The Hobby (this makes me laugh as much as “The Titans” term!) is getting some unprecedented mainstream media publicity lately, Starbucks & Lyft get in bed, we learn of new Delta 60k credit card offers, travel to Salina Tudra, Palawan and Tour De Dope.
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Well, looks like One Mile at a Time is on a publicity spree, now appearing at the Daily Mail. If you are in it truly for The Hobby and you think this publicity is good for it, well I think you are so wrong. But hey, it can’t hurt credit card conversions/sales when you are the subject of it.
Miles to Memories has a post about how to get the improved 60k Delta Skydrachmas miles plus $50 offers to pop up. Heed the warnings, you have been warned. Good luck putting them to use without wasting away. I am sure you may get lucky 🙂
Starbucks ditches Uber and choose Lyft! Earn starpoints with Lyft rides. Lyft riders get bump up to Gold Starbucks status, sweet! Hey, if you have been living in another planet and you inexplicably discovered my blog and you do not yet have an Uber or Lyft account, please use my links #BOOM! #slickTBB #toolazy&feelsdirtytoputdirectlinkshere
In extremely unimportant news, Avianca Brazil joined Star Alliance. The excitement I felt just typing the previous sentence was unparalleled to what I have experienced in a long time #kidding.
Been to Michigan’s Beaver Island? Me neither. But this is what you can find there, WOOOOW!

This is Effing Amazing!!! An underground mine salt turned into a stunning amusement park in Tudra, Romania. MUST click! Wow to infinity!

Palawan, the most beautiful island of the Philippines. Come again? Looks nice but if this is the most beautiful it’s pretty underwhelming. And darn it, there is no Hyatt there lol.

17 inexplicable totally wild photos from the Tour de France. We are talking wild…I had a hard time choosing just one!

Darn North Koreans, now they are exporting their crap…to Africa. So, what are they exporting? Gargantuan statuses, like this one:

Well, this is scary. Hackers remotely kill a Jeep while it is being driven. Sign of what is to come perhaps?

I found the interview of the Ashley Madison CEO a very interesting read.
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Ruinous 1st
second after all
Where u been dude? Hope all is well.
Third… Feels good to be back (…with a vengeance? Okay, maybe not a vengeance but it feels good to be back anyhow.)
All this time you were away because of my stupid blogging practice to announce I am leaving but staying. TBB management will issue a report of all the lost revenue that was sacrificed with another bone headed move once again. Heads will roll…or maybe not.
I’m pretty sure that the Daily Mail, as renowned for its quality journalism as it is, did not interview OMAAT for that piece. It appeared to be a paraphrasing of the RS article combined with a trawl through his Instagram account.
Yeah sure it looks like a poaching job. Or plagiarism to the max. Or whatever you call it. How can they do that??
The “Hobby” seems to be taking its story to Australia now… I didn’t know they had affiliate links there…
USA is the promise land…and of affiliate links lol
Since there seems to be some traction for bringing back the drachma, does affiliating the Delta program with them mean you are high on SkyDrachmas? 🙂
I think you are to something with that train of thought…
Looking forward to the 2019 release of “The Hobby”, starring Jonah Hill as a mild-mannered points & miles blogger who finds that all is not what it seems within the murky world of… THE HOBBY.
Nothing happens in the newspaper business mid-July-August in Europe. They have a bunch of interns and look for easy and cheap stories.
I think Jonah Hill would be perfect for… I better stop.
That was such a hack job wow. The Daily Mail piece I mean.
These days you would have to be an idiot to apply for any card associated with Deta. Congrats you got 60k skymiles and that gets you…. Oh nobody knows because Delta sucks.
Let’s put the titans to work and ask how much a skypeso is worth.
If Amex bumps the commission on the Delta cards you bet we will see lots of blog posts about that….actually, there are templates waiting as “Draft” posts in WordPress lol
Hey, you did NOT change the avatar….Can’t find an austronaut or what?
Regarding the Delta 60k offer, as long as Amex/Delta continues to allow cardholders to pay with miles at 1 cent per mile, the offer is worth at least $600 in Delta flights. That’s an excellent haul regardless of what delta does to their award prices.
How would you know they are worth 1 cent per mile?
I didn’t know we could be this optimistic when it comes to Delta.In my experience, they often don’t and that puts the average value below 1c after June 2016.
We now have an “extra” point to consider. To earn valuable Chase Ultimate Reward points, you get five shots at cards in two years. So, if you waste one on Delta, that leaves just four others. Of course for us heavy types we are likely giving up on Chase UR points in this new environment, unless we start new businesses or something.
What pisses me off, is that since I only collect miles for specific goals, I have never had a Chase UR product. Now that I actually need one I can’t get one. I blame all you point hoarders who just grab cards will nilly! Also, excellent point on wasting an app on Delta foreclosing opportunities elsewhere. Damn you Chase. They will be back. This can’t last forever.
Say whaaaat? Never had a Chase UR product? Didn’t you know the CSP card is the BEST card to have as leading thought leaders pound it so hard. And no Ink cards, come on, you can have a business too wink wink.
We keep saying this can’t last forever and the screws keep getting tighter…
what possible beef could you have with a blogger getting some publicity? How in the world is that a bad thing? He’s worked his ass off to make his blog successful and now he’s getting some recognition.
No need to be confused. There’s a clear correlation between publicity and lifetime of deals. It will be harder and harder to get a shower in the air.
Most of us will probably agree that it’s great publicity for OMAAT. Good for him!
But cumulatively this type of publicity has made my little hobby more challenging.
No argument he is a work machine, wow! We all like to get recognized in our fields and be thought of as experts. It is his career and he is doing phenomenally well and I do recognize that, we all do and we are happy for it. BUT, the bottom line is, all this extra publicity is definitely NOT good for the hobby. Reminds the WSJ mint coins pr thingie. I just can’t stand the hypocrisy of it all. Selling a dream while making the vast majority of the money in selling credit cards. And no writer touches that. And so many newbs get roped in getting seven cards at a time and get hurt. We don’t hear about them but they are out there….We have been these arguments in my blog many times before, please see some old posts. Some got over 100 comments, those were the juiciest ones. I stopped reading these commercial blogs. Life is too short to waste to be reading stuff that could be found elsewhere from bloggers who are more in tune with the real world of this hobby. Check some of the links in the new blog post!
As I have said before. I don’t begrudge lucky his success. My issues is out of pure selfishness. I want this game to last as long as possible and from my perspective the more publicity the worse off we all are.
That was a crap article on Palawan…too short and not really great pictures. Could be intentional so as not to let the secret out. There are a lot of beautiful places in the Philippines but for whatever reason (few direct flights and long connecting flights from the US and EU? inept governmental marketing?), the country is mostly off the mainstream tourist radar. If you’re willing to check it out, it’s relatively cheap and the locals speak American-style English (that’s why Amex, Citi, Dell, IBM, and other American companies have their call centers over there). Check out these links: and . The first site is particularly interesting, written by an American blogger/photographer/audio technician, who has spent the last few years in SE Asia with the majority of his time in the Philippines.