Let’s take a ride through Club Carlson’s devaluation, Starwood hotel category changes, getting lowly paid employees in trouble because the predeparture drink was a few minutes late and not served properly, talking about WhatsApp and winning the right way without losing your credibility, some FlyerTalk references, online trolls, ice caves and Sony photography award winning pictures. I added the last reference on the title because it helps this SEO thing they say. I still do not have my own credit card links. One day I will join the circus and not looking forward to it as my credibility will undoubtedly take a hit lol.
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Club Carlson devalued in one of the most anticipated devaluations ever. Actually, I did not think it was that bad. Loyalty Traveler has the complete scoop without seeing this as an excuse to assault your eyes with the Club Carlson credit card affiliate link like so many others out there. Because, you know, this space needs another moronic excuse (Arrival card nonsense posts) to throw out more affiliate credit card links in the body of blog posts. So, in a nutshell: New category 7 costing 70,000 points per night with only 9 properties (Category 6 is still 50,000 points per night), no online booking bonuses, less bonus points for Elites, award stays will be elite qualifying, points can be used for upgrades, you can earn points when charging food and beverages to the room. If you are affected, make your reservations by March 15 which is plenty of time, let’s move on.
Starwood did its annual transfer of property categories. Loyalty Lobby has the details with the PDF list. I find it incredible that three Greek properties went UP one category. And that super deal Four Points by Sheraton at the Detroit Airport went from Category 1 to 2, boo!
If you have nothing to say, you can write about the Southwest Companion pass. Hey, it pays if you can get one yet another newbie to click on the Chase credit card links ever though you regular readers roll their eyes. Hey, whatever pays to keep the lights on…
A really funny video how you can be a stud using points. It first appeared at this post at Jeffsetter.
One Mile at a Time wrote yet another good introspective blog post which generated numerous comments. “When Airlines Take Actions Based on Your Blog Post“. I need to give my two pennies on this. I would hate to be the one responsible for getting employees in trouble or (worse) getting them to lose their jobs. Everyone has a bad day. If I want to be critical of people I would go out of my way to write in such a way that it would not be traced to the ones responsible (which is impossible when you have your real name in the About Me section) so maybe I would just shut up about it. I can not imagine one of these lowly paid employees going home after getting fired or demoted just because some luxury travel blogger bitched about his first class experience. I can see the other side too so at the end of the day you do what you deem appropriate for your blog readers.
“Who the F*&@ is Florida Express Jet“. By Cranky Flier. Loved it. Should we take bets on when it goes out business?
“Online Community FlyerTalk turns airlines into an obsession“. Article appeared at Daily Breeze. Picture of Amol of Hack My Trip reading TBB!
WhatsApp was bought by Facebook for gazillions of dollars. Did you know that the founder is a FlyerTalk member? Neither did I. The Gate lets us know: “FlyerTalk Member Sells Software for $19 Billion to Facebook“. I thought this would be valuable for TBB readers to know. Oh, the WhatsApp guys really, really despised advertising! Wow, is this impressive or what? Focusing on the product alone and the experience you bring to users and succeeding in a non conventional way without assaulting your readers daily pushing financial products and taking orders from banks. I am impressed. Here is the co-founders story and a picture of him signing the deal in the Welfare office where his family was getting food stamps…

“Online trolls are psychopaths and sadists, psychologists claim“. Hey, it’s not me claiming this 🙂
37 Awesome Photos from Sony’s World Photography Awards. Many not seen before here at TBB.

Mohammad Reza Domiri Ganji/Courtesy of World Photo Organization
You can walk across Lake Superior and go see these Ice Caves!

This is late as TBB was sidetracked by some nasty little virus which knocked me off for many hours and it appears I slept it off for the most part. Sorry about that.
And I leave you with this…

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Not possible? First?
Okay, even second is beyond belief!!
I threw everyone off by my delayed posting. You know, to keep things interesting and not let Helixcardinal be first once again 🙂
Being West coast based, I can’t do 5 am postings for first. 🙂
Yes, you did throw everyone off George. I was up late last night hoping to be first again (haven’t been so in a LONG time). But I gave up and went to bed 🙂
I think I am going to back to regular posting mode. I almost never get sick so last night was an exception!
