We (which should be I but I use we to make it more professional I guess) bring you another ten random thoughts about COVID-19, the event that may shape a generation, especially if we don’t get a hold of its meteoric spread! Wednesdays are shaping up to be this type of “Ten Random Thoughts” posts. Sometimes it may be more than ten like this one today. The Wednesday posts for April are in danger. Which is good for me as I am really busy with all the market volatility due to the phucking virus and tax season.
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On Wednesdays I pull together ten random thoughts. I may be doing away with the Wednesday posts in April…
Most will be about the topic that is reshaping our lives these days. What else? COVID-19. I am going to do my best to post positive thoughts and this is not easy! Here we go:
This is no drill. At this time, it is Time To Pull Together. Prayers will not save us. Only science. This is an all out call to make it easier on scientists to save us!
The success of the world’s scientists—along with strong political and social leadership—will determine which scenarios unfold, so it is time to focus on what we can all do to help.
On so many fronts, this is a battle of a lifetime and a test of our responsibilities for each other and the strength of our compassion. For our part, Science will continue to report the news, and make research on COVID-19 freely available as quickly as possible, and we will also continue to support and advocate for the scientists around the world who are leading the charge. Let’s maintain social distancing, but pull together, hard. We must. We will.
I am not used to having wife and kids at home during weeekdays. It is hard in its own unique way. It is also kind of nice too. But hard, you know what I mean? Many of you may be “roughing it” at home so this may help: Coronavirus quarantine: 100 things to do while stuck inside due to a pandemic. Which one is your favorite (standard lame blogger question to increase engagement and page views and $$$…if only that was true here, sad lol)
Must click Twitter thread: LoveInTheTimeOfCoronavirus.
Another must click. Just do it, I mean, click it! Excellent Presentation on the Latest COVID-19 Research, Hygiene Tips, and Treatment Options.
Enough positive, time to freak you out. COVID-19 spread from January 23 through March 14th.
When your MD client says we are not ready, all who can must stay home to give them a chance to not become Italy, you know it is serious: The best thing everyday Americans can do to fight coronavirus? #StayHome, save lives. Apparently, this does not appear to be a hoax!
The ones I am really concerned about are the elderly right now. Reach out to them, see if they need anything but, and here is where it gets weird, do not go near them! Let’s let Max Brooks, the son of 93 year old Mel Brooks tell us why.
If you want to learn how we royally messed up the testing part of the Covid-19 crisis, I have the article for you: Inside the Race to Solve America’s Coronavirus Testing Crisis. Maybe we should not be yelling that we are #1 all the time?
Can you imagine if the wifi goes down? I don’t want to go there, unthinkable! So, lets get back to being positive: Resources for learning from home during COVID-10 School Closures.
Fantastic profile of the the Executive Director of the World Health Organization: The fireman of global health: The WHO’s emergencies chief is put to the test. Wow, very interesting life story.
Just hit ten items…Screw it, I am on a roll, lets keep going, you are going to miss my Wednesday posts! Inside the National Quarantine Center, There Is No Fear of Coronavirus. There Is Only Urgency. Meet some heroes putting their lives on the line for us. Why do we celebrate the armed forces and keep expanding the Pentagon budget and we under fund Public Health when they are protecting us from viruses shit huh, WTF!
The AofM Guide to Staying Home. AofM stands Art of Manliness. I always thought the name of this site is funny. Some good links in there.
Just saw all the people in Florida at the beach and people in downtown San Francisco without a care in the world and I am thinking we are so phucked! STAYTHEFUCKHOME PEOPLE, THIS IS NOT A DRILL! THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU, IT IS ABOUT ALL OF US!
Can I make it more clear? Do you understand? Ok then, how about this: The Power of the Individual in an Exponential Crisis. PLEASE do your part! It’s not like we have not been warned you know, WTF!
A collection of photos of the pandemic.

Before I leave you with the funny pic/gif at the end of each of my posts, how about a message from Matthew McConaughey!
