We learn about the new Best Western credit cards, maybe get lucky on an enhanced Starwood Member Exclusive promo, learn about Citibank credit cards, visit Cairo, laugh at the Asshole Factory, marvel at the beauty of the Airbus 380, go wild partying with a giraffe and a mermaid, and end with a bang (pun intended) checking out a dildos for widows…gotta get me an affiliate link for that one #BOOM #megaLOL
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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IHG Rewards Club Award Category Changes 2015 Observations – Loyalty Lobby More on the changes devaluation.
New bank credit card provider for Best Western if you are into this type of chain. In Europe BW could be a good value. Here is a more detailed review of the best of the four cards: the BW Premium Mastercard. (Both posts at Doctor of Credit).
There is a Starwood promo I may have missed earlier titled SPG Select Member Exclusive. They are apparently sending offers to ones who have not completed a stay that are very lucrative, per this post at Loyalty Lobby. If you missed it the first time it won’t hurt to try again by clicking HERE to see if your SPG membership number is one of the lucky ones. If it is, click my links. If it is not, click my links hehe #eviltitanicsmile
13 Things Everybody Should Know About Citi Credit Cards – Doctor of Credit Some really good stuff you should know about the comeback bank of the year 🙂
Amazing Drone Videos of 2015 – Twisted Sifter Love drone videos! Must click imho. Click, sit back and take it all in!
Lake above an Ocean picture. WOW

The Airbus 380 celebrates its 10th Birthday already!

Let’s take a wild ride through Cairo’s metro (at Roads & Kingdoms).

The Asshole Factory – Medium “We don’t make stuff anymore. We make assholes”. What a fun read! Don’t be an asshole. If you are one just be yourself. Lol.
You Should Ignore Investment Advice From These 6 People – Malice for All This is a wonderful little piece with some great advice!
And now a series of entertaining WTF links that make me shook my head, violently at times and loling myself to death!
I want to party like this guy! How can you say no to a party with a real giraffe! Wish I could get an invite, you ‘ll get the best trip report EVEH!

Very Angry Lady Successfully Files “Phuck This Court” Legal Brief I have not laughed this hard in a long long time. Do not read if you are offended by foul language, it is ALL over it. OMG, give me a Prestige card click then woohoo!

This Dildo Can Be Filled With The Ashes Of Your Loved One – Bored Panda U serious? Are youuuuuuu serious? WTF to the 69nth degree! And this is da bomb: “The dildo is accompanied by other fixtures designed to help the user “revive an intimate night with her love again,” like a ring holder and a fragrance diffuser. The box that holds it all locks with a key that can be worn as a pendant, and the box can play music from an iPhone to help set the mood.” I must admit Greeks can have a sick mind sometimes but this product is coming from a Dutch dude #fortherecord Can you imagine the lines selling these? And no I am NOT going there LOL.

