The weekly TBB Blog Buzz below is intended to be satire only. If you don’t like it because you are the subject of the satire you do not have to read it and you are equally welcome to satirize TBB. Actually, we encourage you to do it so you can make us laugh even more. We don’t think we are God’s gift to humanity as some of you bloggers surely think you are!
New readers and readers not well versed in the miles points blogs are highly encouraged to skip this post because you will not understand the inside jokes!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
You can support TBB by applying for CREDIT CARDS, please consider doing your shopping with our Amazon affiliate link and clicking/forwarding any of our Referral Links. Or click on the Amazon Banner on the right, thank YOU!
As you know I may have a problem. I do not like to pump my readers to oblivion and I certainly do not like businessmen posing as “experts” pumping their unsuspecting/gullible readers non stop trying to sell them the same credit cards relentlessly. After f0llowing this space for a while these egregious practices just jump out at me and make me scream unimaginable words. I am a really mellow easy going guy but I have developed this TBB persona as THE main blog critic of this space…which just happened to be my hobby by the way and I do have a certain passion for it cough!
My blog is a form of self expression and I exercise it fully without thinking too much of the consequences (which include a bunch of bloggers who hate me, lawsuit threats, low Alexa rankings (LOL), hurting monetization avenues…a lot!, etc). Sometimes I sit back and think to myself “TBB, you are such an idiot, if you toned it down and started pumping plastic you could make a lot of money!”. Which is true but, like I said, if I did that what kind of blog critic would I be? I could be like all the other bloggers who try to be nice to each other all the time and help each other in this blog brotherhood zone and slowly turn into a pumper myself. World knows my little hobby does not need yet another blog showing mostly newbies how to earn miles and pump them with plastic!
I am trying to reduce my time devoted to TBB…I need to try harder! I am not doing very well I am afraid…
Anyways, I review blogs. I speak my mind. Always in an entertaining manner or at least trying. In a place dominated by so much plastic money I think my presence is constructive and maybe, just maybe, I am influencing some practices to improve. I want TBB to be the SNL of miles/points blogs. #JeSuisTBB!
Now buckle up for a ride through so much pumping you will be exhausted by the time you finish reading this. If you are exhausted reading it, just imaging how exhausted I am ^%$#@!
These are in reverse chronological order for the past week, we start with last Sunday all the way to Saturday at midnight:
What Credit Card Should I Get for Award Flights to England? – The Points Guy It’s Sunday morning and the selling has begun! Shockingly, we get only one recommendation, the US Airways card. It is usually a couple of dozen (thank templates!).
How Can I Earn Starwood Preferred Guest Starpoints Quickly? – The Credit Card Guy I am sooooo glad you asked. Enter amexspg template, boom!
If I Cancel My Chase Card, What Should I Do with My Points? – The Pump Guy These three questions appeared last Sunday morning. Sunday mornings is when bloggers answer reader “questions”. Amazing all the questions picked revolve around merchandise the blogs are selling, just amazing! Freedom, Sapphire Preferred, Ink Plus, ca-ching!
How Should I Fly from the US to Hong Kong Using Miles? – The Bank Guy The answer is? US Airways credit card! Shockingly, no other cards were sold. Business must be good I guess.
Can You Get Cash Back on an Existing Hotel Reservation? – Million Mile Secrets We like to diversify our revenue streams so with this post we would like to pump the hell out of our Top Cash Back referral link. Every post these days has at least a dozen afilliate links like this one. It is like a sea of blue. Nice job ghost writer!
Which Credit Card Earns the Most Points for Hilton Stays? – Million Mile Cards Yep, still Sunday morning. Must be a Titan thing to “pick” reader questions that are like layups for you know what. The reader asked about the Virgin Atlantic credit card and the ghost writer following orders responds with “click on all our Hilton credit cards”. 5 comments ignored, must take time away from maximizing revenues!
Our $27,000 Vacation to the Maldives for ~$4,300 & How You Can Do It Too: Part 7 – Saving ~88% on a ~$3,000 per Night Overwater Bungalow – Million Mile BoringTripReports Oh God please. Only part 7, not sure I can make it till the end! This is how Titans write click-bait headlines, take notes you amateur bloggers! I almost started beating myself up with such passionate writing “My mom was glowing“, “There was a flat screen TV...”, “the bathroom was very luxurious”, “Somebody Pinch us” and of course the one section you always get “How You Can Do It Too!”. Why do I read such crap? I am doing it all so YOU don’t have to! I guess I will never be a Titan.
