TBB Mission: To Entertain, Educate and Inspire. Aim to at least do one well!
This blog has been a labor of love so far. If you like what you see here, please let others know by passing them a link to my blog, thank you!
This post contains NO affiliate links of any kind! Please see disclosures page here.
Albanian Riviera – Revealing The Secrets of Europe’s Cheapest Beach Paradise. By Yomadic, my favorite travel blogger. No one has done more for Albania’s tourism industry than this guy 🙂 Currently roaming through Armenia, check out his Facebook page for updates!
23 looks at New Zealand’s stunning geographic diversity

I can’t help it but post another picture from that place I spent my summers growing up as a kid. Agiokampos (means the Valley of the Saints) in Greece. These pictures are found here.

20 of the Most Ridiculous Trip Advisor Reviews. At Matador Network. Some of these are soooo hilarious, woohoo! i.e.: “my daughter, (13) saw 2 people on the sofa next to the bar ‘making love’ whilst being videoed by the chef”
Barclays will offer complimentary FICO Scores to cardholders (Arrival World Mastercard, the rest are junk). Positive step, this card gets even better. I am aiming for this card to pay for my car rental in Maui next year (among other things).(HT to everyone who found a great opportunity to slip in their affiliate link!)
View from the Wing compares the devalued United awards to Delta and American. Conclusion: Delta miles still suck the most. American miles are the best but brace for impact merger changes
If you have an AMEX Platinum card you can get complimentary Hilton Gold elite status, just call up Amex before December 31 and your new status will be good until February 2015! I have had the no fee Hilton Amex for many years and just passed the $20k “spend” mark to renew my status. If this becomes a permanent Amex Platinum benefit I no longer will need to use the Hilton Amex card!
The Wandering Aramean has the scoop on another Hilton devaluation: No more fixed airline miles option! Yeah, I always went with the Points & Points option if you were curious about such things.
Fantastic rant against United by Andy Shurman at the Lazy Traveler’s Handbook: United…NO, Divided We Stand
1 year blog anniversary is almost here. Time for some major decisions for the direction of my blog. I see 3 options for me, can you guess what they are?
One of the greatest pleasures in my life is playing soccer on Monday nights in an over 40 league. Especially when we win, bones hurt better that way!
This site shows you the most popular image right now in several social media networks. Pretty cool! Oublio.com Check out the hilarious FAQ too!
30 of the Most Powerful Images Ever. By Bored Panda. Some are very disturbing and yes very powerful. Don’t know about “ever”…but prepare.

Note: This section is intended for long time readers and miles/points addicts who follow the blogs in this space. TBB reviews blogs and tries to entertain above all. Don’t take this section too seriously or personally, it’s mostly entertainment!
My name is Jeff, and I’m a credit card affiliate. By Canadian Kilometers. First of all, let’s get something very clear. Jeff is a nice smart hard working young kid who really knows his travel hacking stuff, he is no “wannabe” expert like so many out there that have popped up to help “family and friends fly for free” lately. But isn’t there quite an irony to have a young Canadian college student selling credit cards to Americans? I find that very amusing and, frankly, ridiculous to realize how far this hobby business has fallen folks! This is another epiphany for me, numero #2.
Jeff: I do like your affiliate policy and hope you can stick to it and not turn into you know who 😉 And Jeff, don’t neglect school and the real world, you got to get out more and not spend so much time on Flyer Talk man! Keep adding value and you should be all right.
My first epiphany was at FinCon13 where this article was posted on the organizer’s VERY well respected blog by one of his employees. I quote this about the 50k (over 2 years) Thank You Premier card: “However in the last six months; not a single credit card issuer has come forward with an up-front bonus of this magnitude, thus making the 50,000 bonus ThankYou points the Citi ThankYou Premier Card is offering the best of 2013.” Say whaaaat, the best of 2013? Unbelievable what passes as expertise in this field huh? No disclosures, no nothing in the body of the posts. During the conference I was amazed to realize that these affiliate arrangements are very NORMAL in this online blogging world. VERY eye opening for me, that’s for sure!
