We bring you more United & Amex bonuses, how Crypto will not die, how climate change deniers suck, read the required Mile Nerd monthly post, a tragic animation map of all the Native land lost since 1776, how shut down exchanges have become hotels, some fun Twitter threads for you, the sorry state of US pensions, we are about to start saying goodbye to LATAM flights with oneworld partners, how China handles internal stuff and more for you for free.
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If you have the Chase United Explorer card, see if you were targeted for 2,500 Mileage Plus miles.
The weekend was an orgy of Black Friday pump posts around the blogosphere. Which it sadly continues with Cyber Monday. Lets visit again Mile Nerd in his monthly post. It has nothing to do with miles or points. This time he gives his own writing tips. Which of course are great.
There is a 30% bonus on American Express Membership Rewards points to Virgin Atlantic Flying Club. Just log in to your Amex account and no I won’t be posting any sneaky affiliate links here to trick you or, god forbid, huge arrows…you can follow the prompts I am sure. Arrows are for morons!
As electronic trading has taken over stock exchanges…we should not be surprised of this development: Old Stock Exchange Buildings Are Being Turned Into Swanky Hotels.
When you land your first plane lol! It is probably staged but still…entertaining!
Very light on travel material today. So, I am taking the liberty to add this as it is about a very tragic animation map: US Native land loss from 1776 to 1930.
Another incredibly insightful about the cryptocurrency market. Why it somehow still exists. Cryptocurrency Will Not Die.
Today, many cryptocurrencies are worth pennies compared to their peak prices. Yet we’re still reading headlines about Ponzi schemes and money laundering. In January, it was widely reported that the New Zealand exchange Cryptopia went dark after some $16 million was stolen. In March, a South Korean exchange, Bithumb, was reportedly hacked for $13 million. (Cryptopia did not disclose for this article the actual amount stolen. Bithumb did not respond to queries.) Then there’s the story of QuadrigaCX, a Canadian exchange that lost around $140 million after its co-founder died last December while traveling in India—weird because apparently he’d moved clients’ money into wallets that only he had the passwords to. Without those passwords, there was no way to access the crypto cash. That, after all, had always been the point. [The QuadrigaCX story coming here soon…because back to back stories on mega scam friendly crypto crap will be way too much!]
No commentary needed:
Please bookmark this site NOW. Whenever you talk with a climate denier, you will undeniably (pun intended) be faced with one of these “arguments” against it so you can be ready for the answer to shut them up pronto! How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic: Responses to the most common skeptical arguments on global warming.
I am just going to drop this here and not comment on it and let you guys figure it out… Exposed: China’s Operating Manuals for Mass Internment and Arrest by Algorithm.
Twitter mega thread after a reporter posts this: “One time as an intern covering a chili cookoff I mistakenly wrote that volunteers took 2 hour shits instead of shifts and it MADE IT TO PRINT. I lowkey cried but my editors laughed and hung up the clip in the office. Reporters, join me in sharing ur cringe, IT’S THE HOLIDAYS.” The responses are EPIC. Lol!!! And my fav was this one! You are welcome.
Ok, this is very touching! Man Gets Reunited With His 19-Year-Old Cat 7 Years After He Went Missing. Dude had moved from California to Ohio. I can’t believe how good the cat looks at 19 wow!
We are now entering BLOG BUZZ, a section for advanced hobbyists and veterans of this fast imploding hobby and also a section where I go on and on about some stuff that happens in my life because it helps me feel better about myself.
LATAM is leaving oneworld alliance in October 2020. So, hurry! Best LATAM Award Flights to Book on AA Miles or BA Avios Before It’s Too Late!
Just four credit card conversions in November. One was from my son. Changes are coming in January most likely…and this time I am going to stick with them lol.
Left glute still sore from my fall playing soccer last Monday. So no soccer game for me tonight. Without running I feel like a whale…as in…feeling like I gained 10 pounds over Thanksgiving!
This excerpt stood out for me in Mile Nerd‘s monthly post:
“…this niche hobby has always had an absurdly poor level of competition. When I was MileNerd-ing for all those years, I wasn’t exactly surrounded by professional writers. Anyone would have looked great compared to those shady twatwaffles who were shitting out their sales brochures disguised as blogs.” [Never heard the word twatwaffle before but I like it lol]
Speaking of writing quality, only Ingy (former TBB blog troll, now writing unleashing affiliate/referral links with every post at Pointchaser while getting paid per post because he needs the money as he sold first) can come up with such incredible uses of the English language such as “I attempting humor…” while selling to readers scammy mlm type links, boasting about his large stock portfolio (remind you of lying Donnie?) and how a stock mutual fund is better than parking cash in a savings account (insert wtf or smh here!) and, you know, malarkey comes to mind!
My blog has no malarkey! 🙂
And I leave you with this…
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Great cat story!
Last day to get 50% Google Fi credit if you buy a Pixel 4. The Wall Street Journal test of the transcription capabilities was eye-opening. The international power of Google Fi doesn’t need to be pushed here.
With all the sadness of lost Native American lands it sounds like Buzz will be the first to donate back his lands lived on those NA who lost it? We shall wait to follow your lead. Also George Carlin had a great bit on Climate Change. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BB0aFPXr4n4
and he has been dead for 20 years now
Not quite 20 years. Carlin died in 2008, which makes it only 11 years, plus or minus. I sure miss his humor.
Bronze! For the glory of Florence, Italy!
Oh, wow! Thanks for the epic Twitter Thread! Great!
What has been done to Native Americans is a tragedy and they are still being treated horribly in so many ways today. It’s a shame.
Don’t blame you if you throttle back, but I love every posting you send out! (Mile Nerd’s too, but yer my fave, George!)
Is it underwater yet? Or is that Venice? World is Ending!
Just checking to see if Ingy commented yet 🙂
Just as bad – harmful – are the screechers claiming the world is going to end in 12 years, we’re ALL going to drown from rising oceans, etc, etc, etc ad nauseam!
They’re indoctrinating an entire generation with hyperbolic BS!
Fortunately, there are some folks who not only believe the science but also attempt to fight the Al Gore/Leo DiCaprio//Greta/Occasional-Cortex extremists.
Here’s a good start:
Happy Monday
Sadly Ingy has not commented yet. You know, when you are back to blogging with real conversions on the line, you do not want to mess that up by spending time commenting on blogs. Because, you know, “It’s all about conversions!”.
I do not share the sometimes way over the top alarmist tone of the climate change proponents. But maybe it is done because only then we may see some action?
This Michael dude sure likes nuclear power. A lot. And is involved with Environmental Progress, a nuclear lobbying group. And advises foreign governments how to keep nuclear plants going and build new ones. Hmmm…
Shaking my head here…
I am drowning in DansDeals CyberMonday posts you guys…
We exist too! TBB Amazon Link.
Stroller for $750….. nobody needs to save $250 to spend that much money on a ducking stroller.
Waiting for the opportunity to affiliate link partner with Elon Musk so I can sell a ducking cybertruck and then retire to FIRE!
“twatwaffle” is a conjoining of gary’s nickname and favorite food
Say what?
WhatUTalkin Bout Willis?
When did his nickname before waffle?
When did his nickname become waffle?
I think Ramsey had something to do with it. Don’t forget he and Buzz were the guys who eliminated (shamed) Bloggers from posting TOILET BOWL PICTURES in trip reports. God Bless Them.
Started when he FREAKED OUT when United Airlines stopped serving Stroopwaffles for a while. That was his 9/11.
Nude-o-Scope Was my 9/11
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Ok I was just kiddin
Breaking: Gilbert was found at a Capital One Bank branch LOL!