Rick’s Picks: Cleaning Out My Wallet – Frugal Travel Guy Hey, wait a minute! I thought Rick was out of it over at FTG as of 12/31/2014. I guess not so we get another post which is yet another excuse to pump more credit cards to the readers of this blog who probably stil have not figured it out…And look at that, 6 comments! This must be an FTG record!
Here’s How to Know If You Can Get All the Big Mileages Bonuses for Business Cards – View From The Wing Hey, time to sell again. This blogger says he blogs for himself. Should add for himself and his wallet. Hey, YOU can have a business too! How come the question about churning was not answered? 🙂
Delta Million Miler And Starwood Platinum Status – My Goal This Year – Points Miles & Martinis Let’s get something straight about this Boarding Area blog that apparently belongs in the main page and not in the secondary Prior2Board area. One of those blogs (Miles To Memories) apparently was deemed worthy enough to graduate to the main Boarding Area page he says it is full of fantastic bloggers. Exsqueeze me? If PM&M is a fantastic blog I am going to be the next cover of ESPN! Anyways, let’s get back on the “content” of the blog post. Just another excuse to pump some cards, we don’t give a crap about your plan for Delta status. Do you guys ever post anything that does not involve you getting paid and/or cut and paste stuff? I just can’t believe it’s not butter this blog has direct Chase links!!! And OMG, I think I saw a few comments for the first time!

Hot Deal: Staples $30 Off $150 When Use Visa Checkout = Big Savings! – Points Miles & Affiliate Links Deals you see elsewhere and they are only here because they want you to click on their Staples affiliate link so they can make more money. This blog never clearly discloses that they get compensated by every click that appears here pretty much. And why there are no affiliate links for Martinis ever? Come on, get on with the “fantastic” blogs you guys!
Top 5 Credit Cards For Travel Rewards ✦ January 2015 – The Reward Boss Another blog that run out of gas that now just comes back to pump some cards. Actually most are direct links so I give them that I guess. From my experience doing this, as you know, nothing pays better than credit cards 🙂
Beginner’s Guide: 6 Simple Steps to Get Started With Miles and Points and Make Your Dream Travels Happen – View from the Bank Wing I think Sapphire Preffered card being recommended to newbies is crap! I will recommend the Barclaycard Arrival card for newbies starting out. I bet ya the CSP pays heck of a lot more than the Arrival card #hint.
New Way to Transfer Your Chase Ultimate Rewards Points Between Accounts – Million Credit Card Links Another lame excuse to pump more than a dozen Chase credit cards. And this is not a new way. Wait, maybe it is new for the blog readers here. Do you really need arrows to figure out this stuff? If you read MMS are you mentally challenged or what? 11 comments ignored, must be busy “writing”.
Overview of Delta Silver Medallion Status – Points Miles & Money Cut and paste from Delta site. Insert Delta Amex credit card affiliate links. Click “Publish” and get on with the next one, quick! Time is money, let’s show all how fantastic we are all in Boarding Area!
Our $27,000 Vacation to the Maldives for ~$4,300 & How You Can Do It Too: Part 8 – Activities at the Conrad Maldives – Million Mile GhostSecrets The trip report that will never end! We get “Mark got swim fins. They have many different sizes.” with photo of fins, dozen pics of Emily in a bikini along with many pics of their parents, pics of fresh juice with caption “Fresh juice” and of course the section “How You Can Do It Too!” ka ching! Hey dudes, this is all MARKETING! By Titans.
How to Earn an Easy 7,500 Points in Three Months – Mommy Points Time to eat by selling the Freedom card. Now I go back to stacking, will be back soon to sell some more cards. For FREE! Oh wait, let’s add the Sapphire Preffered card link as someone may click on it and make us some dough. It appears the Ink Plus card links are no longer affiliated with non Titan bloggers and that must blow! I would rather see them given to non Titan bloggers instead of making the Titan blogers even fatter. I am with you Mommy, you want me to campaign on your behalf? Should we call Chris Elliott? So unfair!

