We go on the best hikes in each US state, uncover more Airbnb scams, the top ten airline routes, how it is printing money, RIP Will this community will miss you man, an amazing undercover CIA job that lasted decades, global population trends, the incredible history of the walled Kowloon city in Hong Kong, shaming airplane passengers, decoding asset manager BS, American Airlines finally communicated with the killed AAdvantage accounts and more always freeeeeeeee!
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Not much happened over the weekend in the miles and points world…
One major thing that happened though was that we lost one of our own hobbyists. RIP Will Maxwell-Steele. We met at a MegaDO and kept in touch sporadically over Facebook and Facebook Messenger. He has been around this crazy hobby for a long time. He met and married his wife Christy at another MegaDO and so many people engaging in this crazy hobby were invited to their beautiful wedding. I have never heard a bad thing about Will…ever! So well liked by everyone. A genuinely good and so much fun to be around person. With an absurd sense of humor. So many in this hobby are just devastated. The outpouring of love and tears has been incredible which goes to show you how much he will be missed. Sending deepest condolences to the family. Life is so fragile. I love you all!
I will try to make up the lack of action in this section in the other sections…Because, you know, TBBing is what I do…
Another day, another mega scam uncovered with Airbnb. I stumbled across a huge Airbnb scam that’s taking over London. There is a point, when you have plenty of hotel points that allow you to stay for free anywhere, that makes you think why to bother going with Airbnb…
A wonderful resource to bookmark for future reference: The Best Hike in Every State. I had no idea you can hike in Ohio lol.

Five out of the ten routes involve London Heathrow airport! I wonder if London will still be on this list in a few years with Brexit underway: Flying High: The Top Ten Airline Routes by Revenue. The link will also lead you to a list of the top routes by revenue in each continent.

Major lol material here: 21 People That Will Absolutely Ruin Your Flight. I do not do single blog spots on incidents like this and clickbait you with ridiculous “shocking” headlines ok?
Ok, one more. Source
Well, this is a unique link for sure: Printing Money. Check it out! 🙂
These are great, another fun link: Asset Managers’ BS — Decoded. They are….perfect!
A Translation Guide to Asset Manager-Speak
- Now is a good entry point = Sorry, we are in a drawdown
- We have a high Sharpe ratio = We don’t make much money
- We have never lost money = We have never made money
- We have a great backtest = We are going to lose money after we take your money
- We have a proprietary sourcing approach = We invest in whatever our hedge fund friends do
- We are not in crowded positions = We missed all the best-performing stocks
- We are not correlated = We are underperforming while the market keeps going up
- We invest in unique uncorrelated assets = We have an illiquid portfolio which can’t be valued and will suspend soon
- We are soft-closing the fund = We want to raise as much money as we can right now
- We are hard-closing the fund = We are definitely open for you
- We are not responsible for the bad track record at our prior firm = We lost money but are blaming all our ex-colleagues
- We have a bottom-up approach = We have no idea what markets are going to do
- We have a top-down process = We think we know what markets will do but really who does?
- The markets had a temporary mark-to-market loss = Our fundamental analysis was wrong and we don’t know why we lost money
- We don’t believe in stop-loss limits = We have no risk management
Probably the best read of my weekend. How the CIA used Crypto AG encryption devices to spy on countries for decades. Amazing, no words to describe the reaction you should have…
Europeans complain about too many immigrants. Others want to put up walls. The harsh reality though is portrayed here: A 2020 Overview of Global Population Trends. I like to blog about stuff that makes you think! Not repeated moronic sales pieces with titles such as “XX reasons I like _______ credit card” when #1 reason for doing such posts is the sales commission earned on selling them which is NEVER stated!
This is extremely disturbing to watch. You may have nightmares. Proceed at your own risk. You have been warned! Shocking Footage from Sendai Airport During 9.0 Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011.
Reader A. sent me this article because my blog is an expert on sex robots. Talk about a niche lol. Sex robots may cause psychological damage. If you buy one from Amazon one day I hope you use my link. Bwahahahaha!
