In the past, I used to publish posts titled “Best of Web” which only had material that was a notch or two above what you see here in the regular TBB posts. I may start doing it again on a regular basis, it depends. Here is another post with four articles I found that totally blew my mind that I would like to share with you. On the insanity of crypto and current times in the markets, some sensible investing straight talk, the lols with the Super League fiasco and amazing Earth pictures…
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We’re all crypto people now
You know by now I am no crypto bro. And this rant here just totally captures the absurdities going on all around us. It amazes me how much BS these people can take. Or maybe I am the idiot here… 🙂
It’s hard to sit by, watching our index funds and 401(k)s passively, predictably, responsibly tick upward, while an art-world outsider named Beeple sells an NFT of a digital collage for $69 million. For many, news of this transaction raised a simple question: Why not me?
Straight Talk
This is a post by Jack Brennan. He used to be the top guy at Vanguard, handpicked by industry legend Jack Bogle. Straight talk indeed, eat your hearts out crypto bros lol.
1. Develop a financial plan
2. Become a disciplined saver.
3. Start investing early and keep it up.
4. Invest with balance and diversification.
5. Control costs.
6. Manage risk.
7. Be a buy-and-hold investor.
8. Avoid fads and “can’t-miss” opportunities.
9. Tune out distractions.
10. Maintain perspective.
11. Give your portfolio an occasional tune-up.
12. Define “enough.”
How the Spectacular, Comical Failure of the Super League Explains the World
I am not sure how many of you are into soccer. European football that is. Which is dominated by some big clubs that spend absolutely ridiculous money. Actually, it has turned me off for years now and this is the reason I prefer to watch national teams play in World Cups and Euro tournaments. Anyway, out of the blue, all these big clubs announced the creation of their own league. And you won’t believe what happened next! The whole execution resembles how I have tried to monetize my blog, LOL! If you are interested on the subject, this interview will shed some light on the insane economics involved and differences between the European football “businesses” and the sports business here in the US.
Earth Restored
Only 24 people have journeyed far enough to see the whole Earth against the black of space. The images they brought back changed our world. Here is a selection of the most beautiful photographs of Earth — iconic images and unknown gems — digitally restored to their full glory.

And I leave you with this…

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George the super league was years in the making, lots of stories were in the rumor mills before they finally went public.
Correct. But STILL…you would expect a lot more competent rollout, no?
If you are desperate for money and out of touch with the fan base, what can you really expect. With that said, I really hope that the fans get what has been happening over the last 2 decades. The rich have gotten richer. And the trend will continue. And well Man U hasn’t won the premier league in a long time (thanks to wasting money on Pogba etc).
Smaller/medium sized teams from mediocre leagues could make it far in the 3 European cups. Celtic is a prime example. UEFA cup final against Porto in 2002. That’ won’t ever happen again.
I think what was missing in that article is the nature on soccer/football vs basketball etc. In soccer, you are only as strong as your weakest link. And getting the ball in the net is sometimes a result of pure luck! This is why Iceland did well in the European Championship.
You’ll be surprised to hear that girls want to paid as much as boys.
Sorry, had to delete that stupid comment and it took away yours too. You know who it was, smh.
And you are right on target with your comment!
PSG vs Man C. -> Man C’s winning and goals were “pure luck”. De bruyne’s goal wasn’t even an attempt to score. Nobody was there to head it in and the goalkeeper was busy looking at players rather than the ball. And Mahrez’s goal was just an inch from hitting the wall. PSG “should have won” but Man C had more luck scoring.
And as you very well know if you have luck on your side, you can win the EU championship (DK and GR)!
I watched the highlights…looked to me Man C totally dominated the second half. PSG has a mental block…guess they got over it beating Bayern and that’s as far as it can go…Did Mbappe play? Lol
Should be interesting to see what happens in the second leg. So far, it looks like Man C vs Chelsea…
I really don’t care though about all these ridiculously paid prima donas 🙂
Gulp is right, regarding crypto and the super league…ouch.
Hope you’re feeling better Buzz and thanks for the pics!
When I get out of cryo…I feel ready to rock!
Thanks for the link to the Brennan piece. A moment of clarity.
They were laughing at when I was sitting out the dotcom stocks.
They were laughing at me when I was not buying homes financed up the wazoo.
They are laughing at me for missing crypto…
I don’t know, sometimes I laugh at myself too 🙂
DML is completely right. Brenna says some bright and true stuff. I learned a lotta lessons over the years and a lot of those bullet points sound like some of them!
Roadtripping! South eastern OR yesterday and this morning, heading into Nevada next! This is NOT mask country but from the signs, it is still very much Trump country.
Nice to just see and feel the miles peel off, it has been too long!
I felt liberated too in my first roadtrip after being locked up, I mean, down for so long 🙂
Brennan’s #12 really resonates. I know some ex-pats down here busting their pitutooties on “more” while having high eight figures in assets. Comfortable works for moi!
Brex has a new round of OPM to blow — $425 MILLION. How long til Bennie has a new exclusive offer?
This was in Pacific Voyages’ blog today. I think I’ve watched it 15x now (!)
I kept shaking my head on Brex raising so much money again…unbelievable! Maybe they can afford to hire some more bodies and buy some “longterm” customers, cough.
That Pacific Voyages blog is…so quirky it fits here perfectly. But not linking to this one 🙂
Tim Apple generates $1B in revenue each DAY. Meanwhile the saw mills are empty and not enough houses are being built!
In my daily walk I am passing by two houses being built right now. It is only 2 miles in each direction 🙂 The supply is getting fixed but it will take months to a year at least.
Meanwhile, I got an email from Zillow that my house is worth…LOL amount.
That was moi
With the current lumber prices, your deck may be the most valuable part of your property!
The best explanation I heard was that this is still a product of the Great Recession. Many sawmills and house builders were wiped out. Predominantly the very conservative, cash heavy, companies survived and they are risk averse. They are less likely to invest or hire proactively.
Fantastic podcast about the lumber market. Will not post in TBB because it is just too specialized…
Maybe some washed up bloggers go back to their hacking roots and…attack this market 🙂
Fascinating fact of the day: I was at a conference with a exec yesterday and he said that the best ‘buy points’ offer they’ve run in the last year did $20m of sales!
Meanwhile, let’s start a campaign to get Gary to update his profile picture:
Anything “new” you learned? Both of those Joe’s keep emailing me but I never took the next $ step 🙂
Gary was very keen NOT to condemn those pesky US interchange fees, which keep your store prices high by adding 1.75%+ to whatever you buy.
It is true that cash isn’t free to handle either. However, it is also true that much of the Western world now has capped interchange fees (0.3% for Europe, similar in Australia).
Not sure how fattening up Visa and Mastercard at the expense of the little shopkeeper and customer sits with his libertarian views on other things ….
It is 2021 and only in America this charade goes on…making Gary fatter!
Looks like it could be Manchester City – Chelsea in the Champions League Final…speaking of making rich people get richer like Gary 🙂
Buzz, here’s one for next week for Tokyo –
Word of the week is ‘poikatsu’
I think I posted this here 🙂
How can OMAAT outpost the 100+ staff of TPG is something a miles/points historian should address 😉