Top 10 Travel Credit Card Offers for January 2015 – The Credit Guy I dare to say it is probably almost the same as December 2014? Going out on a limb here…Hey TBB readers. PUMPING PAYS! Please take it easy on me if sometimes I let a $ link make it on my blog more than what I do now. COME ON, give me a break!!!
2015 – How to earn your Delta MQD exempt waiver (to avoid MQD spend requirement for medallion status). – Delta Points I have no idea what he is saying. Get an editor please, you can afford it for pumping Amex cards so much! You are welcome.
This Is the Best Rewards Credit Card For You If… – View From the Suite This blog should add another revenue source, giving webinars teaching bloggers how to write “click bait” headlines, wow! Just an excuse to pump several cards at once with advice that I consider a lot of hot air. Thank you for recommending and pumping the Personal Amex Platinum card for just 40k Membership Reweard points. Is it a requirement to screw your readers to be a Titan? No thank you!
Amex Platinum 100K & Premier Rewards Gold 50K via Cardmatch – The Amex Guy Pump it Up! By the way, TBB has this cardmatch linkie too in the Credit Card tab!<—–added exclamation mark for dramatic effect!!<—–added two at the back #Titanic?
Tips To Save Time And Money On Booking Your Next Flight – Points Links & Links We pump our Expedia link here, no links are safe!
Register Now for New SPG Double Play Promo – Mommy Points We posted the link to register here a few days earlier and we called it Double Suck promo. As this establishment is getting paid by Amex do not expect the same here and, voila, buy our Amex SPG cards, so typical. I should probably consider stacking to earn me more miles & points 🙂
Increased Amex Offers Available Now via CardMatch (Targeted) – Mommy Amex Can you guys leave the CardMatch for the little guy like me? Don’t you have enough? Oh, wait a minute I got me an idea just NOW! For every link back to my blog I will take one of these Blog Buzz entries OFF! And if you link to my Credit Card page I will take a pass on your blog from the next TBB Blog Buzz post #BRILLIANT Lol
Amazon Up To 65% Off Headphones Today Only! – No Points No Miles Certainly No Martinis Headphones! I get my deals at and DansDeals (using my own referral links by the way!).
Which Bills Should You Pay with Your Credit Card? – Frugal CreditCard Guy Lame excuse #$9,346 to pump more plastic. Apparently this blog kept the Ink Plus affiliate link so it is time to take advantage of it and find another way to pump it now that many smaller blogs do not have them. Same as always here, zzzzzz.
Rent an Audi A4 in January for $59 per Day With Silvercar – Million Referral Links Click on our Silvercar referral link, click it. Click it again and again and again. I guess we have no arrows to show people who click it can refer others themselves. So sad. Don’t forget, this blog will always tell you the best offers LOL! Maybe it will sell better if there was a dozen pics of Emily in, out, on the side, on top, on driver seat, passenger seat, back seat, TRUNK of a Silver Audi car.
Evil Santa Charged $700 Worth of Toys on My Card! – Million Click Bait Headlines At this point I read these commercial blogs for my own amuzement. NEVER confuse popularity with quality! Making a quality blog popular is VERY hard and takes a LOT more time! Thank God I have a nice day job. If I didn’t maybe I would have to compromise on so many levels, pretend I am an expert and just start pumping 24/7? Hmmm. Oh, the blog post? Just an excuse to pump the Chase Sapphire card with way too bacic info you find in so many other places online. Another 11 comments ignored. Why people comment when they are blown off is inexplcable to me. Then again, why anyone reads this? Never mind…
Our $27,000 Vacation to the Maldives for ~$4,300 & How You Can Do It Too: Part 9 – Breakfast Options at the Conrad Maldives – Million ZZZ Trip Reports “There was fresh juice of your choice” WOW, “Also on the buffet were hot foods” GET OUT!, “There was also fish” AMAZING…IN THE MALDIVES OF ALL PLACES!!!, “Yogurt” NOT GREEK, DON’T EAT IT!…So many food pics before you get to the “You can do it too” section, gosh all this hard work…I can’t wait for Part 53b “Emily opens the fridge”.

