A kind reader sent me two articles yesterday that I read and I still feel…disturbed. Now that by itself is not unusual at all! But I was so disturbed AND my blood pressure rose so high that I felt this burning desire to sit down and write the mother of all rants. But, I realized I needed to finish yet another blog post so I just have to postpone that mega rant. Maybe over the weekend. I am just so tired of all the bloggers pushing and pushing credit cards over and over and over and over, so many repetitive useless filler posts with cc links slickly entered in the proper part of the sentence only to appear again in the next paragraph, at the end of the post, in an email and now even by direct messages on twitter. F**k me!!!!!!!!!! So, please stay tuned, I will have a hell of a time writing it and you will enjoy reading it (all of you who have no blogs or who do but are not deemed worthy enough to be blessed with the gazillions showered to the worthy ones from the affiliate network companies and banks).
MMS says: “I suggest using these methods only to help meet a minimum spending requirement and not to go overboard.” – Sure pal, like they will listen to you! The more people are attracted to this hobby, the more hogs get attracted too. And we all know what this means! Even though he always provides me with great material, I think we all read him because he lays it all out, let’s just admit it:-)
Travel Summary (again, take note!) writes if “Points Blogs are Changing Right before our eyes“?
Where else can you see stuff like the famous 10 million UA miler, the PointsGuy saying that he totally loved the Dreamliner toilet, some amazing elevators in the Houston Hyatt Regency, etc. Nice also to see many familiar faces. Warning: it is 15 mins long!
Not sure how we got into this toilet thing diversion…Here is some news about the First Toilet theme park, wtf!!
Why all the fuss with toilets? Well, it is in honor of WorldToilet Week next week!
I have seen the word “rant” in three different places online today, did I start a movement here?
Thanks to you kind reader who made it all the way to the end! And to the kind person who emailed me a tutorial video on how to turn on the RSS feed in Blogger. I will get to it…someday, thanks!
Bloggers and other followers on twitter (please follow @FlyerTalkerinA2) keep making fun of me that I am being an idiot for ranting on banks and credit cards. They say I am commiting suicide by sabotaging my future monetization plans for the blog. Monetization plans for my blog, LOLOLOLOL. That sure made me laugh. As I said, I have been on this for a week and it’s been quite a ride. I am losing sleep for sure. If I was not self employed and had a supportive family this blog would not have lasted for a whole…week! I cherish my independence in my professional life and the ability and freedom to speak my mind. I will continue to do so and say things I feel like getting them out of my system! My therapist loves this new avenue of releasing my creative energies! If I hurt some bloggers by my rants, please note that I NEVER mean any malice! Take it as a sign of a maturing industry that has now attracted fierce critics and jokesters (think late night comedians and things of that sort). You should be proud, you have arrived. And the endless numbers of newb bloggers pretending to be experts and assaulting us with credit card links, I just want you to know that I have more coming for you so watch out. Hey, any PR is good PR right? Brace yourselves.
This reminds me of that Talking Heads song “Road to Nowhere“
Looking forward to the Mega-RANT. I hope it is going to be sponsored by Chase 🙂
I am not a betting man…and I would gladly take that bet that my mega rant (whenever I do it) will NOT be sponsored by Chase;-)
hey George, if us bloggers are willing to post our true identities, why aren’t you? Are you ranting like many on Ft behind a vail of secrecy?
I don’t know the names/identities of Mommy Points, Deals We Like, or Frequent Miler. You choose to post your true identity online, you shouldn’t force others to.
Hey Rick: YOU MAD, BRO?!
No just wondering? All the other greats (Kimmel, Obrian, Leno, Letterman, Stewart) are willing to show their face and let others know their real identity. George ask me to remove his last name from my post about his site? If bloggers are willing to disclose their identities, just wondering why George won’t. It’s not like I’m asking for his birth certificate or college transcript.
