The one man blog machine TBB with yet another COVID-19 Coronavirus special post for you on a Wednesday. It should keep you busy and hopefully you are home with plenty of time on your hands and staying healthy. And I hope you all stay sane and safe! I cover it all for free for you again, no quitting…yet!
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We are going all in on COVID-19 coronavirus coverage today. Enjoy it and try to stay positive okay? You are going to miss me on Wednesdays and I am going to miss you too! So I am trying to go out with a bang, there is a lot to process here but you have lots of time on your hands these days. Please stay home and read TBB, here we go!
HOT CREDIT CARD OFFERS: Two new offers on United credit cards, a personal for 60k and a Business one for up to 100k miles. The IHG Rewards Club card offering 140k points too, highest ever. Other credit cards offers that stand out for now are the 100k Southwest Performance Business card and the 100k Ink Business Preferred. In addition, there are personal and business offers for the 70k Amex Delta Skymiles Gold, 100k Platinum and 100k Reserve credit cards. For a standard workhorse card I recommend the 60k Chase Sapphire Preferred card. For a standard premium card I recommend the 50k Chase Sapphire Reserve card. For a standard 2% cash back card I recommend the Citi Double Cash card. Available with my links. Lets move on!
Yep, this virus will change us all. Coronavirus Will Change the World Permanently. Here’s How. “A return to faith in serious experts“. Oh my, we need that so badly, we all had enough with so many charlatans out there! And virtual is everywhere. And lots more!
I have a doctor and a nurse as clients. You have NO idea what they are going through. Keeping the Coronavirus from Infecting Health-Care Workers.
All of my links are must read lately, here is another one about what we know so far of this virus: Why the Coronavirus Has Been So Successful.
Needless to say, there has been a comedy of serial monumental phuckups in protecting us from this virus. This Is How We Can Beat the Coronavirus. We can do it but a decent amount of leadership from the ones governing us will certainly help and…ok, too early to beat the clowns, lets wait a little more, see below.
When this virus showed up and it became apparent that it spreads a lot quicker than others, I tweeted in a joking manner (surprise!) that we should all be given two weeks time off. And get paid for it. And focus on ramping up testing, go all in! When we lift the lockdown we test, test, test. And keep testing. And isolating/tracing the positives. And not let up until the eventual cure and vaccine comes. And I am not even an expert WTF! And here we are near the end of March and many states have now instituted weaker stay home policies and we still have many states that are still opposing such measures! It is maddening to watch. We now need an extreme lockdown for at least 4 weeks. After that we can start returning back to normal. Instead, we have the President talking about after a few weeks reconsidering because it is hurting the economy and the stock market. Only to go back and have the virus take off again…Haven’t we learned anything yet? Apparently not. Ok, I veered of a bit, let me get back to the links. Actually, lets start with this one that describes my thinking exactly, come on! All of Side Effects, Few of the Benefits.
While the cure has large side effects, the disease is worse. The real problem is that we’re taking our medicine haphazardly—and as a result, experiencing all of the side effects and few of the benefits. That needs to change.
First, we need a true national pause—a cessation of all nonessential activities. It has to last at least two weeks, and everyone needs to participate. If we all distanced ourselves from one another for that long, the outbreak would slow down significantly. Isolating individual family members may not be socially tenable. Because of that, infections are going to continue within families, but broader spread can be curtailed.
But here is the second part: We need massive, coordinated testing of the population. Even today, we don’t know how many people are infected in the community and how many people without symptoms are spreading the infection to others.
No one believes that these actions lack trade-offs. The economic costs of a pause are immense. We’re already experiencing them; we’re just not reaping the full rewards, because we have yet to do what’s really required. Until we have a vaccine, we can’t expect to eradicate this disease. If we soften our distancing measures too early, we risk making things worse. But if we are willing to do what is necessary, we can get the disease under control, get our economy moving again, and give Americans hope that we will hold the line until a solution finally becomes available.
People without medical or public-health expertise are questioning whether physical distancing is worth it. They’re wondering whether it might be better to let this disease just run its course. That’s a catastrophically bad idea. The human cost would be devastating, and the economic toll from that devastation might be even steeper than what we’re seeing right now. It’s hard for people to understand just how bad an unchecked pandemic could be. More people could die from COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, in just a few months than have died in every single war this country has fought since its inception. Such devastation would shut down our hospitals and the entire health-care system. Tens of thousands of doctors and nurses and other health-care professionals would likely get sick. The ripple effects on finances, and on human lives, would be massive and uncontrolled.
This is an important development: Lost Sense of Smell May Be Peculiar Clue to Coronavirus Infection. I can still smell the coffee in the morning and loving the food my wife makes these days at home. Heck, even son did the dishes yesterday, it is SHOCKING!
Must read: “Chinese Virus,” World Market. When I say must read…you know it is. The best safeguard against the novel coronavirus is the ability to voluntarily withdraw oneself from capitalism. I could excerpt the hell out of this but I need to move on…
Many assholes always rise to the top deflecting from real issues we can all concentrate on to try to solve. Some are educated but they have an agenda. They throw in some numbers that appear legit and coming up with, well, bullshit. One such article recently was one written by an Aaron Ginn at Medium titled “Evidence over hysteria”. It was taken down eventually but it was reposted at notorious BS site Zero Hedge. Watch this real expert give it an EPIC beating it deserves instead!
What we all want to know: How Long Will the Outbreak Last? It Depends on What We Do Now. If we all act like those dumb asses celebrating Spring Break recently without a care in the world, the answer is a long time. Without any mitigation in the form of social distancing and stay-at-home orders, epidemiologists fear a massive spike in cases that will overwhelm the health care infrastructure. Spreading out that blow over a longer period of time has been the primary concern inspiring calls to “flatten the curve” by changing our behavior. But a second benefit of flattening the curve is that it also buys time to ramp up testing and understand where and how the disease is spreading. Yep.
The bucks stops everywhere but the President, sad lol! What Went Wrong with Coronavirus Testing in the U.S.
Must read Twitter thread by the Director of The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. Here is the first tweet: In last 24 hrs there’ve been prominent US voices calling for a stop to social distancing, citing rationale that they’re worse than impact of COVID itself. It’s worth looking very closely at that claim, where we are in US COVID epidemic and what happens if we stop. 1/x
It is like watching a movie sometimes. A mix of science fiction and horror. How Coronavirus Emptied The World’s Streets.