And I leave you with this…

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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Thanks for hanging in there!
There are many pieces moving.
U.S. Military Readies Hospital Ships for Deployment, to Open Its Labs https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-military-prepares-hospital-ships-for-deployment-11584471429
Yes, many pieces moving.
And the one going down is when Trump opens his mouth!
Here’s something to do at home. Great Courses is a company that hires college professors to design, write and appear in specific-topic courses on just about everything. Here’s a link:
Now these chapters/lectures are not Jimmy Fallon. It’s intellectual stuff and the entertainment dosage is otherwise low.
They sell theses courses for hundreds of $$$, but then put them on sale for a small fraction of those prices. Or, you can subscribe and get access all the time, plus they have tie-ins with institutions like the Smithsonian, National Geographic, etc.
But the best way to get these is free. Get a card at your local library. Many libraries have a tie-in with Kanopy, a free streaming service with cool movies you may have never heard of, plus access to many, though maybe not all, Great Courses. Kanopy allows access to five free items (a movie, a lecture) per month.
I love Great Courses! I recommend Robert Greenberg’s courses, especially “How to Listen to and Understand Great Music”.
Great suggestion, thank you.
If you Enjoy visiting Cathedrals when you travel the great course on them is fantastic.
And what we all can do if WiFi goes down is——-Read
I wonder how this will be played out!
Credit Card Issuers Rankle Travelers Over Canceled Trips https://www.wsj.com/articles/credit-card-issuers-rankle-travelers-scrambling-to-cancel-trips-11584437401
Firewalled, doggonit. I’ll look for an underground source. I suspect eventually there will be some new regulations and eventually a LOT of new policies for the credit card people now that all the horses are out of the barn.
Nobody knows, we are in a fluid developing situation.
This is why we should have no debt and a hefty cash emergency fund.
Unless you are the TPG and you pump “69 reasons to apply for the ____ credit card” because…cocaine!
From Fox News:
Hey Ramsey, wake up!
Biden doesnt know if he coming or going. We are screwed Trump or an advanced dementia Biden. What a time to be alive
Don’t pick on Ramses. This whole thing will blow over-Trump said we’re going from 15 confirmed cases to zero or close to zero soon. This weekend I bet.
Save that video, and you know they will.
Oh now we are pivoting to Biden with dementia. And we are screwed with Trump. All politicians are bad right? It is up to us right? We should not look for saviors…not even guidance in a crisis from Washington, right?
Come on man.
Serious question:
Can the Senate remove the moron at this point? Having him in charge to lead the country in such a big crisis is criminal at this point. His only positive (the stock market and the economy) is in the shitter.The way they mismanaged the virus response (don’t get me started) should be immediate grounds for dismissal. You know, “You are fired!”. I am no constitutionalist obviously, is this permitted? Or are we stuck iwth him until November? If we are all alive by then! Remember how in banana countries the military stepped in and had a coup. At which point do we cross that line? I am not joking!
Even Europe is now relying on Chinese help to fight the virus. And we are critically short of supplies that China makes. I mean, this is NOT the time to be picking fights with the Chinese. This is NOT about one person. This is about us all. Yeah, like he gave a shit for anybody but him.
No wonder Ramsey does not post anymore, he does not want to admit how wrong he was. I warned him one day he will admit it.
Trusting anything the Chinese say is a dangerous game to play. You will be stuck with him thru 2024.
Thanks for the good links. I loved the LoveInTheTimeOfCoronaVirus thread. But what that author wrote about her mom being conditioned by “Weeks of messaging about politically motivated overreaction” really makes my blood boil. Also, I was pleasantly surprised (since I don’t use twitter, except for Marriott points collection) to see #TrumpLiedPeopleDied was a trending topic. Ha!
And wait, why is a financial advisor busier in times of market volatility? I thought, “stay the course, don’t panic sell, buy and hold” was the forever wisdom? (sorry, being a little sarcastic here.)