Without him taking a stand, his blog is as relevant as the blog haters on FT, hiding behind a handle
That is utter nonsense. His identity is irrelevant to the validity (or lack of validity, depending on your POV) to his postings. That would be like someone asking you to reveal online what your weight is because only thin (or fat) people can make valid points. In other words, utter nonsense.
It seems that this blog has raised the hackles of a few bloggers, and I can only assume this is because they have no defense against the quite legitimate complaints and and observations posted. For example, is there ever ANY post on your website that doesn’t have an affiliate link embedded to the nth degree???
“All the other greats” : Are you seriously placing yourself in the same league of Leno, Kimmel and Stewart? You are really are one conceited turdmeister
Anonymous: No George is. He is the new comic on the block, taking shots at others without giving his name. The other comics do. Why not you George?
Utter Nonsense? The nonsense is you don’t seem to understand our defense is very simple: If you don’t like it, Don’t read it. Turn the channel. If this community is going to continue to question blogger’s sexuality, make cerogatory comments about a blogger’s wife, my daughter and personaly offesnsive snide remarks about our work, then have the balls to do it with your name and email address. Quit hiding behind anonoymity and allow us to “face our accusers”. None of us are upset by a “respectfully disagree” comment as it is ususally constructive when written by somebody using that tone. We have taken the BS now for years from the haters. I have instructed the gang at Internet Brands to delete all offensive comments that I get and hope my fellow bloggers will follow suit.
And lastly time for me to ask a few questions:
Are you angry because:
We are getting paid in a free enterprise system and you don’t have the balls to enter the fray?
Your credit is screwed up by your past conduct,you are pissed off at yourself but certainly can’t own up to it?
You think you should have been the last person in on the deal? and nobody else should be allowed in?
Lets do a poll on George’s ______ blog.
A. I can’t change the channel. I’m too addicted and don’t want to miss a deal.
B. I’m afraid to enter the fray and pissed I missed the opportunity?
C. I screwed up my own credit and need to take it out on somebody other than myself?
D.You think you should have been the last person in on the deal.
Come on boys and girls. You’ve been dishing it out with no regard fgor anybody’s personal life or feelings. How’s it feel?
Why the fake outrage? You know George. You know you know George. I know you know George. Heck, I have a picture of the two of you together.
Even gleff does fake outrage to gradygrandygoobergoof better than you. Take some notes…
Of course I know George. That’s not the point. Not everybody does know George and if he is going to shots at them then stand up like a man and say ” I’m George _________”
Rick: I think the whole tone of this post is inappropriate & unecessary. I am willing to discuss this with you and tell you where I am coming from. I know you can get my number if you do not already have it.
Why can’t we have some humor on travel bloggers?? SNL makes fun of everybody, why can’t we? You are taking it all WAY too seriously man!
I am honored by this “the new comic on the block”, I really am! Actually, my humor is very quirky as you are all finding out. I guess you are one of the many people who don’t like it. Join a very long line!
“If you don’t like it, Don’t read it.” – I am the writer of Travel Blogger Buzz, my way part time fun (notice I did NOT say job) is to review other travel blogs and put my quirky humor bend on them, highlight some great references and once in a while add something really funny from around the net. Make everybody’s life a bit better. I WOULD LOVE IF SOMEBODY MADE FUN OF ME! I think people today take themselves way too seriously, lighten up dude!
“If this community is going to continue to question blogger’s sexuality, make cerogatory comments about a blogger’s wife, my daughter and personaly offesnsive snide remarks about our work, then have the balls to do it with your name and email address” – I agree! I will never do this and people doing it anonymously are cowards. Come on, you ‘ve been around, this crap will be with us until the internet gets blown up or something.
“We have taken the BS now for years from the haters.” – I have only taken it for 6 and a half days. I must say the comments are running 95 to 5 positive. Maybe I have not been around that long:)
I would like to reiterate for the sake of my pristine reputation that my credit is amazing! The only time I was denied for a credit card was a few years ago when I lost control and applied for yet another CitiBusiness card to way too soon after getting others from that outstanding outfit:-)
since you require full names for any critiques, my name is Jacob Lewis. ok, glad we got that out the way.
