TBB going intensely personal due to therapist’s orders. You can skip, go on and play outside!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
You can support TBB by applying for CREDIT CARDS, please consider doing your shopping with our AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK and clicking/forwarding any of our REFERRAL LINKS. Or click on the Amazon Banner on the right side, thank YOU!
First, some blogosphere news: Looks like First2Board.org closed its doors? Or temporarily down? I could do a whole post on that but who has time? π (HT: C.B)
Comcast has killed my internet access at home so I went to my second office (Panera) to just make this post because why not? It is Saturday, not much happens and at this point in my life I do what I want. Actually, I have been doing that for a while lol.
What follows is a post about nothing, just voices in my head. My therapist says to let it all out because it makes me fell better. She is rightΒ π
Let’s get some things straight. I am becoming a little bored with TBB, the online blogging world and The Hobby in general. This started as an experiment to see if I can do this and gave myself three months. Here we are almost three years later and I am still at it! Lets just say I don’t have much else to prove that I can blog and create/keep a following.
This blog was never about becoming a commercial success. Actually, the revenue that has come in to date has surpassed my wildest imaginations and I thank everyone of you who took ACTION to support it!
I would LOVE it if you all supported smaller blogs who have some passion for what we do instead of the mega pumping bloggers who masquerade as “experts” and pump their readers mercilessly with credit card sales! Don’t pick mine, just let us know you supported a blog that deserved it so you can keep them going! Prove that you do not have to become a ridiculous pumping whore promoting the credit card of the day (you can substitute this with the CSP card lol). Without this support these worthy bloggers give up.
I have enjoyed every minute I have spent on my blog. I know it has made a difference to more people than I ever dreamed of! I am always for quality instead of quantity!
Seeing a day without a single click is not so enjoyable but hey, you can’t have everything in life I suppose. What I LOVE is interacting with you! What I also really enjoy though is seeing Titans posting here in the comments. Well, actually there has only been one since the inception of this blog who has been totally fascinated with my blog, talk about creating devoted readers! The number 1 fan of this blog, Rick I or Ingy or the founder of Frugal Travel Guy, who I finally got him to come out and show me the love once again.
You have no idea how much I enjoy reading his comments, shake my head while yelling WTFs πΒ I mean, he pretty much lays out for you who NOT to support. Thank you. Sadly, I did not get an update on my declining Alexa rankings. He is so obsessed with my blog that he is the only one checking them lol. And TBB is about entertainment and it would not be the same without him, just wished he visited more often, traffic shoots through the roof here when that happens!
I am finding myself stagnating. My day business keeps growing and I have pretty much stopped adding new clients. I have been doing it for so long that I am a little bored by it, therefore TBB came to my life. My next big goal was to be completely debt free before age 50 and I will be doing that before 49 rolls around eliminating my biggest expense. And I feel our hobby is dying, so much has changed over the last twenty years. I need me to find the next big challenge…
I always wanted to write a book. Or e-book. Or finally perhaps start a new personal finance blog? I am a bit of a perfectionist that if I decide to do something I am going 100% in. Or focus more on writing for the Wall Street Journal which I have neglected lately so I can TBB for Amazon clicks. Lol. When I type lol you bet I am laughing. Hard. No joke! I love TBB for the lols alone, the rest is just gravy, woohoo! TBB was always my little fun project on the side to keep me amused, busy and out of trouble.
I need to find a younger tech savvy person who is passionate about personal financial planning, hard worker, willing to learn, has empathy and is good with people and tech stuff so I can train him/her to eventually take over my business while I blog and write more to help more people and (this is important) go on trips that last a long long time. No conventional 9 to 5 job, not that I had any since the late 90s. I was working out of coffee shops before it became fashionable! I promise you it will be FUN. Why do something that is not fun, we only live once! If you know of such a person who has local Michigan ties please let me know.
I need to update the TBB lists. It’s coming. Some day. As is the email list. So is that trip report from the Hong Kong trip and the glorious summer trip to Greece. Or maybe I run out of gas. Or maybe I am just burned out lately and need a vacation lol.
This blog has no ads. Because I care for your eyes!
Having no internet access at home just blows!
I should go to the gym. I had tacos today.
I am also thinking of stopping the present TBB format of curating the best stuff on the Internet for you and go mega ranting once a week. Or just shut it down completely but what am I going to do with all this extra time? Or something. Oh the joys of having so many choices in life after making good choices all these years AND (this is important) having fun along the way.
Or maybe take a break, I plan to take a break over the holidays like Mile Nerd does.
I can’t believe I am nearing 50 and I can not wait do catch-up contributions to my retirement accounts bwahahaha. Maybe if I never saved 50% of the household income I would not have these thoughts because I would be so busy busting my ass to keep things afloat. Why is life so hard? I am joking. My site is a joke. Maybe I am giving up becoming a Titan? I don’t know, I am just typing what’s in my head.
There is a reason why bloggers like Point Princess and Just Another Points Traveler have changed their website names to their names, CarolineLupini and AngelinaTravels. Notice how both had “points” in them. We are all our own brand. And TBB is this no BS guy who is a certified miles addict, loves to travel, always joking and provoking, and credibility and integrity is his middle name. Holy crap, that is a hell of a middle name to add before his last name lol. Hmm, just re read this. I like that, joking and provoking, just made that up!