How to Cancel Credit Cards for Your Spouse or Partner – Frugal Credit PumpGuy We pretend we are frugal so we can keep pumping credit cards to our readers 24/7. That’s all you need to know. You are a tool. If they are experts here I will be the next US President! I can’t, I am foreign born like Obama but I do have a birth certificate 🙂
CitiBusiness AAdvantage Card 50,000 Sign-Up Bonus Offer – The Citi Guy Time to pump again. Written by TPG Special Contributor. Lame title, come on. How about “Managing Editor, North Americas Division” or something more juicy. Loved the anal-ysis of the card and how conveniently you guys enter so many other credit card links to each post. Maybe this is why you are all special?
20% Off Promo Code Sitewide On Amazon Local (Targeted) – Points Miles & Crap What are you offering other than links that pay you?
Negative impact on medallion upgrades from Skymiles2015 & FCM. How bad will 2015 be? – Delta Cards Squeeze me? What did he just say? It’s going to be bad you guys but the Amex Delta Reserve card can always make it so much better. Unless they take away the links so then I will never mention Amex again…
Mother Who Said United Airlines ‘Humiliated’ Her Family Now Faces Social Media Backlash – Points Miles & *^%$ Funny how when they try to take a short break from pumping their readers they pick the most useless news items that has been mentioned elsewhere numerous times to cut and paste. Seriously? Fantastic huh?
Myth: Airlines Always Open Award Seats When The Schedule Opens – One Mile at a Time Click Bait Half way through the post here come 12 credit cards to help you find those award seats, huh! Hey nice job to recommend both Personal and Business Amex Platinum cards for just 40,000 points each. WTF!!!! Titanic screwing of your readers if you ask me…I know you didn’t but hey it’s my blog and I can do what I want. Until they take my links away and this becomes a once a week mega Blog Buzz mega fest!
Heading To The Super Bowl? It’s Not Too Late To Get A Room! – Points Miles & AllkindsofAffiliateLinks This post exists to make money from Orbitz and AirBnB affiliate links. Why are you here? Let me take the torture, I must like it.
Review: Afternoon Tea At Skyview Bar Burj Al Arab – One Card One More Time Hey, this looks like the last time here! Zzzzzzz. Come on, where is your Top 10 cards post for January!!!
4x AAdvantage Miles When You Book With Avis – Points Miles & ALL$Links Selling Avis. Come on, are you guys doing anything else other than selling and pasting text around here?
Staples $30 Off $150 When Use Visa Checkout = Free Paper Deal – Points Miles & Offensive Links Selling Staples. Would this ever appear if it was not compensating you? Hell NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Oh wait, at the end they snuck in the Simply Amex Everyday card because, you know, that is where the dinero is folks!
Oh, sure – Rub it in SW Air! Grrrr 2×2 HOOU “lightning” giveaway today! – Delta Cards Giving away 5 HOOUs. Who cares?
Renting a Car? These Cards Have You Covered – Frugal Plastic Guy Amazingly, must have been sitting around brain storming how to sell more cards and voila. See you at the Travel Education Network expert seminar how to travel for free? With Avios perhaps?
Tonight’s – gulp – Southwest Air HOOU Drink coupon winners are #4 & #32 (is that you)? – Delta HOOUs & Cards When you get “gulp” in a headline…
New Club Carlson 30,000 Point Promotion: Should You Participate? – Million Mile Plastics Frankly, we could care less if you participate in the Club Carlson promo as long as you get the Club Carlson from us! You can take this to the bank!
Our $27,000 Vacation to the Maldives for ~$4,300 & How You Can Do It Too: Part 10 – Saving on Dinner at the Conrad Maldives – You know Which One “The pizza was OK” Good to know, thanks! Hey “You can do it too” and go to the Maldives to save money on dinner!!!
Getting to Europe in Business Class with American Airlines Miles – Milevalue We show you how to get there with credit cards we sell. If you comment negatively we delete you.
Travel Strategy: Why You Should Have Both the SPG Amex and Citi AAdvantage Card – Frugal Bank Guy Shocking this will appear here, so shocking!
Easy Way To Earn 4 More Starbucks Bonus Stars (Targeted) – Points Miles & Starbucks We hope some idiot will buy some expensive coffee and make us some money.

