It is time to review the TBB “Blogs I like” list again. Notice the I, meaning this is my own list. Your mileage may vary. And please do not feed trolls for crying out loud, thank you!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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I have given myself the title of blog critic. Heck, I’ve been reading these blogs since they started and I have been around for a couple of decades in this crazy hobby. I thought it was time for a blog like this because sure as hell cyberspace did not need another blog telling you how to fly for free by clicking (insert affiliate links) credit cards!
TBB blog mission has been since Day 1 to Entertain, Educate and Inspire. The blog lists I maintain tend to fall in the education part primarily and inspiration secondarily. My hope is to educate readers which blogs I find worthy to read if you really want to learn about how to maximize your travel experience and get smarter by learning the right way. Perhaps try to inspire some blogs to get better at their craft to continue to add value to their readers’ lives FIRST.
I speak my mind and this has created a few enemies. It is okay, I am obviously not doing this for the money. I am doing it because I truly care about this crazy hobby addiction and I have a sense of obligation to help others because I grew up with a “Do the right thing” philosophy since, well, birth! Plus what am I going to do if I don’t interact with you guys, my life would be so incomplete lol. This blog does not exist to pump the newbie masses to oblivion with plastic! If you do not like what you read here perhaps you should have your head examined…unless you are a blog critic lol.
So here are some of the things that popped into my head below after Update: You can rest assured no bank approved or vetoed anything hehe!
First, a message:

Consistent production of helpful content focusing on banking/credit card products. Update: If there is one blog that is closer to be upgraded to the Love list, this is the one!
Consistent production of good content with great variety including family travel. Does an excellent job of keeping readers informed about, well, most everything they need to be informed about. Update: Having babies does not help blog content. Of course having babies is more than cool and blog quality is expected to be affected. If the time devoted to writing for Frequent Miler was instead spent on this blog I may have felt differently because the talent is here. In having a blog that provides a good balance of news/deals and travel content.
A natural in the blogging world! Original posts almost daily while most other bloggers repeat themselves. And you know your eye sockets will NOT be assaulted by marketing pitches. Update: Added The Devil’s Advocate and the previous blogger as writers. Good choices for writers. But this added some commercial feel to the operation and just lost a bit of its appeal to me. In addition, the continued death of our “deals” has also contributed to this blog not being as a must read any longer. It is a must read for me, I only deleted the Blogs To Ignore from my blog reading addiction…because life is too short to be pumped. FM still has probably the best affiliate pumping policy, which is basically, no pumping at all and that should be the gold standard. Definitely an outlier in this space.
Prolific blogger living somewhere in Asia. Breaks lots of royalty related news and finds details in program changes before the next blogger notices. Deserves a lot more recognition imho. Update: Nothing to update.
Matt slowly building a blog network. Posts with original thinking. Love the travel related posts, not all personal finance related posts but can sure appreciate a different view. Watch them, it appears unique and quality content is high on the priority list here. Update: Whatzup with bloggers having babies lately? Quantity has been reduced. The original thinking is still there. Doing really good things with the network, quality is still highly valued.
Well, the most miles on the less amount of time possible and he means it. And about twice a year he will go on an epic rant which is just a beautiful thing! Update: Nothing to update. Want more rants, they are beautiful!
Very well written and mostly original content. Not very frequent posting but when it comes it is really good usually. Now a full time blogger…Update: The frequency appears to be less…
You always find something different/original here. Always trying hard to educate readers and add value. I may not read every post but I usually find good stuff here. Update: There were some regular writers here but they appear they have moved on. Sad to see this happening but oh I so understand it!
Travel maniac. Likes to go to obscure countries. Has been to North Korea twice! Since most of us got in this hobby to travel you will probably enjoy some of his posts on the trips he takes, I do. He also has good knowledge of miles/points stuff and tries to post original content. Update: Traveling has not slowed down but posting has a little. Really like the weekly summaries.
Excellent coverage of hotels and their royalty programs. Update: What has happened in the past month or so? It appears this blog has changed focus to so much airline deals content! I wonder if the Boarding Area ad revenue drop is causing this to happen? Ric amigo why?
Blogs and has developed many techie tools for this hobby. I always like to read his points of view which tends to be unique. Not afraid to follow any line or call something what he thinks it is. I appreciate this direct approach! Update: Looks like Hotel Hustle may be a hit. Way too data and aviation geek focused for my personal taste.