I am dazed and dazed again by all the affiliate links I am seeing. The bias in the content is getting so pathetic is…disgusting! I need to get my act together and look to do this the only noble way I see: Stick them in a separate tab like Frequent Miler does it and see what happens. Having these links in the BODY of the posts creates an indisputable conflict of interest. Don’t believe the denials! Then again, by my writing style, it appears I may be too toxic for these companies. So, somethings’ gotta give here. I am talking to myself, helps lower therapist bills lol.
Deals We Like did not miss the opportunity to let us know that the Southwest 50k offer did NOT expire, imagine that!
I lost count how many cc links Mommy Points managed to post on Monday, wow! All salesmen/women bloggers go all out on Mondays, not sure why… #mystery Any theories why?
I am seeing so many cc posts today that it is totally getting out of control folks. Even the First2Board people are linking it up too now!
Delta Points asks for what card he will go next. It’s the Chase Ink cards! Anything that keeps the light on 🙂 Some deep analysis of the cards follows…yeah right!
Primary 1st
George, the thing is, I’m not Frequent Miler. You’re not either. There is NO way you’re going to get a decent amount of clicks to maintain direct links for anyone other than Barclay if you’re not going to stick them in your post, or in your case, joke/hint at your readers to CLICK MY LINK YO. You and I simply (and sadly) don’t bring content that isn’t ESSENTIAL to all. Just look at why milevalue and omaat and vftw et al. are pushing so damn hard. Because they don’t want to be dropped. You have no idea George. No idea. Remember, you have a particularly boisterous crowd of supporter/haters. FM and MMS have thousands and thousands of readers who read and tens of hundreds who click and apply through their links.
“I never intended to make money blogging”… “but I have to keep up with the other ‘professional’ bloggers”.
Yeah right. You don’t “have” to do anything or “deserve” anything. And you don’t know what George knows or doesn’t know. I wager a few miles he knows a lot more than you do. You participate here often then you get called out a little and suddenly you spout off like the entitled no-real-world-experience kid bloggers that everyone here makes fun of. (rolling eyes)
You don’t know what I know or don’t know. I do wager that I know more than you do.
True, I never said I have any world experience, Mark. That’s why I do say that I am inexperienced and have much to learn. It’s also true that I can’t take criticism. Thanks for your feedback.
You should embrace criticism! The ones who give it to you care about you. You always learn a lot more from criticism!
Thanks George 🙂
So, Jeff; What point are you trying to make here? That you aren’t Greg? You haven’t said anything that George and most of his regular readers don’t already know. Just saying
Click my damn links. JK, LOL. I actually really do like my blog. I think it’s quite a good one. There was one commenter today who was like as a Canadian I feel your blog is getting unfocused and why are you being so happy about pushing affiliate links, etc. All I can say is that if you don’t like my Canadian blog, shoo. Go find another Canadian blog. Oh wait….
No fuel dumping secrets for you. But I’m sure you can understand WWE’s JFK-MXP OW for 101 EUR AI. HAHA, maybe you might, because all the trolls have IP’s in Kazakhstan. Good for flying the 1x. Then TATL IN Y. hehe
jb commenter on your blog was very right on about your blog “focus”. You have Canadian kilometers as the title of your blog selling credit cards to Americans for crying out loud, it just does not compute. Your blog can use a different name, the longer you put it off the harder it becomes to switch brands. Just some feedback, like I have always said repeatedly. Young people like you should embrace constructive criticism…I only know how to do this kind by the way 🙂
Based on my UK experience, there is money to be made being the No 1 Canadian blog. You need to keep the readers onside, though. Drift too far away from the core and someone will pop up, run something that is 75% Aeroplan and start cleaning up.
Remember that Randy is talking about getting up to 75 blogs on board in the near future. That will probably mean at least 1 more Canadian focussed site on BA as well. And sites operating outside BA, as I do, also have a lot more flexibility to look good and will have better SEO, especially if they use Genesis. You need to be top ranked on Google for Aeroplan queries or you’ll never get the newbies.
Raffles is right. There is not much Canadian focus in your blog Jeff. Especially now with the credit cards!
