We bring you a love story from the Greek island of Lesvos, help you with smartphone detox, visit top tourist attractions and Azores, learn how to book United Saver awards, talk about the still missing MH-370, some reference sites about facts and the national march for gun control, US Bank gets nailed, beware of guys buying houses for cash, look at amazing photos, warn you about the not to be trusted Wyndham Rewards and more! Freeeeeee, come on! I could be doing other things with my time you guys! Oh, hi Ingy!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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Just in case you missed this: US Bank to pay $613M to settle money laundering charges. Ouch!
A Love Story from Lesvos. This actually happens a lot in Greece!
I think it is super weird that MH-370 has not been located yet, in today’s super advanced technological world! Why Planes Could Still Vanish Into Thin Air Like MH370.
We are all like zombies out there playing with our smartphones. I am here to help you! Smartphone Detox: How To Power Down In A Wired World.
March 24. March For Our Lives. For gun control!
This is a great site for research! USAFacts.
Do not ever get into a position to call the number in one of those hand written signs you see! Here are the type of people behind them, beware! What are all those ‘cash for houses’ signs?
You want to watch something absolutely inspiring and beautiful? Woman Takes First Unobstructed Breath in Her Life After Lung Transplant.
Another round of amazing photos for you! Nominees in the 2018 World Press Photo Contest.

Every Country’s Top Tourist Attraction.
Lets go to Azores!
This section is for advanced level hobbyists and veteran blog readers & personal rants & stuff.
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Not shocking news: Wyndham Rewards Changed Promotion Rules Without Notice. I mean, come on, we are talking about Wyndham here, how many times has this company screwed members? Good little rant about trust and stuff like that.
Good to know. Personally, I am super confused with all these wallet type services out there so I stay away from all of them pretty much…PSA: Do NOT Use Zelle or Venmo to Pay People on Craigslist, eBay or Strangers Online.
Maybe you can learn something here on how to go about booking awards: How I Found United Saver Availability to from Europe to Iowa. In August.
Just a small sample of “expert” blogging #barf
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Good links today!
Gracias, have a good week everyone!
Silver! Happy President’s Day!
We have been having a great holiday, sitting around by the Presidents Tree exchanging gifts. The ghost of Abraham Lincoln ate the milk and cookies we set out last night. It’s a magical time of year! 🙂
I always wondered about those “we buy houses” signs too! Now I know!
Wyndham sucks so bad. They almost make Delta look honest and transparent. I cringe every time I see the pumpers and Titans getting orgasmic over some Wyndham promotion.
Can you believe the travel thought leader? Wow
If a site like mine with a few readers (who keep abandoning me apparently because that is what Alexa rankings show) with horrible credit scores that can not qualify for anything but secured credit cards and after repeated numerous posts every day trying to trick you to click on cards that only pay sales commissions…
when in the first 18 days a site like mine can sell 7 travel rewards credit cards in the era of the most severe card churning restrictions in the history of The Hobby….all that should tell you is just one thing:
Ingy sold way too early!!!
That’s all folks.
Thank you for the support.
Three more and I may get back to daily posting 🙂
That Lesvos lady is slightly nuts however romantic the story may be…
BTW, did you get the amazon commission from me for the 150$ purchase in January?
Nuts and happy. 🙂 Thanks for reading.
lesbos sounds like fun
Please use another handle…
Last warning.
It turns people away…thinking my blog is a destination for such comments.
Lesbos is plural, as you’ll learn when you get third grade.
Today it has been an MS massacre day.
Way too many bloggers spilling the beans to help friends and family travel for free—————->which translates to making own blog business successful with page views and conversions…sigh.
What was your MPX play?
Not mine…I ain’t got time for dat!
I heard some who were hitting it…I should have asked for details…
I just like to blame bloggers in general lol.
Some were getting busy with Bezos making sure that company never makes a fat profit.
Trump tweeted today:
Obama was President up to, and beyond, the 2016 Election. So why didn’t he do something about Russian meddling?
I call BS. I have told you guys this guy is mentally disturbed. Please tells us phucking moron what have YOU done? lol
Proof that you can not send a comment with only emojis. I’ve checked it twice now.
I thought there was no Russian medling, according to Trump. Which is it, curly?
Buzz, you really should spill the beans on this guy at your sentencing hearing.
I am going to so I can finally have that interview from George Stephanopoulos #dreaming
What Trump said was that there was no Trump-Russia collusion, and that Russia was not the reason why he won. All the evidence so far confirms exactly that. Not a single indictment related to collusion, only ancillary indictments for people lying to cover their asses from activities years ago. Any Russian meddling was inconsequential, and not coordinated with Trump campaign. It’s all a Clinton narrative to explain her shocking loss.
Pre-election Obama mocked Trump for suggesting election was rigged, now post election Dems are crying exactly that. You Dems are the ones who are mentally disturbed, suffering from Trump derangement syndrome. You hate him so much that you can’t accept obvious truths, you just are looking for anything anti-Trump, no matter how trivial or dubious.
PS no I am not a Trump fanboy, I am a libertarian. Trump was my least fav GOP candidate, but I’ll take him any day over Socialist Obama or elitist Clinton.
I call BS…
and will prove it to you on…Sunday 🙂
I believe it takes a lot of nerve to call the Dems deranged and not admit maybe, just maybe, this Trump dude is deranged himself!
Socialist Obama LOL
Elitist Clinton…okay, maybe you have a point there, but I mean, come on, we are talking lets compare Donnie to a normal decent human being. ANYONE but Trump…Phuck, I would even take Bernie Sanders…there I said it.
