We bring you advance warnings about the dark SPG Starpoints future, take you to bizarre festivals around the world, learn all about short Chinese visas, our personal data ecosystem and lots more especially curated for you for freeeeee!
TBB Blog Mission: To Educate. Entertain. Inspire. In That Order!
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If you ever see a post up here on a Tuesday or Thursday consider it a bonus!
The tagline of this blog when it first started in November 2012 was supposed to be “we waste our time reading blogs so you don’t have to!’ Still true to that, this blog baby is still alive curating quality content for you, enjoy it while it lasts! Maybe by year 10 I can finally earn minimum wage here you guys!
Dan of DansDeals is killing it on all the Marriott/SPG developments! Here are some more:
and a FAQ that answers some questions you probably had: Starwood-Marriott Merger FAQs: Answers To Your Questions About Anniversary Nights, Status From Existing Cards, And More.
A couple of thoughts from me. Remember, I am no self proclaimed thought leader on anything. Wait, maybe I am on coffee and spinach pies! Ok, back on track. I am starting to think that Marriott may be adjusting the sweet spots ahead if we keep having blogs screaming about them! And I find it hard to believe there will be so many new Platinums floating around, someone messed up! I wonder if they have a Rewards Abuse Team department up yet lol.
I definitely agree on the AMEX SPG cards becoming neutered for ongoing spending, how sad is that! And having to spend $75k to get Platinum is just nuts with the new SPG Luxury card! What the hell are they thinking over at Amex, hello? I think Chase took Amex to the cleaners on this “merger”!
Breaking: The Amex SPG consumer card may be gone April 19 and come back with a hideously low statement credit offer! Expect many LAST CHANCE, HURRY pump posts today in the blogosphere.
This lays it all out pretty nicely: Should You Get A Chase Ink Preferred Or Ink Cash Card? Here’s A Comparison Chart With All Of The Differences. Gentle reminder: Both are available with my links!
Chase brings Chase Offers back and, please sit down, gives them only to the Hyatt cards, smh! Until July 31 smh again!
I really enjoyed this interview by Booking Holdings CEO, it will give you a good idea about where they are going: Booking Holdings CEO: We’re on the Road Toward Going Full-Service.
This is a beautiful post! Glory daze in Trieste. In Italy that is. You will learn a lot and enjoy the great photos too. If only travel blog posts were as good as this…
Another great post for you guys: 26 Weird Holidays and Bizarre Festivals Around the World. #5 is the happiest one, water gun fights in Thailand. And #7 has the most disturbing image. Why the weirdest ones tend to be in Japan huh?
This is a detailed post about the Beijing & Shanghai 144-Hour Visa Free Policy. It is written at the Uri Tours site, whose Director is Elliott Davis, an Australian I had the privilege of traveling with in Iran. Uri Tours have been organizing tours to North Korea for many years now. I loved his stories about North Korea while we were traveling in Iran because, you know, you may have noticed I post a lot about this country! I thought maybe Elliott does a guest post here someday if he has time. Or maybe you ask questions in the comments and I get them to him and he answers them. I don’t know, thinking out loud…
Another one of those epic reads involving a rescue: Rescue on the Killer Mountain. I admire the physical endurance of these people. But dang it, could we do something that does not have such a high probability of, you know, dying?
What a story! A young reporter sent to cover the elections in Belarus back in 2001 before 9/11. And how he had a scoop about an opposition guy who was being financed by the CIA. All to waste as the dictator moron Lukashenko won easily and went on to run that country to the ground over the coming years…And I love the headline: This Is What It Was Like Learning To Report Before Fake News Was The Biggest Problem In The World. I am so sorry, no shocking videos within!
Great personal finance post: More Than Never. Less Than Always.
The way I think about the markets goes something like this: the future is always unknowable, history is a pretty good guide, you have to take the present into account, but anything is possible so expect the unexpected.
I love these Megan Starr travel posts in obscure towns in Ukraine: Kherson, Ukraine: I’ll Take French Fries With a Side Order of Corruption, Please.
Love this: The Multi-Billion Dollar Industry That Makes its Living From Your Data.
Love the photography from Sameer Raichur!
I really like this all-female band The Coathangers and their song “Watch Your Back“.
Worldhotels is ending its Peakpoints loyalty program, effective July 15, 2018. No, I had not known about it either but it is not good for the future of the loyalty industry we are all fans of all right?
The Lazy Traveler takes a deeper look at ANA redemptions and fuel surcharges. We may actually have some good news for a change!
I am starting to wonder about this MSer dude giving up on finding $5k. This hobby can affect your health you guys 🙂
Breaking: DansDeals goes back to pumping diapers and sponsored posts now 🙂
RIP to classy First Lady Barbara Bush. And to the Southwest passenger on Flight #1380. And to NPR voice Carl Castle who kept me company so many years driving in my car. Sad day.