It is mostly tax work. We stay the course. Did a very few selected stock buying full expecting to look like a fool short term. We are not selling, we wait for the comeback. Looks like it maybe a while if we can survive, that is!
Twitter is wild. Been using it over ten years. It has really changed my life. I use that and FB for personal stuff. And of course a static Linkedin profile. That’s it. Killed Instagram after a few months, that was traumatic, so many influencers in there posing and stuff.
MU and Ramsey, we are tired of so much WINNING!
Thanks for using my Amazon link.
I think your friend is gone, he can’t take the beatings I administer to his idol.
The US healthcare system has completely failed its citizens
“ A national shortage of specialized swabs & other supplies has forced MA hospitals to ration tests for COVID-19, reserving screening for the coronavirus for the most severe cases”
My MD client says they are short on everything. And guess who makes them? Yep, China. Maybe this is not the time to pick more fights, do away with the tarriffs and try to get the world all over to come together to fight this global pandemic. But, oh wait, the moron is “America First” blah blah blah and here we are months later and we can’t even get enough supplies and tests in the front lines….
It is pure insanity
Surprise, surprise, that’s what happens when you outsource everything to maximize profits. It is sad to realize that many will die because of these amateur decisions by highly educate and paid folks at hospitals. Government bodies including the CDC and FDA have protocols for everything and that includes pandemics. WTF are we paying these brains for?
We had 2-3 months to prepare for this.
The University of California San Francisco health system says it will no longer be able to test patients in about five days. The reason? A shortage of testing swabs that are made in Northern Italy, which has been hard-hit by the coronavirus.
So completely ironic that globalism and outsourcing of everything is going to cost some people their lives due to this supply disruption. Im sure those calling others racist and xenophobic for trying to keeps jobs in country will stay quiet. TBB is probably excited to see so many 1st time gun owners lining up to pay homage to the 2nd A. Aint ‘Murcia great
Oh no Tulsi Gabbard ends 2020 campaign. I wonder if her single supporter will vote for Bernie instead and keep him in the race for another month or two.
Im surprised with all her support from other women how she didnt get more traction?
The President you voted for is responsible for this situation. It was all a hoax, 15 cases going down to 0, it is all under control and the MFer just said he knew it all along.
Stop making long handles like that and be outraged by criminally negligent acts of sheer incompetence dude, WTF!
Your TDS is flaring again.
A couple of weeks ago, Trump’s chief economic advisor Larry Kudlow said the virus was contained and that it would not hurt the economy. At that point, the Dow was at 27,000.
The Dow is now 20,000.
Gonna be a heck of a Friday tomorrow, Larry.
Maybe we could give him a check for $1,000 and send him back to CNBC.
Meanwhile Richard Burr was taking advantage of the situation.
After assuring the public about the government’s coronavirus preparedness, Senate Intel chair Richard Burr, in one day, sold off up to $1.6 million is stock.
A week later, the market began its fall.
His committee was receiving daily briefings.
Smart guy huh?
Vote these jackasses out…
But, if this virus thing stays with us in November (omg)…Trump may never leave!
“Months before President Trump downplayed concerns that coronavirus would spread widely in the US, his own agencies had conducted a chilling exercise anticipating a respiratory virus that begins in China and kills as many as 586,000 in U.S.“
“The SIMULATED pandemic run by HHS quickly experienced the EXACT shortages that are now taking place, like respirators, ventilators and anti viral medications.“
Trump: Nobody could have predicted this…
Everyone should be outraged, enough is enough with the phucking moron, he is going to kill so many!
Now wait for MU to say something about sleepy Joe or whateveh
I’m busy making home made face masks thanks to DD’s latest diaper deal.
And I scored a four pack of toilet paper today.
I’ll trade you two paper towel rolls and a bag of rice for it! 🙂
0.0032857143% of the world’s population afflicted by this scourge now
I should have you talk to my MD client…but he just can’t spare a minute right now…
More tomorrow.