I will not sell out you guys if you abuse my links #wink

Why can’t Citibank send all the crappy papers for a new card to us before they send the actual credit card huh? I got excited there for a moment my ThankYou Premier card was here. Still a beautiful moment separating them points from the banks and putting them where they belong…in our accounts!
The references to my pumping entertain the hell out of me.
Ex Machina was an awesome movie, still thinking about it. Total head trip, my kind of movie!
You all behave now…
And TBBon!
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Starting things off.
Deux? I’m guessing that the “slowdown” of TBB was greatly exaggerated? Maybe just less angry? That is probably good therapy. Not that I’m complaining, let the positive vibe flow and keep the posts coming!
Cutting off the Ignore type blogs from my life has contributed to the quality of my life and perhaps my anger issues lol. Once in a while I ran into a tweet by one of them as I just did by Frugal Travel Guy and Rick’s pick which was the inferior Chase United card offer. Things do not change…so I would highly recommend to all readers to cut these commercial mega plastic pumpers out of your lives. The critic in me has given up, this is the creme de la crap 🙂
Being a true TBBian, I have cut my crap list of blogs I follow to about 20. I certainly feel a lot better without those needless noises. Thanks for the lead, George. You are a true friend and a guide 🙂
You are very welcome. It is incredibly liberating not to deal with phony travel experts whose only expertise is online marketing.
A late third!
I’ve kinda wanted to go to the Faroe Islands for a while, now I definitely want to go. Has anybody here been?
I have seen pictures and I am guessing it is much better in pictures than in real life. But yeah, the pic I posted sure makes me want to go too. I do not remember seeing any trip reports. Maybe the Rapid Travel Chai dude has been there? Should we go…I doubt there is a Hyatt there lol.
I checked yesterday and as best I can tell there’s no way to get there with miles (aside from Arrival+ and the like). Ditto for Greenland.
Really? Well that blows. I could understand Greenland but I thought at least one alliance partner airline would make it to Faroe Islands.
Time to test the bloggers resolve to push the inferior offer.
United card? FTG is pumping it as usual. Happened to see it in a tweet. Apparently it is in one of the lists I follow.
Your buddy Rick no less. Screwing loyal readers out of $50.
Hey. it’s about responsibility 🙂
Shawn of miles to memories posted about the threat he received from ibotta.com after his original post. Legalities apart, what made me wonder was why would a small company keep track of what is being posted in a small site? Well, if that is the case, all big companies exactly knew what is being posted in big/small sites. They will just allow MS to happen as long as they want and to the extent they want. Companies are noticing if bloggers are taking it to a wider audience or not. Enough said.
George, I have a question. Just saw Rick’s note towards the end of his post on the United card where he declares himself as “one of the world’s experts on frugal travel and flying free”. I haven’t learnt anything from his site in the last one year I have been there about travel destinations or ways to reach there except for credit card selling. If he calls himself a world expert, then how should Drew be calling himself? Can you please clear my doubt?
I have a binder full of experts 🙂
Interesting how the UA card and the $50 credit is playing out. Mommy Points referenced Doctor of Credit’s post right out of the block, noting the $50 credit. I take it that her readers using that link would get the $50 but she would not get a commission. If so, congrats to her.
Not so the Titans. Comment on VFTW hours ago noted the $50 credit but Gary answered that he’s in a seminar. Too busy so far, I guess, to find 5 minutes to get point readers to the better deal.
And Ben at OMAAT found time to answer a later comment but not the earlier one that noted the $50 credit. No change to his post yet.
Of course Frugal Travel Guy hasn’t mentioned the better deal with a $50 credit either. However, to be fair, I don’t know if that’s because they know about it and want to protect the commissioned link, or they are too numb to realize the better deal is out there. You say World Expert, I say “Who’s that man behind the curtain?”.
So a blogger seven months pregnant whose husband was out of work recently takes the high road. As Dylan put it “..,,while my conscience explodes”.
Meanwhile, Ben surmises that more than 15,000 people may have filed DOC complaints over the UA Denmark mistake fare. I am just shocked, shocked, at the greed.
I almost did a separate blog post like the old times doing a play by play of which blogger screwed their readers out of $50. But then I decided I better not get back into that angry mode, I have better things to do with my time. Besides, it would require me to visit their blogs which I am ignoring!
I am surprised about Mommy Points so brownie points for her I guess.
Yep, down with FTG, VFTW, OMAAT…those I was aware. FTG saw it in a tweet and the other two I get the emails. Major barf time. To all who patronize these blogs (attending or presenting) in conferences and such…I think you are contributing to the disease so no brownie points for you.
I also noticed many other blogs mentioning the better non affiliate offer which I think is great! Hey $50 is $50….bloggers go all haywire about saving $10 (while pumping other plastic links in posts) and here it is a whole $50 and they conveniently omit it or (as you indicate) forget about it because they are nowhere near the world’s most renown expert on travel (wink: they know, “it’s all about conversions”).
But the bloggers pushing the better offer for their readers have a major flaw in their posts that allows this shitty practice to go on. They NEVER name names so their readers will keep a mental note of who is the irresponsible greedy plastic pusher…And that is so sad.
And now watch 🙂
Titans have bills to pays and they are much bigger than $50.
DD has always been pushing the shitty 30k offer and telling their reader to SM Chase to match like there was no tomorrow. Probably as shitty as the titans.