And I leave you with this…TBB when banks pay to get Mrs. TBB a CSP card lol!
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Sad day indeed.
Barbara Bush, even though politically we were different, was a classy human being!
If someone is going to devote $75K in spend to a card to get Starriott Platinum, they need their head examined. So many better uses for that spend. And the lackluster earning rates on the Luxury card. Who are they kidding??
Time to short AMEX’s stock.
Amex got hosed!
Thanks for linking to my Hyatt Credit Card Offers post (very unoriginal program name). The only good thing right now, is that travel bloggers have a ton of topics to write about. Have a great day, George!
Other than the Marriott announcement…all the rest are no big deal.
What the heck is MileNerd talking about today? George, you got a guess?
No idea! The one yesterday was a waste of time too. Not sure what’s going on.
I agree. I dont read blogs in order to find out about dubious contests. OR to hear about some secret scheme.
It’s getting annoying.
Also, all his content is usually covered by other guys I read. Time to cull, I think.
wtf are you talking about? 10 percent off paid flights on any airline is a very good deal. nothing better posted anywhere all week actually.
Whoa, John. Right now, that post is just a tease. I’d rather have something solid to read about.
It was tooooo vague imho
I need to cut back on the number of blogs I follow and the time wasting that comes with it. It’s just ridiculous what a timesuck the internet can be sometimes! (MOST times!)
If you had to recommend just THREE blogs to follow in this points/miles hobby in order to (1) maximize good content and (2) minimize content overlap, what do you readers recommend?
Assume that I already reserved a slot for Doctor of Credit.
Actually, just read TBB 🙂
If I agree will I have to disclose it? 🙂
If I was doing a 3 (+1) it would probably include:
DoC, FM, and TBB, which usually picks up the most useful links from everyone else… The +1 is the reddit churning page whenever I have some extra time.
Thanks, Brenton. I think Doc and FM overlap a lot but it’s probably worth having both.
I debate about DansDeals because he sometimes has a gem but there is so much crapposts too. (So much crap, in fact, I wish there were someplace I could find a deal on diapers…)
And I added TBB back to my reading list, for the reason you mention. (Although I also do tend to go down rabbit holes with all his cool links…..
P.S. to add that the only Dan’s Deals posts I find noteworthy are not covered in TBB’s metablog list: it’s those HURRY deals for Amazon or Shutterfly that I find worthwhile.
Does anyone have suggestions for a blog that would cover those deals (and leave out the adverts and other crap?)
It would be great if Dan could separate the numerous deal posts with the heavy duty miles and points post which are not that many! Not sure if that is even possible.
There are so many deal blogs out there and have no interest in reading them too..I must have a life you guys. I was not into shopping much anyway, I have all I need.
But I could use some of your Amazon Clicks!
In the old days I followed some sites about deals but they seem to have vanished.
bluecat so you don’t like deals that are covered on other blogs and you don’t like ads. those are your only 2 options. maybe you need a new hobby. crying about free blogs that try to sell credit cards and crying about free ones that don’t sell you anything doesn’t leave you any options.
The reddit churning board is now full of crap imho. I hardly ever go there.
If anyone needs an example of a crap Dan Post, I just saw this deal:
4 Ticonderoga #2 Pencils With Bonus Sharpener For $1.42 From Amazon, Plus No Rush Shipping Credit For Prime Members
At least it is not diapers this time 🙂
Might be crap to you, but last time 800 people took advantage of that deal.
DD has been a Diagon Alley of posts and topics since 2004. Can’t please everyone with everything, but a little something for everyone has been a strategy that has worked for a very long time.
I’d say from the past couple TBBs he’s found enough gems that I’ve written, and I happily occupy TBBs “no-list at all” elite status despite being featured here all the time.
well apparently bluecat hates everyone except people pleaser bloggers who link to the worst credit card pimps (doc). this comment section was getting nicer but that guy is too negative.
@ Dan: I don’t think I had 800 $ clicks since I started blogging lol.
I wish there was a way to NOT include the deal blog posts in my Feedly! Your gems are drowned by the deal posts. And they are much less than you used to. Like that Gary dude lol.
“no-list-at all” elite status – THAT was funny!
@ John: Bluecat is not Ramsey okay? 🙂
@John, you are high-strung, I see. Come on over to Portland and I can hook you with some relaxing herb.
Friday is 420 Day!
@Dan, Well you gotta do what’s best for you. To be fair, I had a nice set of filters working with your twitter feed where I could just be notified of what I considered the good stuff. It worked well for a few months, then I went on vacay, it broke and I never bothered to fix it.
I find it very hard to believe that 800 people would go for a couple of pencils. Doesn’t everyone have a lifetime supply of those?! 🙂
Anyways, I think I read that people like you post those deals in hopes of setting Amazon cookies for future purchases. Probably read it on a site like TBB though.
800 out of 91K Twitter followers is less than 1%.
Cookies are overrated, they don’t last very long. Need to post stuff that gets bought to make money.
