Ok, filler post. Other bloggers do this all the time, this is my first time doing it so please give some slack por favor. And give me some credit (pun intended) for not succumbing to the lure of easy money provided by the blood sucking criminal banks so many bloggers in this space have surrendered to. The “venture” here is not a money maximization scheme pretending to be an expert and conveniently finding ever more ridiculous ways to slip in affiliate credit card links. If I can cover my costs and perhaps expense some trip costs (Charlotte DO) and somehow eke out a $1 profit this year I am thrilled as the entertainment and connections with readers my site has provided me are priceless. I am still dazed by the Barclays card pimping posts from yesterday and I am doing it all for YOU! ๐
Who knows what the future holds for TBB? It is an avenue for expressing myself and perhaps adding some value to your lives (mostly by entertaining, some education and rarely some inspiration). Thank God upstairs for my health (down 21 lbs now, phucking A!), my family and my readers. And please ignore the trolls ๐
May the force be with you! Thank you for reading and the support. See you tomorrow!
TBB Amazon Affiliate Link
Please start your shopping here.
You sign up and you get $20 credit. I get $10 after you use the service. Ride large in bigger cities, screw taxis ๐ [Note: Credit can vary, please check what you get to make sure!]
Update: Here is a better link that is supposed to net you $25. I am sure you can figure it out. Sadly, it helps Delta and you all know how I feel about the airline ๐ Thanks to Adam for confirming this is valid as you know I don’t trust many Delta related “sources”.
The most reliable online shopping portal imho! Not the highest rates but I NEVER had an issue with them and they pay fast!
We each get $5 when you sign up with my link above after you make a $25 purchase (or higher).
Starwood SPG Personal or Business American Express Credit Card
I earn 5,000 SPG points if I refer you and you get approved. I will need your email address and you must apply through the link in the email you will receive from Amex. Please email me if you are ready to go for it. At this point the standard SPG offer is offered:
Earn up to 25,000 bonus Starpointsยฎ
Earn 10,000 Starpoints after your first purchase on the Card
Earn 15,000 Starpoints after you use your new Card to make $5,000 in purchases within the first 6 months
Capital One 360 Savings Account
This is the former INGdirect, it was purchased by Capital One. I have had two accounts here for many years. No fees! It does not pay the highest interest rates but it is still high. The best website in my opinion. If you are into credit card churning please be aware that the company pulls your credit report from all three agencies. You can learn more about this in the Capital One 360 website. If you open an account you can earn $25 (it is $50 for a checking account) and they pay me $20 which I intend to blow on Panera and/or Starbucks, thank you! The minimum to open the Capital One 360 Savings account is $250.
Big Crumbs
Another solid shopping portal almost everyone uses! I get a credit for the referral if you open an account with my link but not sure how much. If anyone knows please tell me.
Top Cash Back
I earn $5 (or $10) I think. TopCashBack has the highest rates consistently. Personally, I had bad experiences with this site as do others. Some other users report no problems at all, including Frequent Miler. Your call.
Thank you!

First! ๐
Pimp-tastic second!
That doesnt count. I wanna be 1st
You can be whoever you want to be here, so you are all fist in my my book lol.
George is a Troll. He lives below THE bridge in the State of Michigan. George will be a Troll forever ๐
O man, you should have come out with the 5K referral link last month, when everyone was doing their “last chance” SPG churns.
While that’s on my mind, you should remind your audience that Amex churning days are over and that they only get the big bonus if they are SPG virgins.
One more thing: has Dan turned out to be an Amazon-gone-wild pimped these days or what? I had to shut off his twitter feed to my phone as it was draining my battery will all his advertisement onslaught.
You should do a travel challenge
Step 1: “Fly from A to B with SPG points from you SPG Amex”
Step 2: “Call for an Uber taxi at the airport and receive a discount with the code you got from me”
Step 3: “Save at hotels using the cashback you received from Ebates, BigCrumbs and the knowledge you’ve attained from reading TBB-recommended blogs like Travel is Free and Loyalty Traveler”
Do what they do on FTG.com – keep the same links and instructions every week, but just change the city. Daytona Beach, Austin, Minneapolis etc. etc. – CSP and Barclays arrivals will get you to them every single Thursday!