Sorry rick, you are full of it. half the bloggers DONT give their full names… mommypoints, deltapoints, frequent miler, dealswelike. funny, these people should be the ones giving their full names since they are using their credibility to recommend and vouch for products THEY endorce.
second of all you realize that most comics use stage names right? like NOT their real names?
third of all, you need to grow up. if you don’t like something, dont read it. i know you are not used to being critiqued, because any comment that was somewhat negative you deleted (even gary leff’s, who wrote a blog post on this). so now people can actually complain about things they dont like. get off your high horse.
and talk about disclosure – nice job with that email blast today that included a referral link… funny how NOWHERE in the email did you say that you received something for people signing up – only “sign up here!!” really open and up front… but you use your last name, so thats ok?
I think the “publish full name” thing is an overreaction. Must be!
TBB is my stage name,I like it!
You have a point on the critique thing. I think this industry has matured enough to allow insiders to make fun of itself. And this is what I do, or attempt to do anyway. My idols are: PointsEnvy, Onion and MAD (remember that?)
And please don’t get me started about the lack of disclosure….omg, I need to step away from the computer, I feel a mini rant coming right NOW!
@Anonymous: Please don’t call me gradygrandygoobergoof from some “Anonymous” handle. If you want to make fun of my name, please step out from behind your “Anonymous” handle and do it from a true handle and e-mail address like a real man would. 😉
Ha, this is hilarious. Rick, you were actually the first blog I stumbled upon getting in to the miles arena 4 years ago. Since then I’ve seen the change. George has had enough. He wants to voice his opinion to the masses. He made the mistake of linking the two accounts which opens himself to the layer of criticism in your above post.
Many bloggers do not share their identity. Tyler Durden of ZeroHedge practically dishes out info on financial giants every day and no one truly knows who he is. You need to step back and be good ol guy Rick. Attacking people is not your strong suit and it makes you look like an arrogant ass. I think someone has taken some personal jabs at you that set you off, but you need to listen and understand before voicing your opinion.
In the end we’re all friends here vying for the same goal. Compromise people. Make the server bills public? Show revenue generated? I do not know. Making attacks is not the solution though and makes me sorry I ever looked up to you for advice. Get it together man.
Thank you JD for taking the time to comment here! And thanks for your support. I think my friend Rick is having a bad day or two and I forgive him.
Hey, I love ZeroHedge too!
Oh my Rick. Why are you so angry? If you don’t like what’s being written take your own advice and don’t read it. I would have never pegged you as a troll.
I do not understand the reasoning that Rick gives for wanting George to disclose his full name. This blog is not completely anonymous anyway–we know (with some degree of certainly) that George is the author.
People have many reasons for wanting to stay anonymous. For me (and maybe for George) it is because my name is very unique and, let’s face it, there are a lot of weirdos out there that harass you if they don’t like what you write. George has taken on the role of a “blogger’s Jon Stewart” and it is obviously ruffling some feathers.
Are you seriously arguing that the validity of anybody’s points rests solely on his or her willingness to disclose his or her identity? Really? That is what I was referring to as utter nonsense (without the needless capitalization). Has the writer of this blog, or anybody here actually done involved your family in any way, shape or form? To my knowledge nobody in these comments has involved your family (except for you just now in your histrionic reply). And if they have, then I will be the first to condemn them.
Oh, and since you ask how it feels, I will respond: I am laughing. I lead a very contented life, happily partake in some the points-earning activities, have perfect credit, want everybody to participate in the deals as long they last, and glad you have found a way to make money. Hey, even 19th Century furriers managed to clothe many people …. by clubbing myriads of baby seals to death too.
