We bring you a United MileagePlus profile, the latest on AMEX upgrades, an awesome Spitfire story, register for the latest SPG Promo, a wonderful story about aviation industry workers living in an airport parking lot, another devaluation by Citibank, why we do stupid things research, look at awesome nature photographs and awesome buildings, watch weirdos in movies and more!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
Profile of United MileagePlus. As long it is a plus and not a minus…
Register now for the latest Starwood SPG promotion “SPG More For You“.
Who is counting anymore? Another Stealth Devaluation: Citi Limits ThankYou Points Transfers
Everything You Want To Know About American Express Upgrade Offers. In general, get them but don’t get them if you have not had the card you are upgrading to before.
What a wonderful movie about an airport parking lot that has become an improvised village full of airport industry people. Many suffering from AIDS=Aviation Industry Divorce Syndrome. It is a little sad watching this…Lets see how many HTs this gets. How is this site going to have higher Alexa rankings without back links, come on you bloggers! 🙂
This is a wonderful post about how a Spitfire was discovered and reconstructed. Must click if you like aviation stuff. Not going to trick you with Momondo-like sneaky affiliate links like “expert” Titan bloggers…
Why we do stupid things. Finally, some research behind this! One is the “wanting” kind of pleasure, the thrill of the chase. As in TBB, ever since Mile Nerd got an offer, I am blogging away chasing a bigger one. Relax, I am joking! The second one involves deprivation, suppression and obsession; sure explains my fascination with tacos! And finally, it’s the “what the hell? effect which perfectly explains what happens when I decide to just have one scoop of ice cream at home…#embarrassing
Guy robs a bank on purpose to get away from his wife. Reason? She said “he had become angry when she reminded him that the clothes dryer needed to be repaired”. Only in Kansas! Expecting The Points Guy to do a post with the 5 credit cards for a Kansas City based traveler that consists of the cards that pay the highest commission…again!
This is your must read personal finance post of the day: Ignore Forecasts – They’re usually wrong. Yes, please. Ignore them! Goes for bloggers too!
2016 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year Contest.

The best designed buildings in the US. Wow, some of these are so awesome!

I like movies. And I like weird. So, when I came across this collection of Best Supporting Weirdo I knew I had to share, how brilliant!
And I leave you with this…Me reacting to my Alexa rankings? Bwahahahahhaha! Feel free to overheat me like Hillary, Rick I./Ingy hates it when that happens 🙂
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Hey, how’s it going?
plane2port, coming out of nowhere after a long absence, to claim gold. Or probably coming out after a cruise?
So much silver in my hair now – and my little one still isn’t a teen!
Aleppo from the ground from the BBC (#sadsadsad):
What is Aleppo? #beingLibertarian
Bronzy Bronze Bronzino
I can’t think of a way to top this so I will just say hi.
Cat videos. George. Lot of money to be made with cat videos.
15 years with Fluffy and I think I have two videos only…Missed that boat too!
Maybe “Rick I” should lecture the bank robber and his wife on not being such “angrys”!?
If you have nothing good to say….read a blog you hate every day, check its Alexa rankings continuously and comment away talking non sense…
Now excuse me I need to do something…for charity lol.
$50 for Amex Robocall Class Action Lawsuit:
Last flight of the day AUS-EWR and a titan gets downgraded from first to a coach middle seat
He ended up booking Jet Blue in coach
Oh, the humanity!!
I ve been seeing his ridiculous tweets…and they call ME a whiner? WTF!!!