Let’s go on a wild ride through credit cards, PayPal, more reviews of the Charlotte #milemadness event, ebates big promo, free United miles, airline fee schedules, Evolve “secret”, and finish the ride with caves, skylines and drones.
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order
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Amazingly, the Southwest credit cards for 50k points suddenly “came back”, imagine that!!! <—notice the strategic placement of the exclamation marks in these posts. Up to now we only got one exclamation mark. Yesterday I saw a blogger adding two exclamation marks. Well, screw you guys. I am adding three for extra attention. Click my Amazon link!!! Get me to pump with ya all!

Saverocity wrote “American Express Fidelity Amex vs Ink Cash Card“. It is a spoof on the recent Frugal Travel Guy blog post comparing these two cards. Only one quote before we move on: ” For those of you unaware, and there will be many, Frugal Travel Guy (the Blog) is basically a front for selling credit cards. Therefore they will churn out any old bollocks in order to promote selling you a card that they earn commission from.”
Online Travel Review spoofs the ridiculous credit card pumping orgy going on. Apparently, it has been going on for a long time as Pan Am was also into it back in the day decade century ! “#TBT Why You Should Get the Pan Am Take Off(tm) Credit Card Now!”
I continue to add reviews of the Charlotte #milemadness meeting (near the end of the post). Recently added were reviews by Hack My Trip and Frequent Miler.
Words of wisdom about Paypal from Mileage Update: “I’ve got 99 Problems but Pay Pal Ain’t One” Life is too short to deal with PayPal in my own humble opinion.
Cash back portal Ebates is having a 15% cash back promo with many stores. It runs through May 19. Please consider signing up for an account with my referral link listed in the Support TBB page. You can be the second person in the history of the TBB blog to sign up, First was taken 🙂
500 Free United Miles for signing up for an account with the Mileage Plus Dining service. You can then dine up to 5 times and earn another 500 miles per dine, up to 3,000 miles. Weird they do not require a minimum $ per dine. Thank you for using my affiliate link…oh wait, there is none. Anyways, hurryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! I have accounts with pretty much every airline/hotel loyalty program allowed for all four of us. I use it primarily to do a dine to renew miles before they expire. Admittedly, I am getting to have a harder time remembering which cards I enroll in which program!
From Lifehacker article an awesome table of checked luggage fees:

Since we are on the ancillary revenue investigation theme here, a TBB staffer went undercover and managed to snag this top secret document for you.We put our ass on the line here at TBB for YOU! Click our link (top right). You don’t have to, you know, but, you know, we sure appreciate it. A huge shout out to the reader who ordered a $300 item from Amazon. There were high fives all over the TBB headquarters when this occurred. This is what the startup guys feel like when they know they are on to something BIG #winning

Well, it looks like Million Mile Secrets has done it again. To show off as the king of the newbies letting them in on “secret” deals he outs yet another one that common sense says that wide exposure will kill it (and may just kill the company too). I am talking about the Evolve company which apparently “now” allows you to pay bills with your credit card. Apparently, this was part of their business plan (WTF!!!) all along and eventually they did it? Some friends were in on it but kept quiet. And they did not let ME in the secret! I felt so…rejected and disappointed. They know I am no deal killing blogger out to use my “expertise” to push more credit cards on anyone with a good enough credit score. And yet they still did not let me in on it. After crying uncontrollably for a few hours in the corner looking at the gray wall….I got over it and decided to just blog about it to make them feel ashamed of what they did and think long and hard before they ever do it again. Blogger revenge. You know who you are; be afraid, be very afraid! It may happen to you what happened to ingy…just admit defeat and leave 🙂
This is a very cool video. This guy traveled for 600 days and took a 360 panorama everywhere he went. Result an incredible video! It is a must watch. I plan to do this when I sell TBB to Internet Brands when they see the books over at the Accounting Department. Ok, that was a joke, come on!
These Mysterious Cave Churches And Monasteries Totally Rock. By Bored Daddy.

40 of the World’s Most Impressive Skylines. By Matador Network

Hey, hotels deliver champagne by drones now! Mansion at Casa Madrona is first to do this. Only for Alexandria suite guests though. Sorry you inferior suite hotel guest, you get…slow room service instead.