Anon and Anon: Let me try to rephrase a simple concept for you: Is George going to be like the rest of the nameless faceless blog haters that comment on other people’s work (and at times their families) on FT? Or, is he going to stand up and be counted as: I, George _________ am making this snide comment about you and I don’t need to hide behind an internet handle or anonymity to ask the question. As his friend Bikeguy and I have said many times, Would he make those comments if facing us face to face, OR does he need to hide behind a lack of last name?? Just sayin’
Take this comment: “Would he make those comments if facing us face to face?” and change it to “Would most of you take advantage of exploitative deals (like the US Mint) if we were dealing face to face with the mom and pop grocer down the street instead of some big entity (US gov, bank, etc.) and doing it (almost anonymously) via the Internet???
Valid point and I’m guilty at times
Apples to oranges.. He’s criticizing people with very established user bases. In addition he has a real job which is most likely the real reason he does not want it published.
You need to stop trolling.
The way this blog has taken off, if someone googles my real name it will come up before my quotes in Wall Street Journal, New York Times, etc. And that would be a tragedy, Rick knows what I do. This is a hobby I love and care about. I have things to say and I have repeatedly said nobody should take me seriously, life is too short for that! Well, the below will make it in tomorrow’s blog:
Be grateful for criticism.
At least someone cares enough to want you to improve: your product, your service, your work.
You only need to worry when no one cares enough to criticize you.
Criticism creates an opportunity. Embrace it.
I guess I don’t know the answer to that, only George ___ does.
If George ever does fill in the ___ , it will be like Obama forced to publish his birth certificate! Don’t stoop to the birther pressure, George! 🙂
Wow, I am surprised about the comments here Rick! I will respond in due time. Probably not today as I need to be a taxi driver for my kids and volunteer in an alma matter alumni function for the night.
Just a couple of things: I have always said not to take anything personally! I have never made any derogatory comments about wives. I actually thing D & E are VERY nice and a good looking couple (not sure about the bow tie though). I have a problem with posting so MANY pics of her, it bothers me, it’s a personal thing, I know I have issues man! I have never made any personal attacks whatsoever. If they were taken that way, I am sorry, they were meant to be satire!
I do have perfect credit record by the way! You know me, most people who follow me on Twitter know me. Lots of them are on my Facebook page, I communicate with others in my personal email. So I am NOT hiding behind whatever. I can not wait to meet them at FTU. I am not sure if this blog has legs and due to my professional stature I am not sure if it is a great idea to have my name public to show up on google searches for any prospect looking for what I do for a living. Anyone, if you are not coming to FTU and you want to know who I am email me through the site and I will get back to you.
I will NEVER censor comments! I only censored one calling another blogger gay with legs up in the air which was too vulgar, even for my substandard taste.
I will say the exact same things face to face and you know it. I have been thinking about where this whole industry is going and just despise this whole credit card push thing, PERIOD. I will continue speaking my mind and reviewing the other blogs until I get bogged down with my other responsibilities which is certainly likely in the future!
I think you over reacted my friend. More later on my mega rant sometime in the near future if I get around to it. I need to get it out of my system!
I love you, I love everybody!
I love your posts and twitter stuff Geoger Papappadopadpolouspopsapposlaa. But there are too many A’s D’s and P’s in your name for me to be able to write it correctly. Having said that I dont see how you can say “dont take it personally” I believe they are all angry at you because of what you post. Now whether they have the guts to confront you in person or not at an FTU or DO thats another story. My guess is that it takes a lot to confront someone and they will smile and move on. But I do think they all take it personally as you are damaging or attempting to damage their brand and money making ability.
Point well taken, thank you. I need to think about this some more. Maybe my mega rant becomes the little little tiny rant.
I will be ecstatic if someone tried to make fun of me, what an honor!
Rick had mispelled my last name. I did not bring it up at all as I would be shocked if someone got it right:-)
Thanks for the positive Mention George.
I will say, I understand how it can become very personal. I have no problem with criticizing people for pushing credit cards – it’s their choice to push them and your choice to publicly disagree with it. I have no problem with you criticizing blog topics or content either. I think there are a million things you could rant about – without any objection – but ranting about MMS’s pics of his wife is over the line IMO. Rant about his blog, his content, his credit card links, the design of his site…but leave personal attacks out it.