Genesis, is that band still around? 🙂
Despite the recent devaluation of UA miles, the simple most rewarding all-around credit card is (still apparently) Chase Sapphire Preferred. So excited to hear VFTW is going to take a closer look at some of the different aspects of the card over the next couple of weeks.
Earn and burn!
Saw the stardust, er sawdust! 10 best uses: http://www.thisoldhouse.com/toh/article/0,,20163668,00.html
oops, fixed link http://www.thisoldhouse.com/toh/article/0,,20163668,00.html
third time’s a charm. tinyurl to the rescue: http://tinyurl.com/qjec4ru
Talk to George about the right way to embed a links so it opens in separate tab
I have had people telling for over a year to move my UR’s to United as soon as I earn them. I have resisted as there are just too many easy to use them. Boy am I glad I listened to myself. I agree, I probably have way to many sitting within Chase’s reach but I haven’t abused the privilege of having their cards ( not much, anyway ). I totall agree with earn and burn but I don’t have the time for more than a couple of great trips a year and I always seem to end up with as many points and miles at the end of the year as when it started. This is an addictive hobby. A few years ago traveling across an ocean in J was a dream. J today is great and I have no desire to experience an FC suite. As long as I reach my destination comfortable and so what rested, i’m a happy camper.
I can see why you enjoy Yomadic. His pictures from Albania are great
I really enjoy Nates writings and pictures as well. Great job
Canadian Kilometers awesome calling out of MV notwithstanding, it’s pretty obvious he’ll essentially just become another blog for which CC’s will drive the content and not vice versa
You can tell it when he cites the mother-in-law rule, which is nothing other than a marketing ploy which MMS completely goes against the spirit of the by just completely ignoring the non-affiliate offers. How many SPG, SW, CSP, LH, CIB and CIP links have their been since the last time he posted the 50K AA offer? But hey! He didn’t post the 30K AA offer, so technically he’s following the mother-in-law rule!
I can’t wait to prove you WRONG.
Speaking of MileValue, looks like the LH links are back because he is giving them coverage again
and he comes back with a bang. The post title – “Hurry, the Lufthansa 50k Bonus Mile Offer Expires December 15, 2013”
The offer expires in 40 days?
@Spencer F: Congrats, yo have joined an elite crowd now 🙂
@Jeff: I know Frequent Miler, you are not Frequent Miler lol. I sure have no idea about affiliate links as I hardly ever spent any time looking for them, please enlighten me by email, I love to learn! Can you imagine how much better this space would be if bloggers actually FOCUSED on true content instead of focusing on keeping the aff links? But it is not your fault, I get it believe me. All I know is I am no pumper. To be continued…
@Two Marks: Take it easy on the kid, among the sea of crap bloggers at least he knows his stuff.
@ HikerT: Looks like Sawdust may stick like Skypesos did!
@ Another Mark: I am in the same boat as you! I am sitting on 200k of UR points and so glad I did not transfer to United. With two kids I can not seem to be able to get away more than a few trips per year and balances still going up. Major addiction for sure lol.
@ Ctravlr & Another Mark: I love Yomadic,so genuine and unique. His Facebook updates from his trips are awesome too!
@ Steve: MV never responded to my comment (never approved) that he is offering an inferior US Air offer to his readers. Shocked! Can you imagine if he gets Chase links?????
An elite crowd, huh? Does this mean I can use “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!?!?” in any comment going forward? Sneak previews of upcoming posts? My own membership card made out of unobtanium?
Something even better…A special edition of a rubber giraffe. Nobody gives a *&%# about them rubber duckies anymore 😉
If you haven’t already George, reserve your car for Maui ASAP!
None of this too busy BS.
Spring Break rates get crazy.
Get a no-commitment reservation from Discount Hawaii Car Rental, or click the Budget link on islandair.com.
Alternatively, check the rates through Ultimate Rewards. Only caveat there is you have to use your UR card, no Arrival reimbursement.
Oh, I got the message loud and clear! I just need to sit my butt down and knock off some of these things (hotel stays and car rental) so I can move on to start thinking about burning my 200k UA miles too!