1. George, can you share your thoughts on what an Arrival point is worth?
2. I’ve long thought that some of the “trip report” bloggers (not necessarily Lucky) are pretty reckless in terms of references to particular employees — i.e. specific criticisms (“surly” etc.) or even just describing actions/statements that we may appreciate but that their employer may not. And I cringe whenever I see an employee in a blogger’s photo. Using only a “first name” obviously doesn’t do anything to protect an employee. On the other hand, I suppose you’re right that if the blogger’s identity is known, there’s really nothing you can do to prevent the employee from being identified. And at least in the US, as Lucky points out, it’s unlikely an employee would face any real consequences due to union protections. I guess if I had a blog (not yet!) and posted trip reports on it (never!), I would try to avoid references to specific employee actions.
1. Ok, it is 2.26969696969 Blog post to follow, I am just working on the Arrival links to be in compliance 😉
2. If I will ever make any specific employee mentions it will be a positive experience praising them. I could not live with myself if I became responsible for anything bad that happened to them due to my blog post. Then again I do not fancy myself as a luxury traveler who does this for a living so I definitely can see the other side. It can be a tough balancing act. I think points can be made to warn readers without being employee specific.
Not sure why you’re surprised that bloggers would use the Carlson devaluation as an excuse to push the CC
They used the far-worse Hilton bloodbath last year to push the Hilton cards, and some even tried to spin it into the sign-up bonus suddenly becoming more valuable!
I wonder why none of the bloggers who claimed that the Hilton sign up bonus doubled in value didn’t try to spin the Hyatt card as more valuable as well? Could it be that they get paid 0 for successful conversions of those?
depending on how long you’ve been around the blogs for, you might remember the days when the Chase Hyatt Visa got as much coverage on the blogs as the Arrivals card gets today
You also might remember that the Carlson card got as much coverage as the Chase Hyatt Visa gets today
Shhh dont tell the newbies stumbling upon the blogs from google
@ Steve and Paul: This is exactly what is wrong with the state of the blogosphere today, in a nutshell!
Buzz, I am sorry but here I go again about flight attendants. OMAT you are a dick! You are riding for free and are critical of others who actually work for a living. You are not special but you think you are and act like it (just as TPG). You are just a blogger who got into this gig at the right time for a big payday!. Maybe if you are paying $8,000 dollars for a F/C ticket I could understand you’re criticism. YOU ARE FLYING FOR FREE be grateful!!! He writes about crew using F/C seats to sleep. At TWA it was in the contract to block those seats as CREW REST seats for pilots and f/a’s on longer flights. We never cleaned the bathrooms, I was not part of our job. Dude this isn’t a Princess Cruise ship with contract workers (modern day indentured servants) from a third world country there to serve your white ass . The f/a is there to drag your ass out of a burning/crashed airplane……………..But he is right when it comes to saying that US carrier F/A’s are protected by the union. The crew could care less if you wrote a letter, why do you think most have a laissez faire about their service. Not to mention they are burned out on the job after 30 years. I do not know of 1 person who was fired and stayed fired in my 27 years at TWA. All I am about to tell you about were fired but got their jobs back after “therapy”. On a flight out of LAX I was working this f/a Howie, he went outside to pull tickets at the gate. It was an oversell situation, a pax went beserk and rushed the agent screaming. F/A Howie stepped in and knocked him out cold. This dude Howie was special forces tough and crazy. At least we didn’t have to deal with that pax on-board. Howie got on the plane, worked the all nighter to JFK and was fired upon landing. He claimed it was a flashback from Vietnam and the union got his job back. Another flight I was on from MAD the J class f/a served the sangria to the crew instead of the pax. My buddy John got so wasted he passed out cold on the back jumpseat on landing at JFK. I thought he was dead, I could not wake him. A Supv came on-board to fire him, they got into a fight and he decked the SUPV. John was South Boston tough and lost more teeth fight than a hockey player. He got his job back after going to therapy. On a layover at LAX hotel a f/a Gary got so wasted he danced naked with blasting music on his hotel balcony overlooking the pool, much to our disgust. He was arrested, fired and rehired after therapy. On my buddy Chuck’s flight, a f/a traveling home in f/c after working his trips (still in uniform) got so blind drunk, he whipped it out and peed on the side cabin adjacent to his seat. He got his job back too. There were others but not as outrageous…………………………Sorry Buzz, when I see a f/a story posted I feel compelled to chime in and give some insight. If you would like me to stop, let me know, I know it is not as interesting as the Barclay Arrival Card.
