TBB Mission: To Entertain, Educate and Inspire. Aim to at least do one well!
If you like what you see here, please let others know by passing them a link to my blog, thank you!

Well, no more AdSense ads. There goes my Filipino women dating ad that had a payout rivaling the Platinum Amex. Thank you to all who clicked on my ads to help me out. For those of you who clicked on my ads for other reasons what can I say? Well, I could care less actually about the ads. It was an excellent learning experience and designed to get my son off his computer game chair and it worked for three and a half days. Seeing the traffic I am shocked it was not quicker! Maybe one day some traffic log activity will make it in a TBB presentation. When I get to it. Which is likely never. But I will keep them. Just in case. The journey continues.
Buckle up!
Ten fascinating skybridges. From The World Geography.

Wandering Earl continues his (comped) trip to North Korea. The Mass Games in Pyongyang. I eat this stuff up. Look at the grand waste of humanity, so much effort on putting up these absurd spectacles…
The Longest Borders to Patrol. By Gunnar Garfors.
1. China: 22,147 kilometers
2. Russia: 20,017 kilometers
3. Brazil: 14,691 kilometers
4. India: 14,103 kilometers
5. USA: 12,034 kilometers
6. Kazakhstan: 12,012 kilometers
7. Congo, Democratic Republic: 10,730 kilometers
8. Argentina: 9,665 kilometers
9. Canada: 8,893 kilometers
10. Mongolia: 8,220 kilometers
Amazing New Zealand Timelapse Video. Found at the Adventure Blog
Shocking News: Hyatt has a promotion, sign up! Discover New Possibilities. I will spare you the details, just go read the terms, it’s not that complicated: 5 nights for 5k, another 5 nights you get 10k points, another 5k you get 15k points and another 5k you get another 20k points. You could earn 50k points for 20 nights. Be careful about the non participating hotels (if you can find them). Sign up anyway even if you have no plans to stay there, ya never know!
DansDeals with “American Express Purchase Protections are Simply Amazing“. Ok, you can pass the first mini credit card fest parargraph if you are not looking for one and head to the post. There is some really good information here with actual examples. Always some good stuff in the comments too. While others hammer out ten plus part series on SPG…yawn.
Saverocity is killing it lately. Another solid post: “Using Avios or AAdvantage For Flying American Airlines in North America and the Caribbean.” For advanced users. Love Avios for flights Detroit to New York City on a short notice whenever we want for just 4,500 Avios points! One way positioning flights too. Use AAdvantage miles for international trips. Add a one free way on AA if you can and happen not to be “normal” person with sheduling/timing and availability issues (HT to MilesAbound).
Apparently that crazy AA elite status challenge offer is indeed confirmed valid, emails went out today to members who signed up. There are tons of people who signed up for justifying in their minds that it makes sense for them to shell out cash to AA to get status to shell out more money next year to keep status and to upgrade international flights. Sometimes I do feel like Chris Elliott…this looks like a scam lol.
Efficient Asian Man (better than being inefficient! – that was a joke, ok?) wrote “Why You Shouldn’t Necessarily Trust Credit Card Links on Blogs“. Good write up, maybe the TBB message is getting out! I even get a plug and I quote: “If you’re wondering which blogs you can trust and which you can’t, I’d recommend reading some of TravelBloggerBuzz, as it’s his shtick to call out bad blogging practices. In the future, I might write about some of my favorite (and least favorite) blogs, but in the meantime, I feel like a heuristic you can use to judge the quality/trustworthiness of a blog can just be how many credit card affiliate links you see each day (more = bad).” Some blogs educate putting the readers ALWAYS first. Others promote crappy affiliate offers when better non affiliate offers exist. Not many things make me angry but this one sure does! I could shut up but I won’t. It is my blog and you can challenge entertain us in the comments, thank you:-) No excuses for this practice, none!
Roms Deals wrote “My Hotel Booking Strategy – Never “pay” for a Hotel” I like it a lot, especially the never pay part lol. This is why everyone should not try to diversify too much. There is a certain cost of time involved in this hobby and you just can’t stretch yourself too much. Keep your targets a little more focused and pounce/hit/specialize on them. Don’t worry about others’ trophy stories how they squeezed 13.39 cents per [insert favorite loyalty currency]. Accomplish your goal and enjoy it to the full extent. And never EVER look back “what if I had redeemed XXX points for that hotel”. It’s like looking back and pondering “What if I had bought Apple at x per share”. WHAT A WASTE OF TIME. Focus on the here and now and work on goals. Off my soap box. I also wanted you to all know that Rom managed not to insert a single affiliate link in his post. So we can focus on the actual content, imagine that! TBB improving the hobby? Ok, what hobby? TBB improving some business/blogging practices perhaps? Or maybe he is just angry. Yawn.