Regardless, can’t make everyone happy.
@Dan, not sure you’ll see this or respond but is it true what you wrote that “need to post stuff that gets bought to make money”? Won’t you make money if they just look at your post and then buy something else? And that it continues to generate revenue for you until they clear their cookies?
This is how I understood how it works.
I need to fix my DD twitter filters app and sell it to your readers. jk…I know I would get banned! 😉
Why would someone click on an Amazon link for an item that doesn’t interest them?
We post things that people are interested in and get instant feedback on that every day.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Won’t you make money if they just look at your post and then buy something else? And that it continues to generate revenue for you until they clear their cookies?
I always wanted to find this out but I don’t have time to research it, let alone make it happen. Because. Feedly..and TBB 🙂
Amazon cookies are only 24 hours so, yes, you get paid on other stuff but only for a short time.
Hilton is 30 days for example.
Even though someone is unlikely to click on something they don’t want, I’d bet we’ve all clicked on a link to find out that the offer was no longer available, and then looked at similar items or just done some other shopping.
Amazon brought TBB $1.10 yesterday.
I wish I was Dan sometimes woohoo!
That gif is pretty awesome.
I have to disclose that, as the owner of this blog, I agree 🙂
While I am a little late, but even in Haiti I read TBB at the
You said spinach pies and coffee, I thought it was Hummus you were an expert on? 🙂
i think that 1.10 was from me LOL. You might retire with what i spend on Amazon.
Guest trip report from Haiti for the education of TBB readers, you know, the mission?
How are things in Haiti these days?
To the person here who relays what is typed in the comments to another blogger PLEASE send the link so the whole exchange can be seen and perhaps add some needed context to it. And, oh please, perhaps you can go back and also send the blogger links to the numerous times ny blog has recommended that blog. OKAY?
I had a very thoughtful exchange with MileNerd today, who was wondering about my comment posted here. He’s a guy who clearly cares about his readers and the uniqueness of his blog.
Blogging is definitely tough, and anonymous posting by detractors (e.g., me today) don’t help these people continue to contribute. It’s so easy to take potshots at bloggers and at other posters when we are hiding behind our screens.
BTW. regarding my hunt for the perfect 3 points blogs to follow: he also agreed that DoC was a good fit.
So, seeing as I spent waaaay too much time today talking about blogs and how to save time with them, I’m calling it “good”. I’m hoping I get that good mix of deals and news that I’m looking for.
truce? tbh i was the one who passed the comments on to mn. he helps me out & i try to do the same when i can. i don’t like when tbb becomes like this. one thing to hate on the pimp blogs but when it starts picking on the good ones too, that’s when tbb gets too negative imo. i think that’s why so many readers left here. it stops being fun. i respect mn and doc even though he links to gary every day. who is left when tbb comments have problems with everyone? agree with what you said. tbb comments is worst when it turns into potshots at all bloggers no matter what they do.
You tell ‘em, John.
Oh, wait-you can’t since Buzz asked you to leave. Well, not leave exactly but just not to comment. I imagine it’s still ok to come, read and get a credit card or two.
Speaking of getting credit cards, the only reader I know of who has left TBB is Ingy. But he has a habit of leaving early.
He’ll be back.
I am keeping TBB blog alive to welcome Ingy back one day 🙂
@bluecat: You have no idea what you strarted with your simple question! Which I responded too like I always try to do.
@John: Shame on you! But not surprised it was you. You should have shared the numerous positive things I have said here about MN for years too dude. You have been consistently negative around here and u created a shitstorm so…congrats. So how about YOU turning positive instead of jumping on top of other people here all the time and forwarding selective comments to other people okay?
Bottom line, the quality of the blogs and the future outlook of this hobby is not looking good.
It is 2.30 am and I can’t sleep…
I miss Ingy, he understood me…Maybe it is time to pick basket weaving afterall.
At least the day the Amex SPG cards go poof, son gets his 35k credited…The end!
TBB Management to John (above, not the other one traveling in Haiti presently): You are no longer wanted to comment in this blog. Please leave. Decision is final.
Wow bold move TBB!
Picked up some dog poo bags today on Amazon, for my monthly support….even went biodegradable ones for $2 extra. I wonder if Brandon would have to ask before making a choice like that.
Lol…on Brandon asking 🙂
Please send thoughts and prayers to Amex for the Dead-On-Arrival new SPG cards!
Lets see how bloggers sell these pigs. Watch that lipstick!
Buy lipstick with my Amazon link, yeeeeeah!
I fell asleep reading FM’s latest Marriott program post “negatives outweigh positives”.
Too many words in that post. Do many few FM readers pay to stay at Marriott?
I don’t pay because I stay for freeeeee!
Since TBB is sleeping today, read this post for some pretty incredible opportunities if you act before Marriott devalues the packages:
Sharpening. Pencils. Non stop man 🙂