I’m not sure what the point of your post was. How does that tell us whether the Barclays Arrival Card [insert link] is worth 2.22 cents, or 2.23 cents?
+1 Ramsey.
I stopped reading OMAAT soon after his defense of not tipping hotel maids. (I know he’s changed his position since, but it didn’t make me a reader.) In my mind, Lucky is evidence that one can travel the world multiple times without becoming cultured.
On the other hand, to give just one example, multiple trip reports about tea at the Burj al Khalifa and visiting Qatar don’t mention the perverse labor institutions of the Gulf states, so Lucky isn’t alone.
He’s got to sell CCs
Which means he’s gotta show that CCs lead to ridiculously aspirational travel
Which means he’s going to have to do a “na na na I can’t hear you” about the disgusting middle east conditions, and hope that people don’t realize things like taking a shower mid-flight is so remarkably irrelevant other than to feed an ego
OMAAT has always been sterile(replace intercontinental with Park Hyatt and not much has changed) and boring when it comes to travel, just back in the days it did provide some interesting points and miles content. Now it just an advert for credit cards, Hyatt and same 10 hotels.
Sorry Ramsey those are great stories but those FAs SHOULD have been fired.
@stickywicket I agree, these and others should of been fired. Those of us who cared had to work only that much harder. I am not a union fan but they do serve a purpose.
Agreed! I tell these stories because they are funny or outrageous, but true. I am not condoning it at all. My job here at TBB is to Entertain.
I have to admit it’s a bit disturbing that the crew you worked with wouldn’t clean the toilets. If not the crew then who? The pax’s?
Unions defending wrong people just out of principle is wrong, too. As wrong as the lack of Unions. The FA’s in your example should’ve been fired and stayed fired, Union or not.
On the other hand, I don’t see any harm about crew members resting in empty FC seats. I thought reporting that on the blog was dickish. Although, if there was someone with kids in one of the suites, that couldn’t have been a crew member.
>>>>>I thought reporting that on the blog was dickish
Lol. That was very funny.
TBB exists to Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In that order. Entertainment always comes first!
I aim to please 🙂
Andy the crew is not provided with a toilet scrub brush to clean under the rim, a floor mop or windex for the mirrors and sinktop. Not even gloves to clean with and they are handling your food often with their hands in f/c galley. When your roll falls on the floor from the oven galley they have to pick it up with their hands to return it to your tray before they serve it to you. Just like every restaurant. They will tidy the bathroom but if someone shats the floor or pukes in there or pees on the wall, it is closed by the crew for the duration. Then when they land the junior seniority cabin cleaner will take care of it on the ground. I think OMAAT was upset that the floral arrangement in the lav was disturbed and wilted.
Thank you Ramsey, that was… um… reassuring. 🙂
George, you should hire Ramsey to do a regular feature here on TBB. I’m not sure about monetization, but maybe you can figure out the best credit card for F/A’s. 🙂
How’s that for a unique view?
Ps. You mentioned something recently about possibly doing a weekly blogger rant, like the good old days. Please do it!
@ Ramsey: I LOVE your F/A stories, I think we all enjoy them here. Thanks for your unique perspective and humor. When I get gazillions rolling in from credit card link orgies I have here I can afford to hire you so I can then go travel the world like some of these guys lol. And please don’t stop!
