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A Beautiful, Bewitching Conversation with Jim Carrey, Who Has Returned Reborn
Wow Jim Carrey! He was off the radar for a while, now I know why. He has been painting like a mad man and his art work is amazingly good! Loved the interview but especially I LOVED the six minute film: Jim Carrey: I Needed Color. If you are going to watch one thing today make it this one. You are welcome. Okay, let me put it right here for you:
I really learned a lot about this guy. I think I respect him more now as I was not really a fan of his acting. I really loved this part:
It’s all of us who feel like we’re not moving forward the way we want to in life because of what other people want. What other people want is like a chain in the ground that you’re easily powerful and large enough to pull out of the ground, but you don’t because of what others will think. And in that way, we’re mad elephants.
Saving Money and Running Backwards
This is a must read!
Wealth has a curse. It’s called the hedonic treadmill. Its mission – and it is ruthless – is to move the goal post of your financial dreams, extinguishing the joy you thought you’d get from having more money once you attain it. We’ve known this forever. People are pros at both adapting to their circumstances and fooling themselves that slightly better financial circumstances will solve their problems. [You are probably shaking your head right now…saying yes, yes so true!]
What many people really want from money is the ability to stop thinking about money. To stop caring about it so they can think about other stuff. [Yep!]
It’s easy to dream about the joys more money will bring you while ignoring the sacrifice needed to make and save more money. So the dream perpetually feels better than the accomplishment. [You know, I sometimes dream about getting all the Chase credit card conversions from The Points Guy]
The solution, particularly after basic needs are met, is actively seeking contentment with what you have. That doesn’t mean you stop saving, stop putting in effort, stop sacrificing. It means you come to terms with the idea that the outcome isn’t a fountain of happiness. So if you’re going to grind, you better damn well enjoy the process. [The last part of the sentence “you better damn well enjoy the process” is AWESOME!]
Work and the Loneliness Epidemic
I posted something similar recently. I don’t know about you but this is disturbing…And written by Vivek H. Murthy, former US Surgeon General.
Loneliness is a growing health epidemic. We live in the most technologically connected age in the history of civilization, yet rates of loneliness have doubled since the 1980s. Today, over 40% of adults in America report feeling lonely, and research suggests that the real number may well be higher. Additionally, the number of people who report having a close confidante in their lives has been declining over the past few decades. In the workplace, many employees — and half of CEOs — report feeling lonely in their roles. [Do you give a shit the Equifax and Wells Fargo CEO’s feel lonely? Oh wait, they both retired with tens of millions of dollars. I am sure they are fine people and not sons of bitches…]
Loneliness is also associated with a greater risk of cardiovascular disease, dementia, depression, and anxiety. At work, loneliness reduces task performance, limits creativity, and impairs other aspects of executive function such as reasoning and decision making.
To bring us closer, we developed “Inside Scoop,” an exercise in which team members were asked to share something about themselves through pictures for five minutes during weekly staff meetings. Presenting was an opportunity for each of us to share more of who we were; listening was an opportunity to recognize our colleagues in the way they wished to be seen. [Wow, what a great idea to do this at your workplace! The author suggests five steps to to help build healthy and productive relationships.]
The Untold Story of Kim Jong-nam’s Assasination
Great investigative piece on the assassination of Kim Jong-un’s brother in the Kuala Lumpur KUL airport by two young women who thought they were doing a practical joke for TV. The article researches the sad story behind the two women and the vicious and sinister way of what the North Koreans were able to pull off. And most likely it was to send a message! They always played the “we are too crazy so deal with us and kick the can down the road” part amazingly well. Now they met a US President who is likely crazier than they are! And both madmen control nukes! Okay, come down everyone, enjoy the process…remember?
2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year Contest
Most of these are new and they are, as always, truly amazing!

And I leave you with this…
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Beware $211 NYC to BKK fare
The loneliness article is definitely on to something IMHO. It’s far to easy to be superficially “connected” electronically now, yet not truly connected or at least not with true relationships. Electronic communication isn’t inherently bad, but you have to make an effort to step outside of that zone to the real world, so to speak. I see it being a problem especially with my daughter (now 20) and her age group.
I think it’s also the barrage of information which, frankly, will overwhelm you if you let it. The 24 hour news cycle, constant breaking news, etc. isn’t healthy. We feel pressured into constantly keeping up when the truth is that 99% of the news has no real impact on us or is stuff we can’t do anything about. Every day there is another tragedy and another (usually trivial) “outrage” – that’s no way to live life. It isn’t that we shouldn’t care about our neighbors and our world, but focusing on what is actionable on our part and what is important.
Ryan…I agree…
There will be more shootings, sad!
Maybe the response of ordinary people to help save strangers in our spate disasters shows the desire for connection. The thin connection of social media got thicker really fast when the need arises.
There are benefits for sure but I think the overall net results to society are likely negative!
I think so!
Always count at DoC to kiss VFTW’s ass. The blogger who has been consistently wrong on the revenue based tsunami. Smh…
Well, it did not take long for VFTW to get Alan H. to post about this….Phuck!
Pretty pretty pretty pretty annoying.
Richard Kerr writing at TPG: Only 14 affiliate links inked in his latest post. Come on man….get to work!
Jim Carrey, Filthy rich white dude decides to paint. I cant think of a less interesting topic.
The dude gets dumped and it unleashed a wildly creative machine in him. The 6 minute film is phucking amazing! One of the links that struck a cord with ME lately.
Gun control link on Thursday. U won’t like that one too.
Gun control won’t happen in the US. This is not Australia.
I gave up after so many children died at that school. If little kids would not get it done…nothing will.
And that pisses me off soooo much!
Personally I’d like to see more filthy rich white dudes trade in their greed for re-examining their humanity.
Many, if not most, of the filthy rich are constantly trying to fill the holes in their souls with more money. They’d get a better ROI by instead fixing those holes.
Sometimes you do that with art 🙂
But did Jim really need to sell the damn paintings? They are phucking amazing anyway!
The picture from Kalsoy in the Faroes is fantastic! Every TBB reader should visit the Faroes — easy connections from Reykjavik Domestic Airport or Copenhagen on Atlantic Airways. I’ve included three pictures from a trip in 2016 to whet appetites: https://imgur.com/a/RVUyL
Beautiful pictures!
I am sure if there was a Hyatt there a lot of us would have already visited 🙂