TBB is deep in da #taxzone and no time estimate when we can dig out…
But I wanted you to read this article below that I think is, well, entertaining. I mean, when the writer calls Boarding area “a company that hosts the sites of some 200 credit card bloggers”you know that this is worth reading. Anyways, some of the quotes by Titan bloggers really pushed me to barf but then I reconsidered as I just can’t afford the time to do laundry anymore. Then again if I was a true Titan I would outsource laundry so I can concentrate on pumping my readers some more plastic.
The Credit Card Obsessives Who Game the System—and Share Their Secrets Online – Racked
I don’t feel right pumping my incredible links with this filler post so I won’t.
Excuse the absence, I am in the middle of the mother of all tax and a new business stretch the likes of I have never ever encountered. I wish people would just leave me alone to be TBB!
Till we meet again…I hope.
To the person so concerned about my eyebrows, they are doing just fine, thank you!

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Filler comment 1st
Me second, really? Blame Delta for delaying my flight by an hour and here I am commenting at 1.30 in the night when I should be deep asleep and having some nice dreams.
By the way George, don’t worry. The sexy Alexa is yours. I am not after her in my dreams 😉
Did you see a picture of her I posted on Twitter a couple of weeks ago? I am still running away from her! 🙂
Third person this morning.
“some of the quotes by Titan bloggers really pushed me to barf but then I reconsidered as I just can’t afford the time to do laundry anymore.” LOL! George for the win!
There’s some good, and bad in that article. Like the blurb on the prepaids. I mean, I know it’s all over all the blogs, but for some reason seeing it spelled out like that made me cringe.
Though my favorite quote, “a large part of the community doesn’t actually like to travel, but they love gaming the system.” Uhhhh… what? I mean there is satisfaction from gaming the system, but that statement is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
I agree with you, very uneven article!
She did her interviews but still got some stuff wrong. I mean, when you cannot even count people on a page and throw a number of 200 out there (bloggers on BoardingArea), you wonder what else she got wrong.
Plus, we aren’t all credit card salesmen over there. 🙂
You could definitely tell she was a big Dan fan, which, of course, there is nothing wrong with.
“WE aren’t all credit card salesmen over there.” what’s your blog at BA?
Isn’t Randy’s ambition 200+ blogs?
Running with miles. I actually used to be a chase affiliate but write more about chase cards now that I am not. While I wish I could get paid for the apps :), there is a certain freedom knowing that I can write about the cards I like without wondering if I would write that if I wasn’t making money from it.
So you’re saying those who have links have no freedom???
Absolutely not saying that. It is a personal freedom thing where I may have held back from writing a particular post if it included affiliate links because I wondered if I would have written if it I didn’t have the links. Some posts that I have written this year (since I lost Chase links) were ones that I had in the hopper from last year – when I did have the links. I’m just saying it made the decision of whether to post it much easier when I knew I was not writing it for conversions. In other words, I’m not a very good salesman 🙂
Having to have conversions often leads to less freedom in blogging. There is a point of no return when you just become a bank bitch, a sellout. The blogs in the TBB Ignore list belong to that group in my own humble opinion. Trying to sell and keeping it unbiased is very tough indeed.
To all:
No doubt the article was very uneven. And some of it I had to cringe of course. I mean, some of the quotes by the resident Titans were so ridiculous it was not even worth cringing, let alone barfing #kidding #always
The article is now featured in the daily links at Marginal Revolution:
It’s getting a lot of play and credit card salesmen LOVE new eyeballs. This is their livelihood.
Love how ‘angry” TPG got in the end. And Emily going all out spinning it “$200k travel for almost nothing” blah blah blah.
I was glad to see an actual person brave enough to talk about the negatives of doing this!
But the priceless phrase was “credit card bloggers”. That is just historic, you know, like the term “Titan”. Very unfair to all in BA who do not dabble at all with plastic but I think it was intentional and…brilliant.
I think Randy was conveniently taking shots at MMS, TPG and FTG with his comments about how many posts were about credit cards vs First Class travel.
Lucky working 16 hours a day seven days straight. I don’t doubt it at all. As a non typical Greek who actually likes to work, doing it so much totally turns me off. Amazing how he has not burned out yet. Or the money must be that good lol. I don’t care how much money you pull in though, life is too short to do that to yourself.
I am way behind on blogs. I may catch up one day, I may not. I just wanted to post this to try to keep up my Alexa rankings bwahahahahaha.
Happy Easter.
And yes, typing this from Panera this morning where a person next table was talking about buying a used mattress on Craigslist. WTF!!!
