TBB Mission: To Entertain, Educate and Inspire. Aim to at least do one well!
This blog has been a labor of love so far. If you like what you see here, please let others know by passing them a link to my blog, thank you!
This blog post contains NO affiliate links of any kind! Please see disclosures page here.
Heels First wrote “What if I Don’t Have My ID at the Airport?“. Actually I was surprised how easy it was to get on the plane! Of course it would never happen to me or you!
Windswept Trees. By Twisted Sifter. Wow!

The devaluations just keep coming non stop. Next up was Hyatt! Here are the changes. There is nowhere to hide. Can’t wait to read more about those awesome Chase Ultimate Reward points again. As Wandering Aramean correctly points out , the big hurt in this devaluation is in the suite upgrades. No more 6,000 points per stay ( I always thought this was such an anomaly) but per night! The game is getting harder and harder every day it seems. At this pace we can see

Let’s stay on this theme, shall we? Saverocity had this awesome photograph I am borrowing here with a link of course. Oh, he bitched about these devaluations too, so so angry 🙂

View from the Wing with Devaluation: Plan B. When you really go through all the alternatives you realize if you ‘ve been doing this for super bargains flying in First and Business in fantastic airlines…your game is almost up. I would trust Delta before I trust Avianca (not really but…you get my point).
Loyalty Lobby with some excellent charts to explain the latest Delta Skymiles massacre: “Delta SkyMiles Current, February 1 & June 1 Award Chart Side-By-Side Comparison”
Loyalty Lobby again digs up an article about the devaluations in the Economist. I liked his conclusion which I agree with:
If the airlines make earning miles harder from actual flights and, at the same time, raises the cost of award tickets to ridiculous levels, it makes me less likely to even consider the miles that I would have earned, when I make the purchase decision.
For now, I have paid a premium to fly on certain airlines and alliances knowing that I can spend the miles that I have earned in a meaningful way. Maybe not so in the future.
There is some minor crap going on about four dudes who sued British Airways about the (hate them as much as durian) fuel surcharges they charge. The case has advanced to the next level. Don’t expect much. BA can change what they call it like Delta (they call it Foreign Origination Surcharge). Like tax law, don’t waste your time pondering about what may happen or have these things influence your behavior…until a decisions is passed or a law is signed!
I have been blogging for a year now. If you had told me I would still be here a year later I would have said you are insane!
I need to tone this down a bit dear readers. Entering a rough work stretch. Let’s face it. I am not quitting my day job, especially with all these back to back to back devaluations going on. I would still try to blog at least every other day.
I love my W bed, I sleep like a baby. Actually I oversleep now which is something highly unusual for me!
11 Awesome Hidden Features of Google. Ok, you aviation geeks. Type Ctrl and Alt and A together in Google Earth and fly!
It is hilarious watching all the Delta apologists STILL justify the unjustifiable. Not only that but they continue to even make lists of why we should do any business with them at all. You all know how I feel about Delta Points blog who even dared to call View from the Wing and One Mile at a Time flat out wrong. Every time I read this blog I shake my head…violently at times. But calling these two guys who have been at this for so long and, you know, they know a thing or two about flying is….can’t find the words to describe other than….wait for it.
Then the blog makes a list of 20 things to prove that Delta flyers are not idiots! One of them was that the Delta pilots are, sit down please, well trained and professional. What else can you say about this other than WTF!! Of course View from the Wing proceeds (yeah you fell for it) to tear the pro Delta arguments down. It comes down to the fact that this company is fundamentally dishonest. End of story. And I think beginning of 2015 Delta will make rev based awards and will spin it with “See, more award seats, we heard you everyone” lol.
Frequent Miler posted this comment in Gary’s blog about reasons to defend Delta. Pretty good sense of humor…
1. For those who enjoy puzzles, Delta.com can provide days of enjoyment while you try to piece together a saver level award.
2. With other programs, its tough to part with your miles since they’re so valuable. No such issue with SkyMiles.
3. Pay with Miles. At 1 cent per mile value, only Delta can make a credible claim that this is a good deal.
4. One way and round trip awards for the same price. Most people see this as a negative, but instead you could think of it as a free return trip with each one-way award!
5. The fact that they make award chart changes effective immediately without prior notice is great. By pissing off their loyal customers, I hope enough of them will abandon Delta so that I can get upgrades and saver level awards more easily!
Milevalue continues to pump cards that are on Milevalue’s shelves (everything but Chase cards!). And the inferior US Air card. And the blog’s readers appear to be kept in the dark in my humble opinion.
Million Mile Secrets has totally gone down the credit card pump path with the latest two headlines being: “When Should IBuy a Gift Card With a Credit Card? and “What Is The Best Business Card Offer From American Express?” Look at these folks! The word “card” is in them. There must be some SEO benefit from that or something! We are dealing with some major marketers in this hobby business. Maybe I should send out a survey next 😉 At least I am going to start throwing such catchy words in my headlines too!
Quote from Dan at DansDeals: “This past Friday Delta devalued their award chart. They devalue their award chart more often than the Browns lose a football game so I didn’t bother even covering that. There’s a reason they’re called Skypesos.” – LOL!
Here are some pictures that did not make it in the blog last week.

Photos are courtesy of THECHIVE.COM
First, and a 4-2 victory for RSL to boot! Tonight is a good night!
Gotta disagree about the “big hurt” in the Hyatt deval being the suite upgrade rate. I don’t think that’s a big deal at all.
Just had this argument on DDF:
Depends where you stay. I have used them a fair bit out in Asia, where the Daily Rate is not far off the cheapest alternative rate. These are also places where you are more likely to be in the same place for 3-4 days and could get max use.
That said, even at 6k per night I can justify it.
One problem Hyatt has now is that there is MASSIVE US vs non-US divide. A US resident can get some Chase cards and the Hyatt card and be wallowing in Hyatt points. For me in the UK, there is nothing I can do to generate some points except by staying. We have a ludicrously expensive stay at Park Hyatt Zurich next month (about $2,500 for 2 rooms for 2 nights, and even that is with a 75% discount on the kids room!) and even that will only generate half a free night at a Cat 6, even less now.
Oh boy, no more devals, I can’t take it anymore!
I’m getting to old for this!
Funny that the Economist linked back to Delta Points in the piece. VftW, FM et al linked back to Delta Points. Yet TBB continues is shameful non linking practice. So sad.