Mommy Points is in a zone or what? “Using Miles and Points during School Holidays“. A topic of great interest for many families including mine! If I only had the time to book awards at allowed times (summer and breaks)! But I somehow manage to do fine. Targeting Maui next year from Detroit and have not done a single search! Any reader can help? 4 RT tickets from Detroit DTW to Maui Feb 15/16 to Feb 22/23. Have miles everywhere, except Spirit lol. Why is this TBB guy so angry I wonder sometimes? And his band of angry “outcasts of society” (!!!!!)? Yep, all this fun was at the comments yesterday, you should take a look!
Blogging pace this week has been, well, naturally, insane! It’s the end of the summer and after school starts for the kids there is no way this pace can be sustained. But I will try:-)
Blog hit a new record of unique visitors yesterday! I am honored and humbled. And I am certainly not angry. Oh, blasted to pieces the old record in number of comments yesterday too! #110 and counting, wow! Thank you for your support.
Theme Park pictures. By Francesco Mugnai. I love these!

This had me rolling on the floor…

Note: This section is intended for long time readers and miles/points addicts who follow the blogs in this space. Readers not familiar with this crazy hobby could skip this section! Do not take anything personal. TBB reviews blogs. Call me Siskel
Noob Traveler has a list of upcoming seminars. Surprisingly, I saw #FinCon13 in there, a conference for financial bloggers. Topic: “Leveraging Your Credit Score for $$$ or Travel“. This is brilliant marketing move. I always said the big money in this space is cultivating an endless line of newbies. They get one card or two and get all tangled up and give up. And then you go around to conferences hunting for more:-) I bet there is a “Welcome #FinCon13 readers” post queued up already! Maybe one day I decide to do something like this and I could probably pass off as some type of expert in front of this audience? First line of my speech: “Are you all bloggers doing AdSense and Amazon affiliate stuff? You have no idea of the gold mine out there pumping credit cards. What? Your blog is about budgeting and cutting costs and living frugally? I have the answer for your readers: Chase Ink Bold and SPG Amex, keep pumping your readers with them! Do it! The more aggressive you pump it, the higher your dinero balance goes, it’s the American way. I say pffft! I just respond to comments posted at TBB. The entertainment value is priceless lol.
Deals We Like is on Part 4 of the Part 11 Series on (what else?) the SPG card. Click on my links. I am just trying to pretend I pass important and helpful information.
Million Mile Secrets on the same pattern, it is Part 5 (of 5? Is it over, really?). At least it does have more meat and twelve credit card apps. I have a hard time making all the links I post here work correctly and some of these experts knock them out like peanuts. I feel a yawn.
The Points Guy wrote “New Citi ThankYou Preferred Versus The No Annual Fee Barclaycard Arrival“. You know what, why sweat it, get both!
View from the Wing with Top 10 Credit cards. I can take this once a month. Hope it happens. Not going to bet on it.
Canadian Kilometers writes a primer on “Credit Card Churning“. I had no idea Canadians were involved in this leisurely mega addictive practice:-) A post about churning and no affiliate links, what is wrong with these weird Canadians? 🙂
Frugal Travel Guy (the blog) is up to #8 credit card, just seven more to go, hang in there everybody! And here comes the fantastically inferior US Air card when compared to the fantastically superior card that does not pay the corporation! How would you know which pays the seller? Huh? Good question! Maybe you should ask. Give FTG credit, at least it gave the better card a mention and a link, thank God! THIS gets me angry! Was that another yawn? I could not sleep if I knew anything with my name on it did this to people who read me! Heck, I don’t sleep now anyway so what’s the difference? Ariana, how do you feel? Those darn corporations again…or maybe it’s the big bad banks. It’s all so confusing so I will go straight to the disclosure page to educate myself. Ok…I think this was enough for now:-)
I got Travel Enthusiast to write “Travel Blogosphere Chat: Intro ::scared to press publish:” You know your blog is making an impact when you have others talk about you. I am so honored! And I can take the digs at me, it’s all good. And I mean it all!
I clicked the Shoplet ad on the Adsense to contribute :-). Love the pictures. Thanks
As always, thanks for the kind words!
As usual, you remain the best “Information Broker” on the internet.
It’s funny how much bloggers act like one big frat. Heaven forbid if you speak ill against another blogger. There’s very few people looking out for the consumer… thanks for being that guy. It’s no surprise that some of them are the real “angries” who don’t want their dirty laundry on display, or don’t want anyone to point out the emperor has no clothes.
I hope you find a way to monetize before you burn out… you provide so many interesting links and pictures every day, and you do it for free – which is not easy. When Ingy was posting for $$ on FTG he posted every day. Then he started his “charity” blog, and he has one post in the last 6 weeks (so much for a “labor of love”). So he can attest to how difficult it is doing something without compensation!