@ Steve: Ok, let’s split the difference, how about 2.225 cents per Arrival point! Of course aspirational travel sells MUCH MUCH better than, say, Southwest travel (unless it is with Companion Pass of course lol). What happens when the legacy airlines decide to say “screw it with the MQDs or crap like that and let’s just go all the way and price awards a la Southwest? Suddenly, sipping Dom in your flat bed seat for 1,150,000 points is just not the same lol)
@StickyWicket: I live near Detroit, a very pro Union place. I better be careful what I say 🙂
@yuneeq: And how am I going to pay Ramsey with less than a dollar a day coming from Amazon? I like to pay for quality advice. You have a great idea, I could some parody posts about pimping cards for specific groups: F/As, orange pickers, actuaries (better have my post proving to them that each Arrival point is worth 2.269696969 dollars). Then I get big and focus on: beer drinkers, Dans Deals forums participants (stop laughing), pissed off hobbyists who swear every time they see a blogger come up with a ridiculous/hideous/shameless/etc way to push yet another credit card another time…At that rate I may get a call from the Z dude at Facebook. Heck I am cheap, I will sell out for a billion dollars:
On the weekly rant: What I meant was if I run out of gas reviewing blogs and killing myself to produce a quality post without making a complete ass of myself…I may come to a point and say “Just phuck it, enough of the Buzz and finding cool stuff to feature here and just evolve my blog to a once a week mega rant on what ticks me off and forgo fantasies of making it like the WhatsApp guys 🙂 It will mean a lot less time spent here and it can be a lot juicier while focusing on stuff that I should be focusing on (family, real job, traveling, etc)…It may happen or it may not. This is a work in progress indeed….
@ harvson3: The post today just ticked me off a little. He does what he does and he has a strong following. I still do not like his blog but it does not get to the point of “Ignore” category. And I ALWAYS tip the maids every morning!
TBB…there IS an audience for “normal” points advice that isn’t being well advised. We’re tryin’!
Adding: by “We” I don’t just mean “First2Board”. I mean the growing collection of voices preaching the gospel of common sense. We’re just being drowned out by the Maldives crowd at the moment.
What’s up with two of the best F2B bloggers ditching the platform?
Speaking for myself as I don’t run F2B (but happily live there) I think the timing was co-incidental and both were on good terms. I still follow Sam and Michelle…especially Sam, who NEEDS to write a book from his blog. His voice is unique, brilliant, and will succeed wherever it goes.
The Maldives crowd lol.
I think long term the non Maldives bloggers will win. It’s just that on the way there the Maldives bloggers will milk all they can the selfies in the showers aboard and the champagne/caviar in the flat bed seats 🙂
Hey, don’t knock the Maldives, I’m going there in July…..for one hour. It’s a great way to connect to Sri Lanka!
Not with the way airlines and hotels are lowering the boom. Of course if the merchants have their way then boom will be lowered on us as well. Maldives is pretty affordable (like Hawaii) if you get packages from places like China and India.
I worked on cruise ships, so I think your attitude is more than a little crappy. I worked long hard hours with humans from poor countries who worked even longer, are American flight attendants somehow better class of humans than these?
These aged, lazy FA that claim to be there to ‘drag you from the burning plane’ are somehow excused from providing service?
You do realize that the poorly paid and poorly treated cruise ship staff that aren’t American actually have to have internationally recognized certification as seafarers and are the people that will really be there when things go wrong, guiding you to lifeboats when the rich staff abandon ship, crewing the lifeboats, saving lives for less than $10 a day?
Now, let me understand your rant:
An experience that is paid for in cash allows one to comment on poor service, but one paid for with points does not?
Can you explain how the service changed between the two?
And can you reel your neck in while your at it?
I think your reference to $10/day is probably not the entire story. Many (most?) of them make most of their money from “gratuities” that are all but mandatory these days on cruise ships. Not that they make a fortune or that the gratuities are not well-earned. Just trying to give a bigger overall picture.
If you want to go bigger picture, certainly, they make some tip money, but they also have to pay to get to the ship, for the most part the Cabin Stewards and Cleaners spend the first 3 months of working up to 18hrs a day for 7 days a week before they break even on their costs to get there, then they work for 10 months or longer so as to save some cash before returning home to their children…
Not sure we got away from first class F/As to cruise staff. Complicated subject, let’s stick to enertainment. TBB will not change the world after all lol.
For laughs, I just watched the greek news as I do often,. There was a segment about Ryan Air hiring new Flight Attendants who had to pay for the training about $3k euros! They had to follow all instructions carefully to be considered as in wearing skirts etc. There was some TV coverage of applicants waiting around for their interview outside the building and some of them smoking away…yikes!
