We learn about the best travel rewards credit cards latest offers, especially the offers by Alaska Airlines, Southwest and the Amex Business Platinum, bookmark an airline credit cards guide, give you 500 Free LaQuinta Points, visit Lofoten Norway and Vietnam, and show you how to get laid not for free at Sex AirBNB!
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Pros and Cons of the 5 Main Airline Miles – Travel is Free Must read, great for newbies too!
BoA Alaska Airlines 25000 Miles and $100 Credit is Back–And Why I Love It! – The Lazy Traveler’s Handbook Makes a case for this card and provides link to the blog that found a direct link to it. Then I was informed on Twitter that Million Mile Secrets made a post showing his flock how he got five of these cards at once. I am about to turn angry now…so I pass. You can track down my angry tweets if you like 🙂
All Southwest Cards Are At Least 50,000 Points Each – Great Time To Get The Companion Pass – Running With Miles They are back! Expect to hear lots more about them when the pumping bloggers get their affiliate links, until then they have other affiliate links to pump lol.
The Battle Of The Airline Credit Cards – The Informative Guide – Running With Miles This is like the Jeopardy Daily Double, two TBB mentions in a row! This is extremely helpful and a great resource!
American Express Business Platinum 150,000 Offer – Publicly Available – Doctor of Credit Valid until May 15, 2015…like today. Ymmv. Good luck. If not working, blame the Doctor 🙂 UPDATE: DEAD! Apparently Million Mile Secrets killed another one. Get your tickets to see the legend at the next FTU event! I will not get angry, I will not get angry! Serenity now and for ever. Fight back, use my links hehe!
Your Questions Answered – Most Common Points & Miles Acronyms – Miles to Memories Great cheat sheet for newbies who aspire to join our ranks of amazing travel hackers hehe.
Get 500 LaQuinta points (just in time to renew the life of these points!)
Winter in Lofoten, Norway – The Adventure Blog Totally awesome!
Stunning video captures Vietnam like you never seen it before Even more awesome!
The cheapest countries to visit – These are very cheap, eat your heart out you Etihad groupies! Or Emirates. Or Singapore. Or Lufthansa. Bite it! Or chew it if you prefer. But let me come out and just admit it…hell no, I won’t go to…Yemen!
A quick guide to business etiquette around the world – Very helpful!
25 oddly beautiful photos of massive crowds of people – Fascinatingly beautiful!

It’s Official: Sex AirBNB Exists – Heels First Travel In an extremely influenced by substances stage I had this idea years ago. Sadly, I sat on it. I have trouble taking it from an idea to implementation, maybe it’s a Greek thing lol.
Your life on Earth. Explore it. From BBC. This is way too cool!
Total Debt Balance and its Composition

It now costs half a million dollars to raise a child in America For all new parents this is for you!
How about this carryon? WTF!!!!!!!!!

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I’m out like the Chicago Bulls!
Bulls’ balls got deflated.
And wtf happened to the Clippers???
2nd. Did you see what happened at the Boca-River Plate Libertadoers game? Crazy!
Nope, did not see it. But I do have a theory. The most hideous hooligan “happenings” are directly related to how sick their own society is, something rotten to the core. I am speaking primarily about Greece, where the most hideous hooligan violence happens every Sunday and nobody gets arrested….if they are, they walk free the next day. It’s just sickening
I thought La Quinta points could only be saved from expiration by a stay. I am could be wrong on that one.
I hope you are wrong and they do count!
Thank you, I was wondering where my emotional support kangaroo went to!
If this was your friend, she probably did not pay a fee 🙂
George, George, George…
…I featured a kangaroo on an airplane greater than a year ago:
That kangaroo looks rather content — no?!?
Guess I missed it. I was struck how BIG the cangarooo in the picture was, wow!
Thanks for the mentions, George!
For mentioning KinkBNB or SexBNB?
I’d like to get C. Ramsey’s opinion on what it’s like being parodied in The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.
Abandoned factories of Greece:
George, do you think they’re going to leave the Euro?
Nobody in Europe think they will leave the EMU. It’s a political project.
In 1000 years archaeologists will find the ruins and ruminate about the great manufacturing capacity of the Greek democracy in the early 2000s.
I had actually bookmarked that story about the abandoned factories in Greece for the next TBB post. A few are in my hometown, very sad.
Regarding euro: At this rate there will be no dinero left very soon. Greeks are masters in extending things to the breaking point, I mean, they are TRUE experts. But current govt is even more incompetent than the previous ones and a heck of a lot more communist/populist. In other words, they are clueless so the gr-accident risk is highly elevated. The people want to stay in it but they don’t want to do what is required to be in it. We are at an impasse and something has to give. The current negotiating tactics of the new govt has been disastrous as they have managed to stop a moribound economy from finally about to stabilize back to a recession and at the same time scared many citizens to suck their euros out of the Greek banks and scared all investors away by prolonging this “negotiation” phase. At the same time, they have managed to lose the support of every friend we had….i mean, this is an incredible record in about 100 days of governing.
Greece is a unique case. It reminds me of the land in the latest Mad Max movie. Pilfered and raped by its own. Greek tragedy indeed….Oh, Greeks invented that too….many eons earlier, oh the former glories…
Oh George, Greece this, Greece that! Look East. Russia is well ahead of you on the rapid path to a mesmerizing freefall. That’s a real Greek tragedy for you. In immortal words of George Costanza–a little respect! 🙂
I wonder how Drew could continue writing interesting post one after the other, without any compromise on quality, on genuine travel related stuff while even most of the veterans like Gary or Lucky have gone down in quality drastically. Drew continues to amaze me.
Drew is about 5 years behind the two 😉
Agree on both points 🙂
Thanks for the mention George.
I don’t like KinkBnB. Ripoff. Hell, I don’t even like normal BnB, because guess what: ripoff, too.
I am using AirBnB for the first time next month in Greece. 4 nights at a beachside place that looks fine. Definitely not a luxury hotel suite! With $25 credit I paid $146 usd. I am happy…so far…I guess I have to see how I feel about it after my stay. Rating the stay and prepaying are undoubtedly very strong factors in the success of these ventures!
I haven’t tried KinkBnB yet but do sounds like fun, full service we deserve LOL.
I was looking into travel to Cuba and came across a post by TPG. This is how titans sell it (CC, not destination)
“We were able to make the (hotel) booking payment through the agency, who tack on a $25 fee for this service—a small price to pay to be able to put the charge on my U.S.-issued Chase Sapphire Preferred and earn double points for this travel expense. ”
There’s no limit to how much I will pay for a few UR points. They are clearly worth more than $25.
It’s all about conversions 🙂
Someone is not tell the truth about Yemen. It is not a low cost destination. I don’t know if the article you linked is wrong, or if Chris Guillebeau is wrong, but my guess is that Chris’ information is more likely to be correct than a guy writing words by the pound for Business Insider. You spend a great deal of money before you even set foot in Yemen because of their onerous visa and “guide” requirements. Here’s one of Chris’s links about his trip to Yemen, if it’s OK to link outside articles. Chris Guillebeau how to travel to Yemen. I feel like I have no evidence that the author of the BI article you linked has ever been to Yemen? If I’m wrong, I apologize in advance but…I’m a bit queasy about these articles that make claims about costs where I don’t feel confident the writer has traveled to the destinations in question.
Yeah, all lists can be subjective. When it comes to Yemen I can’t help but think of chaos, bombs, guns and stuff like that. That Chris dude can sure pump the credit cards, yikes!
Yeah he pumps a lot of cards & affiliate stuff. I think he doesn’t work. But he actually has visited the countries he recs or doesn’t rec in this case, ha ha.