I think Ingy (the angry) posts more here than anywhere now.
doing something without compensation is easy when it it the next right thing. sent a donation to the Independence Fund just last week to help another Vet get a track chair and next Monday giving away two AA EVIPs for donations, all while finishing moving and on vacation this week.
it really is fun watching you clowns try to tear others down.
Yesterday it was “outcasts of society”. Today it is “clowns”. Thank you.
I prefer to keep my charitable activities private. We are different. Thanks for telling TBB readers your charitable activities. We are like a family here.
I even thought about starting up a collection foy you sweetheart. You know to cover all those hosting fees for your blog.
Watching you guys piss and moan about others is just a hoot. And when I throw in a contrarian comment, it gets more amusing. Like rattling a stick in a bees nest.
George start a collection to cover next years hosting fees if your suit doesn’t fold. I’ll gladly chip in.
You don’t throw in a contrarian comment though. You troll and insult
You call geroge’s readers clowns and outcasts. That’s rude, and something you would not put up with on your blog
George points out what he likes and doesn’t like. What is the harm in that? Why are you the angry one? Why do you feel the need to troll?
Honestly, I’m get more and more surprised with how rude and classless you are – and for what I can tell, the only reason is because you dont agree with George’s philosophy.
The way you act is not something to be proud of. You held your commenters to a higher standard then you exhibit yourself. That’s hypocrisy
George, I can cover your hosting no problem on one of my servers if it comes to it.
Ingy, I found it peculiar that you own the domain TABLOIDBLOGGERBUZZ.COM and it was registered just this year….
[censored by Admin. I feel North Korean now!]
Updated Date: 2013-02-03 10:34:58
Creation Date: 2013-02-03 10:34:58
Registrar Expiration Date: 2014-02-03 10:34:58
Registrar: GoDaddy.com, LLC
Registrant Name: xxxxxxxxxxx
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street: xxxxxxxxxx
Registrant Street:
Registrant City: xxxxxxxxxxx
Registrant State/Province: xxx
Registrant Postal Code: xxxx
Registrant Country: United States
Admin Name: Richard xxxxxxxx
Admin Organization:
Admin Street: xxxxxxx
Admin Street: xxx
Admin City: xxxxxxxxx
Admin State/Province: xx
Admin Postal Code: xxxxx
Admin Country: United States
Admin Phone: xxxxxxxx
Admin Fax:
Admin Email: xxxxxxxxxx
Lastly, congratulations on fitting all of your self-praise in to one sentence. Retirement must be really treating you well.
Jay, Not really necessary. I adjusted the personal information (and you know I hate censoring…sorry!)
My friend told me he had reserved the name. I thought he was joking. Obviously not.
Maybe he is counting on capitalizing on the commercial success of TBB? (No yawns, laugh hysterically).
To cya based on my counsel: Whatever is posted under TravelBloggerBuzz is the blog owner’s personal opinion only and does not constitute advice in any shape or form. Whoever posts here is responsible for their own posts.
If you gave me a $50 Marriott gift card for every time you broke your promise not to come back to places infested with mosquitoes I would likely have the hosting issues covered for several decades!
How quickly we forget.
Thank you for your concern for covering my hosting fees. I think I should manage to cover them just fine. If you do chip in I am certain you will tell us all about it here in my blog.
Comment counts: 118, 92 recently. Never in your wildest FTG dreams.
Was that a yawn? 🙂
Does IB know you are here calling people names. I liked “clown” the best. I always wanted to be voted “Best clown” in my class. I finally achieved it. It is never too late everybody!
Entertaiment. For Free. TBB
it rhymes:-)
Stopped offering $50 gift card when I realized I loved coming back to this site. I’ve given way more to your readers in gift cards than you the host.
Doucebag is ok but you take offense at clowns? A bit of a double standard? Not here in the land of make believe
Stopped offering $50 gift card when I realized I loved coming back to this site. I’ve given way more to your readers in gift cards than you the host. This place is a blast.
Doucebag is ok but you take offense at clowns? A bit of a double standard? Not here in the land of make believe
Sorry about the double Sweetheart
I don’t think you ever made a statement that you will stop offering $50 Marriott gift cards each time you went to a place infested with mosquitoes. I was counting…actually, I lost count! Maybe I missed it. It’s all good.
Douchebag was not directed at me. I can not control what people type from their computers. If it was directed at me I would laugh about it.
I loved being called clown, it was my dream. Thank you. No double standards here in TBB. Reader always comes first. Entertain, Educate, Inspire. Thank you for doing your part, we sure appreciate it!
No problem about the double post…girlfriend;-)
>>>>>>There’s very few people looking out for the consumer… thanks for being that guy.
Wow, thanks for the praise, I really appreciate it.