Looks like the angries are out in full force George
The person who cries out only when he (or his kind) is slighted deserves no respect.
You calling someone else’s blogging practices shameful?!
HAHAHAHAA… Thanks, I needed a laugh
No time for the blog? Day job is more important? Wth? Just shill for some Chase/Citi cards and you will be fine…
If I may… Those of us that have played the game over the years by flying and churning are upset because with all the devaluations because the gravy train is over. It was a nice ride. The new kids that have just started playing are upset because they won’t really have a chance to enjoy everything the oldtimers have.
No matter which sandbox you played in, you’re screwed. Here’s what I’ll miss… trips reports from the Detroit home office of TBB.
Well, I have to find a new hobby. I have been in the game for 12 years, and churning, before I even knew it had a name. The good old days were very good. I remember (and the thread is still on FT) taking out a Home Equity Line of Credit for 400K, getting the funds, returning them the next day and for $53.00 got 200K UA miles. I remember being thrilled at getting 25K for a cc sign up.
There were no “bloggers” like there are today back then. Once it becomes mainstream, as it has, it cannot be sustained at current levels. You know its mainstream when the stranger in front of you at CVS has 10 VRCs and you have 10 VRCs and you casually ask, “Manufactured Spend”? and they say yes. Then you run into them at the Staples down the street. True story, happened Saturday. I asked how he found out about VRs and he said MMS.
Well, I’ve always believed this hobby should not be a Country Club. Yes, more people in means fewer VRs and harder work for others (although you should not be complaining since, unlike me, you can still find them). But going mainstream? Not even close. This hobby will never get mainstream, as it carries way too many prerequisites and a learning curve.
And let me remind you and everyone else that in reality, the “old good days” came into being 3-4 years ago. Before then, a 25,000-mile bonus was the top prize. People tend to forget that little tidbit when they complain about bloggers spilling secrets. You know why they weren’t spilling before? There were very few secrets to begin with.
Bottom line, I don’t share your pessimism. If you’re looking for a new hobby, it means you don’t really like travel. To me, it’s not something I would forgo just because I might not be able to get there in a flat bad. Just speaking my mind. Don’t take it as a personal attack. Cheers.
It will NEVER go mainstream But it does not take much to get the numbers of people doing things like “it’s me” mentioned to put the hurt in this hobby. If you had told me we will have several conferences/seminars sold out each year, gazillions of blogs in the space, Nightline/Today shows, etc…years ago I would call you insane.
Still value, sure. Coach is fine for me. But it just doesn’t sell as well as the selfie of a flat bed and caviar 😀
Email me. I need to give you the same advice I gave Jason S 🙂
Looks like Gary rested up well over the weekend and is now ready to proceed full steam ahead with another week of Chase filler posts.
Expect many of the usual Chase crowd to shortly discover Marriott or IHG (but NOT discover their credit cards)
@ Spencer: Congrats for both!
@ Dan: It depends on the perspective I guess 🙂 I was coming in from a “we can stay for a week in a suite for just 6k extra” vs “holy crap, it is now 6k per night, seriously?”. That’s all.
@ Raffles: I understand. We in the US are responsible alone for all these devaluations. I would like to apologize everyone around the world in advance.
@ Grant: “getting too old for this” Lol, that was really funny!
@ Delta Points: Thank you for taking the time to bless my blog with your presence. Funny how I am not allowed to post in your blog & you can post here freely huh?
I noticed someone posted something about Delta in another pro beloved Delta post of yours and you so kindly responded that you should have banned him for personal attack(!!!).
I explained the linking policy at TBB several times. Links need to earn it. I will never link to utter crap! Excuse me, TBB proudly does not link to utter crap! We are “eclectic” around here lol.
I have taken the extra measure not to directly quote you because you spend way too much time in matters not improving your actual content and you may email me again about your “patented work”.
Enjoy the well trained and professional Delta pilots. Unbelievable you will note that as a Delta differentiator.
And congrats on being quoted in the Economist.
@blakefish: Lol. I can’t do it man. I want to put a separate page and they are not even calling me back. Maybe I should tone it down 🙂
@dhammer53: I hear you. I never liked champagne anyway. And caviar too 🙂
@it’s me: Wow, AWESOME comment that captures PERFECTLY the way this “hobby” has turned into, thank you!
@ Steve: It reminds me of a situation that they all know the game will be severely curtailed at present pace and they are all trying to squeeze a few more apps/revenue as they can…
“and you may email me again about your “patented work””
While I understand DP’s fear, as their are many plagiarizers in this field, does anyone really think it would be HIS work they would plagiarize?
I mean, I guess I can see PointsEnvy or TheOnion taking his work, but generally the more prolific plagiarizers like MMS tend to steal better posts that yours
DEAR INGY (Buzz I hope you don’t mind if I communicate with Ingy on your site, as I am banned from commenting on his)….I too cry whenever I watch the movie Rudy. Every time I watch the part where the fans chant his name and he runs on the field and his dad is crying. Every time. I’m with you and cry like a baby. Also the music is so inspirational that I get goose bumps whenever I hear it………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Another movie tip from Ramsey At The Movies………new on DVD, The Purge, I couldn’t wait to purge it from my DVD player. Really bad acting (no emotion from anyone), bad screenplay and a missed opportunity on an interesting concept for a plot………………..also out on DVD, White House Down…..better than Olympus Has Fallen (similar story idea) but went a little too far-fetched and unrealistic when the character playing Rush Linbaugh took a bullet to save the little girl. No way a real Rush Linbaugh would do anything to help anyone…………………BTW speaking of that big fat idiot, didn’t Justin Beaver get caught sneaky out of the same Dominican Brothel that Rush uses?………………………………….Ciao for now, C.R.
“Rudy. Rudy, Rudy” Inspiration for all of us. Thanks
Will you send me an email at rick@frugaltravelguy.com to discuss your being banned from commenting? Seems extreme for the IB gang to do that.
Yeah, Rudy was great.
Those two WhiteHouse/Olympus almost made me to ask for a refund lol.
For the record, I am MORE anti gambling than I am anti debt. Just for the hell of it 🙂
Having little to no experience with men’s bathrooms, I can’t say for sure what that photo is, but it reminds me of the places outside mosques where observant Moslems can wash their feet before going in to pray. We saw many, many of them – on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, outside mosques famous and not-so-famous, built into decorative fountains in the plazas outside, built into the wall of the mosque itself. Maybe that’s a modern version of the ones we saw, which all provided a place to sit and a tap to use to wash one’s feet. I have lots of pics of them, some of which have people in them who are……washing their feet!
That makes sense actually, thanks.
Name that blogger:
In a post about the Air France/KLM 50% award promo, there were 5 links….. to the Barclay’s Arrival card
Steve, please explain to me if you would…
You and other like-minded posters on this forum always complain that in today’s blogging, revenues drive content. I understand and share this concern.
I don’t know which blogger you are referring to, but in your particular example, it seems that the content of the post you’ve mentioned has not been driven by an advertisement. My understanding is that the blogger in question is trying to make a buck without making any false claims, linking to a bad credit card, or inflicting any damage on you, the reader.
You would agree that Barclaycard Arrival is one of the best travel credit cards out there, would you not?
Yet, it also seems that you guys are annoyed beyond belief when you see ANY advertisement at all. And I mean at all! Now, that begs the question I’ve asked a million times to which I have never received an intelligent answer. Do you believe that a blogger should not be compensated for their work? Do you really, truly, sincerely believe that they must provide quality content and work long hours to entertain or enlighten or, in the very least, give you guys a platform to discuss things close to your heart without getting paid ON PRINCIPLE?
If so, I’ve just got to have another question for you. Do you hold yourself to the same standards? Do you volunteer a lot of your time for free? Not once or twice a year, but a LOT, because blogs are funny in that they demand a CONTINUOUS effort. Do you, yourself, live by what you preach?
This is not a personal attack. I would truly appreciate a chance to have a real conversation on the subject without resorting to insults and name-calling, Thank you.
“I don’t know which blogger you are referring to, but in your particular example, it seems that the content of the post you’ve mentioned has not been driven by an advertisement”
What??? Are you saying that the post would’ve contained 5 Barclay’s Arrival cards even if it didn’t bring in the revenue? You are aware that there is more to the “content” of the post than it’s title, right?
“You would agree that Barclaycard Arrival is one of the best travel credit cards out there, would you not?”
No, I wouldn’t. It’s one of the single most overrated cards in the business. After the first year, it’s not worth keeping over a no fee 2% card unless you put at least $40000 on it in a year (and if you’re doing that, you’re not playing the game right).
And the only blogger who will remind readers of that is OnlineTravelReview (Gary gets 25% credit for at least acknowledging the existence of no fee 2% cash back cards)
For 99.9% of us, that card should get canceled after year 1. and there are at least a dozen cards that have better signup bonuses
“best travel credit cards” it is not
@Steve: I am not sure who you are referring to as I probably skipped fast over that post…But I found one that I will let rip in next Buzz post. A post about fixed value bank point cards that has links ONLY to ones that pay the blogger and does not even mention the cards that earn Chase Ultimate Reward Points. Really Milevalue, really?
@Andy: Check out the post I indicate just above. This is WHAT we are talking about here dude. If this is not inflicting damage to readers I don’t know what is. How can a Flex Perks card make it into the “comparison” article and not a Chase Sapphire. There is only ONE reason why. Some people get angry about this. I point it out for my readers to see, I laugh about it. We have no problem at all with bloggers who can make an honest buck working hard, adding value to their readers with good content. Oh, it helps a lot if they know what they are talking about too, you know, true experts and not pretenders who just got started in this hobby. Check this Extra Pack of Peanuts dude selling his stuff for $249, down from $349 what a deal. In his video he proudly says he started learning about this stuff 2.5 years ago. I am not sure ginsu knives go with your payment. Ok, I see Steve answered the question pretty well…I better stop.
@Matt: It is a tough line…I understand that. But at some point credibility should matter. Don’t become MV please. Quality should win in the end…but it is a much tougher and longer stretch doing it the right way. Check out the post I reference on the top. How can people do this is beyond me. And then wonder how some bloggers come here and call others angry? How can a human with a half brain NOT be? Again, not me…I laugh it off and take it out in my blog, it’s great therapy!
“Now, that begs the question I’ve asked a million times to which I have never received an intelligent answer. Do you believe that a blogger should not be compensated for their work?”
No, I believe they should be compensated. I criticize when they:
A) post something that never would be worth covering (like the 7% dividend on CSP posting…. exactly as it was expected to) if not for the fact that it paid affiliate commission
B) covering something worth a mention or 2, but instead going completely overboard and treating it as if the messiah had arrived (like the 60K CIB or 30K SPG promos)
C) Trying to find extreme ways to twist and turn just to get an affiliate link in there (like putting an Arrival link or 5 in a post about Air France promos)
“Do you hold yourself to the same standards? Do you volunteer a lot of your time for free? Not once or twice a year, but a LOT, because blogs are funny in that they demand a CONTINUOUS effort. Do you, yourself, live by what you preach?”
I preach that they shouldn’t use used car salesman tactics to push the cards. And to answer your question, yes, I try to conduct business honestly in my work
And no, I’m not going to give credit to the bloggers for the “hard work” it takes when most of that hard work emanates from the fact that they took something that can be said in 2 sentences and turned it into a book report. Those that actually do “hard work” to write useful long posts (like FM, Gary, DansDeals) I regularly praise on these boards. But MMS, who takes yes or no questions and turns them into unnecessary thesis papers? Nope, sorry
If you dislike MMS and his posts thats fine – but he should be not so guilty of linking the arrival card within an unrelated post since he could write about that Airfrance topic and link it more naturally to a good dozen or so links to the CSP or other related card. Also, I don’t think he is taking Yes/No answers and making them into a thesis paper – he is making them accessible to the masses. Whether that is a good thing or not is certainly debatable, but he is offering value to the newbs.
A blogger that doesn’t have the correlated links in question but wants to write about interesting stuff that is unrelated to the limited cards they can offer shouldn’t be penalized for writing diverse content and injecting affiliate links in the attempt to achieve two things:
1. Monetize work done
2. Obtain better, more diverse links that would avoid this issue
In my case, unless I start pushing inferior links all I can really offer is the Arrival and Discovery card, it is what most bloggers start out with. If we convert enough we get Amex and Citi, if hell freezes over we get Chase.
I have no idea what the blog post is you mention, but if someone is actually writing something, and assuming it is actually interesting, that for me is much more valuable than a short pimping post that I see most frequently.
Of course, the post you refer to could be a pile of crap, but that is a separate point from saying a person shouldn’t attempt to monetize in the way that they can when they have limited tools to do so, yet a desire to tackle broader topics.
“If you dislike MMS and his posts thats fine – but he should be not so guilty of linking the arrival card within an unrelated post since he could write about that Airfrance topic and link it more naturally to a good dozen or so links to the CSP or other related card”
It wasn’t MMS, it was MV
Not even MMS is that egregious (nobody’s CC practices are as egregious as MV except maybe Delta Points)
And yes, rest assured that it wasn’t just the Barclay’s link in there. I apologize if I misled someone to believe that ONLY the Arrival card was in there
I knew it wouldn’t be MMS because he has the Chase cards – that was my point. But yeah we are all being told to pimp like that. If we don’t then we don’t get the good links, he is doing what he is told by the affiliates, and clearly people like it since they are signing up.
I still don’t mind the theory of putting in the cards that you have into a post about a subject that is interesting – sure since it is the current most hated blogger it is hard for people to swallow, but really he and I are in the same place, but he is converting more than I am by posting more in the manner that the affiliate wants, so I can understand where he is coming from.
I might well write about the CSP and have a link to the arrival I see nothing wrong about it. In fact I am probably doing wrong by not making it 6 links from many perspectives.
“I still don’t mind the theory of putting in the cards that you have into a post about a subject that is interesting”
Neither do I – so long as it’s even remotely relevant and worth mentioning
i.e. the Hilton Surpass announced today that gold status comes automatically instead of with 20K spend. Now lets say theoretically that this card paid affiliate commission. I would have no problem bloggers made a post about this news, and included a link to the card.
Problems I have include:
1) Using relevant but not otherworldly news as an excuse to make a 15 part series, which is mostly just regurgitated fluff (an MMS and Deals We Like special)
2) Pushing cards that have nothing to do with the topic (i.e. MV and his 5 Barclays link in a post about Flying Blue)
3) Not covering the news because the card doesn’t pay them, even though it’s far more newsworthy than 80% of the content they currently post (every blogger absolutely makes sure to never miss a single month of reminding their readers they can earn an extra 4 UR points for their happy meal on the first Friday of the month, but this isn’t newsworthy?) – only Gary covered the Hilton news from what I see
4) Taking something irrelevant and trying to make news out of it because it has an affiliate link. Like reporting the 7% dividend on CSP posting, as if it’s newsworthy that something happened exactly as it was expected to and always does
Bingo, exactly! Well said Steve, thank you!
I had the same thought about Gary’s Hilton news…I bet most others were busy trying to find an excuse to throw in a Chase link bone out there. And MV was busy adding more Barclays links of course lol.
1. I’m sorry, I should’ve probably said “one of the best TRAVEL credit cards worthy to get” even for the first year. Would you agree?
2. Do you realize that it’s impossible not to push credit cards in the body of your message for a simple reason that they will take away your account? What would you recommend to a blogger who is not greedy but expects to be paid something for their trouble?
3. Do you agree that not everyone has your level of expertise and that a newbie can benefit from blogs like MMS. I realize that you hate that blog, but please try to remain objective.
4. It seems that you despise a lot of blogs. What motivated you to keep reading them considering you get nothing out of it except aggravation?
Why do you make so many assumptions?
Just stick to facts in your questions. No need to add “Hate” and “despise”. Those are strong words.
On a related not, nothing is impossible, if you’re Frequent Miler.
“2. Do you realize that it’s impossible not to push credit cards in the body of your message for a simple reason that they will take away your account?”
“Why do you make so many assumptions?
Just stick to facts in your questions. No need to add “Hate” and “despise”. Those are strong words”
He’s spent the whole thread making false assumptions
First, I was against blogs having credit cards (that’s wrong)
Now I’m against blogs having links to cards in their post (that’s also wrong)
If he moves the goalposts enough, maybe he’ll eventually be able to kick a field goal
“1. I’m sorry, I should’ve probably said “one of the best TRAVEL credit cards worthy to get” even for the first year. Would you agree?”
No. There are over a dozen cards that have a better sign up bonuses, and this card is useless after year one
And even year one is ok, but nothing to go gaga over – even if you put 50K on the card (and nobody is doing that), you would make $111 over using the Fidelity card. Money is money, but would you consider that to be a number worthy of pimping the card 5 times in a post that has nothing to do with it?
The single most overrated card.
“2. Do you realize that it’s impossible not to push credit cards in the body of your message for a simple reason that they will take away your account?”
That is incorrect
“3. Do you agree that not everyone has your level of expertise and that a newbie can benefit from blogs like MMS. I realize that you hate that blog, but please try to remain objective”
They can benefit far more from other blogs. A good start would be all the blogs on TBB’s “blogs I like/love” list except for a couple that are more advanced
“4. It seems that you despise a lot of blogs. What motivated you to keep reading them considering you get nothing out of it except aggravation?”
I don’t really read the posts. Especially with guys like MMS who say a lot while actually saying very little, I usually just do a quick skim, and then head on over here for the inevitable entertainment
I don’t hate a lot of blogs – TPG, MMS and MV are really the only noteworthy blogs that I despise
1. It is one of the best travel cards out there right NOW imho. I am going to get it myself soon. It looks better after the recent devaluations. I am saying that because I had pretty much every other card lol.
2. That is EXACTLY the problem dude! So, you have a gazillion bloggers who are not experts and pretending they started their blogs to help “friend and family” UNLEASHING crap to da internet and trying to manipulate readers to click on their links. Used car salesmen is a compliment compared to what has been unleashed upon us all. And the reason is EXACTLY what you stated! Yeah, banks are primarily responsible but maybe you show some self respect and don’t play their game as they want you to play it. There are several bloggers who do it the right way and focus on content primarily and NOT on how to squeeze more links in their posts day in and day out. I would recommend to a blogger who is not greedy to continue to work hard and add value to his/her readers, treat them with respect (educating helps) and take the longer view. If you MUST get paid now…do it in other ways, you know, maybe keep the day job, writing projects (like you do), some advertising, etc. It is not glamorous. If it was not for the cc dough I bet you most bloggers will go away the very NEXT day! Anyways, to me this is still a hobby that has been totally prostituted to the nth degree. My blog is a way for me to deal with this pain 🙂
3. I agree. Hate is a strong word. I love everybody. Even Milevalue, ingy and Delta Points 🙂
4. Some have been doing this a long time. We are addicted to it. And we have time on our hands to follow these blogs. I now do it for my blog when I used to do it anyways. I don’t have a life man. I now need to suit up to play some soccer and hope I can lead my team to another win to go up 3-0!
“I would recommend to a blogger who is not greedy to continue to work hard and add value to his/her readers, treat them with respect (educating helps)”
I would recommend that same advice to a blogger who IS greedy
If you can’t be a FrequentMiler, at least be a DansDeals. If you absolutely need to shove cards down people throats, at least do it in a value-add way, not in a “how will newbie’s most easily find me in google searches” way
Steve, I’m trying to be very respectful in this dialog, but if you don’t like the words like “hate” and “despise”, I’ll use the word “dislike” from now on.
It seems that we disagree on a number of things, which is OK, 99% of my interest in a credit card is sign up bonus. In that regard, a $400 or even $440 after rebate is an extremely good bonus in my book, considering that I can use it with any travel provider in the world. You disagree, that’s fine.
I also don’t agree that there is a better blog for newbies than MMS. I understand your strong dislike for this blog, but you are not an educator. I am! Circles and arrows are things we use to get the point across. This is how people learn–visually, not by reading blogs and Flyertalk that can feel like written in foreign language for the uninitiated.
Again, that’s fine, But the next line is where you’re dead wrong.
“ ‘2. Do you realize that it’s impossible not to push credit cards in the body of your message for a simple reason that they will take away your account?’
That is incorrect.”
I’m sorry but that IS correct. Unless you are running a blog personally and know some secrets (and willing to share them with us), I will tell you again: if you underperform for the affiliates, they will remove your account in a New York minute. Performing means a lot of clicks, which cannot be achieved by putting the links into a separate menu. There is nothing you can do to avoid being kicked out of any banking affiliate program if you underperform.
If you believe that I’m wrong, I would appreciate it very much if you could tell me why and offer some specific examples.
And seriously guys, you have to stop bringing FM as an example. FM is unique and his business model cannot be replicated. 99% of bloggers would be forced to close shop tomorrow if they tried to follow your “guidelines”.
I understand and share your dislike for revenue driven content or steering a reader toward bad financial decisions. But I, for the life of me, cannot understand you dislike for advertisements, even if they have to be placed in the body of your posts. They are the only lifeline for people who write content that even you like occasionally?
“Steve, I’m trying to be very respectful in this dialog, but if you don’t like the words like “hate” and “despise”, I’ll use the word “dislike” from now on”
I have no problem with you using the word. I have a problem with you using it incorrectly. I don’t hate every blog.
Other things you’ve said which are factually incorrect:
– I am against people using affiliate links
– I am against people using affiliate links in the body of a post
– You can’t keep your links if you don’t put it in the body of the post
“And seriously guys, you have to stop bringing FM as an example”
I don’t think I’ve mentioned Frequent Miler once this entire thread. And I’ve certainly never said that one shouldn’t have CC’s in the body of the post
Have you ever considered actually reading the posts, so that you’re not arguing with things nobody ever said?
You’re blaming me again for misrepresenting your words. Let’s try it one more time and use your direct quote this time.
“Problems I have include:
1) Using relevant but not otherworldly news as an excuse to make a 15 part series, which is mostly just regurgitated fluff (an MMS and Deals We Like special)
2) Pushing cards that have nothing to do with the topic (i.e. MV and his 5 Barclays link in a post about Flying Blue)”
Here is the problem that I have. Your suggestions would probably work in a perfect world. In the real world, bloggers do not often have a luxury of using a relevant link. When they don’t get enough clicks–enough in the eye of their affiliates–they get dropped. Easy as that.
If you don’t want revenue driven content, then you must realize that a blogger cannot always link a RELEVANT credit card in the body of his post. If you are a grown-up, you must understand that this is just an ad, and treat it as such; not unlike the ads you have seen in newspapers and magazines all your life and probably have never had a problem with.
Otherwise, it is a bit hypocritical to say you don’t mind bloggers getting paid, while you know all too well that they simply cannot get paid if they decide to uphold your standards.
I disagree.
There is a fine line. Some are just completely…gone the used car salesman route. If a blogger can not link a relevant credit card in the body of a post perhaps he should bless us all with either making the post without the link or sticking it where it belongs and NOT making him/her a complete arse. Then again, readers of said blog would probably not know the difference…its’ not like the disclosures are screaming about it. Look around to find them lol.
See my email.
Andy, I hate to chime in on your expose’ but have had the same bewilderment since this blog started. It seems to rest in some self righteous attempt to save the newbie from unscrupulous bloggers. The super intelligent (or so they think they are) that reside on this blog may be using their disgust of bloggers to vent their frustration that they missed the boat and didn’t get in the game when the getting was good.
It is extremely easy to criticize others, yet I haven’t seen one “angry” step up to the plate and produce a blog that does it the “right way” according to their super human ability to protect the “newbie”, or share their brilliance in the arena of travel hacking. One has to believe at some point one of these “Supermen” would show us how it should be done.
I’m still waiting for that day
Perhaps we could easily live without blogs. Most of them have gone away or will soon. Is FTG still growing in (I) revenue and (II) uniqueu readers/visitors?
Yes to both
“It is extremely easy to criticize others, yet I haven’t seen one “angry” step up to the plate and produce a blog that does it the “right way””
What is it with this fantasy world, where guys like Ingy think Buzz and his readers find every blog to be deplorable
Newsflash mosquito man: there are already blogs who do it the right way. I like my current job, so I’ll stick with that and give my affiliate clicks to said blogs
ingy: Last time I checked I had several blogs listed in my two lists “Blogs I Love” and “Blogs I Like” who, in my own opinion, are doing it the right way. Check “Blog Reviews” tab. But I forgot, they don’t count by your metrics.
I can tell you one thing: My blog does comments right, I can get 50 as fast as Gary Leff can get his pancakes at Andaz ready! We just have different metrics dude…since birth 🙂
Good to see you back.
I like my current job too!
Rick, since that infamous FT thread, I’ve been trying to understand the logic behind this irrational, well let’s call it “dislike” since some other words of my choice seem to upset people. I was kind of hoping to get to the bottom of it here, cause there is too much noise on FT, and things move too quickly. But it doesn’t seem to be working ’cause I still can’t get a single direct answer to my questions. It appeared that some of these guys are annoyed by default, and they can’t put a finger to what it is that makes them angry.
“But it doesn’t seem to be working ’cause I still can’t get a single direct answer to my questions”
Maybe it would help if your questions were based on things myself, TBB and others have actually said instead of mythical quotes?
If you’re going to ask questions based on things I’ve never said, you might as well go ahead and make up my answers to those questions too
I’m not sure how to answer questions related to my beliefs about how bloggers shouldn’t be having affiliate links….. since i you know….. have never actually said that.
He is just trying to troll for a few additional clicks here. I asked him direct question about his commercial connections to see if he will be considered anything objective. His answer was “I do not owe any explanation”, like it was a court of law. But he expects “objective” discussion.
Basically the gist is this .. a pimp has got to pimp, “angries” shut up.
They are mad as hell because this shop can impact their revenues, plain and simple. Let’s continue to expose these used-car salesmen as much as we can. A friend of mine asked me how my family travels so much for free. So I decided to ……. point them to TBB and his readers comments section. To see the adamant, stubborn and used car salesmen posing as hobbyists to help adults learn through circles and arrows. F***cking ****
TBB, Steve, I need to get in touch with you folks through email for an idea I have.
@Steve, do you mind sending TBB your email address, so I can send this out your way through him. You folks are going to love this.
You guys know where to find me. I have so many ideas and so little time 🙂
AgendaGuy: I hate to end your conception, but this blog does not materially impact revenue. The people that read this blog are not clicking on blogger links and there are so few of you anyway
“The people that read this blog are not clicking on blogger links”
I click on blogger links. Although if it makes it more convenient for your argument, I can pretend that I don’t
Ingy, none taken, although it further confuses me as to why someone who is not even the subject of any conversation, discussion or “buzz” headbutt here. Majority of the ones who are discussed here never show up (good move sometimes imho) while some also ran is trying to cry attention.
I really don’t understand the dismissals of opinion here if we are so few and non-impacting. Shouldn’t it be just easy to leave the readership here alone to do what they want to do, discuss what they want etc? I mean sometimes I have seen a few bloggers come here and say “Don’t like it, don’t read it” and to quit “bitching” etc. Shouldn’t it be the same with the blogger in question too, why try to agitate readership here? Don’t like it, don’t bother especially if it is not impacting. That is why I have very little patience for someone coming here and asking to shut up. I just do not get it.
I have had several TBB readers email to tell me here (also on Twitter) that they have stopped using FTG (the blog) links after seeing your responses here. I think you are not doing Ariana a favor by trolling my blog. You are always welcome here, everyone is. I love a blog with so few but engaging readers 🙂 My blog draws in more comments in half a day than FTG gets in a whole month. To me that is priceless. Also priceless is winning third soccer game in row last night with my over 40 soccer team. It’s the little things that bring true happiness in life 😉
Win some. Lose some. Overall, the numbers are increasing nicely. Oh the numbers by the way are clicks and successful applications.
Completely different model here. You seem to be thrilled with comments.
Try this one:
Mr gas station addendant. Can I fill my tank please? I’ll pay you in “comments” if that’s ok with you.
“Comments, get your comments here”
@ingy Thanks for confirming once again that you were ALWAYS about the $$$
You are darned right it is a different business model!
I am absolutely thrilled with the comments here vs FTG. It entertains me so much that my tiny blog gets so many in a few days that your blog does not get in a whole year. And no staff here either. To ME, it is priceless. I really don’t care what you think of it, nothing personal.
Who says I am paying for gas these days? I did not get all Macy’s cards from my deal at Speedway
You must be bored so much these days, you are here so much. Thank you for taking the time to comment, I sure appreciate it.
Steve of all people? You are complaining about mythical quotes?
That’s amazing
George, You are losing credibility here my friend. In one post you say that mine was your favorite blog and now it was “ALWAYS” about the money. Huh?
Kinda like you don’t censor comments, but with respect to our friendship, I wont go there now.
Man I’d hate to be in your shoes now. Time suck and no apparent way out? Defending comments as a basis for success?
Not even readership or uniques? Wow
I will let my readers decide about the issue of credibility.
It was my favorite blog…but back then there was no competition 🙂
In my humble opinion you never did anything without $$ being a primary motivator. Even doing all the hard work helping people “for free” you knew it was, afterall…good business.
I would hate to be in your shoes too. Trolling my blog because you are so bored.
This is my little entertainment project. I am not quitting my day job. We all need things to entertain ourselves and you provide us plenty. You obviously enjoy it too.
Hell yeah I am proud of my comments, nearing three digits. Only in your dreams you can do that in your corporate blog. With staff too. If that is not pathetic I don’t know what is.
Readership and uniques. I checked two weeks ago, they are going up. Still early in the game, why the rush?
No way out? Lololololololololol….thanks for more laughs.
Last week I did a phone interview with a consulting company. 26 minutes, they paid me with $300 Amazon gift card. I bet ya credibility had something to do with it.
I repeat, again, a point you are not getting. You are trolling my blog and making yourself look bad. You are costing the fine people at IB and its shareholders MONEY. In my opinion of course. I have been wrong before 😉
Just booked 2 nights at Maui Andaz on Hyatt points transferred from Chase on top of three nights at Fairmont Kea Lani. No way out but to Maui….woohoo!
Looking bad????
George, if I was looking bad they would have me stop. We all get a big laugh out of what goes on here. You are oh so easy to rile up and make you rant over miles and points. Miles and points. And I’m bored??? I got out and now just havin’ some fun.
Your gang is such an easy target.
Congrats on your gift card. They work better than “comments”
But it is interesting you used “money” as a measure of your credibility. 26 minutes for $300. From the last twelve months you say it is not about the money but use that as your measure???? Huh?
The suit is folding George. The wrinkles are starting to show 😉
It’s about conducting business in a respectable manner with full disclosure and ultimately giving your readers something of “value”. In the ideal situation, the market place will take care of this and weed out the poor performers. Right now you have a gold rush and it will last a few years until most bloggers realize that it takes a lot of hard work and more importantly there may not be much gold available for the average Joe (reduced compensation/decreased CC sign up bonuses or devaluation of loyalty programs).
On a related note, I stopped reading your page when i found out that travel is free.
I am about to go to sleep and your last line had me laughing all the way to my sweet W bed, thanks!
With the Hyatt and United devaluations, everyone is complaining about how useless their Chase points are and how the Arrival is looking like a better card.. But what no one seems to point out is that at the very worst, these UR points can be used for cashback. That doesn’t seem like such a bad scenario to me, unless I’m missing something.
Our world is going under a whole lot of devaluations and…Reevaluations these days!
R posted just that today, apparently in doing so and adding 2 links right at end of the post (annotated with disclaimers in line) I’m pimping…
Sorry folks, but Ingy is right.
You totally lost me, what?
I was replying to commenter ‘R’ that I did in fact post about this exact
Topic today in my Fracking post .
I added on that I got called out for being a pimp for including a well disclaimed affiliate link in it.
Two links total, both at the very end of the 1500 word post.
And I’ll go on to say that whilst this may not be your goal, I think your comments section focus of calling people out is slipping too far in the witch-hunt direction, which detracts from the ability of TBB to be a positive albeit ‘negative’ ethical influence on the space.
It can become a sport to bash, and then we can forget the lines and go overboard with things.
Just my thinking based on how other, impressionable people have been acting based upon topics that really are only discussed here.
I got to your post and liked it. Slipping in the two links in the end did not bother me one bit! You obviously put some time in this AND had some original/out of the box thinking, something we see so little off in this space!
I hear you about the comments. But I like it wide open. I see these exchanges as ultimately being very educational (plus entertaining too!). It is what it is, express yourself. My blog does not practice North Korean tactics!
I just want to end with a loud:
“I’m sorry but that IS correct. Unless you are running a blog personally and know some secrets (and willing to share them with us)”
Andy STILL lying about this
Let’s get something straight here – you can have affiliate links without pimping them in the body of the post
It’s not especially hard to prove considering such blogs exist
Please email TBB your contact info,
I believe that when you have to call people names you have already lost the argument.
I have been utterly respectful throughout this dialog, and yet you have no problem calling me a liar. That’s an interesting choice of words.
Since I still believe that you are capable of having a civil conversation (unlike this Agenda Guy character who simply gets off by insulting people), I have to ask you to provide the URLs of the blogs in our hobby that successfully utilize credit card affiliate links without placing them in the bodies of the posts.
Please note that I’m not calling you a liar. I’m just trying to learn. Thank you.
Remember that the top guys on Boarding Area earn over $5,000 per month just from the ad revenue. And – whilst small blogs may need to go totally overboard in order to hit whatever threshold Chase wants – the bigger boys could easily get to this level without getting carried away.
“I have to ask you to provide the URLs of the blogs in our hobby that successfully utilize credit card affiliate links without placing them in the bodies of the posts”
Ah! It does come down to Frequent Miler in the end. After circling the wagons for all day yesterday, this is all you could come up with. One name? So any other blogger who cannot replicate his business model–and no one can–has no right to exist!
Now I’m officially bored. The most detrimental thing that any blogger could do to themselves is take you and your friends seriously.
“Would it help you sleep better at night if I used the word “fib”, “untruth” or “falsehood” instead?”
Knock yourself out. I won’t lose my sleep no matter the words you’re using:). Have a nice day.
Off the top of my head:
Loyalty Lobby
Travel with Grant
Wandering Aramean
Loyalty Traveler
Canadian Kilometers and Rapid Travel Chai (not 100% of the time)
I am sure there are more, especially ones who don’t do the used car salesman style.
Yes it is VERY hard.
To me, it is about credibility. It is the most important thing.
As I said in my email, this does not help your brand 😉
“Ah! It does come down to Frequent Miler in the end. After circling the wagons for all day yesterday, this is all you could come up with. One name? So any other blogger who cannot replicate his business model–and no one can–has no right to exist!”
Not that your arguments are based on what’s actually said, but for the millionth and first time…. I have never said that one shouldn’t have affiliate links in the body of their posts
Just that you’re flat out lying when you say it’s impossible to exist without cards in the body of your post
One day, when “it’s impossible” means the same thing as “it’s impossible, except when it isn’t”, your statement won’t be a lie. Alas….
“I have been utterly respectful throughout this dialog, and yet you have no problem calling me a liar. That’s an interesting choice of words”
If you keep repeating that a blog can’t stay alive without having links in the body of the post, and it keeps being untrue, what word do you want me to use to describe it?
Would it help you sleep better at night if I used the word “fib”, “untruth” or “falsehood” instead?
FM is hiring, too!! Only unlike the rest of them he won’t pay you.
Not very different from Dan’s model. One is community based (forum) the other one more of an elf approach (santa’s helper)
Let’s help build someone else’s business while not being being compensated.
Dan’s forums are awesome. Lots of useful information in there.
And he does take a lot of stuff from there, but most isn’t credit card related (it’s usually for deals that don’t make him anything), he always gives proper h/t, and everything he uses is information that the poster is perfectly fine with him sharing. I have no issues whatsoever with his forum
I have much more issues with the bloggers who use FlyerTalk as their personal piggy bank
I think FM made a mistake.
I better stop here before I talk to him
Can we keep a running list of all the things Andy has completely fabricated in this thread?
I have said over and over and over and over in this thread that I don’t have issues with people including affiliate links in their posts. Probably have said it a dozen times.
So what’s Andy’s latest conclusion about what I’ve supposedly said?
“So any other blogger who cannot replicate his business model–and no one can–has no right to exist!”
You can’t make this stuff up
Steve and Andy: Y’all disagree while both making some good points. Let it go for a few minutes at least. We need to go get more Chase points to use devalued programs, but we can still get great deals. United’s award change/cancellation/redeposit fees suck. So they get to keep my miles and fly empty seats to Alaska around July 4 next year, since my booking needs are scheduled to change from 4 passengers to 5 that week. Maybe I’ll even slow down enough to get a US Bank card, since they told me not to even bother with other apps >6 months during my recent recon denial.
Thanks, we need that sometimes when conversation gets heated.
So many comments, it is hard to read your comment section these days George!
I am with others who suspect there are going to be accelerated devaluation announcements compared to previous eras. Everyone knows that devaluations happen, but the cycles may be more frequent unfortunately. It may be one of the reasons why big banks are pushing affiliates and credit card advertisement outlets aka blogs. Sad to see so many travel blogs turn into credit card machines. It is especially painful for us who have been on FT for a long time. The transition every year seems to go further downhill it seems. Only thing that is changing is the excuse for the advertisements, and that too on a regular basis.
I hear you. A day goes by and the comments section gets harder to read because there is no new blog post.
Yeah, I agree the deval pace and commercialization of the hobby is increasing unfortunately…It is really sad to watch.
On a happier note, just put the finishing touches on the Maui trip arrangements w/ 2 nights in Maui. Almost all together other than the car & 3 nights in…gasp, Oakland 🙂 Staying 5 nights in Maui, sure beats our 10 minute turnaround from our mileage run to HNL…forgot the year mid 2000’s something!
2005 and it was OGG 🙂
Oh was it? Hard to tell when you are back on the plane in 10 minutes lol
Fellow Michigander, after you outed the speedway gimmick, I found two different methods at two different stores, getting my fees + 5% back, and accumulating X amount of miles..
Loving this.. I have accumulated more miles in ten days than I have this entire year.. Feel like jumping into my pool of miles like Mcscrooge..
That’s great. A reason I handled it the way I did was to inspire readers to look around to find opportunities. They are OUT there.
I know how to keep secrets. Email me if you want. I will keep my mouth shut, i have done it before (Home Improvement card). You have my word. Gracias
Response to ingy (here because ran out of room above!!)
>>>>>>>George, if I was looking bad they would have me stop.
Do they know?
>>>>>>>>>We all get a big laugh out of what goes on here.
Great. Mission of the blog is to entertain for the most part. Success!
>>>>>>>>>> You are oh so easy to rile up and make you rant over miles and points. Miles and points.
Oh yeah, you too. Especially when we criticize your blog you are no longer part of but your picture and tagline is all over in.
>>>>>>>>>>And I’m bored??? I got out and now just havin’ some fun.
In your own words, you had said repeatedly you will pop in here once in a while when you are bored. You are here most of the day every day. Well, as long as you are having fun at TBB you are always welcome. We know you are not spending any time at FTG these days interacting with readers, they are soooo engaged wink wink
>>>>>>>>>Your gang is such an easy target.
I used to listen to a band called The Gang of Four. Man, they were awesome. I am gonna search for them on youtube next while I pump out another Buzz post. I get emails asking me to post it, it’s like a drug man.
>>>>>>>>>Congrats on your gift card. They work better than “comments”
I am speechless they came through!
>>>>>>>>>>But it is interesting you used “money” as a measure of your credibility. 26 minutes for $300. From the last twelve months you say it is not about the money but use that as your measure???? Huh?
Completely different situations. Yours refer to blog business (sell, sell, sell) and mine referred to the issue of credibility. They found me out of so many experts in this field and they made me an offer. I would talk to them even if they offered nothing as they are trying to find ways to improve the retirement plan industry in this country (and it does need help). Of course, I fully disclosed it lol. To you it is always about the money. To me credibility comes first.
We are just different dude.
>>>>>>>>>>>The suit is folding George. The wrinkles are starting to show 😉
Yes they are. And I am going down swinging. You are as amazed as I am that I am still doing this. Messing with you in MY TINY blog is priceless entertainment!
Sorry ran out of space up stream…so many comments…I get lost sometimes 😉
Well if money paid is a measure of credibility, I’m really grateful my blog was so credible, of all the ones in theovercrowded market, that IB chose mine. Let me use your words here;
“They found me out of so many experts in this field and they made me an offer”
BTW, it wasn’t a gift card 😉
Of course they know. You come up in the conversation almost every week. In regards to entertainment, we always get a chuckle in our meetings, about the goings on at Tabloid Blogger Buzz.
Glad you’re being honest and acknowledging the recent wrinkles and folds. It leads to credibility.
I swear you are like my brother. He also hears what he wants to hear.
We are talking two completely different subjects but…wasting my time.
If they know and they approve of your conduct here…I am speechless.
Oh, TBB is in the agenda in a publicly owned company, wow!
I am real, credibility is my middle name.
Just one hour passed before you responded, are you perpetually bored Mr “I am going to pop in here at TBB when I get bored”. Sad
George, You are such a wordsmith.
Nobody said they approve. I said they are aware, and we as people get a laugh out of the antics here. Get over yourself George
They are not a public traded company.
Get over yourself. You are unraveling buddy. The perpetual “bored” comment is getting old. Some days I comment (particularly when your comment numbers are falling 😉 You are part of my daily routine. I get up, have coffee, read my email, check out some blogs of note with worthwhile info on my old hobby and then read the Buzz. Its like the comics. You certainly entertain me. You are kinda like reading Beetle Bailey, only I get to add my own captions. That’s all Buzz. You are as important in my life as reading the comics. Get over yourself.
Anybody can say anything here: true, false, lies, misquotes, bullshit and rants. It is actually entertaining at times to see Steve rant about some post by a blogger with maybe a 1000 pageviews as if it was a sin on the world. And you blindly support him. We mean NOTHING George in the scope of things. It is miles and points George. That’s all George. Just miles and points.
And the fact that the spewing is now being challenged is priceless. Andy, AgendaGuy and others will keep you honest and I’m glad to see it.
Do you know why the comics are at the back of the paper George? They are just not that important.
Your comments here certainly entertain me. I am also very happy you are entertained here and you are such a loyal reader. Thank you for your support.
So is it all about miles and points or is it all about reader numbers and revenue? I am confused!
“spewing is now being challenged is priceless’: Wow…Mr. “I grew up in a way that If I did not have anything positive to say I kept my mouth shut”
And whatever happened to “I only check in here when I am bored”…some time ago you were somewhere and said something to the effect I will check in with the mosquitoes a few weeks later when I am bored.
Everybody knows IB does not improve your trolling conduct here.
You are always welcome. this is comment #97 WOW 🙂
Here is one of your favorites George:
I started writing down the dates and times of all your comments here but got too tired.
So, are you bored or entertained, I am confused.
I see you in sell, sell, sell mode in the Facebook FTG page. We thought you were out of the game…or do you need the money?
You’ll be back, take it to a more recent post. This is comment #99. Don’t want to have another triple digit comment post again.
If money paid is a measure of credibility, then the guy who just paid $142 Million for a work of art at Christies has just ranked Francis Bacon as the world’s most credible artist.
I’m so ignorant: I thought Francis Bacon was an English politician or something. Never heard of the artist.
Anyway, the point is that people overpay for crap (of all sorts) everyday.