George, thanks for trying the positive approach with that “comment”. That result, is content your readers would like to have in regards to all bloggers responses to the “comment”. It would be very interesting to see a spreadsheet of your results.
BTW Three choices:
1. Keep going as is: Nah Time suck
2. Go positive with different focus: Big time comittment but potential payoff in the long haul. (It was three years before I got paid)
3. Fold like a Cheap Suit
Las Vegas odds are as follows:
Keep going as is 5-1
Do the work and rebrand: 10-1
Cheap suit: 3-1
Remember: Greeks are lazy 😉
Best wishes on your upcoming anniversary. It has been quite a ride.
“BTW Three choices
Las Vegas odds are as follows:
Keep going as is 5-1
Do the work and rebrand: 10-1
Cheap suit: 3-1”
Ingy should worry less about what TBB’s readers want (since he doesn’t censor his comments like Ingy, we can actually tell him ourselves) and more on a fundamental grasp of statistics and probability
@ ingy: ” thanks for trying the positive approach with that “comment”. That result, is content your readers would like to have in regards to all bloggers responses to the “comment”. It would be very interesting to see a spreadsheet of your results.”
Sorry I am not following. I think it’s because most of my comments are indeed positive that I have a hard understanding what you are trying to say 🙂 I think my comments containing constructive criticism have always been well deserved!
Not all Greeks are lazy. Remember what is the biggest export of Greece? Hard working Greeks.
Your odds appear fair. Then again, I am not known for doing things for the masses or for commercial reasons & you can take that to the bank (pun intended).
It took you three years because the aff craziness from the banks was not there. As soon as it entered the picture FTG became a blog wasteland. Ariana is trying hard but looks like she has drunk the corporate cool aid. And this is how you roll. I roll differently, credibility is indeed very important to me. Yeah, its’ been quite a ride. I can look back one day and see my work left here and smile & feel content. Money does not buy happiness, that’s for sure.
Steve: Please tell me, I am all ears.
I find it comical that the guy who actively censored his readers comments is telling the guy who reads and responds to every comment (good & bad) how to listen to his readers
Maybe next TPG will show Frequent Miler how to not let affiliate links drive the content?
Steve I agree with you and that is one aspect of liking TBB(the blog). But I find TBB’s constant mentions of “Credibility” a little annoying mostly because it sounds like MMS’ mother-in-law type of pitch. Witness how every time you point something you bring up a critical point about MMS, he never responds about that aspect and chickens out and stabs another blogger or a new interviewee etc. Always the case, go back a few months and it is always the same. He has a conflict of interest because of his friendship with MMS(which is fine, totally human), but doesn’t disclose it. At the same time he has a beef with FTG(the person and the blog due to his affiliation) all because he published his last name a while ago.
All I am saying is he needs to act more fair to earn credibility and not flash it without having any meaning.
See how he will attack me now 🙂
(ingy NOT a comment to support any of your motives here).
Agenda, none taken. Glad to read your comment. It has merit.
Have I been lenient towards MMS in comparison to other bloggers. Yes, guilty. This is not a science by any stretch of imagination!
Could I have done an MMS Friday interview and enjoyed a gazillion views a long time ago? YES. Have I done so ? NO
I talked face to face with MMS once for 10 minutes last year and have exchanged a few emails. On the contrary, me and FTG go back years and I consider him my friend despite our obvious differences in, well, so many things about everything in general lol.Our email exchanges with FTG can fit in a book…hey wait a minute, maybe I can monetize that…woohoo! Eureka. Of course FTG will get a cut, he always gets a cut 😉
I despise how MMS has killed deals, he has pissed off way too many veterans of this hobby once too many times. And the recent downward spiral in the quality of the content has pretty much shown to me that…perhaps, you guys were right all along 🙂
Anyways, lets’ just say I have given up on me being featured in an interview at his site. (At this point FTG is pulling his hair out for yet another self suicidal anti commercial move by TBB)
I am not attacking you, I LOVE constructive criticism and this blog is wide open. But let me ask you: Why are you SO stuck on MMS?