There is no doubt there is a certain “frat” feeling around bloggers. It is understandable. They go through the same issues. I try not to strain from the mission of the blog. Plus, I always did things a little differently, been a bit “out there”…I like the view:-)
>>>>>>>Ihope you find a way to monetize before you burn out…
I hope so too. But the mission comes first. With everything else going on…that does not leave much time to look into monetizing. The AdSense was a learning experience. After school starts this pace is not sustainable…
What “charity” blog? 🙂
Ok, thanks.
Is it fair to take credit for changing the hobby given that Rom doesnt appear to actually have any direct affiliate links to insert into the post?
I was taking a slight dig at him because of his previous runs at my Buzz section focusing a little too much on the cards du jour. Rom is cool. That was an excellent post and it deserved my link. Thanks for taking the time to comment!
The link says “higher 35,000 mile version.” Give our readers some credit George! They are literate. As for the affiliate link, it directs to the credit card page, which again directs readers to the 35k offer. The top 30 list features plenty of credit cards that FTG does not earn a commission for, and we’ve been consistent about linking to the best offer throughout the series. Hope this clarifies a few misconceptions.
Are you serious? How can you defend this type of post? Here is how Gary Leff put it:
US Airways Mastercard 35,000 points after first purchase and fee waived the first year. It’s not the best offer I’ve seen, there have been 40,000 mile offers in the past, but it’s the best current offer I’m aware of. It’s another with no landing page — so again, if you prefer a landing page here’s an offer for 30,000 miles without the first year fee waiver.
Compare that to the way FTG put it. I think the FTG way is wholly designed to increase the clicks on the inferior offer. Am I wrong? The inferior offer (gave credit for giving it) is MUCH better to help readers travel frugally. Verdad?
I also think doing a credit card per day is, well, a bit over the top ridiculous. And I am called clown? Yawn:-)
Put your readers first and TBB stops bringing these out to educate readers (part of the mission, entertainment is a given around here lol)
I find it so interesting to see how your blogging has developed ever since you started working for a corporation. I miss the awesome Pointchaser posts, too bad you do not have enough time for them anymore. Sad face.
Number 1 is Chase Ink Bold. No: Platinum Amex? We can’t wait, the anticipation among the TBB readers is reaching too high levels.
Have a great weekend and thank you for reading and commenting on my blog. I DO appreciate it.
The commission on this card is really not high enough to start misdirecting readers to click the affiliate link. I imagine the reason other bloggers might do so is because they have no other links and are just trying to generate revenue. The post says “There is a higher 35,000 mile version of the Barclays US Airways MasterCard with the annual fee waived the first year” and it’s linked. It’s right at the end so that folks are reminded to use it if it still works. Look anywhere on the site and we’re constantly recommending the best offer. Maybe you should start writing these for us, George. 😉
Then why the heck is the giant APPLY NOW button linked to the affiliate offer? Why is the link from the card name to the affiliate offer? Where is the disclosure that one link provides you compensation and the other doesn’t? Why do you spend so long even mentioning the 30,000 miles and how the annual fee is worthwhile given all the perks? Why even have an affiliate link at all?
Answer: You wouldn’t mind if readers used the inferior offer!
Stop with the doublespeak.
The FTG(the angry and the blog) motto:
TBB = thoughtcriminal!
Jeff, the $89 annual fee is something you have to pay after the first year anyways, so that statement applies to either version of the card. I personally have this card and keep it in my wallet for that reason. There is no double speak or any kind of conspiracy to get people to sign up for an inferior card offer. I assumed the difference between the affiliate/non affiliate would be apparent to anyone who can read, so I’m quite baffled by the outburst.
Why pay the annual fee?
Why not churn it? Why not much information about churning lately?
Did you get this card or the one from FT? If you got this card I am sorry.
I wonder which version Rick has. And how many?
If you do not understand the differences between the two versions what else can we say…WE are just baffled you are baffled by the outburst and completely baffled you appear not to realize why! I think I did a post about this same “issue” several months ago. Maybe I can find it. Put your readers first and maybe FTG (the corporation) could even do better—–>more dinero and more happy customers traveling frugally. Maybe…
I absolutely understand the difference and assume the readers do as well – especially since it is clearly spelled out in the post. It seems the only people who can’t distinguish between the affiliate/non-affiliate offers are you and Jeff. I prefer to keep my cards and get the annual fee waived or points comped. To each his own.
Please explain why there is even a link to the affiliate version? And the statement about the annual fee states it is not waved the first year, so that does not apply to either card.
It applies to the affiliate offer.
Well, we clearly disagree on this. Some reader wrote sometime ago an epic rant on this very topic. I wish I could find it, I will look for it, if I have time, which I don’t.
Any reader wants to refresh TBB readers’ memory about this. Please email me.
Rom didn’t mention an affiliate link because he doesn’t have any to offer – apparently not enough readers (which is no surprise considering the quality – or lack thereof – of his blog)
I should look into that Credit Karma button on the right one of these days:-) I liked the post I featured, hope he keeps it up:-) Why am I so angry? 🙂
“I’m taking my ten dollar Apple profit and getting out at $45, no way this iPod thing keeps going” – me a long time ago.