Matt, I am guessing your hostility comes from that you tried to get a job as a f/a but could not, and ended up on a ship gig for 3 years. I just got off the Princess Sapphire (we try to do 1 a year) and I am well aware of the working conditions of foreign cruise ship workers on contract.That is why the comment was made above. It ruins the cruise experience for me somewhat, knowing how hard these people work and how they are treated. I tip them like Burt Reynolds and try never to bother them. When I see people who never worked for a living treat them like servants or complain about trivial sht it pisses me off, sometime I intervene (if my wife is not around).(BTW I also give sht to people who abuse handicap parking, a Portland epidemic) I am also aware that WHITE workers on these ships seem to have it easier, why is that? Or is it my misconception (all you have to do is look who is at the ship crew pool each day). I got your blog, but cancelled when you called the cruise ship passengers “the newlywed, the overfed and the nearly dead”? I resemble those remarks, Sir! I am not defending f/a’s in my stories, they should be fired for what I wrote about. I busted my ass covering those who fcked off on the job for 27 years. My comments are written to ENTERTAIN and get Buzz’s smiley face and hopefully the hit count higher. That’s what TBB is about. And yes if you are traveling for free by hacking the system, BE HUMBLE AND GRATEFUL. DON’T BE A DICK WHO WRITES ABOUT TRIVIAL SHIT AND JEOPARDIZES EMPLOYEES LIVELY HOOD. Airline pax write complaint letters everyday (for the record I never got one) hoping to get miles, an upgrade or free flight. When people who have never worked for a living are critical of those who do I will be there to “put my neck out” as you say………….Free Tip, Have you thought about putting pictures of girls in swimsuits on your blog or of a zero g Kate Upton? Ciao.
>>>>>My comments are written to ENTERTAIN and get Buzz’s smiley face and hopefully the hit count higher.
That’s the spirit!
>>>>>>That’s what TBB is about.
Exactly. LIfe is stressful and busy enough. TBB allows us all to escape for a little while. Kumbaya 🙂
Bingo, that was my point!
I actually don’t believe he is traveling for free.
He’s doing an around the world trip weekly, he would need to earn 10 million miles/year
to be able to do it. I think he makes enough money to pay for those trips, at least by
buying miles every opportunity (like US Airways every two months) he has + actually paying
cash for the trips. He is playing your average Joe as being rich doesn’t look cool
for the audience he’s trying to capture.
I asked him this question directly and his answer was – “I’m spending 800K miles/year”
which is pure BS. A new 1st class trip report every day and 800K miles/year, sure Ben 😉
That’s my thought as well…many of those miles are likely purchased. Maybe not an 8k ticket, but certainly not free.
I despise gambling. I only bet when I am 100% sure I am going to win 🙂
I will bet that a substantial portion of his trip reports are paid. Which is fine I guess if it was fully disclosed up front. But it is not. And readers may be led to believe that it is all due to amazing miles/points collection abilities (insert Top 10 credit card posts, etc.) which is certainly not. And that is one of the inherent problems in blogosphere. Selling the sizzle…
George, if you are able to pay for your 1st class trips, you don’t deserve my affiliate click!
I’m afraid that’s what many people, even subliminally feel. Lucky knows that.
That’s why he leaves all those things untold and unexplained. He also knows that
most money comes from the google visitors, new victims mesmerized by his trip reports
as seen for the first time and clicking through for quite many cards right away.
I’m 100% positive that’s how MMS and thePG survive as their content is absolute cr@p
and it doesn’t matter, once you are on top of the search results, you don’t need to do
anything anymore, it seems. You will always capture a flow of new people.
Old people don’t use the generic affiliate links anymore anyway, I know I don’t.
I only subscribe for the exceptional offers which always are some weird links found on FT.
Writing about expensive places seems to hurt me too for example. I don’t care about
Southwest companion pass and don’t write posts analyzing the “cent value” of every mile.
So my audience is probably a small niche within a niche. But I don’t care as this is what
I do and I like and this is never gonna be my “business”.
I think there are blogs and there are businesses. Once you quite your real job and your
blog becomes your business, that’s where honesty ends. You start to be politically correct,
pay attention to what banks tell you to and what to what you “shouldn’t be” writing.
That’s as simple as that.