This was not written under the influence of any substances. Cough.
Any suggestions/feedback/comments/insults are welcomed. No guest writing proposals please, I am good. If you like to post a very interesting trip report to places we have not seen (that means no Hyatts!) please let me know. You can put it on your resume. “Guest writer at TBB”. Wow! π
It’s time to make some decisions.
Thanks for listening/reading and your support.
And I leave you with this…

One final message to leave you with is:
Thank you for making TBB a part of your life, I am honored! Help bloggers you appreciate & make a positive difference in your life by spreading the word about their blogs, emailing and commenting and using their few $ links.
Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs To Ignore
Follow me on Twitter @ FlyerTalkerinA2 and add TBB on Google+
First time first?
Or second?
Thank you for this post. I hope it was cathartic for you, just a little bit, it’s always a pleasure to read your off the cuff, say it like you mean it, truthful thought train blog. Take a break over the holidays, if you want, do it. I think there is space out there for your blog, it does fill a good niche for people who still enjoy our hobby but sick and tired of run of the mill credit affiliate blogs. Thank you for being around, I truly enjoy it.
Go Amazing Mets!
To clarify, you are only first. Only one medal, you can’t have two π
Yes, it was cathartic indeed. Feel much better already. This blogging thing can mess with your brain, like the miles game lol.
Leaning towards making my posts shorter. Which will likely be a prelude to stopping daily posting.
#evolving #nonstop
Thanks for the kind words as always.
If you ever wanted to post something here, it would be an honor. Give you a stock tip in return? That was a joke…the stock tip I mean π
Buzz you sure don’t need to defend or justify yourself, you are providing an awesome service to mankind and points noobs.
Did I mention, this and FT are the only sites I check daily.
Curated metablog, that’s a good way to describe this.
Ehhh, BB bounced back an authorized ck on me, what a hassle. Something about the payee’s name not being in the “memo” line, rather a comment as to the nature of the expense. Spent way too long getting it straightened out and had a goodly measure of frustration. That sort of thing is what makes me a little wary of getting too many cc’s, just the little hassles that can throw a wrench in the works. Cost me ten bucks as AE paid only 25 on the returned check fee and not the 35 the stupid bank charged on it.
We need you, don’t get bored and quit ! ! !
Getting tangled in customer service hell is another feature of this hobby that does not get much play….because, it does not help in selling plastic. Then again, I am not sure what is worse, reps at BB or Comcast!
Thanks for the kind words and the support.
i ‘ve been helping a UofM student how to get into the hobby very carefully who just booked his first trip with miles. Only to tell me he applied for the cards on the TPG site. Fuckingunbelievable! #shootme
We all would love if you went on a mega rant once a week!
The Hobby may be dying, but most of us will still be traveling long after it’s gone. There will still be travel blogs to condemn or condone. You won’t have to rebrand!
Thanks for the feedback on the rant feature. You know I REALLY enjoy unloading once in a while, it is cathartic, therapist recommended as well π
I need to travel more, that is a life goal I must do. This post was a disguised job opening description to get help so it will allow me to travel more haha.
Or maybe I am nearing my mid life crisis since I skipped the one crossing 40!
It’s posts like these that make me coming back to read your blog! Just keep on going and enjoy your weekend!
Thank you. With support like this the advertisers will soon knock on my doors. Oh wait…
That would be a really great clickbait giveaway, your business!
It sure would be π
Seriously, been looking for that awesome person who fit all that criteria to bring aboard so I will have more time to travel and TBBon π
Per Doctor of Credit: Citi Prestige In-Branch Offer Changes, 50k Bonus + $350 Annual Fee
If you wish, the regular 50k with $450 offer is available with TBB’s links, just fyi. Click on the banner and then keep clicking on “Show More Results” or click on “CARD TYPE” on top and then on “Citi”
ATTENTION PUBLIC ……..SAFETY ANNOUNCEMENT ……. OLD MAN INGY has escaped again, this time with a laptop computer…….all he is wearing is a white hospital gown and no underwear. Keeps mumbling “must get TBB, must get TBB.” He is unarmed and dangerous only to himself. For more information contact Dr. Pallazzo in the Labotamy Patient Unit.
Update….he is wearing that hospital gown backwards (with the opening in front). Appears to be uncircumcised…….Shield your eyes…. Warning!!! HIGHLY DISGUSTING!
The gif tomorrow was inspired by my #1 trolling fan.
Sorry for the nightmares in advance.
But everyone will love the pic about the best credit card preceding it.
Hey, you know who you are, I am sorry to disappoint you it is NOT that Hawaiian card lol.
Happy Halloween!
You should train up FQF. Not kidding.
We’ll probably start drinking and MSing π
Warning: Tomorrow’s post will involve dildos, aliens, storytelling, poseurs and penguins. And a gif that will give you nightmares!
I love your blog. I’ve never commented, but I find it’s a great tonic to the constant pumping of the BA crew.
Once you’ve read all the FT threads, learned most of the MS techniques, what is it all about?
For me, it’s seeing awesome places that I otherwise couldn’t afford. I truly love the travel part of miles and points travel. While I enjoy the journeys (first/biz class travel), I love the destinations I can visit. That’s why I appreciate the links you share with great photos and destinations.
Keep it up, if you have time. I love the content.
Thanks for the feedback and taking the time to comment.