Please don’t remind me, stop!!!
Hi, George! “Miles for cats” lady here. I really debated if I should respond or not. But you did reach out to me, albeit through another site. First, let me agree on a couple of things. Yes on the charity, you make a valid point. How would the readers know? Very true. I was thinking the same thing, so will try to address it. One wonders though, why you didn’t pick on Matt, when he pretty much said the same thing? Hmm.. How come?
Also, yes I am very new and lack credibility. But you should let readers judge for themselves. My readers are VERY smart. In fact I wonder why they are reading my blog in the first place. Now, onto the bad part. What you did yesterday was NOT constructive criticism. You should have let your feelings known, while we were talking in the morning on Twitter. Why didn’t you?
Why wait till I’m in the comment section and poop all over me in front of everyone. Not cool. Enough comparisons with Mommy points. I really like Summer and what she does. No controversy here, moving along. Now let me give you some constructive criticism. In the order of priority, just like my credit card picks list:
1) More respect for women on this site. Travelbloggerbuzz= mysogyny at it’s finest. To the women bloggers and commenters: why are you putting up with this crap? So no more “sweetheart”, “meow” et cetera. Cut it out.
2) No more profanity, even implied one. Don’t go there, girlfriend.
3)Let it go on affiliate links. You don’t decide who gets them and when, the companies do. But guess what? You don’t need to get your panties in a bunch. Why? Because the market will take care of it. Bad blogger=no commission. Give readers some credit, they are very smart.
4) Do something about the web design of this blog. My budget is tight, what’s your excuse? Put that philipino dating site money to some good use. Hey, it rhymes!
5) Go back to what you do best. Remember what I said: you are the ever present (if self-appointed) eye, watching over bloggers and keeping them straight in their paths! So keep on watching, sheesh
Oh, and that was one lousy apology.
you readers are VERY smart? after 2 weeks? wow, you know a surprisingly high amount about your readers after such a short time
on the sweetheart? he was wrong, and apologized, a few times… sheesh, move on and stop being so hypersensative.
And let go on affiliate links? TBB has never been against affliaite links… but rather disclosure and conflicts of interest and what not. You are sort of off base on this…
Thank you for reading and for taking the time comment! I appreciate it. Taking the time to comment show me that you care and I always learn something from negative feedback. I do not take things personally and I suggest you try to do so too!
You misunderstand TBB. You have not been reading it long enough. You have not been blogging long enough. I read Gary Leff’s blog since Day One. If you don’t know how long this is, look into it. I think I know what I am talking about and genuinely tried twice now to give you some advice to help you. I am sorry you take things so personally! I can’t help in that dept. The 2nd time I suggested again to try to read my advice from a different angle (if possible) and if you knew TBB you know I have a VERY quirky sense of humor.
Anyways, I suggest again you reread what I wrote. I think one day you will get it and you will thank me. I hope so anyway.
Just a short response on some of your points:
1) Re: Women. I guess apologizing humbly twice about my “sweetheart” comment is not enough. I will not even bother with the rest, you obviously have not been reading TBB long enough.
2) This is my blog. I hardly ever use profanity. Sometimes I slip, sorry you got offended. I usually put it together late at night and just “let it go” (based on my therapist’s orders). I think I have done it only a few times. No big deal.
3) Re: Affiliate links: Come on. I suggest you read some earlier TBB posts.
4) My blog design sucks and I am so proud of it! No more filipino dating women ad money coming in. Sad face.
5) TBB reviews blogs.
Final note: Victoria Secrets is DA bomb!
Have a nice day!
George is Greek. I thought an over-confident disrespect of women was part of the genetic make-up – ***KIDDING*** :O)
Lol, good one! Made me laugh…a lot:-)
Smart readers don’t read that blog. I went on it once, by accident, an immediate purged my cookies after for feeling dirty. I like the design of this blog- it appears good content is the focus, which is much better than good header image & regurgitated content. Balls
Thanks again. I try to help and I am called names. It’s okay. To survive in this space thick skin is absolutely essential:-)
Content is king!
Oh and I will click affiliate links on bloggers I like if I know they are the best offer…but don’t put inferior links on your site at ALL, its disingenuous, when a bunch of this info comes from flyertalk and dem peeps aint paid nutin.
You have already said your piece and now by continuing to instigate the conversation you are making a target of yourself, this will turn into another pointless drama. Your focus from here should be on content for your site.
Just so you know, George and I did discuss the offer I made to give to Charity, and he had concerns about it for transparency that he raised with me. Further to this he also had concerns about motivations behind such a move and believes that charity should be a private matter.
I agree with him entirely, but decided to deliberately announce my giving to charity in order to encourage other people to join me.
Thanks for the feedback.