Very Lucrative Hotel Promotion from Club Carlson – Mommy Links TBB posted about this before the commercial blogs. I guess it takes more time to insert the card links. It pisses me off when a reader bitches at me for passing an affiliate link of my own once a week on Twitter! I could be stacking but instead here I am digging my own blogging grave making enemies. I hope her husband does not kick my ass but I think I can outrun him 🙂
Review: Lunch At At.mosphere Burj Khalifa Dubai – One United MileageRun at a Time Look at me, you can do it too, click my links. Put it all on the CSP card but was it First Friday?
Easiest Places to Book with American Airlines Miles – MileNoValue They are with credit cards we sell. Free oneways! Please no more pics of flat beds…please.
Valentine’s Getaway? Inn On Biltmore Estate Offering 50% Off Suites – Points Miles & NeverEndingLinks Selling Biltmore Estates. Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Why should we trust what you are selling when you never stop selling? If I get to Boarding Area I can make a lot more money from my blog but what if they place me between this one and Delta Points? I would rather make peanuts on my own.
Ending Soon: Frontier $39 Sale! – Million Sneaky Plastic Links Clicked to see what credit cards will be sold by this deeceptive click-bait headline. CSP, Amex PRG, Arrival, Companion Pass!!! Positive: No comments
CORRECTION: Delta schools ME on Snackbasket-GATE (do you agree with Delta)? – Delta Snacks & Cards Who cares about the fatty snacks?
Nutty Korean Air Executive Indicted, Could Face Up To 15 Years In Jail – One Macadamia Nut at a Time This makes it now 10 posts about macadamia nuts, unbelievable!
5 Travel Credit Cards for 2015 – Johny Jet World renowned credit card expert pumps it up! Can someone explain to me how this works getting direct Chase links? I thought they require 100 apps per month? There is no way this blog or some others get that many per month? When I look at my own Amazon and revenues I want to cry. And I work so much harder at this damnit #injustice #insanity #assholerefwhopickeduptheflag
Trip Report and Travel Challenge: Manchester, Vermont – Frugal Challenged Guy Why is there a “Challenge” on the headline, why?
Reminder: Start 2015 Out Right With 5X Points on Your Chase Freedom Card! – Millions of Platic NonSecrets Hey pump these up again so soon!
Update: Sharper Image Groupon + Sale = Amazing Deals Today! – Points Miles & GrouponLinks Selling Groupon. Move on por favor if you want your eyes not to be gouged here, wow!
The 5 Best Small Business Credit Card Offers: Line Your Accounts With Miles – View from the BailedOut Bank Wing I blog for myself. Me too. #facepalm
Who Drove a SilverCar at 130+ MPH? – Millions of Silvercar links Holy crap, so many must have clicked on our Silvercar pump post a few days ago so here we are pumping more of it! Rent it with the CSP or the Arrival Card. No Emily pics appear in this post.
Our $27,000 Vacation to the Maldives for ~$4,300 & How You Can Do It Too: Part 11 – Dining Under the Sea – Million TripReport Pumps “There was a lot of coral all around” Deep!, “We were all so excited” Nothing beats the excitement of seeing how many clicked on them million credit card links though!, hey “How you can do it too” template is always there! Can’t wait for Part 72a “Daraius enters on the shower”
Suicide Attempt At 30,000 Feet On Jet Blue – Points Miles & WTFs Taking a break from pumping to waste your time with pasting some story nobody cares about.
Top Airline Credit Cards that Waive Checked Bags Fees – The Plastic Guy Insert template #CardsBagFees.
2 Free Hyatt Nights For $250 Spend at RiteAid – One More Credit Card One More Time For the record, it was a TBB reader who discovered this deal. By the time I read his email it was out there on FT and then to many other blogs. My gut feeling is many will be disappoited trying to redeem the nights. Good luck!
Highlights from Business Class Flights Around the World on Miles (Part 1) – Mommy Stacking Links Look at me, I am just a normal mom but enjoy showing off flying business class with my family and you can do it too by clicking on my credit card links.
The Biggest Mileage Offers You Can Take Advantage of Right Now – View from the ClickBait Wing Best click-bait headlines in the blogosphere. Same old cards. Cha ching again I blog about myself.