We are now entering BLOG BUZZ, a section for advanced hobbyists and veterans of this fast imploding hobby and also a section where I go on and on about some stuff that happens in my life because it helps me feel better about myself.
Finally, we hear from AA: American Airlines Communicates With More Suspended Accounts – New Round of Shutdowns. Good luck to those affected. Not to those who suddenly added pets to generate more mailers and…stuff like that.
If you are going to do a post about getting shut down from a bank, the least you can do is tell us what may have caused it. If not, we are just suspecting that you are just another writer who wants to get paid for a writing gig and just generate page views $$$ in yet another Boarding Area blog, come on MtM!
I saw the documentary American Factory over the weekend. It won an Oscar for Best Documentary. It was good but an Oscar for it? Come on!
And I leave you with this…
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Nice to read that the CIA did something competent. Made my day.
What they did was beyond EPIC!
Silver! For the Pacific Northwest! I watched that same documentary a couple nights ago and thought it was excellent. I am OK with the Oscar because most Documentaries bore me but this one held my attention.
I am sorry about the passing away of your friend. George, you have my deepest condolences.
I think it was good. Just not Oscar material…by far. Different opinions, it’s cool.
Sorry to hear about Will. That sucks
Still hard to believe!
Hey George, get with the program man, do those rant posts again. You know controversy SELLS.
Just watch your buddy Gilbert at GSTP. Takes money from an app for a glowing post, they do not deliver, they scam people who paid following his advice, he writes a rant, he gets noticed by his idol Gary Leff who links to him, all hell breaks loose and then he does yet another post on the same subject…And this is how you deliver clicks in Boarding Area to generate money! Soon Randy will come out of hibernation again to post a pic of yet another amazing BA blogger visiting his ever expanding ranch…and clickingwegoaroundandaroundwego
Will was a really great guy. And funny as hell. I can’t believe it! I think he had some health issues lately so that probably contributed to it. Take care of your health folks.
That CIA article is shocking as hell. So, all these salesmen were selling it without even knowing what they were selling all these years/decades. And its name…Crypto! Crypto!!!! Maybe the CIA is behind the bitcoin thingie too…
Have a great week, thanks for your posts. Always refreshing in a sea of bullshit.
I don’t read VFTW anymore. Rarely I catch a glimpse of his posts on Twitter that make me reaffirm my decision to stop bothering reading that blog was one of my greatest life enhancing moves I have done in my life, I highly recommend it!
Hey…you may be on to something about the CIA being behind crypto…I mean, we are still looking for Yashimoto or whatever the bitcoin “founder” is called!
Didn’t Randy come out of hibernation last week and tweet a picture of live and let’s fly?
Can I vote for Michael Avenatti in the Demo Primary or do I have to write in his name? Because I remember everyone telling me he was the frontrunner in 2020 back in the day. #FreeMichaelA
Democrats sure dodge a bullet.
Well they are gonna catch the next one with BigMike and CrookedHillary as his running mate. Can someone be anymore tone deaf than this clown? He makes Johnny Edwards and his 2 Americas look like a good idea.
When you call Mike Bloomberg a clown while you worship phucking moron Trump…you lose all credibility Ramsey, come on!
And please get off the childish name calling the orange bozo has made it “cool”…It is not. It is phucking childish…
Ain’t nobody more crooked than Trump!
Truth hurts…
What happened? I thought people loved my plans. And I’m not a hard core socialist like Bernie. I used to be a Republican like Bloomberg.
Your TDS is flaring up. It was the Wuhan Virus before Wuhan.
I am wearing my FREE Mike Bloomberg Tshirt right now 🙂
You either get Lil’Mike and Killary or you get a Socialist. Wow what great choices from the Socialist Party. Your TDS will flare up again in November at this rate
Buzz, if my Boss is elected president and he “has” to sell his $60B investment, is it correct that he will NOT have to pay $8B in taxes because of a loophole???
You know like my former Boss Hank Paulsen when he left Goldman and ultimately give a $700B handout to the poor banks.
Doomberg 2020!
Make Stopping and Frisking Great again!