@ Matt, agreed. Which is why yours is the only comment I will answer to. However, I stand by what I said, especially the level of disrespect for women on this site. Since George seems to listen to you, I encourage you address this issue with him in private. Also, I was not seeking out George, he reached out to me. I do ask you one thing. How would you feel, if he treated your wife in such manner? Something to think about it.
>>>>>>>>>especially the level of disrespect for women on this site
>>>>>>>>How would you feel, if he treated your wife in such manner?
And this is why blogging is never dull…Responding like this may make you feel better but it certainly does not help your blog.
I honestly have no issue with the way George has conducted himself here. And I don’t think he listens to me anyway. If he was to speak to my wife like that I would say the same thing as I said to you. Move on, focus on content, try to toughen up, because the anonymity of the internet makes it a very spiteful place.
However, you are making a mountain out of a molehill here, and trust me, there are enough idiots out there that you will encounter that you don’t need to make everything personal.
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast
ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them
under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
Love that at the end, I think it fits perfectly in this discussion.
I listen to you…sometimes. We need to talk about that big affiliate ad pal, cough:-)
And this is perfect:
Move on, focus on content, try to toughen up, because the anonymity of the internet makes it a very spiteful place.
Today I actually figured out the perfect link for you. I will be posting it first so get in the Conga Line… but this one will:
Be Clickbomb proof
Provide Value to both you and your reader
Is the best offer they can get
Is not a credit card.
I think you will love it 🙂
I am overcome by the excitement anticipating the breakthrough. Finally, TBB’s hard work will be rewarded soon. There IS a God afterall!
Hope it is not Personal Capital dude, too many stocks, hehe
What is disrespectful to women on this site? The use of sweetheart, come on, did you just find the Internet? That is very mild. Don’t read the comments if sweetheart offends you, I see much worse in the comments on yahoo! which has the most hits of any site.
I can not even take the yahoo comments and I am known to have the thickest skin of them all:-)
Get a life. You suck. Period.
That was meant to milesforfamily
I’ve actually never found George’s behavior toward women unreasonable! He’s always been nice and cordial to me (even making jokes sometimes, which I’ve never found to be a big deal, and occasional critical banter, which he does with everyone) and he is very kind and respectful towards his wife and daughter. Clearly a family man. I think if his wife went on the site and looked around, it’s unlikely she’d be offended though I don’t know her personally. Comments about Filipino women aren’t an insult – it’s no secret George is attracted to Asian women so it’s actually a compliment to the Filipino community. Then again, I also probably wouldn’t take offense at being called “sweetheart”.
Matt, good Hilton posts. As you know, I’ve been thinking about where to use my certs… and, in a few days, my parents can join the discussion on whether Hilton Park Lane is a “dump”. Though they got the old AXON rate 🙂
You obviously have been reading TBB longer:-)
I had a Filipino girlfriend back in college. But then I married a Chinese Malaysian. I think it was a good move:-)
My brother is married to a Ukranian. We are very different indeed:-)
Did I say I love Victoria Secrets yet?
TBB’s goal is to piss off every blogger at least once (well, not really but you get my point). Siskep pissed off a lot more movie directors too you know!
I am out of coffee already!
Thanks! I actually wrote them after we were discussing how hard it was to use these certs up on twitter. There has to be a better way to find the value… but I think I may need to lower myself to the Cat 8 soon, and then it is a slippery slope… look forward to hearing about the Park Lane, hope they have a great trip regardless.
TBB I missed the whole adsense thing – how come you got kicked out? I mean I fully expect – as you know – if/when/whenever you try to get CC links as you will be laughed out of the door. But don’t understand why the ads got taken down. Not that they bring much money anyway.
Oh and now I am feeling underrated as TBB has never pissed me off once. Though my claim to being a blogger is getting more tenuous each day I post jack-poop. Just too easy to post on FT instead…
Google just banned my account for violating the terms. Just sent an email saying “sorry, you violated the terms, here they are”. Went through them and I certainly did not do any of them. Apparently some were clicking on the ads way too much and violated some internal adsense rule. I have traffic logs and they are so interesting. I filed them away. This was just a learning experience. No big deal. We all know where the big money is lol.
I fully expect pushback when it happens:-) But you won’t believe how many are encouraging me to do it. One thing for sure you won’t see TBB aggressively pumping the crap out. Not even passively. Put it up there and do it like Frequent Miler. Heck, I will have a link to his blog and just a few others I like and feel they do it right. If I turn into Milevalue, BURN ME TO THE STAKES PLEASE:-) [I fully expect an email now that I advocate physical violence…you watch. Happened before lol. Making a point here, don’t be an arsonist:-)]
But who has time for dat? I need to keep my life sane and keep attacking my Feedly list. The mission is number 1.