It’s amazing how fast pics of Lufthansa First Class come out again ๐
To bloggers: Have you noticed more spam comments posting bypassing Akismet spam blocker plug in?
Gotta run, behave ๐
I had one slip through yesterday which surprised me, as it was clearly spam.
In the past two days I have been deleting more spam comments than I have had to do so in the past year. Not sure why they are getting through all of a sudden but it sure sucks!
I got spam-hammered (spammered?) a day or two ago, had to delete about 100 spam comments that slipped through Akismet somehow.
I am sensing Akismet can’t keep up with the spammers these days too…Last two days I have deleted about 30 or so and…counting.
Did you drive up to Flint to snap that picture?
Lol, good one!
You are clearly pimping-challenged! When I checked your links the first time I got a laugh that you are not quite sure how much you make from some of them. Good thing you have a day job. It may be filler but it is still entertaining.
I sure am. TPG dropped 32 in just one post today. Others try to equate Uber and Amazon links to credit card affiliate links which is like comparing Mother Teresa to Satan. The sad thing is they do not know how amazingly stupid that makes them look.
Now watch what happens when they whine about…censorship LOL.
Last two days I have Spring Fever!
Since you mentioned Mother Theresa and you’re coming to Charlotte, here’s some trivia for you: Mother Theresa actually stayed in my house when she visited Charlotte in the mid-90s (well before it was my house).
That is pretty wild actually!
Yes, use TBB inferior $10 UBER link vs the $25 one with the Delta25 code
ttp://boardingarea.com/deltapoints/2014/04/22/delta-teams-uber-25-new-user-credits/ [TBB proud edit: No links to crappy blogs will be allowed to pollute my site]
Will TBB keep pushing AMAZON links too when he is shown a link that will pay his readers more?
I don’t know you, I never have read your blog and I don’t like you.
So wait:
1) your info is WRONG as both only get $10 from your UBER link
2) you are pimping a lesser offer and know about it and will not change post
3) you censor the link to the better offer?
This is HERO of the Angry’s? Really? Someone explain how this is ok?
Delta Penetration and Barclays cards = a love story
Thanks for being an integral part of the TBB mission to entertain. Now GO sell some Chase cards (ooops). I am sure you will tell all your readers about how to get more Delta miles with credit cards. Shucks Amex sponsors them and not Barclays. So, are you holding up the LH card post, u know u wanna ๐
haha, you are such an ingy clone, its so adorable…. “angry this, angry that”. one of you wants to sue bc he can’t fly to asia for 4 miles, you want to sue bc you don’t when someone talks about your blog.
are you grumpy bc they took your amex links away from you???
I find it funny that the guy who calls the others angry is the same one who photoshops and removes another blogger from an online ballot.
Good point, almost forgot about that fine moment!
You didn’t post a link to the better offer. You posted a link to a description of the better offer. The better offer is actually described here:
I will add that the posting you mentioned manages to include an inferior link in the post. Besides, maybe someone here would like to be a “Terrance”.
Thanks Adam for confirming this actually exists and it was not a “convenient” excuse to lead some to be Terrance in that site ๐
I made the update. Still not sure if I should let readers trust Delta on this lol.
I could pump my link daily with things like “You can be Terrance, yes you can” and stuff like that…
So let’s make some bets – who’s gonna post about the 60K Ink offers first?
Is it an affiliate offer? Dan’s post was at 11:00 AM and not a single other blogger has posted about it
The onslaught would’ve happened within seconds if it was an affiliate
It’s also in Slickdeals. The links look like affiliate links. The onslaught hasn’t happened because the other bloggers were caught napping. (Maybe Dan has slipped his affiliate manager a few bucks to get fast track notification??? )
No one is posting until they get their link, of course! Except FrequentMiler, who tells everyone to hang on until he finds a link. ๐ (Of course, he could point to Dan or someone else, but why do that?)
I want to act now on this, so I hope one of “the good guys” comes through with a link soon.