The blog tagline is: “Exploring the bizarre, the macabre & other secret wonders of the world”. And he does that very well, always interesting posts. For example, check out the post on smoking weed in North Korea on September 29, 2013! Update: Same, developing a really good brand!
If you are in Britain you must be a reader. Posts frequently. Sometimes there is a gem. Always a good resource to ask UK/Europe questions. Update: Same.
Blog focusing on birding and eco tourism. Blogger knows a lot about miles too. You will not come here for a trip report featuring flat beds in First Class. Update: Same
I like the originality of the content and refreshing way to approach the miles/points hobby. The blog has developed a great repository of content all tied together in a unique way & lingo. Great addition to improve/add to the hobby, unlike so so many new blogs that keep popping up that offer, well, not much at all! Posting has slowed down. Update: Posting has slowed down more!
Short, concise, educational and just plain fun to read. Special bent towards (personal) finance aspects of this hobby addiction. Update: Posting has slowed down. But quality has not and is the writer with the second best taste of humor in the blogosphere. You know who is numero uno 🙂 In my own mind anyway bwahahaha!
Original frequent content. Broke several big stories in this space. Puts reader first like most on this list. You can learn here. Update: Same.
Incredible links to incredible adventure-ish videos. I have lost count how many times I have said WOW watching some of the videos that appear here! Update: Same.
The blogs appearing here is what I like to read myself! It is MY OWN opinion only!
Not in order of importance.
Chronology of list changes:
December 2013: Added Milenomics
February 2014: Added PF Digest
April 2014: Added The Free-quent Flyer
May 2014: Deleted View from the Wing
May 2014: Elevated Travel is Free to Blogs I Love
August 2014: Moved Frequent Miler from Blogs I Love. Added The Adventure Blog. Deleted DansDeals and The Blog of Francesco Mugnai
October 2014: Added Miles to Memories. Deleted WorldGeography(not updating)
December 2014: Added Doctor of Credit
April 2015: Deleted Lenticular Travel (not updating) and The Blonde Gypsy for lack of posting
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Update: First
Thanks for continuously assembling your lists. It’s like in high school when we got lists of epic books to read over the summer. Except now I read them.
So you like all of the blogs in the Saverocity network? Or just some of them? Which ones? Or are you just treating all of the Saverocity blogs as just one blog and saying you like it?
What’s not to love about all of the Saverocity logs?!
All of them? That’s funny.
Nothing personal against any blogger out there but this space would have been lot, lot better if only the above blogs along with your Love list existed. Just dreaming how much better this space would be. I am a good in dreaming and I love my dreams 😉 By the way, what do you think about Lazytravellers blog? I thought Andy has knowledge, originality, excellent writing skills and humor but is not getting the attention he deserves. Also how about trying to add some good family travel blogs. Most of your love and like list seem to be for singles or those without kids. I felt “miles for family” blog seems to be good in that space. Just my 2 cents. I know you would want to keep these as “your” lists.
Typing this from a Buffalo Wings place somewhere near Findlay OH. Or maybe it’s Bowling Green. Just booked me a night at a Country Inns and Suites for the bonus points with my Arrival card after linking there from Top Cash Back so it will be a good haul 🙂
The comments on the “Saverocity” blog up there pertains to Matt’s blog only. As you can tell, other Saverocity network blogs are well represented in this list. I always found “Matt Saverocity” and the individual blogs in the network now that they have grown in numbers to be a little confusing!
Kumar: We can only dream 🙂 Andy needs to find that consistency, he obviously knows his stuff! That Handbook in the title just does not fit a blog name. He is on the radar and so is Grant….And several on the list above are on their way out, just frequency has dropped substantially or dropping…I have not found a family blog that is worthy to me to appear on the list. Obviously consistency and quality of course is important. Keeping up a blog is EXTREMELY hard that most non bloggers do not comprehend. You only do so AFTER you start blogging yourself. So give them all a hand for…showing up!
And now I need to find this Country Inn and Suites, I called ahead to hold that suite for me because I am Gold and I so deserve it lol
Have you checked out Le Chic Geek yet? =D #shamelesspromotion #notmyblog
Hi George, glad to see I am still on the list! LOL I have actually been in a first class suite if you count the TK wet-leased planes from Jet Airways but they stopped doing it last year. They were operating the BKK-IST route. I’ll try to find some angry birds in my present location (check the IP)!