We let you know how to get 50k miles with the United Mileage Plus Explorer Business Card, get all the details on the Discover Double Cashback promotion, get the latest on Hilton HHonors, explore the colossal Son Doong Cave, fly Easyjet, and fly over Cuba!
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This is going to be a short post, come on, it’s the weekend!
Going to be slowing down as we are getting ready for another adventure. As my business has grown and I am still running it with an amazing staff of one (me), it is getting increasingly difficult to get away to travel for extended periods of time. And a reason I stuck it to the man many years ago was to have a lifestyle practice and feed my endless urges to just get away from it all and get lost in a new place roaming the streets connecting with my inner soul in an endless search for the meaning of life, or whatever. My point was more business has led to the fact that it is cutting into my travel time and I have a problem with that. But not going to be stopped…I am going back to kick the ass of that Varufakis dude and save Greece from…itself. Screw that too, I am going to unwind in the last family vacation with our son who is starting college in the Fall.

The United Mileage Plus Explorer card for 50k United miles went back down to 30k. But the Business version of the card stuck around, this post by Miles to Memories has the details how to get it.
The Discover it double cashback promo is pretty awesome indeed. Miles to Memories has all the details again (no bribes were taken, come on, we may be Greek but we are not FIFA!). And current credit card holders can refer you and we both get $50. There is a way to generate a link to pimp it here but it is too late and am too tired to figure it out so email me please. The reason for mentioning this again was that I was able to sign up for the promotion by sending a message from my account to Discover. In the 2nd day after my email I received a reply that they enrolled me and I will save it just in case.
Apparently, Hilton is giving free wife, sorry free wifi, to all Hilton HHonors members and Hilton unilaterally decided to extend the latest Double Points promotion all the way to August 31st, no need to reenroll! (HT The Gate).
Ok, I said I was going to keep this short but here I go again….Ok, just a few more interesting links, get out and grill something!
Ok, a MUST click. Explore the colossal Son Doong Cave, the world’s largest cave in Vietnam. Just don’t get lost in it all right? (By National Geographic). I lost count how many times I said Wow!
All right, lets keep it light…really light I mean! The 10 most annoying people you encounter on an EasyJet flight, hilarious!
All right, one more, this is it, the final one before we wrap up this post late Saturday night!
Aerial photos of Cuba! Hey, the guy fought for over two years for permission from the Cuba government to allow him to do this and the results are stunning!

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All right, for a final laugh…

As the kids say, yeet!
I just studied that video more than the Zapruder/Kennedy film frame by frame. Look at the reactions of the flight attendant and the person at the window. That there is funny, I would have loved a passenger like that on one of my flights, would have given him a free drink.
Buzz you mentioned that you gave you son $100 bucks for Graduation. I believe I did somewhat the same for my twins in 07……But my story here is about why it sometimes sucks to raise your kids in a really nice neighborhood. Too many people with too much money and no values. Here’s why………while exiting our boys grad in 07 with the other parents of the 350 graduating students, we are all greeted with a giant banner that read Congratulations Natalie hung over a 50k cream white Cadillac Escalade. I guess they couldn’t of just given it to her at home, they had to shove it down all our throats too. You might have seen this girl Natalie on ESPN TV bloopers with the former Piston/Trailblazer basketball coach Mo Cheeks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sin9M9boANo true story…..
What? I do remember that girl and Mo Cheeks…are you saying that SHE was the one that got a new Cadillac at graduation? That is just awful!! In front of all the others, omg how douche baggy is that! I definitely agree with you on this. We moved to a “better” area for the schools before son started sixth grade so I definitely understand where you are coming from. Regarding the car, one of his arguments was (shot down repeatedly) “so and so got a brand new car”…Told him it’s the 2001 Camry with the 200k miles or it’s your bicycle 🙂
Ramsey, are you sure it was one and the same? Read the first paragraph of this http://www.oregonlive.com/sports/oregonian/john_canzano/index.ssf/2009/04/all_grown_up_just_like_the_bla.html
If both stories are true, then we are talking about an ENORMOUS DOWNGRADE from the Escalade.