A Guide for Young People: What to do with your life. By zen habits. I know, I know. Zen? Actually, this is pretty good advice actually…
Reminds me of a blogger who gets the affiliate links out FIRST lol…he/she just cleans up!

Meanwhile, in Ukraine…

Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs I Ignore
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George, you need to check instant replay!
closest finish ever!
I was perplexed by all the SWA posts today, I know that the offer never disappeared because I checked it recently. Also, mypoints.com will give you another 750 united miles for free for those wanting to extend/get some extras.
It’s a shame about Evolve, it was relatively common knowledge and surprised it wasn’t shared earlier to be honest. I tossed and turn on whether to include it in my review (buried somewhere so people actually had to read the thing) and decided against it. Hopefully they keep accepting GCs otherwise I’ll need to find another way to get a decent discount on my mortgage repayment.
That MMS post on evolve takes the piss. I didn’t know about this either so it’s not my golden goose being killed, but still to act like, “I’m not sure if this is a glitch or a feature… hopefully it won’t go away.” is appalling. Obviously it’s a mistake, and I’d guess it’s somehow related to the fact that MC GCs weren’t working properly for a while.
I realize they were eventually planning on taking CC payments, but I find it extremely doubtful that they were planning on taking them for free.
Was posted on DDF more than 3 months ago.
I don’t bring stuff like that to DD as I’m not going to be the one to kill the golden goose, but many have been having fun for months with it and it’ll probably be gone soon now.
Thanks for dealing with this issue appropriately. Obviously folks had noticed it, are using it, etcetera… but now I think there’s a chance this kills Evolve for the more legitimate uses.
Why do people attend conferences where these guys are presenting as “experts” is beyond me!
If they are true experts let them do their own conferences and attack the newbies all to themselves.
Exception is DD of course whose readership ranges from toddlers all the way up to Experts Maximus 🙂
That’s actually the biggest problem I’ve had in my seminars. At my last seminar I had one person who has never used a computer and another asking questions who could put most “experts” out there to shame.
101, 201, 301, 401, MS, PhD tracks? 🙂
That’s why I’m trying to host my own.
Sorry,forgot to post your poll link again! Email me the link to it because I….will likely forget again!
Why doesn’t some intelligent blogger like you start a kickstart campaign to buyout the stupid, idiotic blogs out there that are so happy like monkeys, killing deals knowingly. I really mean it. These blogs must be bought and shut down immediately so that deals last. I really mean it and my money is already on the table for the person who does this.
In pursuit of money, mile madness and payback from banks, looks like people seem to have sold their intelligence and freedom and totally have forgotten what sanity is. To hell this blogging community who are no different than animals. Even some animals like cow and dog are much more saner. And cats too:)
Even my iron box and washing machine seems intelligent enough to shut down automatically if they sense something wrong. Please imagine two photos of me with my iron box, my wife near my washing machine with a circle pointing to the “on” switch and arrow pointing to the rotator for setting the wash cycle. Why leave my kid? Imagine his picture pointing dryer machine but without the circle or arrow as he doesn’t seem to know how to draw an arrow and a circle. Please forgive him for that, my dear readers.
I see that chasing the points is taking off till 5/27. I wish and pray that most of the bloggers take off 365 days a year till their life time. The blogging world will be better off without them.
I am totally ready for a buy out 🙂
What’s your price, 3-5x revenue?
I can’t speak for Matt, but Personal Finance Digest is a high-potential startup and thus has a very high P/E ratio.
Indeed – we are a package deal and there is a lot of upside. I think 80x is more appropriate.
I am holding out for more because I am totally worth it….bitches! LOL
Even 80x revenue wouldn’t add up to much for TBB (unless there’s some secret revenue stream that we are not aware of).