That is what you never understand man. It was never about “Stuck on MMS”. It was actually being stuck on you more like. 😛 Basically very sensitive to media manipulation and propaganda. I am not calling you an official “media” or anything but we started coming here with a purpose and that was being manipulated with bias. You not accepting it and weasling around the topic gradually got worse over time. Had you come out of the closet with disclosures about personal bias, it would have been all good long time ago 🙂
And no not going to say anything new about MMS that has not been said already. Come on.
I only did the interview with MMS several months after he asked so I could coin the phrase “pimp for banks”.
“I don’t want my blog to pimp for banks, even if they do provide a seductively enticing offer for some consumers”.
I didn’t realize that is how I got a gazillion page views on Loyalty Traveler.
MMS blog has come a long way since 11/2011…a VERY long way!
MMS is good people. Always discloses his affiliates, always stats when his link is not the best, always links to the best offer regardless. If you don’t like circles and errors, just don’t go there. That’s what I DON’T do when I don’t like a blog. Problem solved.
A lot of people disclose affiliates. And then go on to carpet bomb. It is like saying here lube up, going to penetrate soon.
Why do you used car salesman keep saying “you don’t have to buy from” us”. We know we don’t have to buy from you guys. Are you retarded? We are making sure our friends don’t buy either and also laugh at the pathetic used car salesmen infecting this space. You don’t have to sell to us either. Close shop and go away, no one is going to complain 🙂
You almost lost me after “penetrate”, but then I stumbled upon this:
“Why do you used car salesman keep saying “you don’t have to buy from” us”. ”
Um, what do you think it is, that I’m trying to sell you?
Sure U talking to me?
Got some more of that stuff U smoking?
AgendaGuy: I think I am trying to understand you now…
I am no pathetic used car salesman and I am not closing up shop…not tomorrow anyway. It may be the next day, I don’t know. I am taking it day by day man
Good people? He’s a scumbag pimp of the highest order. Laughable his 212 part series of how to use United miles landed smack in the middle of the huge devaluation…
If you have to resort to words like “scumbag pimp” you have already lost the argument.
Paul: Your arguments will have a LOT more credibility if insulting words were not included. I agree with Andy on this part. For the record, I never advocated such language in my blog. I also must admit I will not take away the right for you to express yourself. We are all free to self expression. TBB ain’t no North Koreanish hangout lol.
So, to your point, I also find it hilarious that blog tried to slip in one more UA part…And today we are reminded that the Southwest card is STILL alive and the Companion Pass is hotter than the Twitter IPO.
George I was referring to your comment attempt on the MV blog and the results of that attempt. That to me is important information.
Steve: I pay very little attention to what you say. You are the model of an angry. My suggestion would be to try all blogs to see how they respond to reports of better offers., including my old blog, instead of just whining with continual negativity. Why not try and report back? Oh no, because that would take time to do. Oh I understand.
Contempt prior to investigation.
I’ll gladly congratulate George for trying to get a reply to his comment. He made the effort, not just whined 🙁 Cheese Steve with your Whine?
Ok, I get it now, makes sense.
There was NEVER any doubt in my mind how my message will be treated. NEVER!
I still find it a riot that there is so much interaction in my tiny blog than yours 🙂
Disagree wrt Steve. He is the model smart commenter and despite no direct interaction between commenters here in general, I am pretty sure Steve is well respected. Always unbiased and always spotting great things for us to look, dissect and perhaps laugh at. Maybe newbies can read his comments to know what to watch out for in this downward spiraling hobby, if you want to call it a hobby that is. A few scumbags have turned this into a unsustainable business ruining it for everyone.
Keep it up Steve. Cheers.
with pleasure AgendaGuy
Although I’d never be able to make you guys laugh without the help of my friends MV, TPG, MMS, FTG etc.
“HURRY!!!!! LH 50K OFFER EXPIRES IN 40 DAYS!!!!!” – today’s thread by MileValue
Absolutely ________. There is a point where there is just not a point to keep shaking our heads.
The day I follow any of your suggestions is the day I will give up on humanity.
