Another TBB post featuring the most eclectic links around the web such as, well, not this Friday I apologize. I am only linking to the one article that blew me away and was going to lead the Friday post. Due to travel and some nasty bug that started on Wednesday night I have had no energy to do the Friday post so please come back on Monday, you won’t be disappointed I promise. Assuming I am feeling fine over the weekend…
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This blog publishes every Friday. This is a one man labor of love operation. If for some reason the regular Friday post does not make it here…it will appear on Monday. If the stars align and stuff like that…
I want to single out one article that blew my mind. Some of the sites featured in the post below have already appeared in my blog in the past. Enjoy!
I was at the 2023 Future Proof financial conference in Huntington Beach, CA this week and brought my wife along. It is not your typical boring conference with suits inside cold hotel conference rooms, it is all outside by the beach. Of course I stayed at the main hotel, the fantastic Huntington Beach Hyatt Regency Resort again, all on World of Hyatt points and in a great suite.
Just a few pics from the conference, see you Monday I hope.
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Well, tested positive for Covid…I guess after 3 and a half years it was my turn…
Also, I did get a bump on Delta, first bump post Covid, the streak is over. $1,000 in Visa gift cards will take care of a lot of Christmas gifts and some regular spend…
I am feeling okay….just a bad cold. Wednesday night was the hardest, almost went to ER, felt like I was in Siberia instead of Huntington Beach.
Welcome to the covid club! Two more times and you’ll be caught up with me.
If anybody’s looking for some SBF stuff to help tide them over until the next TBB, here you go:
Yep, already queued up, amazing he will give this to her!
I assume this one is queued up too?
Do you want to buy my blog? My readers will be well served Sir 🙂
Do I look like I have seven figures in liquid assets?!?!?!
We can take care of a few zeros…My attorney will contact you 🙂
Oh gracious! My son and I got it last year …one of the guys at the office is close with the folks who worked on Operation Warp Speed. He said get Paxlovid. FAST. We did. Cleared in a week.
Good luck with the recovery!
Wednesday night was rough…it’s been ok since. Never lost taste sense. Obviously, no running…
Friday morning awaiting call from my doctor’s office which sounded REALLY busy…Will ask abt Paxlovid, but thinking since it has been a few days maybe I should not just add yet more chemicals in my body #developing
Consider Paxlovid to reduce likelihood of severity.
Hope you’re better soon, George.
11.30 am and still waiting for a call back…
I am doing all right so far, thank you.
Get well soon George. I tested positive last week with extreme body ache, headache, fever and slight runny nose. Just took some Tylenol and symptoms lasted 3 days. From the fourth day, felt absolutely normal.
I have the exact same symptoms! Wednesday night was the worst shivering I have had…Since then it has been manageable. Hopefully I am past the worst symptoms and on the way to…recovery and running.
Hey Buzz, good luck and here’s to a speedy recovery. Get all the rest you need.
My battle with long covid started 3 years ago, I’m so over this shite.
Thank you Buzz, looking forward to Monday
Thanks a lot, catching up on my reading 🙂
See you Monday…I hope.
UGH! I am so sorry! I had it earlier this year and thought it just a head cold! Lasted a day and a half. I was lucky. Hope you get clear fast. No worries on a short post, we all want you to rest and get better fast!
Now a PSA for you and all… DO NOT get both the RSV and the Flu vaccine at the same time! This may not apply to all, but I did that Wednesday and I started feeling bad that evening and by nightfall was shaking worse than I ever have. Uncontrollable, with fever, feeling cold, etc. I am still getting past it but am better. Called my Dr and they told me NEVER combine that RSV with anything. Wish the pharmacy had known that!
Two things are clear:
I am not going to worry about the new Covid vaccine for a while.
And hell no will I ever consider combining the flu with the RSV vaccine…so thanks for the heads up!