Staples: Free Year Netflix With Tablet Purchase + $30 Off $150 With Visa Checkout = Amazing Deal! – Points Miles & Out of Control These guys are totally out of control, this is what #pumprage must be, WOW! Selling Staples and Netflix. Wait, selling Simply Cash Amex card too! Eeeeeek!
Airline Selection Time For Your $200 Airline Fee Credit On AMEX – Points Miles & Amex Only here to pump Amex cards. I held it for sooo long. Could not any longer. I just threw up inside my mouth. I may stab myself one of these days, this blog critic gig is dangerous!
Southwest Airlines 50,000 Points Sign-Up Bonuses Are Back – The Bank Guy Oh boy, the links that never really left are now back on the shelves of the travel “experts” bloggers. Watch what happens…
All About Chase Ultimate Rewards – Deals We Like In Chase We Trust.
How To Save Thousands On Southwest Airlines – One More Credit Card Again One More Time This dude never flies Southwest. But it does not stop him from pumping the cards “suddenly”. At this point I am starting to have a nervous breakdown, why do I do this to myself?
How To Use Twitter To Get ‘Offers For You’ From Amex – Points Miles & Boos Only reason is to pump 14 Amex credit card links. Yes, fourteen of them. These guys are now on top of the Worst Blogs in the blogosphere. The selling levels are just offensive. Believable!
Do You Maximize Your Credit Card Spending? Here’s Where You Should Be Using Each Of Your Credit Cards. – DansDeals We pump well too!
Our $27,000 Vacation to the Maldives for ~$4,300 & How You Can Do It Too: Part 12 – An Afternoon in Male City – MMS Emily in hijab. Fish pics. You can do it too!
MMS Friday Interview ““I’ve Been Roundhouse Kicked by Chickens” Lost interest after blogger said she gets credit card points deals at MMS.
Get $200 in Airline Credits from Your Amex Platinum Card for 2015 – Mommy Amex Get out, you serious? Telling readers to get the cards for just 40k points, some expert! Can I stack both? Free!
Southwest Airlines 50,000 Point Credit Card Offer is Back!! – Deals She Likes A Lot I told you the pumpers all like this now that pays them!
Citibank’s Huge 100,000 Mile Offer for 2 Credit Card Signups – View from the %$#@ Wing Most ridiculous click bait headline ever? Same cards by the way. Zzzzz.
Easy Way To Earn 5 More Starbucks Bonus Stars (Targeted) – Points Miles & HoldingMyBigFatGreekNoseNOW Shaking my head so violently it is about to separate from my body. Quick, give me a card to buy for medical expenses! Kidding, stop right NOW!
Easy 50,000 American Miles With CitiBusiness AAdvantage MasterCard – One Mile Paid by the Bank Again, sell it boy!
50,000 Southwest Rapid Reward Offers Are Live Again – Noob PlasticSeller All the Ignore Blogs are on pump mode now folks!
Increased Southwest 50,000 Point Sign-Up Offers Back! – Mommy Plastics You know what’s for sale? Free!
Last Chance Club Carlson 35% Off Offer! – Points Miles & UnimaginableStuff Selling, selling, selling.This is all we do here. Sick!
Earn 50,000 Miles with the Southwest Airlines Rapid Rewards® Premier Credit Card – Johny PlasticJet A Canadian selling plastic to Americans…Boo!
Hot Deal At Staples: Beats By Dr. Dre Deep Discount! Updated – Points Miles & Beats Boarding Area must be so proud for the quality original content here!
Top Credit Cards, Free Breakfast at Marriott, Hertz Bonus – The Points Gang Inc Same old, same old. Will this ever end?
Our $27,000 Vacation to the Maldives for ~$4,300 & How You Can Do It Too: Part 13 – Male Airport and Plaza Premium Lounge – MMS “There were computers” I can’t believe it but looking at the computer pics I became I believer!, “There was salad” Thank you Lord!, Hey…I can do it too, I can have a salad and computers in some lounge, YES! Only one comment by “Mark the Shark” – “Can’t wait for part 47 of the trip report! Keep them coming!”
British Airways 50,000 Point Bonus With $0 Fee the First Year Available Through March 31 – View from the Bank Safe Deposit Box I blog what’s good for my pocket, yo! Insert template #BAVisa. Insert template #AllAvioscards
Delta Expands JFK’s Terminal 4 for Regional Jets – Points Miles & Press Releases Great cut and paste skills. Don’t work so hard at this you guys!
