We bring you the Best of 2017 links: The Year In Money, Best Drone Photography, Trump Year, Airlines Lost, Blogging Advice for aspiring bloggers. This post was prepared aboard Delta 139 from Amsterdam to Detroit. In coach. Using a gogo code from my Amex Platinum Business card (insert imaginary affiliate link).
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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Happy New Year to all TBB readers!
The Year in Money 2017
This is the best recap I have seen so far, must read!
Best Drone Photography of 2017

2017: The Year In Trump
We can not escape it. We have not seen anything like it. These cartoons pretty much nail what we are all experiencing. God help us all. I look at my kids and tell them “If Trump can become President, so can you!” #thinkpositive
Airlines We Lost in 2017
Some of them I had never heard of. But hey, I never claimed or pretended to be a travel thought leader you guys!
I counted 51 of them. I flew two of them: Air Berlin and Island Air and I enjoyed my flights with them. RIP!
6 Things I Learned from 6 Years of Blogging
This blog was started to cover/review the travel hacking (aka miles & points) blog space. It has evolved of course. It has never wavered from the mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire.
Anyway, this blog is read by many travel/miles&points bloggers and I think this post by Running With Miles is excellent advice, especially to new aspiring bloggers!
Good Blogging Practices Do Not Always Equal Good Business Practices
Titles Are Still Hard!
Blogging Is Time Consuming!
Creativity Is Essential
Blogging Is Not a Lonely Pursuit
Readers Are Not Stupid!
I think the first and third points are absolutely essential! It is amazing how some bloggers will always put their own pocketbooks ahead of their readers which is an incredibly shitty practice that, imho, should be illegal. But let me stop myself right there before I get really angry lol. And I find it encouraging how some bloggers will never do that. Ok, yours truly too! HELP these bloggers, FIGHT BACK AGAINST the greedy bloggers EVERY chance you get.
Time consuming? You have NO IDEA unless you tried blogging yourself. Trust me on this one! And when you consider the monetary payoff it is downright lunacy! But the positives outweigh the negatives so I keep going. Or I am just a lunatic, I don’t know sometimes 🙂
Fight back on hideous click bait and Kardashian like posts, looking at you View From The Wing Tabloids!
Blogging keeps me creative, no problemo there. And you the readers are awesome. Even Ingy, who is an essential feature of TBB Entertainment woohoo!
About the last point (readers are not stupid), it is definitely true with you guys as I aspire my blog to appeal to people above at least an acceptable level of intelligence. But I am not sure this applies to most blogs that appear here that keep selling to their readers NON STOP…
And I leave you with this…
Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs To Ignore
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
I’m a reader, so I am put First.
Not sure what to make up of Mile Nerd’s announcement today…
Thanks for the prominent mention, George! Happy New Year to you and your family!
And that MileNerd announcement seems like it is pretty scattered with ideas but I am sure he must have a pretty clear idea himself.
Same to you!
Transavia was fine by the way. Large coffee was 3.80 euros 🙂
Was MN’s announcement that he is selling the blog? Will it go poof as of 1/1/19? What form will his “community” be…as he does not do social media. Just many questions…I should ask him…
Was very sad to read that. I emailed him this morning. Big bummer but holding out hope for the new community as he shares more details about it. Proof this hobby is dying IMO.
Let me know please.
Hi George. Thanks to your awesome Banff, LL trip report I booked our trip last May and it’s almost here. We’re headed there over Easter/Spring Break. Thanks again for your blog.
That remains one of my fav trips, hope it works out as well as it did for us.
What an interesting post today! Thanks.
You are late…hangover? 🙂
I’m not sure about Mile Nerd’s post either. At first I thought it was another sign that we are at the End of Days, but now I am asking myself if I am just viewing everything through that lens.
So Buzz-did Putin go for the sanctuary proposal? Maybe time for a real long “Visit to Mom” (wink, wink) soon, huh?
Spammers getting through again…
and phucking printer does not work now after I installed a Windows Update!!!
Since I unfortunately only realized MileNerd existed last year (not sure how I kept overlooking) and really love the site, it’s sad to see this will be the end because we need more people like him in this realm. Of course I understand sometimes it’s just time to retire it. But if he’s really just shifting direction to whatever this new project I’m sure whatever it is will be great based on past performance.
I was promised a racist, misogynist hate monger and all I got was a half way decent tax cut and 20%+ in the markets.
20%? MU we can do that and more w/The Trumpster in 2018. Did you see my stock tip of Scott’s Miracle Grow, ticker symbol SMG. It is up almost 10% since I recommended it 10 days ago here on TBB.
Not only is their Miracle Grow products used by pot growers (LEGALLY) like myself. Scotts has aggressively created other brands of pot growing products not under the Scotts label to cater to the hip and cool grow at home community. They have also got into the indoor grow lighting and hydroponinic equipment field used by pot farms for the wholesale to retail trade. SMG current price $106. As you know 43 million people in CA. can now legally grow pot as of 1/1/18. As Jim Cramer always says ” BUY BUY BUY”.
Hopefully all the nuts and wierdos will stop moving here (PDX) from Ca. now.
The legal pot had nothing (ok almost) to do with the great California migration to Portland. Two words shaped 90% of the decision to move “Housing Market.” Never understand the huge hate heaped upon those who moved to Portland in hopes of a better life.
I feel the need, the need for weed? Is that what you are saying?
Don’t sell yourself short, there we’re some very fine people among the racists. Don’t expect another 20% increase this year. The Feds around the world will pull a few trillions from the market. There’s only so much buyback that the new tax cut will promote.
I was told the world was ending last year. I dont expect anything from Ms Market. She does all my heavy lifting for me.
Maybe it is not based on a calendar year? 🙂
Sure but I bet you arent on the sidelines either #winning
Apparently it takes more than a year to drain the swamp.
MILENERD announces he will be retiring his blog at a future date……………………BUMMER
TBB announces nothing can stop him from blogging………………………..Bummer
Just joking as usual, as Don Rickels use to say ” I kid because I love.”
Some truth to that…..
To all: It looks like the spammers are getting through again….If you see a moronic comment with a moronic url link…DO NOT CLICK IT…I will kill it as soon as I get to it. Phuck, not getting paid to do this shit….goes to show you how blogging is so phucking time consuming…The bloggers at Boarding Area do not deal with this crap!
I think my HP printer has died…today….my warranty expired 1/1/2007 so I think I got a good life out of this baby…but why noooooooooooooow?
Printers and printing ink are one of the greatest scams ever ran on society.
True, but 8+ points on almost any airline for replacement ink that costs 1/3 as much as OEM helps…
If you don’t need color, I suggest the Brother HL-L2380DW. Fantastic workhorse and cheap to run.
Guys…this blog is being overtaken by spammers…keep deleting them…and now my speakers have gone mad…I think I am losing it…I need to go the Mile Nerd route and quickly!
So MileNerd, who doesn’t allow comments on his site, believes his readers are so great and different (unlike the readers of other blogs, whom he openly admits don’t sound like his sort of people) that he wants to open a special community for them?
If he is basing this entirely off the 1% of his readers who email him, I think he will get a surprise when he meets the other 99%.
Still can’t believe he does no social media and does not allow comments…Clueless what he is thinking about to do but sure will enjoy his posting this year as it appears it will be more ranty 🙂