We show you how to use Ultimate Rewards points for hotels, how to fly to New Zealand on miles, meet people living in the Arctic & too many wows to count!
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We are continuing the mini posts because of the holidays.
I went running on Christmas Day. In my shorts and a T-shirt. In New Jersey. Still hard to believe this…
If you want to use Ultimate Rewards points for hotels, you only do it for Hyatt. That’s pretty much the conclusion in this Frequent Miler post.
How to fly to New Zealand with miles.
Mountain biking down a volcano in Japan. Wow!
2015: The Year in Visual Stories and Graphics. Wow repeat!
85 stunning pictures of Earth. Yep, it’s a triple Wow!

People who live in the Arctic Circle. Amazing portraits. Not repeating wow because…come on!

And I leave you with this…

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Eh, that was me. ^
How many blogs do you think will survive through 2016?
I was stuck at the Tahiti airport for a couple of hours and checked some blogs I haven’t looked
at in a very long time. Most are dead. Saverocity is pretty much all dead, a few single comments
here and there are posted only by other bloggers…. MMS – zero comments. Not sure how this thing
is still going, a combination of weird creepy stock photos with zero value content.
BA – most blogs have zero comments, most are completely useless, or useless and annoying.
The Gate would be my vote for the most useless, Andy’s blog – most desperate (a “giveaway”
every day as he was “featured” – who would want an AA kit? seriously?).
Mr Mugshot just “reviewed” Atlanta tramway. No kidding. Although they all are crap.
I simply don’t see any of that still going in 12 months. What’s the point?
TPG is starting his own television channel! OMG, yeah a new youtube channel.
I’m sure it will be a hit judging by the views of all his other videos, usually around 500…
BTW – who is more creepy on tv – him or Gary L?
Anyway you can clearly see most are noticing it makes no sense anymore and stopped posting.
Remember blogs like Travel with Grant? Or Rom’s deals? asthejoeflies? I kind of liked this one,
now one post per month or less…
2016 will be the year of 1 mile=1 cent awards. I can bet $100. Obviously Delta will do it, who else?
TWG is not dead yet, just less motivated/inspired to post articles. I am just enjoying the holidays and have been busy with work. Should have a few good posts in January before my Eurotrip.
Happy holidays TBB and everyone else 🙂
You left off the Titan himself. I can only hope the ego of our host can take this kind of pressure from his loyal reader(s)!!
To all, I am in Dallas. Raining hard and then a tornado watch, felt like Michigan.
I have posts scheduled for the next few days.
Too much BBQ, I gotta go…No time to reply to all today guys, thanks for understanding.