Hey ingy! I’m sounding as crazy as you know. love your blog, love the twitter whoever is controlling it (not you right?). can i get some advice on choices and my blog?? 🙂
sure, glad to talk. Drop me an email at rick@frugaltravelguy.com
Send you an email. 😀
Hey, do I get a commission for setting you guys up in MY blog? 🙂
BUZZ, you mentioned your Maui car rental in April. My experience for my Sept trip there for a car rental was this….Booked 6 months out, lowest rate for a weekly full size was thru Costco travel about $260, WTF. I’m cheap and Hawaii is historically a cheap place to rent cars. Checked the usual sources every month going forward and price dropped quite often and I rebooked each time. Lowest price again was Costco 2 weeks out $105 after taxes. BAM!!
Great info, thanks. I will get right on it…before I reply to more comments, before this and that 🙂
new in theaters this week, BAD GRAMPA…………………………………………………………………..Not Bad!
Thought about seeing it. Last time I thought I was going to hit a movie…I changed my mind to work on the blog material…again
starring FTG, the Grandpa.
“The Counselor” – simply awful.
As my wife noted “It was like No country for Old Men, if that film was downright terrible, with uninteresting characters and long, insipid dialogue.”
Some reviews of the Counselor were just brutal!
I think I liked No country for old men…emphasis on “I think” lol
Any reason you say the USAirways card is junk? I have 1 right now, and was planning to go for the 2nd one for my next churn (it’s been almost 6 months).
When I saw the blog posts about it, the US Air was NOT listed as one of the cards offering the FICO score. I have not been through any blog posts today but I think I saw one saying that this card DOES offer it…Will go through today’s blog posts in more detail by tonight.
The US Air non affiliate card is just fine, it’s beautiful. The one constantly pumped at Milevalue is JUNK!
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
gleff’s commenters pointed out that the link from the other cards works if you have the us airways card, but that the us airways card account doesn’t show you the link. cool backdoor for those of us with us airways but not the other crappy cards
The US Air card definitely does work – but you need to use the link because it does not show up in the account. I tried this on my wife’s account – very nice thing to have!
Good to know, thanks. Barclays is very slowly improving…
the usual crowd of bloggers (Gary included) are going into overdrive to defend the value of UR points
With friends like that who can be bought off, they don’t have to worry about much backlash in the way of their devalued currency
Keep in mind that any point is “better than a hole in the head”. If you pay with cash, you’re leaving reward points on the table. With that attitude, it’s just about different shades of greatness. That’s how you build loyalty with the big CC companies.
If I had a dollar today for every Rocketmiles link I saw. I thought about it. And then I read Loyalty Traveler’s review and confirmed my suspicions…You are paying for those miles, not really a deal!
RocketMiles has a very generous affiliate scheme for bloggers now …..
Gary commented on Loyalty Traveler’s post that there are no affiliate bonuses for ressies booked on this deal.
Add in a dollar for every Über ad and you’ll be a millionaire.
In Gary’s defense, he talked about it but he did not have an affiliate link.
Watching the first picture gives me a dizziness feeling 🙂 Regarding to the car rental in Maui, we booked a rental car from Costco a couple of months ago, and whenever the price dropped, we would re-booked it again. We are looking forward to our first trip to the island soon. Thanks.
I need to find me some time to research this. I wish I had an intern doing burning for me and also doing WordPress tasks…such as transferring all trip reports from family blog in Google Reader to TBB…
That would be a nice start…A dream actually 🙂
TBB, thanks for including my rant. To be honest, I don’t know why I’ve taken it so badly with United. I’m too old to expect a big corporation act in my best interests. I guess it’s because I’ve always felt that when things go wrong with anyone else, I can always count on Star to get me where I want. That’s going to stop soon, and it seems I’ll have to really start learning those sophisticated redemption technics now that I’ve never paid attention to. Maybe a paid subscription to Expert Flyer is in order, Oh humanity…
Yeah you did take it hard and justifiably so. And you know what? 95% of MP members probably did not even read or care about it. Delta has shown the way. It works for them, not us. Hopefully things come around. Until then…we adjust accordingly.
