We show you how to get 50k miles for the United Mileage Plus Explorer card, observe some wrong trends, learn of the best use of Club Carlson points after their nuclear detonation, learn what we can do with Hertz points, learn of this new Gift Card Wiki site, go on some epic road trips, fly over Mont Blanc and go way out there with Hubble.
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Personal United Mileage Plus Explorer at 50k for some Running With Miles shows you to get it.
Trending the Wrong Way by Mile Nerd. Some not so good developments you should be aware of…regarding approvals by Chase and Bank of America and gift card fraud.
The New Best Use of Club Carlson points by Travel Is Free. Some good reminders here but nothing earth shattering if you have not blown your points and moved on…
Best Use of Hertz Points by Travel is Free. Another fantastic guide from the best blog in the miles/points land. So, take a break from me (ha) and click his links!
Gift Card Wiki is the best gift card resale comparison site according to Miles To Memories. I don’t get into this as I am so busy pumping my links (ha) but some of you may find this useful.
American Airlines will start a LAX-Sydeny flight in December. I like it.
15 Epic Road Trips Around the World. Awesome infographic. I have done just three #facepalm
33,000 Feet Above Mont Blanc. The views are amazing in this video by The Adventure Blog.
10 Amazing Aerial Highlights from the 2015 Nat Geo Traveler Photo Contest Words do not begin to descr…

Mind-boggling images from 25 years of the Hubble Telescope by Mashable. Mind-boggling indeed!

Pants on Fire: 10 Big Lies in the Financial Services Industry by Pragmatic Capitalism This is a fantastic post!
Stern Advice: Peak 30-something by Reuters Good advice here as well.

Cleveland Cavs, all of them, are playing out of their freaking mind in the NBA Finals, wow!
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First first in a while.
Second. Better me than the Cavs.
SIMPLY another GLUTEN FREE HANDCRAFTED ARTISAN POST. YOU ARE THE ”Rich Media” high ”Viewability” ”Thought Leader”AND ”Media Agnostic” ON ”The Internet of Things” USING ”Engagement Marketing”, ”Customer-centricity”and ”Brand Storytelling” TO FIGHT ”Click Fraud” BY PROMOTING ”Deep Linking””Omnichannel Retailing” WITHOUT USING ”Neuromorphics” now send the“Millennials” who love ”Big Data” a “SELFIE”.
Interesting link Ramsey.
I need to pack and here I am in WordPress and over on Twitter…WTF!!
Good Trip to you Buzz, don’t forget the entire free world is counting on you to fix this mess.
Have a great time!! And Ramsey’s right – it would be great if you could single-handedly fix Greece. Give it a try and you’ll be the World’s Titan. Me, I’m going to check out the Centurion at DFW this weekend, so I gotta pack too!
Don’t forget to get your application form in for a job with TPG, Buzz.
It seems he can’t afford much furniture at the moment which is odd given the commissions he gets – http://thepointsguy.com/2015/06/tpg-points-and-miles-jobs/
Buzz, this is your opportunity for undercover journalism.Write the book version of your blog, but actually filled with “facts”. It’ll be on par with Günter Wallraff’s work AND you’ll actually make good money.
My 3 favorite cards, CSP, CSP and CSP. Why? The card makes me feel hard.
“The card makes me feel hard”
The mes in Greece is a product 40 years in the making. It won’t be fixed anytime soon. First, the people must change and as you are seeing…this is not happening.
I am getting some euros from a German ATM before flying there…just in case 🙂