We bring you the news that American Airlines increases award space, visit the best European places, dealing with trolls, watching the Northern Lights when you wake up and we have video and Windbag for Miles mentions me while he aims to meet Gary Leff, isn’t that special?
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I usually do not post on weekends and holidays. But sometimes I just post something for the hell of it. Don’t expect much during the holidays…
Just a few links I came across…these are not the Best of kind but pretty darn good. I think.
First, 19 reasons I love the Chase Sapphire Preferred card…Just kidding!
This is really good news: American Significantly Increases Coach Award Space On Connecting Flights.
Some standard places in here with a few unknowns to me at least: Trips in Europe everyone should take in their lifetime.

This is amazing. What It’s Like to Just Wake Up, Walk Outside, and see the Northern Lights.
How to deal with trolls. I must, must take this advice. I do #2 and #3 very well…
1) Ignore them
2) Don’t mute or block them
3) Let their ridiculous comments/tweets/etc stay up to show how crazy they are
4) Ignore them
5) Ignore them
6) Ignore them
What they want and crave is attention.
Don’t give it to them.
Ok, lets get a little TBBBuzzy now with this last one. Windbag miles has an annual blog recap type of post. You are nice to bloggers so such Titans as View From The Wing and Million Mile Secrets will link back to you, maybe I should try that myself. But that would make me a hypocrite 🙂 Hey, MMS can propel you to the best day ever but those types of readers don’t stick…and, in the meantime, you became a prop for the MMS staff to sell more plastic with smiling Emily holding cards everywhere, thanks a lot dude!
Goals for 2018:
- Get on TravelBloggerBuzz’s “Blogs I like” list.
- Failing that, get on TravelBloggerBuzz’s “Blogs to ignore” list.
- Meet Gary Leff in person, buy him a beer.
Well, buying Gary a beer and not me pretty much assures you no entry to any of my lists so might as well focus on Gary, sad! Blogging is tough dude, I am surprised you are still at it and congrats for that. What i think of your blog is…you use colorful language a lot and I like that! But when you start thinking of dinero the banks will NOT like that and you will rehash everyone else like all of us do bwahahaha.
And I leave you with this…
Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs To Ignore
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Good morning!
Congrats on the Groupie Blogger. I guess.
‘Twas the night before Christmas
And down in the basement………
mms does occasionally have worthwhile articles. I assume they do anyway, I took them off feedly sometime in 2015. But they do have (or used to have) the mother in law rule, so at least there’s that. I’ve gotten in the habit of commenting on every tpg post where I know there are better links than what they’re offering.
Anyway, tpg and mms are like the gateway drugs in the “Hobby”. Some people are happy spending 3 times as much because their friends tell them what a good deal they’re getting. I don’t really have the drug background to finish the metaphor, but I’m sure there’s a perfect drug to describe each blog. Yours would be something that makes you transparent in wanting to only share the best deals, plus a strange combination of good natured and cynical. So maybe booze describes it best?
Btw, I had an Ouzo-rita at a Christmas party last year. What a horrible idea that was…
Merry Christmas
I jus started reading Windbag Miles-seems interesting. (I wonder what sign he is).
Took my mother grocery shopping. She had the sales circled and just went methodically to get those items. When she learned all produce were 20% off she almost screamed from happiness. I think some of these genes were passed down to me lol.
And to the dude who returned something to Amazon….my net worth went down 80 cents! Ingy is smiling right now.
Last time I had Christmas in Greece was in 2005 #wow
You all have a great one.
And never forget, the CSP card will always be bloggers’ favorite #highestcommission!
Breaking: Gary Leff has the latest on groping, you cant’ believe what happened next….Maybe Windbag for Miles can’t wait to meet him to get the latest on this shit…
Meet GTL and buy him a beer? No thanks. Most I’d do is buy him a warm O’Douls.
“per my last email” LMFAO – definitely true!
Pro-tio for windbagmiles – never publish a list of your most popular posts, especially if the traffic was organic, as other bloggers with higher page rank will realise their is cash in those keywords and will have you off the first page within a week …..
That’s a really good point, and I never thought about that. Unfortunately, I just learned from reading the above that only losers care about their blog metrics, so I can’t follow your advice. If I did, there’s no way I’d ever get back into George’s good graces, and that’s now goal #1 for 2018.
WM you got me!….I actually clicked on your title….Good Job Grasshopper….
Pro tip for Windbag –
Don’t listen to Raffles. He looks up to blogs you will want to avoid if you want to show up on a list here. Learn who to ignore.
Phuck…I had a long reply and the wifi was dropped in this greek cafe I am in…first time it happens here, damnit.
so I will summarize:
Raffles: Thanks for the tip, one day I am going to be like you 🙂
Windbag: Sent you replies on Twitter. I was just blindsided with your affection for Gary, that’s all. I like your stuff and your ranting colorful language, thanks for some laughs I had reading your stuff. Blogging is tough as you are finding out.I lost 80 cents yesterday! You need to have fun while at it, if you want to make money just go full blown commercial, nothing wrong with it and ignore my criticism. This field is saturated indeed.
Have a wonderful day everyone!