Good point about TPG and cards vs flying. It seems like he keeps referencing his single AA award trip to Japan last year and never talks about other trips.
I laughed when I saw the phrase “credit card bloggers” in that article.
From that article above “Last year, Angelina Aucello took 90 flights across the globe. The 28-year-old stay-at-home mom, blah blah blah blah”………………WTF! how can a STAY AT HOME MOM take 90 flts and still be called a STAY AT HOME MOM? That is an insult to real stay at home Mom’s! Maybe they meant to call her a Soccer Mom………………………fyi…Senior International Flight Attendants fly less than 90 flights a year.
Haha, hoho, huhu, that was an excellent comment from my boss Ramsey. Laugh riot. Still rolling on the floor 🙂 🙂 🙂
Actually that was a bit misrepresented. In 2013 I took 90 flights, I became a mom in 2014. I flew during the majority of my pregnancy, not actually when my child was born. I personally think it’s an insult to pass judgement on other people’s lives without knowing them.
It’s kinda amazing what happens when you confront trolls to their face. They don’t really have a leg to stand on, now do they? But of course, they never take responsibility for their silly comments and say sorry. So, I will for them.
Sorry these fools attacked you personally, Angelina. Thank you for speaking up, especially here!
I fully enjoyed Ramsey’s comment and I don’t think it is insulting in any way. He commented on what he read from the article. What is wrong in that, if the article was written in a wrong way? Blame the article. Not the commenter for his thinking.
Not sure what is the problem here. In blogging we tend to share personal things and we should not be judged if a reader comments on stuff we put out there. Besides, how can you stop that from happening, it’s da internet people! Can we know people without actually meeting them in person? I would say hell yes! Which makes our interconnected wifi induced world, well, very interesting.
I find it hilarious that “Good George” popped up suddenly to go on a familiar rant…hmm, I wonder who that would be.
I knew the 90 number thrown out in the article was wrong as far as the timing of it. As were many other things in the article.
Key is how many of these new eyeballs were retained as readers and how many were/will be converted 🙂
I was planning so many vacations at Raddison India properties when I travel there next year, even yesterday in my mind, but CC has managed to kill my dreams in one stroke. Oh my God. I suddenly realized what a useless game I am playing. All my dreams will remain as mind games. All cards except cash back cards are totally worthless to MS. No, not even SPG, after meeting min spend. Screw these hotels, airlines and banks. None of them are worth my loyalty. None.
Yep, that was a huge blow. Hobby remains on a downward spiral. I blame the economy! Be loyal to your wallet!
You can still book the last night free rooms for next year. I think I read you can do it all the way thru 2017 or something – just so long as you book before May 28 this year.
“I personally think it’s an insult to pass judgement on other people’s lives without knowing them.”
I was going to say ‘Welcome to TBB’ but I didn’t want to be passing judgement.
Seriously, if I may digress, I think people DO get to know a blogger through their writing, and in most cases, that is a big part of the ‘hook’ with which bloggers assemble and keep their audiences.
Back to real news, was it just me or was there a real lack of coverage in the blog world that yesterday was first Friday for getting 3x on restaurants with the Chase Sappire Preferred card? Maybe that was because the whole 2nd quarter is 5x for restaurants using the Chase Freedom card. Or, perhaps bloggers put aside their usual focus on 3x Friday out of respect for Good Friday.
On, wait-April Fool’s Day was Wednesday. Never mind.
No they put off 3x Friday to pump the last of club Carlson before devaluation. Go to get your apps in to book before June 1st.
Yeah, the lack of First Friday was noticeable. Then again I stopped reading the Titans. I still get a few of them via email subscription but most of the Ignore List blogs are gone. Life is too short to be dealing with plastic salesmen.
But if someone goes to sell the CSP and not mention the Freedom and the Discover 5x they should be reported to a govt agency(Protection Bureau or something) and have their license to blog taken away and then fined for damages….Yeah right LOL
Let’s start by reporting “Pumpsalloverus” the “expert” giving financial planning advice on the WSJ then pimping payday loans on TBB.
Ah, we knew you couldn’t stay away. Good to have you back old troll.
For the record, I like this kind of post. Post an article, discuss. Most of us probably come here for the comments anyway.
Thanks for the feedback. But that makes it a filler post, I mean, it could be like a post by the Titans. Wait, I could be pumping payday loans lol. I think the IQ of the readers of this site do not fall for my ads. That reminds me I should login back to that media.net site. Does anyone know when they payout? When that happens I am killing them because I am tired of being hit with Russian women dating ads, WTF? Don’t they know my taste? 🙂
They may run into chances for savings that can save you might overlook.