Ok, Gary got his links. Now watch the onslaught.
“Travel” bloggers, lol.
This is one of the links appearing on next TBBuzz post:
You know, some do actually blog about travel and not as an excuse to find ridiculous reasons to slip in yet another affiliate link.
It is getting REALLY hard for me to not get angry the past few days…My hobby has become a free for all for credit card pimping. Just in case anyone had any doubts left.
I am not sure if my eye sockets can take this punishment any longer….and I am doing it all for you, hope ya’ll appreciate it lol.
Yeah, and you called me angry a couple of days ago…
Look, I’m not angry, very far from it, I’m taking a week off finally!
Gonna enjoy Spring in NYC, can’t wait.
I’m just disappointed that this bunch of cheap scumbags are ruining our passion.
I really hope all those banks will cut all the links and most of those “bloggers”
will fade out. Can you imagine, how nice would it be?
I know for sure my blog reviews will get so much easier as many would go back to their cubicles hehe.
The past two days have been unbelievable really. Takes special restraint not to get angry ๐
And what’s funny is you actually believe you have an influence on the card pimpers and that you are doing it all for your readers.
Millions of Dollars vs George’s “800 Angries”
And the clear cut winner, without even a lick of thought of George’s influence on the space:
Millions of Dollars as is continually clearly evident by the card posts today and every day.
Sorry Georgie boy. You put up the good fight, but it’s time to fold like a cheap suit.
Like you did with your charity website after like 3 weeks?
Yes I tried and made donations. But the concept was flawed. People just preferred donate to their local food bank instead of nationally,
George just takes a little longer to realize he has a loser on his hands.
Yes I made the effort and made donations. But people were more interested in donating to food banks locally than nationally. It makes perfect sense to me and glad I quit paddling up river.
George just takes a little longer to see the reality of things.
At 2:27 PM Eastern I see three headlines on the front page of Boarding Area.
I expect more.
But not at DP who prefers to troll other blogs whining about inferior links and pimping WTF ๐
At 7:00 PM seven of the 22 stories on the front page of Boarding Area are about the Chase Ink 60K bonus.
Poor Mommy Points, she has no intern. She is in Paris and had to ditch the family at the Louvre to make the important Chase Ink updates.
She was the last one posting about it. Of course the FTG fast guns took about 4 hours as they must have been busy to paste the CSP Friday dining post on Thursday night.
Nevermind, the onslaught has started
Chase finally gave the bloggers the link, so they can post it
“ACT FAST!!!!!”
– people who took their sweet time actually posting it
Best comment on Gary’s post:
“โThis is the return of the most exciting offer from last yearโ
the most exciting offer from last year? its 10k more than usual. The 100k AA exec card (which is also churnable) might qualify for such hyperbole.”
That’s a factual statement. The 100K AA exec card happened in January, so it was this year.
Best comment on OMAT:
“how hard is it to get this card if I don’t really have a business?”
Oh, now one of the culprits has been identified.
Dear person who runs the blog DeltaPoints:
Help us all out. Please please please please sue George. Please.
I’m not a lawyer, but I’m also not an idiot, and I know a few lawyers who could use a quick 33% of an anti-SLAPP settlement check. Former students, friends, colleagues are among them. George can take the other 67%.
Also, “angry” is not a noun. “Angry’s” is not a plural noun, and wouldn’t require an apostrophe even if it were. Please stop using these words.
I have a further aside to the DeltaPoints author.
Here is the first sentence to the top post at your blog at the moment:
Well, guess I walked into that one.
Thank you to a reader who is an attorney who can’t wait to help me out pro bono ๐
Will I get banned from the comments here if I do an AoR today that consists of the LH card, another Ink card (60k!), and a weak US Airways card?
Is the answer different if I also use a couple of TBB links?
Nobody gets banned here, everyone is welcome. Even trolls (who are responsible for the traffic records posted here when they lose it! Thank you I guess ha).
If you do use some TBB links rest assured you are appreciated ๐
BLOGGER-PIMPS, can you guess how much money Dan made during the “IT issue” that delayed you getting your link? HA HA HA. You are all suckers if you believe it was “IT”. Pay more, get more.