I bring you next Coronavirus Insights by, wait for it, Pornhub! Hey, lets not forget that entertaining is part of the mission blogging here. Sadly, very soon to just two days per week. Because conversions and clicks have stopped, maybe everyone is busy traveling from bedroom to basement and going out to buy necessities like guns and ammo? I think the graphs about usage in different countries around the world are very telling! 😉 Add this company to the few winners in this virus economy.
Best video: The Coronavirus Explained & What You Should Do. You are welcome.
Of course you would not escape my form of communication to take another well deserved shot against the racist morons phucking it all up! Why It Matters That Trump Is Calling COVID-19 “the Chinese Virus”. Just one excerpt, I decided to hold back 🙂
It’s not a distraction that Trump is calling COVID-19 (which isn’t that difficult to say) the “Chinese virus.” On so many levels, it’s significant. It gives fuel to rising anti-Asian hate crimes and attacks. It allows Trump and his assorted douches and dicks to deflect blame for the Trump administration’s catastrophic phuck ups in preparing for and dealing with COVID-19 onto China. At today’s petulant press conference, he said, “[I]f people would’ve known about it could have been stopped in place. It could have been stopped where it came from, China.” Except, of course, that “people” did know about it for over a month before Trump took any action at all beyond closing the border to people coming from China (which Italy did before us and then they never saw COVID-19 again…oh, wait). And who the phuck is defending China? Someone ought to say to Trump, “Motherphucker, you’re the one who always talks about how good you get along with President Xi. What did that get you?”
For you out there still screaming we are killing the economy, checkout the math in this video okay? To recap, you give the flu to one person who gives it to another who gives it to another. You go ten deep and you are responsible for about 14 cases of flu. Ok? But this phucking virus is different. As more infectious. So if you have it you pass it to three people. Lets do the same thing and go again ten layers deep. Care to guess how many you are responsible for infecting? Please sit down. 59,000. And this is why Senator Rand Paul is a phucking moron and asshole.
Do you want to know what it feels like when your spouse gets it? Well, read this: What I Learned When My Husband Got Sick With Coronavirus. This is just excellent writing, wow! Amazing what “fake news” media can do huh?
When this book is out, I am going to sell craploads of it with my Amazon link!
Never seen most of these before: Historical Photos Of The 1918 Spanish Flu That Show What A Global Pandemic Looked Like In The 1910s.

Remember the song by Talking Heads that had a line “Take a look at these hands”. The title of the song was Born Under Punches, still sounds fresh today! Just started listening to the “Remain in Light” album again, one of my favs.

And I leave you with this…
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Two golds in a row?
Silver! For the Pacific North West! Great stuff, George! Love the photo collection from 1918 especially. Yay for Wednesday postings! I keep buying Amazon through your link, I hope it is working!
Lots of good stuff!
Something to bring a smile.
Another excellent post, thank you for all the info George.
Hope you all stay healthy and safe.
Here’s to not being a neighbor of Lt Gov Ban Patrick.
I don’t recommend buying stocks until those Pornhub charts go flaccid.
Hey, how about that Presidential candidate again, what is wrong with him?
Had another bad day yesterday. You watch this interview and tell me there isnt something wrong. Democrats have to give us a better choice.
Guy cant do live TV anymore its too embarassing.
Add these to a long list of “shIt the government and hospital didn’t bother thinking about.”
“ Hospital Suppliers Take To The Skies To Combat Dire Shortages Of COVID-19 Gear”
And the instant classic
How the World’s Richest Country Ran Out of a 75-Cent Face Mask
Some say wearing masks in SK really helped. Fauci says they aren’t that important for the average citizen. I think he’s WRONG.
Haven’t had a conversion in so long I forgot what they even look like lol.
Thanks guys for taking the time to comment.
Beautiful day in Michigan today. Ran for about half an hour, some speed work, wife made some amazing chicken curry soup dish, played frisbee with my kids, worked on taxes and of course numerous emails and reading. No more watching the phucking moron on TV. And responding to the troll who repeats the same old tired crap, like Hillary’s emails, Benghazi, Hunter Barisma (sp?) and sleepy Joe….This shit is effective because the more you repeat it…it sticks.
Focusing on doing positive things from here on.
Oh, and not looking at the stock market daily movements…now THAT’s something that can drive you insane.
There are few people on FB I am connected with who are Trump fan boys…I should delete them. Soon…
Avoid toxic shit. Stay positive. And help others, so many need our help.
And I saw a blogger in deep trouble blogging about personal finance saying how much he owes in credit card interest. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Again, thanks for the comments and the links!
Your TDS is toxic I figured this was the place you come to unload it because you tell all your clients that stuff. If the Democrats run Bidone they are going to lose. How can you pretend CreepyJoe Backrub and his dementia are close to the best the party can offer? He is a Corporatist. Not an answer to defeating Trump in the general election.
Oh shit, as expected, got notice that major job cuts are coming at Ford.
Folks, the end is near…
of the blog I mean.
Looking back at how many clients I turned away so I can continue blogging for peanuts here smh.
Stay safe out there and stay away from each other…the more we do that the sooner we can come back.