We learn how to tramp around Europe, how to increase our safety at hotels, visit Hong Kong, Costa Rica, Uzbekistan, learn how the drug trade flows and more!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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Here is a bunch of links I have found useful the past several days…Very light on miles/points as the whole scene bores me to death lately. When I see posts such as “Are the Maldives Worth it?” from Mommy Points or endless mega craptastic stuff as repeated “Top 10 credit cards” and “Best Five Cards from Each Bank” (<——wow, really View From the Wing dude) is very easy to make me lose control and go into a mode where I want to cut myself…so I avoid this crap, you can only take so much! All I gotta say are the blogs in the Ignore list deserve to be there! Lets move on shall we?
Tramping Around Europe: A Guide to Trains, Planes and Buses on the Cheap (Part 1) – Naked Around The World Put a lot of work into this post. You never see a Titan plastic pushing blogger put in so much work into a post unless it involved several dozen affiliate links! Or if someone did it involved yet another luxury boring trip report. Come to think of it, which blogger you really wanted to see naked? Lol, hey it’s entertainment, remember the mission, remember the mission. Primarily my own entertainment that is. Maybe I do a Top 5 Bloggers I would not mind getting stranded alone with in a tropical island….You see I start these blog posts, I am determined to do them quick and then I just go off in many unpredictable directions!
12 Essential Hotel Room Safety Tips – The Gate Some really good safety tips here you should be aware and reminded of again. If it benefits you because you just read it here I expect you to come back with your whole family and click my links…HARD! #dreaming
24 things you should do when visiting Hong Kong As this is a favorite destination among this crowd, here are plenty of things to do.

30 photos that will make you wish you were in Costa Rica right now – Matador Network Looks so nice…

56 of the most powerful Reuters photographs ever taken I chose this one. Every time I see this dude I get into a rage just like when I see a pumping blogger. You know I am exaggerating right?

Soviet Wonder of the World: The Great Solar Furnace in Uzbekistan – English Russia Well, this is a site all right, wow!
These maps show the hard drug trade in remarkable detail Very educational.
25 Ways to Get Smarter About Money Right Now – Money Maybe I featured this before. If I did, please complain to management!
TBB in Ann Arbor, need better coordination obviously!

Thank you for reading and supporting my blog by clicking my $$ links! Not sure why no one has bothered the past two weeks…or it’s maybe Best Offers Patrol BOP reader has stopped doing the card offering write up in the comments #hint #wink. I hope your weekend was as glorious as mine. I mean, even the Greeks get to live on another day and so is TBB!
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Oscar 1st
So weird to see you in 1st…I had to refresh a few times to make sure it is real!
Right when I was diving into finding every possible bus company in Europe, this popped u. Glad you liked the train section!
Pretty good work there. Pretty soon you will feel like “omg, all this time I put into it I need to get paid: 🙂
And if you read the MP Maldives post, you’ll know where I stand on that topic!
Maldives with a side of Gleff mention. Sad, especially the posters that don’t seem to care about the human rights issues involved in the Maldives. As long as it’s free, right?? 🙁 Come on MP, you can do much better than this!! *sigh*
ok, so bronze because I took the time to comment. LOL
That will teach you to stop yapping about human right issues.
You are wasting your time. As long as there is a Park Hyatt, MP would go vacationing there, even if it’s North Korea.
Then she’d say it’s totally worth it and the average schmuck… *cough*… family can do it too. Just get the Chase Sapphire so you can transfer points, also get the IHG card because it pays me money now, and might as well get the Arrival card because it has an awesome 2.2% rebate. (Forget about the Chase Hyatt, for some reason, it will never be mentioned).
You guys crack me up…
Hey Chris, at this point, Titans read your comment and automatically think you are just a plain angry person, excuse me, mosquito and just part of the 1% or 0.2% or 0.01% or whatever the amount of “angrys” is at the moment…
I need to do that Hyatt card expose, dang you IRS
I so want to hug you right now!
I know, right? Silly me!
How dare I care about other human beings and the fate of humanity!
To thine ownself be true…women’s rights around the world are important to me. For a mother to disregard such matters is unthinkable!
I used to like MP’s blog, but her priorities are definitely different from mine.
ABC when I first read your post, I couldn’t stop laughing. It’s just so sublime. So perfect. 🙂
I love it when the GIF’s show someone falling down, they are the best! Today’s is a good one. Male Model falling off his high heels and
knocking down everything in the stage, that there was a great one. Encore please, for the TBB newbies.
Need to find that one, it was soooooo long ago!
Georgios, that Miles Professor is on fire lately with her content.
Yeah, sizzling hot! I just hope she is okay.
This is Gary posting about Pointsbreak today:
These are previous posts about Pointsbreak:
Notice a difference? Titans creditcard salesmen at their best. I called him out on it and my post is awaiting moderation… 🙂
Yeah, I see John called him out on it and you can see from the response that the dude just does not get it. This is what happens when they cash in the first fat checks…It is kind of sad to watch, it used to be so good.
But I put a big plug for the UK IHG card in my PointBreaks article this morning …. and I don’t get paid for it. The card is a good deal which is why I linked it.
You now have the interesting moral dilemma of whether Gary’s post is in some way less acceptable than mine, simply because he gets paid and I don’t!
Come to the new post everyone 🙂