I wish there was a secret revenue stream. Well, actually I am in negotiations with ebates to pimp its new ebates credit card. It will be TBB’s Ink Bold equivalent. It may help triple the revenue from a few bucks a day to maybe break double digits…OMG! lol
Kumar, are you angry? 🙂
I am the one who follows 500 blogs…I should be the one perpetually angry:-)
Yes, George. I am very very angry. I guess i am also reading too many blogs off late. May be i should stop this stuipd habit and do something more productive. The reason is these bloggers continue to be so stubbornly stupid or irritatingly selfish (people may call them intelligent and prudent businessmen but i feel these are one and the same – what brilliance would it be in sucking others blood and money?). I have seen even animals stop crossing the roads (from the country i come from), if we honk and wait till the traffic clears. I really mean it (and i even wonder if nature is making them more intelligent). But this humanity with this double edged sword called internet doesnt seem to know how to handle this with care. It is almost same as giving guns to a bunch of fools. One can easily predict the results. So many people continue to hit these people and hint them as to what they are doing is wrong but they still continue with killing selfish motives. I think we are heading more and more downslope in humanity’s pursuit to better intelligence and adding more beauty to the world. As a reader and a fellow human being i am extremely concerned about this which is totally unhealthy for all of us. All of us have tremendous responsibility to stop this nonsense. Bloggers “MUST” know their limits and readers “MUST” encourage good blogging and show no mercy in killing stupid blogs just like they feel when they kill mosquitoes. Responsible bloggers and readers “MUST” be angry and do whatever they could to spread this cancer which will ultimately kill all of us. And i dont think i am raising a big false alarm here. One day most of the people will start running from pillar to post when they come to know that most of the deals are dead and there are “NOTHING” left. I dont buy the argument that new deals will always come up. Why the hell cant we protect the existing deals from dying instead of killing this and hoping for new deals? Extrapolating this to exhorbitant proportions, can we kill all the existing humans and hope that new humanity will come up to grace this earth? People should know what they are doing and should know their limits.
Yes George. I am genuinely angry at most of the bloggers. They just dont know what to do. Worse than monkeys. Is mother nature taking us back to where we came from or is she trying to elevate us to higher intelligence? Let readers and bloggers take some time off and give some thought on this.
Who defines good blogging?
Several people write about “not killing the deal”. That’s an entitled self-centered position: I know about something so only I get to take advantage. We’re all self-centered to some extent, unless you’re trying to book tickets only for adoptions, medical missions, and people fighting bride trafficking.
I argue against illegal statements and posts with errors. For instance, I oppose Delta Points because of the author’s ballot manipulation; I oppose FTG because of frequent posting errors; I oppose OMAAT when the author describes putting his foot under the scale at check-in; I oppose VFTW when the author posts lounge wi-fi passwords.
But what about hidden city ticketing? What about trading miles for a hotel stay? What about selling miles? What about posting an inferior credit card offer? What about taking advantage of a miscoded airport region? Or a mistake fare? What about a Kickstarter to fund a Residence review? What about manufactured spend?
I’ve done about half of those things, but I won’t do others. I know someone who would say “You shouldn’t do that” about every one of the above, yet would do at least one of the other things. Yes, including MS. It’s not like it produces societal benefit.
I just got an email about Russian brides…not my type 🙂
This has become a business. Businesses are run for profit. Conduct varies widely. Some are out to make the quick buck any way they can. Others have higher ethical boundaries and prefer not to do shameful/ridiculous things for the extra buck. You see that in the blogosphere every day.
I despise the first group. I prefer the second one. Many of us are true gamers/addicts who primarily do this as a hobby as the day job still pays the bills.
I personally like the hunt/game for the deal. Sometimes I have found myself wondering WTF people do to get the same high. Frankly, sometimes I am embarrassed by some of the antics employed. And what really makes me angry is bloggers writing about some practices to, cough, increase the profits of their businesses.
They are bitches 🙂
At the end of the day…we should step back once in a while and realize this whole game is kind of weird, entertains us and some have figured out how to make a lot of money with it. We don’t have to drink their coolaid…and we are contributing to society to get newbies to learn from true experts who are doing it for the love of it and not for the love of the quick buck taking orders from the banks!
MMS is a business man as TBB points out, plane and simple, and he knows exactly what he is doing.
Say hey to Costanza for me
Yep, amazing business skills for sure. Got assaulted with an MMS sponsored Facebook ad. He should do marketing seminars for bloggers when affiliate cc income totally dries up:-)
Anyone notice that mms establishes “his line” at making and merging united accounts. Course it doesn’t cross his line to cut in elite lines when you are not meant to be there – interesting! 🙂
I am more and more impressed by the Saverocity sites each week. Less BS and a good variety of topics.