I think you pretty much nailed it. Especially the blogs vs business distinction. To me, I see my real job and this as passions first and foremost. For some reason, if you are passionate about something sooner or later money finds you. Well, still working at that part with TBB lol.
I definitely do not ignore Lucky’s blog.But I don’t like it. I used to like it more before he discovered his Top 10 credit card religion and his trip report leave me “cold”…
Yeah all that’s What’s App shit sounds great… no ads no games no gimmicks… er and no real revenue either. While nobody can predict the future I feel pretty comfortable saying there will be absolutely nobody in ten years time saying “Oh that Zucci guy at FB was such a genius for buying What’s App”
No doubt that Zucci most likely wildly overpaid for this company. Time will tell and judge the move (like that horrific Time Warner AOL deal).
But I must say I am intrigued what this means going forward. Here is a company that swore off advertising revenues, games and gimmicks and focused on a simple product. They only have like 32 engineers man and managed to get 450 million users. This thing is wildly popular in Greece and I had never heard of it until some kids were using it back there; it is so common they have it as a verb (you know, like google it). So, if half paid $1 for a year, that is a lot of revenue! Most importantly, the message that sends is you do not need to make an ass of yourself and focusing on the product can have a good ending. I think that is positive for humanity.
As I said, time will tell
What happens is it gets incorporated into FB that also USED TO swear off the advertisements, and look how they’re making money today.
WhatsApp was out for several hours yesterday. Hey, they were likely out celebrating 🙂
I can read lips. In the above picture, the woman is recalling her evening with 2 drunk sailors on shore leave.
Lol, I feel sorry for them, the sailors I mean!
Ramsey f/a-
Any way you could provide an executive summary of your comments? OK to use arrows .
Bathroom. Sign on the door. “Proceed only if you have a Companion Pass” 🙂
Thank you for linking to the article at The Gate, George.
As I wrote in the Comments section in your most recent posting here at TravelBloggerBuzz, I have “blogged” for 7.5 years — with several weblogs — without shoving referral links in the faces of those who read what I write.
The problem with that, however, is that I did not strike that golden vein of profit which others apparently seem to enjoy. It is nice to know that the founders of WhatsApp eschewed advertising and wound up benefiting handsomely. Will that happen to me? Who knows?!?
I have always believed that it is the quality of the content — not affiliate links and blatant promotion — which interests readers. Unfortunately, that all takes time — and in this world of instant gratification, some “bloggers” simply do not seem to be patient enough to allow for that to happen.
Have I hit the nail on the head; or have I missed the mark here?
It should be the quality of the content of course. But I do not see this happening in this space unfortunately. Yep, instant gratification rules. So many bloggers changed as soon as they saw the $$$ coming in from pushing financial products. But if not, I am certainly realizing it that it is a VERY long lonely poor road to the promise land. Most run out of gas…Which will likely happen to me too at some point. But I am not a quitter 🙂
I hope IB pays you for your work and it is not all volunteer. If it is, it is your choice of course. It is my choice not to become a bank bitch, at least not yet. And if I do I am intrigued of doing in such a way that I keep my credibility (most of it anyway). But I am too busy focusing on everything else ya know.
I wanted to make a point about the WhatsApp guys and thank you for posting that which I did not know about!
Sorry, but “eschewing advertising” was part of WhatsApp’s business plan, not their altruism. Easier to gain users without ads, more users increases the value of the ap/site, sell….
Buyer changes the generally unread terms (including privacy), users click ‘OK’, buyer now sells user info and/or ads.
It worked brilliantly for them then. My point was that things can happen if you are not so pimpy 🙂
George – Glad you liked the points stud video. If you wanted to link or h/t to the original post, feel free to use this link. http://www.jeffsetter.com/funny-video-using-points-somewhat-mainstream/
Jeff, I saw it in more than a few places and it is getting really hard to figure out where I saw it first as I zip through these blogs in Feedly VERY fast. So, are you saying you were the very first one who posted this? Are you sure? 🙂 Ok, I will add your link then, it was not intentional!
So you’re saying instead of linking to the artists (Nick Kroll/Jon Daly) or producers (Comedy Central) content, he should link to your post so you get the 10 cents in ad money and exposure? Hat-tip should be to the producer of content.