I will support your blog as long as the rants don’t get personal.
Stacey, thanks for the comment and you are very welcome.
I only rant about the quantity of Emily’s pics. I never made any personal comment about her and If I did I profusely apologize. And I would stop immediately if he keeps the quantity down…I just do not see any valid reason for it and it may only invite weirdos or stalkers! They are both extremely nice people and very nice looking too, lovely couple actually. Ok, I will make a public apology tomorrow to them.
Thanks again. I need to get to Thailand one of these days!
Ummmmm, they are by no means a “lovely couple”. And each and everytime I see a new pic of one of them holding up a stack of CCs in some office store or drugstore, I truly do vomit in my mouth a little bit. Enough is enough already MMS, I can’t wait til the day his camera breaks. Almost as much as I can’t wait til the day his “bright arrow & big circle” insertion software dies!!!
George. This is a perfect example of the behavior you are encouraging with this great idea. I hope you are proud of that accomplishment.
BTW folks, your hero deleted his full name again when a reader left it as a comment. I guess I’d be ashamed if this is what you all are doing to support the community that so freely helped each and every one of you. Flame away with pride you angry ungrateful group.
Congrats George
>>>>>>>This is a perfect example of the behavior you are encouraging with this great idea. I hope you are proud of that accomplishment.
Thank you for your comment. I respect your opinion. Well, most of them anyway.
>>>>>>>>BTW folks, your hero deleted his full name again.
When my mother gave birth to me, she picked me up and said: “my baby one day will be a hero”. I guess this day has arrived, woohoo.
>>>>>>>>>when a reader left it as a comment
How conveeeeenient
>>>>>>>>>>>I guess I’d be ashamed if this is what you all are doing to support the community that so freely helped each and every one of you.
Maybe we should debate this in Chicago next year as a session? If you do not ban me that is:-) I have done my part to help the community over the years, definitely nowhere near as much as you, I am too busy. I think the credit card pimping relentless barrage you are unleashing to all of us is NOT helping the ocmmunity, it is eating away its soul one click at a time. That’s my opinion by the way and sticking to it. And this is my blog and will express my feelings, my (third) therapist encouraged it and loves it. He even asked me about Bluebird in our last appointment:-)
>>>>>>>>>>Flame away with pride you angry ungrateful group
I think you need a vacation. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Rick. I still love you man.
Love you too George, or Maybe that should be ” George, King of the Discontent”
NO! I like this one better: “George, Papa of da Populous “
Why are you all arguing when you should be FINDING NEW DEALS FOR ME?!?!?
That is a very good point actually:-)
I clicked on Emily like 100 times and I finally was able to apply online for one. Fingers crossed I will be approved!
This is funny…I guess….I think.
BTW, can’t wait for your Mega-Rant TBB!!!!! You too are doing quite the job of riling up all these idiot bloggers. Kudos………….
I second that!
It’s only been like a week and you are already apologizing? Don’t cave in man. You are the voice for all of us. I am so sick of the bloggers with their links and referrals and ruining deals. I love your blog! No apologizes necessary! Its America and we have just as much right to voice our opinion as they do! Ugh. Im fed up! I want the mega rant. Or maybe I will just make my own blog and call it “anonymous blog hater” and really tell everybody how I feel.
Thanks a lot Jessica. Several readers expressed the same views by email. I always wanted to be the voice for all of you…that sounds so amazing actually! I think mega rant is back on…but first I have to get stuff for tomorrow’s post, I am so far behind:-)
This sh*t cracks me up. Keep up the good work TBB 🙂
Thanks for another positive mention! Maybe I’ll have to keep writing posts just so I can make your blog haha.
hilarious read before going to bed
Anonymous (u can pick a name, u know, any name): Thanks. The feedback I get is overwhelmingly positive.
TravleSummary: I think I am fair. I liked that post and the other one.
