave of Charles Lindbergh, the world’s greatest aviator. It is NOT easy to find. It is past the Palapala Ho’omau Church…
I did not know he was born in Michigan, you learn something new every day!
It’s one of the most serene grave sites I have seen…
Picked up the familia…
And we drove on…
Not much development at all in the southeastern part of the island…
We then checked into the Fairmont Kea Lani….part 37(b) is next lol.
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Do you have the luckiest kids in the world or what ?
Happy Labor Day ! Nice post, brings back memories.
We got a late start and drove half way. More to see and do than I expected.
Want to do a fun ride? Drive counter clockwise from the Maui airport to the NW part of the island. Maybe you heard my wife screaming at me as we drove that scary, and exhilarating hair raising drive. Not for the faint of heart.
Looks like you guys had a great time! We did the road to Hana in Sept 2013, it was awesome! Your little feathered friend there is a red-crested cardinal which is an introduced species to Hawaii. They are originally from South America, I’ve seen them around the Panatanal in Brazil. I have no idea how they got to Hawaii but they are also in Oahu as I have seen them near the Ala Moana shopping center.
@plane2port: Nice, going for the gold!
@Mile: Yeah, my kids are a little spoiled lol.
@Dhammer53: I did that drive, from the opposite side. Scariest drive of my life, bar none. Made the Road to Hana like a kindergarten field trip! I wrote a long paragraph about it in the full trip report (coming in September!).
@Tara: Thanks for the bird identification, I knew you would know it!
Wonderful post, thank you. We loved it, a few years back. Gorgeous!!
Gracias as always.
Buzz. It’s plane2port. Like plane to port. No “s”. Thanks.
Ooopsie, hate it when typos interfere!