I actually look forward to their weekly emails! Nice job out there!
Agreed. Some sanity out there – comes in as a breeze in hot weather.
Thanks Bluecat, nice to hear!
Definitely, I haven’t read his blogs in the past but I’ve been going through alot of them lately and I gotta say I’m impressed, it’s nice to see something fresh.
TBB might want to crunch the numbers to see if they (as a whole) merit “Blogs I love” status
Quality, quantity, and no daily filler posts about how the Chase Ink Bold cured cancer
JUST got hit by another one guys…
One Mile at a Time: Should You Keep Both Sapphire Preferred and Arrival Card?
Phuck me!!!!!!!!!!
MMS definitely has some marketing skillz. I would not be the least bit surprised if MMS was THE blog that turns into a reality show. Just think of the possibilities…”our 4th honeymoon in and we flew in using “. Of course there will be red arrow graphics pointing out that a bungalow is actually situated over the water. BTW they are totally underutilizing their Youtube channel – only 4 videos posted!
eh…I guess WordPress thought I was using HTML tags. It should read “our 4th honeymoon in (exotic location) and we flew (1st class product) using (hot affiliate cc offer of the moment).”
It’s pretty much a given that we’re going to see MMS on a TLC reality show at some point in the near future.
For the record: I have NEVER watched a TV reality show! Zilch, nada, zero!
And in another low BA blogger Points and Pixie Dust, is asking her readers if she should give her 11 year old daughter Ambien. WTH?
OMG…that is sad. If her daughter is really an insomniac, she should take her to the pediatrician for treatment. Not seek the approval of blog readers. I tried Ambien for about a month for my overseas business trips. It is a weird drug that has some serious downsides. Like…being addictive and doing things without remembering them. I once got off a transatlantic flight, walked through passport control, and took the train to my hotel. After being in my room about an hour (I’m guessing), I became aware of my surroundings and had no memory of how I had moved from the plane to my room. Very scary and after that episode I stopped taking Ambien. No way would I even consider giving it to my kids unless the pediatrician had no other options.
I ‘ll take Ambien before I take a “Should You Keep Both Sapphire Preferred and Arrival Card?” LOL
Pixie’s blog is quirky. You never know what is going to be posted. I kind of like it actually. Not enough for “Like” list but like it enough to read it, unlike many others I just quickly scan. She was avoiding me at CLT because she was scared of me LOL
Isn’t she the one who admited she never washes her hair? Just imagine what lives in there. Creeps me out.
Here is the comment I left there:
Hmm, are you working on some type of Ambien affiliate link arrangement? lol
I am not a great sleeper either. So, I just drink myself to sleep late at night when I update TBB. Sometimes I mix in some drug cocktails to inspire me to rant better but this Ambien drug does sound kind of boring to me….zzzzz
Will I give it to my kids? Hell no. I just beat the crap out of them and knock them unconscious. Work EVERY time, you should try it.
Time to fill up 🙂
FTG’s post today.. so convenient! Oh my god my friend had a divorce. But wait!! I’m conveniently going to take him to a location that is just under 50K Southwest points… Which is.. Yes, that is just under what you get with one signup bonus!! Wow! What are the odds!!! Click my link!!
No surprise at all, it has been like this for years!
Just a data point about the TBB site… For some reason(s), in the last week or so, I could not connect to the site at all (time out?). Then, it came back with a message about trying the Google cache copy page, but that also did not work. Glad to be able to connect today, and catch up on my missing TBB posts. Thanks.
Hmm, that is odd. I never heard of this before. When you get to it, please refresh the page. Something about cache or something. Any techies have any input? I have not had this happen to me…ever actually.
Maybe update your browser? Try different browser? Try to see if u can connect from a different ISP or something.
Interesting. Thanks and really sorry about that.
I actually tried Chrome, FireFox (Mozilla), and IE browsers (after refreshing the page). I also logged off and rebooted the PC as well. It did not work. It was odd and I thought that you might work/upgrade the site. Suddenly, things work fine for me today. Thanks.
Just lamenting that VFTW and OMAT are turning into WalletSlot….
I agree with Bluecat, Kumar, and Steve re: Saverocity. I still check BoardingArea daily, but at this point it’s more out of curiosity to see if it’s more advertorials pretending to answer reader questions or smackdown comparisons between (blogger advertised) credit cards.
Most of the “bloggers” are nothing more than affiliate marketers, while Saverocity has consistently provided entertaining and thought provoking content.
Thanks Hua (and thanks again Bluecat, Kumar and Steve) we appreciate the feedback and hope to keep bringing interesting content. If there are any topics you would like to see covered please drop me a line.
Sadly, pumping afilliate links every day works for increasing revenue. This is why they do it. If it didn’t…it would not be happening so much!
Check out Rom’s Deals post today re BigCrumbs Cashback 2.45% on AMEX GCs. A couple readers asked why he didn’t use the Arrival portal since he started off the post claiming his favorite card to use was the Arrival card and went on to push his Arrival affiliate link. I commented that it was because the Big Crumbs referral link served to scoop lifetime referral income from his reader’s AMEX GC purchases. Of course this was censored. Way to pull a MileValue!
I asked you this previously but I guess that reply was missed – but what exactly is wrong with the lifetime income? Does it actually take money out of the readers pocket? I was under the impression it took from BigCrumbs, which for me makes it OK.
Could you explain the mechanics of this and why it is bad?
@Matt – My take on the idea is that it’s a lot of money if you are using the portal to buy big ticket items. You may prefer to have your mom referr your spouse and your spouse to refer you (or some variation on that). To me it’s about going in with your eyes open. I haven’t signed up yet and probably will pick a blogger I like, have them refer my husband and have him refer me. As long as people know what kind of money they are sending to someone, fine, but if I’d used someone’s referral link and then realized how it worked later, I’d be upset. Heck, I was annoyed when I realized that’s how swagbucks worked and I could’ve used a friend’s link rather than a blog I didn’t get much out of.
Pick me, pick me. You can finally be FIRST here lol. I have this Big Crumbs in the “Support TBB” page…no one has clicked on it yet. Guess I am not pimping it daily here lol.
Matt, nothing wrong with earning lifetime income from a referral if you are providing disclosure and giving good advice. But if you manufacture a post with an inferior offer motivated by undisclosed referral link(s), well, need I explain what’s wrong with that? The blogger would need to be living under a rock not to know about the better CB offers. FM has blogged about 4% at Lucky, 4x Boost, and 3% TCB numerous times over the last month or so. There’s a massive thread at FT with a wiki showing the best rates. I’m pretty sure the blogger in question follows FM / reads FT and knew about the superior offers. Read the post and it’s pretty clear it was manufactured to push his CC affiliate links along with a referral for BC to a crappy offer. it wouldn’t surprise me if the blogger had double referred himself to get 0.7% referral from the AMEX GC purchases of anyone duped into using his BC referral link, not to mention the lifetime referral on all future purchases.
There are a couple of reasons it might be considered bad (note: I’m not making a judgment since I haven’t read the post in question):
1. Using family members, people can refer themselves two deep so that they can keep both the regular bigcrumbs cash back and the referral cash back x 2. It’s tricky as a blogger because you don’t really want to mention something like that in your blog for fear of killing the deal but it can be argued that it is also wrong not to mention it.
2. There are better cash back options currently available such as one for 4% cash back
Thanks for the feedback, I agree disclosure is good, but if it really does no harm I don’t see a problem… Unless I miss something still?
Eg I introduce FM, who then introduces his significant other- then she buys and he gets the kickback on referral two.. No harm done? If he doesn’t introduce S.O then I get some of his kickback, but it comes out of Bigcrumbs share not his right…?
Now- later on when Bigcrumbs isn’t the best option I think it is wrong to push it, but if you are ‘in the chain’ and it happens to be the right option (can sometimes offer the best CB) then no harm done…
Seems fairly innocent as I understand it, but can be abused if you push towards using Bigcrumbs as an inferior offer to capture referral commission.
I appreciate the insights from you all on this.
As most of you should know I am a Detroit Lions NFL fan. We used to have a coach who once famously said: “What else do I need to do to get fired over here?” after yet another shameful loss (been many, we are used to it). So, this Big Crumbs thingie here makes me want to scream out loud “What else do I need to do to get someone to open account with my referral link? LOL)
@ HikerT: Good catch, thanks for letting me know.
@ Matt: lifetime income schemes remind me of MLM schemes. The ones who started them make all the money and then everyone under them is out to sell dreams to gullible people who then assault all their family and friends. Back when I had a tax preparation business on the side, somehow I started doing tax returns by some Amway people (started with one, referrals, you know). Every single one of them had a loss and most of the expenses went, you guessed it, to…Amway! Now you scale this online and you get sites like Big Crumbs. I am sure people make money off others who have recruited and there is nothing wrong with that if it is properly disclosed and you don’t find every lame excuse to pump it every other day. But the aim of these schemes is to….target others to get them under your wing. Ummm, what about the actual product (blog/merchandise/service) you are offering?? So, it is just a sell/sell/sell mode. I am sold enough by so much media every day, I sure as hell do not want another bozo online who found yet another excuse to pump his mlm type schemes on me. There are enough suckers to fall for this crap. It will not be me and I sure as hell hope my readers are smart enough not to fall for this shit.
Did I mention I absolutely despise MLM type outfits? Oh yes I did. There was a legendary post about MLM schemes by that Indian blogger Ramit Sethi (who is kind of an asshole in real life from what I heard) a long time ago. I saved it somewhere. Should be required reading by anyone who thinks about joining these things.
“Amway” is a term that I have not heard in a while. In the early 90s, a very nice co-worker in my engineering division asked me to come to his home for a presentation about this Amway concept. I could not say no since he was so nice. Of course, I could not get out of that invitation to join from that meeting either.. Anyway, after a few months, I wrote him a note to get out and to return all products, and training tapes. I got back all my $$$. Being older now, just say no would save a lot of problems… Thanks.
Ok, I found that blog post…It was from 8 years ago! Oh my how time flies!
There are lots of reasons to use BC instead of the Barclay portal. Quicker payout, better tracking and diversification as to not burn out your options. I do hear anecdotal evidence that ppl are shut down from the RewardBoost portal for over use. I also dont have a problem for getting a referral for the BC – AX GC thing. No different that clicking on someone’s link to earn them some cash for Amazon purchases 😉
Actually had a banner day yesterday, made $4. Then wife ordered me to order (pun intended) to buy cat food, school supplies for daughter and some make up stuff…making a killing on that Amazon link woohoo! But with the expensing of the Hyatt House 2 night stay TBB management is finding itself dealing with yet another loss year to date…damn it!
If need faster tracking can go with TCB at 3%. They will match lucky at 4%. That said, all the portals are tracking pretty much at 99.9% these days a non-issue. Nobody in their right mind would give up close to 50% of the cash back to get paid a little sooner. The only reason to promote BC right now is the referral is the highest it’s ever been. And that means the payout is that much lower compared to the alternatives. It’s pretty obvious to see this by comparing BC combined payout (base + 1 deep referral payout + 2 deep referral) to TCB’s payout. So while a lot of BC pimpers would like to you to believe that you don’t lose anything if you use their BC referal link, I would beg to differ. Oh, and if you’re referring to the amazon referral link I use to support my sites, well I personally don’t make a dime from it. 100% goes back to the community. I’d rather what comes out of my mouth not be bought by affiliate links.
Got this offer in my email today:
Earn 2000 miles from US Airways Dividend Miles Dining
Join Dividend Miles Dining and for a limited time earn 2,000 bonus miles with the Sign Up and Dine Bonus. All you have to do is spend $30 at a participating restaurant, bar or club within the first 30 days of joining.
Yep, seeing it now. AA also. Good to see these coming back.
MORE CRAP FROM LEFF, 2 articles, one on Clooney one on Kardasian, what’s next Casey Kasem?
Someone is angry.
VFTW is losing its mojo 🙁
All of BA is losing its mojo.
The place in which that woman is in sure looks a lot more like New York to me than Ukraine.
Just sayin’…
…oh — and by the way…