Maybe you should just post the previous post’s comments from now on, because that is where the REAL entertainment is. And I expected a LOT more Barclaycard pimping today….kinda disappointed.
I do want to sign up soon, though. You have an affiliate link I could use? 😉
There have been many asking me.
I will get there…one day…been saying this for months…I have a mental block or something…feel cheating looking at affiliate stuff and not reviewing blogs for the next Buzz post…keeps me busy and reduces therapist bills…so it’s not all bad. Questions is: Are you entertained? Body of post or comments…does not matter. Entertainment is paramount around here!
Achievement Unlocked: I Am Entertained!
Thanks 🙂
Yes! I just high fived myself instead of another self facepalm lol
@ Agendaguy, I would like to see you talk positively about the things you like and believe in to give your opinion more credibility…………….Here are some of the things I like believe in. Well, I believe in the soul, the small of a woman’s back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days………………………………….cr
Hey, where are the foot notes? This is how Rand Paul got in trouble :))
GHANDI, MVC as in Most Valuable Comment…Super funny too, thanks for the laugh. Only in TBB comments you get Ghandi, Susan Sontag, Lee Harvey Oswald, Astroturf and pornography ALL in the same paragraph!
Long live Ghandi!
IN-CREDIBLE!!! 😉 (not surprised TBB, was fully expecting “AgendalGal” and “Ghandi” incarnations and your seal of approval :P). I know when I hit that rough spot and I will do it every so often because I know it messes everything up and my therapist recommended it.
November 6, 2013 at 12:32 am
AgendaGuy: I think I am trying to understand you now…
I am no pathetic used car salesman and I am not closing up shop…not tomorrow anyway. It may be the next day, I don’t know. I am taking it day by day man
I was asking used car salesmen to close shop. Why would you self-pity and think I was telling you to close? I don’t understand.
The closing up shop reference was directed to my buddy Ingy who just keeps checking every day to see if I folded like a cheap suit lol.
FTG (the blog) is hawking cruises now where you get to hang out with FTG (the discriminated-against senior citizen).
So angry. Typical of many here though, and so counter productive.
You guys keep that up and George will never get links for you to click and support him.
Georgie, Your blog. Your rules
“So angry. Typical of many here though, and so counter productive”
counter-productive to what?
The Kumbayah circle that was just about to form when he/she walked in and left a comment!
Thanks a lot, Anonymous, if that is your real name!
New joke:
Q: You know what they call a blog that’s infested by gutter-dwelling creeps and utter nastiness in the comments?
A: The Huffington Post.
Alternative answer: Gawker.
And that’s why no one advertises there.
\once lived in CA-22, remembers Gloria Ochoa.
Gloria Ochoa, really? So our little group is also educated. Cool !
Very altruistic of you to think about George and his potential earning capabilities.
ingy: What happened to the “I am just mailing in one blog post a week for the corporation, I am out”. Busy rounding up the industry insiders for the cruise? What is the charity involved? Nightline or Today Show or CNN lined up? All for the hobby?
Thank you so much for your concern about my support. I got a front row to the greatest entertainment I have had for a year now: TBB and the comments.
I am in (obviously!) no rush. This body of work I am leaving here is a legacy to the hobby and my kids lol.
First I heard of industry insiders going along was today’s post? All I was asked is if I want to go to Alaska in May and the price was right 🙂
Katy took me along on a freebie cruise to Alaska about 5 times when she worked for Holland America (yes the old folks cruise line). Now I get to return the favor.
No idea about who else is going, what media will be involved if any, and no idea if it is a charity event.
This is not my gig. I was asked, and gladly said yes. We love Alaska.
It’s technically tomorrow, so I am just going to declare myself 1st !!!
Congrats…err, wait a minute. Not sure that works. But sure it was very clever.
I had a rough day. I did not feel like blogging. I went to a movie. 12 years slave. Pencil in Steve McQueen and Chiwetel Ejiofor as Director and Actor for Oscars. Heard it here first!
I just realized this is comment #99, wow!
Congrats TBB for comment #100, you are the greatest.
I can entertain myself sometimes 🙂