The winning entry was conducted under the latest scientific methods invented by NASA. I am not supposed to do this here but I managed to act like Snowden and for the first time I publish these ultra classified documents depicting the incredible technological advances devised by the American scientists. For a moment, I thought about renaming my blog TBB leaks but I decided not to as it just does not rhyme very well. So, dear readers, here they are!

The winner is: Nurse Traveler
Contact has been made and the prizes will be mailed out on Tuesday!
Many thanks to all who entered and for the great questions, I enjoyed answering them!
A peak behind the curtain, epic!
There was a knock on my door and looks like my email inbox has been spammed instantly after releasing these documents. Darn NSA, they are everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!
Having fun with JetPack? What do you think so far? Find out anything interesting?
It’s okay. It’s there. I just don’t find that I use it much. When I remember I look at the traffic stats. The best part of it is seeing where people visit my site from and seeing which links visitors to my site click to. Anything else you find indispensable on jetpack?
There is also an iOS app from WordPress that works well with JetPack.
You can also track your viewing history and see which days had a ton of traffic. Do you see search terms people searched for to get to TBB?
search terms:
multiple amazon payments accounts different email
cute baby animals
If you’ve got an ipad, the iOS WordPress app is fantastic. Very easy to edit posts (albeit I don’t write new ones on it) and reply to comments.
When you posted that pic on Twitter earlier in the day I almost made a comment about the technological advances you’re making!
Thanks so much. I honestly don’t know that I’ve really ever won anything of significance (more than a buck or two) before so this is pretty cool.
Congrats again. I had some fun with my techie skills 🙂
Make sure you send a 1099 🙂
Lol. Who do you think I am, Citibank?
Now that’s just mean
Why didn’t I win
Why ask why? Bud Dry!
“Got a Light?”
I sense a cover-up… the so called N is hardly legible. Could it have been Murse Traveler? Purse Tneveler? And is the T really consistent with the T’s in “Tara” and “TWA44”? Next we’ll find that the prize log was written in disappearing ink so we’ll never know for sure. And is really a coincidence that the winner is #8 right after the word TWA? If you take the 8 and the two o’s in used to generate the “random” number you get 800. What does TBB know about TWA Flight 800? Did you know that if switch just 2 letters TBB becomes KGB? What is the signifcance of entry 10 being a Full Moon? Is it a coincidence that the product of the two numbers adjacant to the winning number equal the total number of entries? I think there are far more questions than answers in this post
I think this comment deserves a gift card.
If I was still doing the “Weekly Gem comments” posts I would lead with this one for sure. Thanks for the laugh, this comment was awesome.
I have no more gift cards left, Mrs. TBB got them all from me!
@BigHabitat: This comment was so good, it deserves something! Email me at casey and we’ll send you a Starbucks coffee!
Yes it does deserve something, thanks!
For what it’s worth, I’ve been called a Murse many times!
Wow, the posts about the LH mastercard sure have dried up quickly over the last week. What happened? I thought a public 50K offer is still out there?
35K transcon in a flat bed suddenly isn’t a must-get?
Yeah really. May I interest you in a companion pass? 🙂
DWL is back on my list. Old habits die hard. Whatever keeps the light on…
VFTW posted about the 50k LH offer after affiliate links were pulled. Anyone else? TPG? FTG?? DeltaPoints? (ducks)
To answer the last 4 questions in your post….
no, no, no and no
MileValue must’ve stopped thinking it was a deal worth posting about every day, huh
Tommy777 is angry/reducing civility/undermining the trust of that supports this hobby/being negative! See:
Personally, I blame this on George. No one ever criticized anyone before this negative blog showed up. What do you have to say for yourself?
I agree with what HaveMilesWillTravel just posted there: I gave up on Milepoint after I realized that answering the same newbie questions over and over again wasn’t a good use of my time, and wasn’t making me any money or adding to my personal enrichment.
Thanks, awesome find. I am starting to wonder about this being a good use of my time too lol.
Time to give up on Facebook too…
On my to do list I have had a TBB Facebook fan page…maybe that will be the end of me lol.
It’s shameful to see bloggers using the Pointsbreak list to push the usual UR cards (including TPG who I believe you planned to leave off your blogs to avoid list because he “does no harm”)
Even if you don’t want to transfer your UR points to miles, you can get 1% cash back for them. And PC points can effectively be bought for 0.7 cents…. which means there is no reason EVER to transfer UR points to PC. None. Zilch. Nada.
Speaking of UR cards though, there’s actually some collosollay huge news coming out today….. apparently, bonus spend on the CSP [insert link] and Freedom [insert link] cards now show on the UR homepage. This feature doesn’t yet exist for the CIP [insert link], CIB [insert link] or co-branded cards like the Southwest Visa [insert link – last day for limited time 50K offer. ACT NOW!!!!]
Seriously, is there news less worthy of spreading like wildfire accross the blogosphere than this? It’s the most unimportant news since the annual February posts by Lucky, TPG, MommyPoints et al about how the CSP 7% dividend points have posted, as if it’s newsworthy that something happened exactly as was expected to (funny how they don’t inform anyone when the 10% miles back on AA cards post)
**** but of course, not a soul used the release of the Pointsbreaks list to tout….. wait for it….. the Priority Club Visa
Pointing out you can transfer UR points to PC = important
Pointing out you can get 80K PC points = not worthy of mention
I agree on both counts. UR is bad for PBs and PC Visa is great for PBs. It doesn’t take much to convince me when you’re right. I’m that easy… 🙂
I’d be embarrassed, frankly, if I put out a post which plugged another card whilst ignoring the PC one.
Well, so many have done this. Finishing mega rant shortly 😉
Thanks for the wordpress app on the ipad suggestion. I will take a look.
This stuff does not make me angry…it pisses me off 🙂
George, I’ve finally gotten around posting about FinCon. Since I’m quite verbose (I’ve been told) I had to break it in two posts. I guess I could milk a couple of backlinks from you on that account, but what the hell–I feel generous:).
I already had found Part 2 and had added to my draft TBB Buzz post coming out sometime very late tonight. People had asked me about my views on FinCon13 and I think you captured my feelings about the conference. Would have loved to see a link to that Reward Booster site you mentioned.
It’s Like I said, I haven’t played with it yet, so I have no idea whether it’s any good and how good, but I think an app like this is a killer idea. Now imagine pouring what WE know about this stuff into the mix…
@TBB, do you like carving pumpkins for Halloween? I posted some pics of some of my most recent designs: