We travel to Egypt, talk about what long term travel is about, laugh at some ridiculous DYKWIA cases, marvel at Dubai & transfer MR points to Iberia Avios and so much more you will enthusiastically convert your mother in law to an avid Amazon shopper with TBB’s link #winning #makingfunofpumping #makesmelaughalot
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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Housekeeping: The email list has now been converted to MailChimp. An email will go out every day at 7 am with the previous day’s blog posts (usually just one, occasionally two). Still working on a few remaining formatting issues and everything should be fine very soon. I kept the FULL body of the blog post in the emails because I am no Titan to force you to click to visit my site to make money from advertisers. Because I have none. Bwahahahahahaha. This may change at some point…at this rate maybe by 2020!
For breaking news please come back to the comments section to see what TBBreakingNews posts there!
Excellent report about traveling to Egypt these days by Freakin Flyers.
Let’s continue with the long term travel slash nomad type…Yomadic‘s last post of 2015: “Long Term Travel, Pizza, Chinese Food – A Year End Message“. Oh, I believe there are just two spots left for the October 2016 Iran Untour, you want to come along with us?
Do You Know Who I Am? Who Cares?!? An exhaustive collection of documented and ridiculous cases of the disease DYKWIA by The Gate.
Jason Zweig, one of the top personal finance writers, gets interviewed about his new book on the infernal jargon of finance. Great stuff. Titan alert, just hit me, I am going to be like DansDeals right NOW. Jason’s book is “The Devil’s Financial Dictionary” <<<<<<<<<<—————–AFFILIATE LINK—————–>>>>>>PAYS ME $$$$——->$=pennies. Gracias! Haters, commence your whining lol.
Take a test to find out how dark is your personality. Or maybe not.
Absolutely mind blowing bike skills by this Danny MacAskill dude going rooftoping in the Canary Islands, wowza!
11 bird’s-eye views of the world that will leave you speachless by Matador Network.

Well, lets stick with Dubai, shall we? Here are 15 stunning photos of Dubai, the Manhattan of the Middle East.

More 2015 Photos of the Year. Must click. One day I will change these links to my Amazon link to mess with you…I can imagine the rage of the haters lol.

This bridge opens on Christmas Day in Guizhou, China. It will be the world’s highest and longest suspension bridge.

That guy “blogger” who was all over the news recently showing off how he is flying for free is at it again. No, I am not talking about some of the Titans we all know. It is some wanna be Titan with the typical “look at me, selfie, you can do it too, click my links”. Dude, you are waaaaay too late. I don’t want to link to contribute to the nonsense, sure raised my blood pressure!
The miles and points scene is super slow. Going into holiday mode slowly…
In the meantime, the mega plastic pumping goes on and is getting more hideous and, entertainingly, some haters whine at me for pumping so much. This blogging thing is…weird. It changes people. Hopefully it will change me for the better because I am all for continuous improvement and doing my best for peace and understanding and…oh please stop it TBB, you are just bored man!
Wait. The post at Lazy Traveler on transferring points to Iberia was good!
And I leave you with this…

I am going to place a smiley below to see how it shows up in the MailChimp email. Last time it was huge. IT staff is working hard to fix this, click the darn links, thanks.
Thank you for making TBB a part of your life, I am honored! Help bloggers you appreciate & make a positive difference in your life by spreading the word about their blogs, emailing and commenting and using their few $ links.
Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs To Ignore
You deserve it!
Really liked the link to the drone photos — gracias.
(Not enough to click a link, mind you :})
You do not deserve the gold for not clicking on my links…so there!
I had a really nice email today thanking me about my little blog. Which is always a great way to start my day. But you know what my favorite email/comment is?
“Hey TBB, love your blog, stopped reading the Titans because of you and just clicked on your links to get wife/husband the CSP card (or substitute any other card, best offers only of course!) and all our Christmas shopping was done with your Amazon link, you rock!”.
YOU can be first! If readers don’t help the little guys you will only be left with Titans pumping three dozen affiliate links in one post and pumping a hideous Gold offer for just 25k points. Because little guys eventually give up…
I feel much better already, thanks for reading and taking the time to comment.
THIRD day in a row that I used your Amazon link! You are such a pumper!
You rock! Unlike that other guy above who got the Silver today….maybe we’ll do a doping test on him to get the (imaginary) medal back!
Excellent article regarding Egypt travel. I am in Cairo for the last five days and will be flying to Petra, Jordan tomorrow as part of visiting all seven wonders of the world before my daughter turns seven. I agree with Carrie on all points, one thing I would add is; the use of Uber saved us (family of four) quite a fortune plus one of the Uber guy was from the old Cairo, a coptic Christian, who gave us a private tour of old Cairo absolutely free. I think I was lucky to find him via Uber and now he is our guide for everything. Imagine walking with local in old Cairo where I can literally ask to open the doors of all old churches, synagogues and mosques was truly an amazing experience.
Visiting the seven wonders of the world before daughter turns seven…WOW. Amazing feat!
I learned a lot about Egypt from that post, I had no idea of the desperation until…I read about it.
Guides (if they are good) can be invaluable, especially in these countries.
Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment!
Desperation is real and you can’t escape it but as long as you are courteous (local customs and all that) and be firm in saying No (or La in local Arabic), you should be fine. Just make sure you don’t visit the Lotus Oil shops after doing the tour with guides (as we were forced to do at the end of our our Giza trip) and we wasted at least 1 hour in getting back into our senses. As long as you have your AMEX card in hand and let them use it (absolutely NO CASH), you would be fine. Most of their card machines are broke and they will insist on paying cash.
Three more wonders to go after tomorrow’s visit to Petra and daughter is still 5 so plenty of time to cover it as long as chase/amex/citi are covering the hotel and airline side of expenses.
I am really interested in going to Iran and I came across your travel plans for 2016 with Yomadic! I don’t know if I can spend 12-15 days without my family but certainly I am excited to visit Iran than to any place in the world except Park Hyatt Vendome or Hadahaa!
BTW I also took the bus# 15 from Victoria Peak on my way back during my recent visit to HKG and absolutely love the ride!
Barclaycard Wyndham Rewards 45,000 Point Offer (Enough For Three Nights At Any Property)
Nad, I surely hope you bought the Jordan Pass before your trip. If not go to their site and buy it BEFORE you land, save it electronically so you can get the visa fee waived on arrival. The pass is fairly new. I just got back from Jordan.It saved me over $200 and I only used it three times, including the Visa.
A 1 day pass is 70 JD or $99 US (a 2 day pass is only $5 more). If you have the pass when you arrive, they will waive your Visa fee of $56 US.
Here are more numbers to help educate TBB folks.
Entry to Petra $127 US or 90 JD (does not include Petra by candlelight but its discontinued for the season anyway)
Visa to Jordan $ 56 US or 40 JD
Save $84 when buying a 1 day Jordan Pass which is $ 99 or 70 JD (2 and 3 day passes available $5 increments)
Gold Medals to nad and konorth, great info!
You can do blog posts here any time. Pick 10 best pics, say a few words (more on miles/points aspect of trips), sit back, watch the Amazon money rolling in…u get that day’s dough. Ok, maybe this is insulting…was hoping to make a joke out of it.
And now time to eat fat free greek yogurt!
Hey George, I’m all about saving money and want to pass it on. As I mentioned the Jordan Pass seems to be a new thing and hasn’t been blogged about (get ready for the Titans) Jordan is yearning for tourists so the Jordan Pass is a great start.
I also found a great Bedouin guide while in Petra. As Carrie said in her Egypt post, its after you decide to hire them then realize they’re worth more than you bartered for and you recommend them to your friends… and hopefully good karma comes around.
PS I hope Nad got the passes for his family before entry to Jordan. And I hope he stays at the Moevenpick and not Marriott while there….save more $$ and time.
Scary looking Chinese bridge.
Thanks for the mention George! Loved Carrie’s Egypt piece.