Or, let me rephrase it for you:
Trump is a phucking moron!
I feel better now.
Thank you for taking the time to comment in my blog from your basement 🙂
Actually I’m commenting from my suite in Asia, you know, from that travel stuff that I thought was the subject of your blog, not middle school level political commentary.
OK we get it, you’re a socialist. But admit it, you hate anyone who doesn’t toe the socialist line. It wouldn’t matter if he wasn’t a thin skinned blowhard egomaniac, which we all know he is…you would still hate him because he isn’t a socialist. But you have a fragile ego too. That’s why you troll the trollers like Ingy, and throw out insults towards anyone who may disagree with you.
Neither Clinton nor Obama are President. Trump is and what has he done about: by-weekly mass shootings, Russian interference with election, higher med costs and tougher insurance markets, infrastructure, and all the things he was going to do on ‘day one’. And, I almost forgot, putting the best people in the world in office.
Final question-what do you think of Trump playing golf while the funerals of two students were being held less than 50 miles away? I imagine it’s something like ‘he’s not a funeral director’.
Oh were there not shootings during Obama presidency? Did liberals blame him then? Nope, it’s always the republicans fault isn’t it? Or Trump’s fault now.
Taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens will not eliminate mass shootings and terror attacks. If you are going to do a massive sweep of all registered guns, then only criminals, terrorists, and the police that liberals hate will have guns. Sorry, but no thanks, I’ll hold on to my collection thank you very much.
You care about such trivial matters. Only optics matters to you, not substance. What were you doing during the funerals then?
Try reading more carefully, if facts matter to you. I did not suggest gun control, I just noted that President Big Button has done nothing about the shootings.
What I do during times of national tragedy isn’t very important to many people. What the President does sets the moral tone for our country.
Or not.
@WR, you are not someone who can persuade a smart person. In fact, like most less-than-intelligent people you don’t realize how much smarter other people are. Because some of your thoughts are insane:
“It’s all a Clinton narrative to explain her shocking loss.”
—Ahhh, so Clinton controls all media, all dems, and much of the national conscience?! As well as many of my friends and neighbors? Clinton must control my Republican mother’s brain as well?
“Socialist Obama”
—If this is just name-calling, then quit writing like a school child. If you’re serious, well, no sane person believes this since there isn’t any evidence for it—and there’s loads of evidence against it.
“You hate anyone who doesn’t toe the socialist line”
—I don’t believe you have any examples of George’s “hate”, but feel free to post any! I’d go so far to say that nobody else who reads his blog would come close to agreeing with this stupid statement.
WR, please keep up spouting your insane babble. It only affects the stupids, but reveals you as an idiot to everyone else.
To Wide Receiver:
First, nobody forces you to read my blog. It is my blog and I can post whatever the phuck I want. You don’t have to read it.
I appreciate views that do not conform to my own. It IS America.
But dude, what the phuck is this crap you talkin about?
Calling me a socialist? Really? How long have you been reading me? WTF!
I don’t hate anyone, not even Ingy. I feel sorry for some people yes.
At least you recognize Trump is a ‘thin skinned blowhard egomaniac”. Maybe there is hope for you…
Phuck it… I was going to go through your points but why waste my time?
Just two points:
‘If you are going to do a massive sweep of all registered guns, then only criminals, terrorists, and the police that liberals hate will have guns.’
Ah, the paranoia, sad!
This is what Obama did. Compare that to the phucking moron and asshole in the White House right now!
And do not call me a Dem. I am not a member of any party, I see myself as an Independent. I tend to vote for politicians that will hurt me less. I usually vote for the Dems but not always.
Can I interest you with a Chase card? lol
Nice, yay!
I am really worried about Ingy, hope he is okay.
Dude you need more chum in the water. 2 or 3 call outs in the comment section isnt enough. Turn the Ingy Agitator on your washing machine up.
As you keep saying, I am not that guy from moving babies. The other posts were mine.
We shouldn’t pick on Ingy. He did the best he could with FTG, and lots of people live quite happy, simple (frugal) lives with a small pile like that.
Ok, I put that comment back to spam 🙂 I thought you were warning me of emails we get trying to sell us crap…I get so many of them! Ingy would be all over them to help increase his conversions lol.
I should not look into the spam folder so late at night right before bed!
The phucking %#*^&^% promoting clickbait shit like poop, farting, drying panties, etc -if pumping credit cards was not bad enough, has a superbly atrocious effect in getting wanna be bloggers to imitate them and trying to beat them in posting this shit first.
And the shit keeps spreading…
Secret Flying – Man’s excessive farting forces plane to make emergency landing
Boycott these shitty sites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Say NO to SHIT!
Losing Gamble on Flatulence Causes Poop in Panties to Be Dried With Air Flow Vent
Thank you for the idea for the headline of an article I was thinking of writing, George.
Lets see if you can add cramps and period at it too Brian, come on, I dare you.
On a second thought…please DON’T!
Think of the children man!
Okay, George…
Losing Gamble on Flatulence Causes Poop in Panties to Be Dried With Air Flow Vent — Period!!!
It is spreading TBB!
Female Passenger Filmed Drying Underwear Using Overhead Air Vent – Point Me to the Plane (which was a well deserved addition to the Ignore Blogs list)
Lets see who copies the thought leader who always writes about things that interest him…like:
Woman Kicked Off Flight Because She Had Cramps From Her Period
u can’t make this shit up, wow!
Can’t wait for Doctor of Credit and Tagging Miles (who?) to link to him lol.
Thanks for including my love story. Apparently, some people find it a source of hope. That’s a good thing these days.