Dan—>ka ching
everyone else —-> frantically checking in email waiting for the affiliate links to come and swearing ๐
Certainly not swearing as much as you for the missed opportunity you had. Imagine as smart a guy as you think you are, if you had got off your a$$ when you first had the idea, how much we all could have learned from you and how much easier those upcoming college tuition bills would have been.
Damn, I’d be angry too if I’d missed that opportunity.
And you know what? It shows in every post and comment you guys make about bloggers that have made a success. Jealousy is a sad state of human affairs and not a very attractive attribute to have. And to try to mask it with righteous indignation at the suffering the poor newbies feel for not getting the best offer, Wow, is it sad. They make a phone call, send an email and get bumped to the best offer anyway. In fact, most bloggers have suggested how to do that from time to time. And hopefully, the newbie does a better job of due diligence next time they apply for a card. We call it “personal accountability” and it far trumps phony indignation.
But when you think of it, you all are special. Of the over 1/2 million people participating in this hobby, you, “George’s Angries” all 800 maybe 1000 of you are a special group.
All 2/10ths of 1% of the group. And you wonder why you’ve had no impact?
Everybody else has much more important things to think about than your whining. ๐
Actually I have found this site very helpful in reminding me that as a blogger you can have morals. I think that the money can be a draw for people who might not have thought themselves capable of earning otherwise, but the blogger revenue is really a drop in the ocean, and selling out your fellow man to be the face of your affiliate manager is a shitty way to live.
One more thing: MMS has now added this sentence to his disclosure “We donโt write about all the credit cards available in the US, but only the ones which get us miles and points or cash back for Big Travel with Small Money! ”
WTF? The guy (and his wife, Emily) is totally honest, especially the part about “cash back”, which REEEEALLY means CASH from his affiliate bossman BACK into his pocket.
Whatever happened to the mother in law? If I were Emily I would be concerned
You know I am kidding.
Don’t be angry, ever! Even in days like this!
“I used to be disgusted
Now I try to be amused”.
-Elvis Costello
Great line, so applicable here!
So, just sit back, grab some popcorn or open a cold one and enjoy the comments. My site is above all, entertainment ๐
I love watching the whiners explode when a new offer comes out. Such indignation at the notion that others are getting paid for their marketing efforts, which clearly didn’t take much more than just getting off the couch and starting a blog.
It must really hurt to imagine all those new clicks going to others that had the initiative, while you whiners sat on your backsides.
Go America. Go free enterprise. Hoorah for capitalism. To all of you making a success, Congratulations
“To all of you making a success, Congratulations”
Steve, you blew it. You forgot that we no longer feed ingy—he’s so 2013. We now have The Swede to entertain us.
Sorry, I don’t feed trolls who don’t feel the need to write an entire book report every time they call us angry
If you can’t incoherently ramble in 12 paragraphs or more, don’t incoherently ramble
Cmon George. Is that the best you can do? How about a link every sentence?
But I am officially putting a hex on ANYONE who clicks on your links. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their nether regions!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their nether regions!
the comments by and about DP are absolutely hilarious. my feedly feed is absolutely insane today. feel bad for people who don’t realize what’s going on with the affiliate links.
There are a lot of them out there….sadly.
Bought a bunch of stuff through your Amazon link. Enjoy the sales. For those thinking about the Capital One 360 deal, wait. They regularly offer higher sign up bonuses than what is currently available. Usually the following dates and amounts:
Independence day / 4th of July (usually a sign up bonus of $125, deal usually runs from July 1st till July 3rd)
Black Friday (usually a sign up bonus of $125, deal should run from November 28th till November 3rd this year)
Also be aware that opening the checking account is a hard pull, you can sometimes avoid that by opting out of overdraft protection and being an existing customer but it doesn’t always work.
Thanks for the orders, appreciated.
Good points on the Capital One 360 deals. I took it down once when they messed with the Saverocity site but they relented. I think I have cautionary language about the pulls. Anyways, not much happening on that. Just like the others actually. Only the Amazon link brings something, enough to cover my costs (including some travel costs).