Did not piss you off yet? Just made a mental note. Waiting for the next Maldives trip report to pounce now…kidding;-)
Actually next Maldives trip report starts on Tuesday 🙂 We are flying Emirates F so will have in-flight wi-fi so I am going to do a live twitter report! Going to same place again so not sure if there is much point in writing up a lot about it but we plan to dive a lot again and right now we are told visibility is much better so I hope to cover more of the diving aspect, which is a niche but something we love.
Gotta say at this point there are very few sites whose links I would ever use. Probably give all of them to FM, Matt @ Saverocity and if you did get them I’d use one or two. I used to use MMS but he’s clearly completely commercial now and I find little value in the blog any more. He won’t miss me with his thousands of newbies 🙂
Thanks for the inclusion on the links. What camera do you use for diving? I have a canon with a 40mt case that works pretty well, but I am wondering if I should get a case for my D90 instead…
I just use a Canon S95 and I don’t have a strobe so frankly do not get great pictures unless I am close to the surface, in which case have gotten some decent ones (like this one where I got the coral reflecting on the surface, probably the best underwater picture I took: http://i1264.photobucket.com/albums/jj488/MilesAbound/MaldivesTRp9/file-45.jpg). I have a D90 too but housing and strobe would set me back $2k+ and that’s too rich for me. I do at least have a torch this time to light up small things in the deep. We tend to dive quite deep (20-30m) so videos are all very, er, BLUE!
Nice pics – was that a Seal poking its head out? I wouldn’t have thought them to be there but looking through with the Sea Turtles I thought I was back in the Galapagos Islands again!
I am cool with that. Any click coming my way you know I sure appreciate it;-)
Thanks for the info on cameras. I am finding attracted to photography lately, steadily…
Dang Internet just coughed or something and I lost the comment I was writing, so I will just say thanks, George, for the FT link to the AAAF 2013 DO. Sounds so much more appealing than the seminars and such. I will watch for info on the 2014 version and start suggesting to MrTWA44 that an A2 visit for Art Fair might be just the thing for next summer!
Been dealing with a bad cable modem since last night. Comcast cable guy will be here MOnday morning from 8 to 12 noon. Maybe…
Way too early for the AAAF Do next year!
Go Blue!
Hi “Miles for cats” person.
How many miles are you offering for each cat.
If it’s enough, I’d like to scale it and give you a few hundred.
Yeah, we know how you like to scale:-)
Thanks George for the shout out, I like you too ;). I try to keep my choices practical. I like to focus on content and helping/answering readers. I do get a few emails a day and offer free award booking advice. I have a full time accounting job so I can’t spend hours on tons of content and traffic building. I like the size of my blog because its enough to handle for now. Sorry about your adsense…
Did you say free? Jeff did too and then got tied up for days:-)
I may need some help…when I am done responding to comments…which is probably…never:-)
1. I’m female and not offended by George in the least…but I have a dark sense of humor.
2. Um, George, it’s Victoria’s Secret. Secret of Victoria. Unless you meant something completely different, in which case I think that Victoria Secrets is an excellent drag name!
Minor details. I meant the lingerie shop. Did you know if you get on their mailing list (not email) they send coupons for a free pantie sometimes? I always give them to my wife and she always goes and get them, she knows they are my favorite:-)
08/18 -> Reader Question: Why is the American Airlines Card Not the Best for Earning American Airlines Miles? (SPG Link fest)
08/19 -> Credit Card Updates (Some more links)
08/20 -> How to Earn & Use Starwood Points: Part 4 – The Best Kept Secret of Nights & Flights (SPG Link Fest)
08/21 -> 2 Cards = 5 Nights + 2 Air Tickets To Disney World! (SPG Link Fest)
08/22 -> How to Earn & Use Starwood Points: Part 5 – Starwood Elite Status (SPG Linkfest)
We need more jobs like this!! What a life.
How come no smiley at the end of sentence there today Buzz? 😉 Feeling more confident today 😛 Who is this milesforrats person? Buzz is a lot of things (like an apologist for some bloggers while ragging on others) but not a woman hater.
A new blog is definitely welcome in this space that can remain impartial towards all and sundry. Buzz is doing a good job of spreading awareness for sure though and that is always cool. (Mission Impossibru, just kidding, sweetheart :P)
I have been called many things, especially lately. Some could be justified. “Outcast of society” – true based on my music taste “clown” – take it as a compliment! “piss and moan” – we all do it sometimes, let’s just admit this.
But woman hater was totally out there for me! Thought about it & let out a huge yawn. I may be many many things…but that one, I am quite comfortable making this assessment, I am not:-)
If I had a $10 bill for every time I saw SPG in a blog post this month I would be able to afford to make a big donation to my favorite charities! I still wouldn’t blog about it though:-)
No the bloggers are just busy with projects. So their content has suffered. You need to take it easy of them.
