We go over the benefits of United Platinum Status vs Gold, shake our heads with the Hyatt Diamond match fiasco, visit Changi Airport & a lot more for YOU!
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We are baaaaack with the regular Buzzy posts you have come to expect here catching you up with the Best around the blogosphere while going into holiday mode now…
This is a must read post: “Help, I’m Addicted to Frequent-Flier Miles“. Shows the ridiculousness of it all trying to justify…doing these things for that elusive upgrade. (HT to MilesPointsReselling)
MilesCards ponders if United Platinum Status is worth it vs. Gold Franky, if you are not a road warrior because your job dictates it, spending extra to make the higher level status is idiotic. But hey, this is just MY opinion. Things have changed you know.
The Free-quent Flyer shares his Hyatt Gold Passport Diamond tier match experience. Unbelievably, it appears there are still variations going on! This is NOT the way to run promotions, Hyatt has left a very sour taste for all, somebody take them out (please no Marriott or Accor, enough!). Useless prediction for 2016: IHG will take them out.
The Ultimate Movie Theater Discount Hacking Guide. Excellent post at Money Metagame.
In this episode of FUEL, we head to new heights following professional rock climber Alex Honnold, whose jaw-dropping, free-solo climbs (no ropes) have cemented him as one of the most revered and respected climbers in the world. Absolutely breath taking video of this phenomenon. Every time I see his stuff I think next time I will have the word RIP in the same sentence! Thanks to TBB reader harvson3 for bringing this to my attention. I am a fan!
This is out of left field but it just made a heck of an impression at me. And it is my blog so here it is: “Why has the world stockpiled enough cotton for 127 billion T-shirts?“. It is China…holy crap, that is a heck of a lot of cotton…just…sitting…there!
The Dangers of Being Focused. Fantastic short piece at Pragmatic Capitalism! Especially loved this: “…one thing is consistent across the rise and fall of market gurus. If they’re not properly diversified they often live by concentrated risk and die by concentrated risk. Given the dynamism of risk and the cyclical nature of the financial markets, this shows why it can be very dangerous to get too hung up on one guru’s ideas.”

Singapore’s Changi Airport is the best. Click the link to find out, you won’t believe what you will discover!

Broadband speeds by country. Dang you Comcast…

And I leave you with this…

Blog action is drying up and exhausting material for Buzz posts…meaning they may get shorter or we may add a few repeat posts here from the past over the holidays. Thank you for your understanding.
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Back where you belong!
#16 in internet speed, but FIRST where it really counts!
It’s okay…
Two Ways To Get The Chase United MileagePlus Explorer Visa 55,000 Miles Offer
Hyatt didn’t leave me with a sour taste! They matched my IHG Platinum on the first day (which I have thanks to the IHG credit card), and I was able to use my Hyatt Diamond to match to Hilton Diamond! I’m glad Hyatt made it tougher later, because I don’t want them to dilute my hard-earned status 🙂
I got in 3h after it was first announced. They did not match against my IHG platinum super status. Unlike Hilton, Hyatt does not know who I am.
I got in it fast too and, please allow to facepalm myself, I gave them my Fairmont Platinum status proof because I thought giving IHG Platinum or Hilton Gold would be a joke…only to be denied. Tried again and these guys were just making stuff up. It took one try with Hilton. So I booked the Conrad in Tokyo 🙂
LATVIA beat us out on internet speed??? It is Obama and Hillary’s fault! Pathetic, Rosie O’Donnel could run the country better. I will make the internet great again……………..I had no problem getting HHonors and Hyatt to match, why didn’t you? Are you here legally Buzz?
I am here legally yes lol.
Je Suis Steve Harvey 🙂
The Colombian community in Costa Rica is screaming discrimination, racial epithets, and blaming it ALL on Trump. Yes, I know, he sold his share of the pageant months ago — never let the facts impede a good rant.
Hmm, sounds like someone I know running for Presidente. Actually, MORE than ONE… 😉
HEY BUZZZ…Did “The Rock”, actor Dwayne Johnson marry Bruce (whatever the hell he is calling himself now) Jenner? ……Looks like it to me……
I have a funny pic about him in the queue!
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