SWAG Saturday: Delta TUMI kit, Tripp*Lite Travel Surge, Luggage Scale, Delta Points Polo & more! – Delta Swag Paid for by Amex Cards We give away crap paid for by cards we sell. Giggles.
Buy Up to 270,000 American Airlines Miles. Good Deal? – MileWeValue$ This should almost never be asked. Oh wait, who cares as long as we can trick some readers to apply for credit cards through our site!
I am tired but pumped up (pun intended). If you did not laugh at all after reading this we have failed. For all you who laughed with this post we succeeded. This blog is primarily about entertainment! It is up to YOU to make the world a better place and reward quality with your clicks! Have an awesome week. #JeSuisCharlie and @JeSuisTBB #beanoriginal #stopsellingsomuchyousellouts!

Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs To Ignore
Join over 3,350 TBB followers on Twitter @ FlyerTalkerinA2 and add TBB on Google+
So #blogcrack for you, #pumpcrack for us
The length of this post is ridiculous, you suck TBB!
Wow! That’s just overwhelming amount of selling! You put it in readers digest form, I cannot even imagine what some of these sites look like on daily basis. Your commentary is hilarious, I keep on laughing out loud at most of these. Thanks for keeping your blog around, it’s a highlight of my day to read it.
I actually just remembered I had some more entries in my laptop I had forgotten about, shoot! Screw it, I am not adding them, I think there is enough.
Travel blogging they say…Plastic pumping I say!
And thanks a lot Pedro, comments like yours make my day. All this time spent on this blog for $1.32 yesterday is insane but comments like yours make my day.
Monday is the biggest pump day, WOW!
I think I shamed Noob Traveler to post about the Hyatt card offer that comes w/ $100 credit that is sent targeted via email. Of course the ones at Points Miles & Linguinis keep on pumping EVERYTHING, wow!
“How Should I Fly from the US to Hong Kong Using Miles?”
>> The most efficient way is via Turok … though, if you have luggage, a plane might be better as no carry on or checked bags with Turok – only your backpack.
Lol, thanks!
You realize the only reason Kim Jong-un is the leader of North Korea is because his older brother got caught with a forged passport. Got to love wikipedia.
His eldest half-brother, Kim Jong-nam, had been the favorite to succeed, but reportedly fell out of favor after 2001, when he was caught attempting to enter Japan on a fake passport to visit Tokyo Disneyland.[42]
Yeah, that bro was something, not sure where he ended up. Would not mind seeing his sister in power, at least she is better to look at than this guy.
I wish we see this farce of a regime end and its people liberated by the insane personality cult in our lifetime!
Glad to see you are cutting back……………………….Don’t hassle the Hoff
you missed this story ………………………………..
The Boy Cruise….LOL
“View From the Suite This blog should add another revenue source, giving webinars teaching bloggers how to write “click bait” headlines, wow!”
Miles to memories is also pretty good at this. So many headlines with ??? Why all these questions? Just tell me the way it is without exclamation marks, please!!!!!!!!
If you get excited! having a freedom! card, you don’t have that many things to get excited about!
I now avoid these sites. To make sure they don’t waste too much of my time I’ve added a VFTW and M2M BS filter.
I will have something to say about MtM in next blog post. Something mentioned still does not sit well with me. Hint: it has to do with MMS.
For everyone: Yes I still follow them all but have added categories in Feedly which has made it manageable…for now.
Watch your emails for Hyatt Visa offer that comes with $100 statement credit!
Wow. Epic post.
Thank you, I appreciate the feedback!
How come all we hear about are afternoons in Male City but no afternoons in Female City?
I would like to know that too!
Just noticed today (via a MMS h/t) that the BA has a blog called Muslim Travel Girl now. Figure Dan has the Jewish market covered. How long till me see a Christian miles/points blog? Seems like one of the few angles left.
Muslim Travel Girl has been there for a while now. Good question on the christian miles/points market! You are right, not that many angles left…
One of BA bloggers is actually a priest, as I found out at BACon
She is the one who coined the term “Titans” which is an embarrassment.