I don’t take it easy. I did the first five years of my 40’s. I got bored. So I set much higher goals. Going full speed down a highway, buckle up everyone:-)
Iggy is the Mother Teresa of the blogosphere, always writing about how charitable he is. It reminds me of companies who spend more money on TV ads telling us that are donating money to a cause or charity, then they are actually giving to the charity…………..Iggy, we all do charitable work in our own way but are secure enough that we don’t have to tell everyone it time we do something…………………Bozo Ramsey
TBBgangbmember – Lololololol.This is what I love about blogging…laughs like this. You just never know what you are going to get. Still laughing about it, thanks!
You Bozo me Clown kind of catchy 🙂
Hooray! I made TBB! My blogging life (such as it is) is at a zenith!
That’s a view from the top of El Capitan. Anyone interested in hiking it is advised that the trail from Tamarack Flats is easier and more shaded, but the views from the valley floor (past the turnoff to the top of the falls) are better while the trail is tougher. And of course the nearest Starwood Hotel to Yosemite is…. nowhere close. (There also aren’t any near Yellowstone or Glacier. Booooo!)
Still on vacation. No time to spend reading travel blogs besides my core set of four: here, Saverocity, Miles to the Wild, and FM. All seem to be doing well. Carry on.
A warning to those vacationing in the Finger Lakes: the food options are best in Ithaca and go rapidly downhill afterward. Stay close to Ithaca.
1) FM 2) Buzz 3) Saverocity were my top 3. Gotta check MTTW out now that you recommend.
Loved that pic in yesterdays post. Methinks this space also needs some Photshoopers to keep the parody going but I am afraid some will just get their skin thicker and excuse their way to more link bombing.
Have you donated to any charity lately? If not shame 😀
A few kids in the neighborhood who go to the same high school as my son were going around raising money for the tennis team. They are good kids. I gave them $5. I did not ask for a tax receipt. I just wanted you all to know this. Hey, stop yawning lol
Must say that I read MTTW mainly for the bird pictures and travel reports in interesting places.
Hey Harvson, Great pic – I was gonna give you an earful about there not being a Starwood property within 150 miles of Glacier Point, but I forgot about that freaking overpriced Mammoth property, so you’re off the hook for now.
>>>>>>My blogging life (such as it is) is at a zenith!
We all start somewhere 😉
Great view!
Card is allright too 🙂
Enjoy the vacation, sounds splendid!
Just for the record @ 7:30 est. TBB has 76 comments, MMS with its boring as h*ll interview, 4 comments (minus my censored “meh” comment)
Attention Ladies and Gentlemen, BOY AND GIRLS and MOMS AND DADS….TBB IS WHERE THE ACTION IS…..more fun than a 3 ring circus..(insert circus music here)…now featuring our newest sideshow act…….. Iggy the Terrible, he’s more confused than Bradley Manning’s Libido…………………………..wtf, he actually secured the name TabloidTravelBloggerBuzz.,if true, dude’s sick.
It cost me $9. I buy lots of names for lots of reasons. Some pan out very very well 🙂
It’s true, and while you all laugh and make fun, Daraius’s is laughing all the way to the bank with those four comments and clicks galore 🙂
Good for him, he needs to finally pay off those student loans! I am worried about Emily, I hope she is okay. You appear to laugh only in references to banks; all other times you appear so angry. I feel a yawn 🙂
Hey – did you not catch da love from Ric at LT? Brah, you be jamming!
Thanks for the heads up. Just did. I am honored. I highly respect Ric G. I left a comment there. How can he sleep with such loud neighbors is a mystery 🙂
OMG! Did Rick really secure tabloid blogger buzz? Please tell me this is a joke. If not, wow. Dude is obsessed! Actually I hope it is true. It would be so awesome on so many levels.
Do a “Whois” search on tabloidbloggerbuzz.com, it is true…
A reader discovered it. He had told me about it but thought he was joking. It would be an awesome parody to have someone copy my posts and give them a different spin. Kind of like the anti TBB blog.Welcome “outcasts of society. In the anti TBB blog we angries piss and moan the clowns at TBB”. Get it? Maybe we can get IB to fork over some money again, you can do a double bang, imagine all the money you can donate and tell us about it! Schwiiiiiing!
Awesome, awesome, awesome. I think we all need to start donating to the Rick needs therapy charity. That’s pretty damn funny.
Hey, do not underestimate what therapy can do. I mean, look at it has done for my little blog. Incredibly inspiring to release all my…issues to you guys. Serves the entertainment part of the mission;-)
George, you are doing a good job, I can usually go through the whole 20 or so blog links on boardingarea’s home page and find less useful info that 1 of your daily posts.
Wow, that is a huge compliment, thank you very much. Hope I can keep it up. If this new prospective client I met with today comes aboard this TBB will take a step back. I bet you I’ll still have more useful info than at least a dozen of them. If not more useful, more entertaining for sure 🙂