Jamison: Great, that was the point of the whole blog. I guess some egos around the community are way bigger than I ever thought. By the way, your Flakers still suck and they sure won’t be playing any defense now with the new coach;-)
Frugal Travel Guy- Showing class and maturity do not come with age. What a disgusting, megalomanical human being.
yawn, just more hate spewing over miles and points. Comes with this territory
Hahahahhaha. You of all ppl complaining about sensoring comments by deleting his last name.. On the SAME day you do a blog post gushing about Deltapoints. Irony much? He is the KING of censorship
Bloggers that delete personal attacks should be commended for taking a stand against the anonymous blowhards spewing behind the vail of secrecy. Some day hopefully, you’ll come to understand that.
False. I’ve submitted corrections on CC links that are better deals but not affiliate links and I got an email that it was rejected.
He refuses to post any CCs links that aren’t affiliates even when they are better deals. See his post on the usairways card two days ago. He posted his link when there is a better one available… And didn’t even mention it. How on earth can that be defended.
Bloggers are a frat. Afraid to call each other out when they are wrong. Case in point
Adam, your first sentence had the kernel of truth in it but then you blew it in the second by taking it over the top and, in fact, becoming a little disgusting yourself. This kind of post is probably one of the reasons that Rick censors his blog posts.
Anon< Nice analysis. Personal attacks have no place in this community. Thank you for your measured and on the point response
The internet can be the home of bad behavior. Lots of people spewing crap, all under the cover of anonymity. George, maybe you could consider changing your blog so that it works like Garys or Bens: you must register an ID that is tied to an IP—at least we can keep track of which “anonymous” we are talking with…
bluecat: I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about:-) This is a very low tech part time hobby operation. Everyone wants me to monetize it. I have enough trouble coming up with the time to post good stuff so readers come back and have absolutely no time to work on stuff that should be addressed. And there is SO much to do. Someone on Twitter suggested I find an intern kid from a local college or high school who wants some experience. I could even pay them with some Chase URpoints:-) Thank you very much for your comment. My list of to do things is getting way too long and it kind of freaks me out a bit!
Ok, let me give 2 examples from message boards that I frequent:
The first operates like yours does. You can write what you want and then just say that you are Anonymous. But soon almost everyone chooses that option and you can have no idea if you are responding to the same Anon that posted 5 minutes ago or not. What’s worse is that an idiot can jump on and respond to his own previous Anon post with a hearty “You got that right!”
The second way to work it is to make sure that the first time everyone posts, their machine is tied to their “handle” (note that I was sure NOT to write first and LAST name… 🙂 ) Forever after then, they must use that handle when posting. The downside here is that YOU need to figure out how to set up your blog message posting to deal with that (the other blogs can figured it out…maybe there is another blogger out there not yet pissed off at you who can help (?) joke! ) Then, the first time each person posts, you will need to approve it. That 2nd part is a little bit of a pain but you can ask Gary or Ben how troublesome it really is. You are not censoring at all, but you are forcing people to be known by some sort of “handle” and, of course, if they are really bad boys, you can strike them down (ala Frank).
Good luck with the blog. I can’t imagine you have weeks worth of material but, for now, I am enjoying the ride you are on!
Plan is to eventually move to WordPress and own domain. And, you guessed it, no time to look into it. So I will continue doing my thing here until something happens. I did ask a college student today if she would be interested in helping me out as she has experience with social media/online stuff…It is a journey I guess. Thanks for the support!
Been thinking about this name thing… kind of amuses me… sorry please take this with a smile… but George Pop-“something”-os?? Isn’t that like the entire population of Queens? 🙂 JUST KIDDING. Keep up the funny stuff George.
Now please explain why there are so many points crackheads in Ann Arbor?
I think you have a great point about Ann Arbor having so many points crackheads! I don’t know. Maybe it is because the abundance of medicinal marijuana. Or just so cold in the winter that we have to stay inside and hunt for points scores…Don’t know, we ll never know:-)