TBB is mostly entertainment, primarily mine ๐
I’m a bit slow sometimes, you’ll have to forgive me. Missed your language about the pulls on the first read through, wasn’t having a go either just alerting people to the better deals coming up.
Capital One 360 is great for using as a base for other bank account bonuses due to the free ACH’s as well.
I have tried several online banks. Capital One 360 website is still the best imho. I have accounts there for many years now.
60K offer is back! Is DP going to DP ?
Are you referring to the most helpful Ink link that links back to the most helpful Ink link somehow ๐
I don’t know anything about running revenue web sites, but have you ever tried something like Google AdWords? I’d certainly give those links an accidental click or two if it will help you out. ๐ FWIW, I have been introduced to a couple of blogs from your like/love list that I didn’t previously know about (Yomadic, Mile Nerd, etc.).
Is it just me or does it seem like there has been an uptick in desperation pimping on most of the blogs (even the good ones) in the last few months? I don’t fault anyone for trying to make a little cash, but when the good bloggers increase the noise ratio and start drowning out the quality content, it just influences me to read less. For me, a good travel blogger is someone who is passionate about the hobby, provides original/insightful content, shares information about the experiences they had on their trips (instead of taking the same 20 pictures of LH F that everyone else has posted) and doesn’t aggressively manufacture posts simply for the reason of inserting an affiliate link. I don’t mind if people have affiliate links or even write about credit card strategies, but if 4 out of 5 posts in a day have no real value-add or relevancy to me, I’m probably not reading that blog.
I sure don’t know anything about running revenue web sites either ๐
Yes I tried Google AdWords. Let’s just say some blog “fans” may have gotten carried away to “help” me succeed so Google banned me and they would not tell me the reasons (who was behind it).
There has been a noticeable increase in cc pumping posts, no doubt. I think it is a combination of them losing some of them (amex, some Chase) and a realization that this may be changing. I don’t know. Perhaps you should ask them ๐
I totally agree with you on your definition of a good travel blogger. I may add the site has adequate disclosure and censorship practices too. There is some passion, not much original content, the trip report posts can vary widely and sadly way too much biased posts towards credit card affiliate links.
Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment.
Ps your slug says 7, I counted 7 and your title is 6 ways… Should we discard one at will?
Ooops, you are right. Not sure what happened. You can disregard anyone you want except my Amazon link. It’s the one that works actually! The rest not so much.
so Rick, how much did y’all STEAL an I mean STEAL from http://www.freefrequentflyermiles.com he’s been in this since y’all were peeing in your pants. I gave him free web dl limit back in 98′ with Mindspring. IMO, allof y’all have f’ed it for the rest of us…glad you got rich…asshole. Peace out
Please no need for name calling!
And please do not feed trolls.
And thumbs up for Gary S. He should do a site redesign ๐
OK no name calling sorry. As for the site redesign..why? He doesn’t do it to make money..errr..just the love of sharing what he’s learned/scrounged/read. Sounds good to me.
BigCrumbs is probably the sleaziest referral link out there. Basically you get lifetime kickbacks on purchases of the person you refer and the person they refer. This isn’t chump change, particularly if your 2 deep referrals buy a lot of AMEX GCs thru BC. This is why there are so many people pimping BC referral links in their sigs at FT. I wouldn’t refer someone to BC without disclosing the fact that I would be making lifetime kickbacks on their purchases. My advice to anyone signing up for BC is to double refer themselves. MrRebates works similarly (lifetime kickbacks), although it only goes 1 deep.
I’m confused about this Tom, could you explain?
For example, if I pimp my BC Link to say, you… and you then signup you again (or Sig other etc)
What do you lose out on exactly?
Say for example there is a 5, 1, 1 referral structure on offer:
You use your account and:
You get 5% I get 1%
You use Sig Other account and:
They get 5% you get 1% and I get 1% (PS I have never seen a 3 deep offer)
How is that sleazy?
Not trying to be confrontational about it, I just don’t understand who is getting screwed – does it work differently to that?