We are seriously considering it, putting our kids up for adoption that is! Burning miles for trips for just two instead of four is so much easier!
Great write up about the Club Carlson credit cards from Howie at Frugal Travel Guy. What I like about the post is the detailed reasoning and thought process behind obtaining these cards. You combine it with no affiliate credit card links all over the body of the post and we got ourselves—>excellent content. Hope it continues!
Very Good Points has a not so favorable review of the Langkawi Sheraton. If you look at the toilet pic very very carefully, you will she is also using arrows! They are just so different smaller in size and color than the ones Daraius uses, see his arrow here!
The longest trip report ever, the Daraius & Emily 2nd honeymoon in French Polynesia, appears to have finally come to an end? Reader comment about it: “Part 410,912: Hailing a taxi to get to the airport “.
My readers are funny too! We visited there in 2004. Beautiful place and prices were outrageous! I made this comment in the blog post:
Absolutely ridiculous tiny portions and super high prices…oh wait, you must be in Bora Bora! Food trucks and cooking ramen noodles in the room were more memorable than eating out in French Polynesia. Actually, the best memory we have is stopping at a road BBQ vendor by the road. It cost us I believe about $13 for a BBQ chicken, we ate next door at the beach. Best.Chicken.Ever!
This ramen noodle thing remains a tradition for us, we always cook them at least once in every family vacation. Kids look forward to it and we parents remember our roots and poor college days:-) #nosilverspoonshere!
Embracing my inner Frequent Miler : How to use Chipotle Gift Cards to get Free Burritos with unlimited fillings Take that FM, can you top THIS? 25% return!!!! Love taking FM to school:-)
And please dude, can you leave some Vanilla for me at the Conveniently Valued Store by the UofM stadium, thanks!
Did you know about the Treehotel? Me neither! Apparently, Sweden’s Treehotel, takes tree houses far beyond the realm of your average childhood hideout. You need to check out some of these treehouses, wow! I would love to do a trip report here one day! Looks like no lounge access:-)
It was very interesting to watch an interview by the Capella Hotel and Resorts CEO titled “Birth of a Hotel: The Rise of UltraLuxury“. Some nuggets: “Guests can get anything they want…so long as it’s legal, moral and ethical“. We are fine with legal and ethical, but moral??? Who defines moral Sir? Isn’t immoral more fun huh? Evil smiles everywhere! A very enlightening interview about the Ultra Luxury hotel market indeed! “Luxury has changed” “Business is exceptional worldwide” “There is growth everywhere but US and Europe” “Our occupancy is only 60% to 70% rich people, the rest is UP buyers!” “If you go to our hotel, your life will be enhanced”. Sadly, no word on a Frequent Guest program, lol.
10 Awe-Inspiring Places Around the World. I always thought that Odda, Norway is a must see place asap! I look at these and I want to get there now! Instead, I am blogging about them. Something is not right with this:-)
15 of the Best Luxury Hotels in America Hmm, really? If you say so…I guess.
“Floating In the Desert Air” AMAZING pics, click on Full Screen! Wow!!!!!
You know I give flak to bloggers with content blatantly published for no other reason other than to benefit the blogger’s pocket. You know the rule of Fight Miles Club? You don’t talk blog about Fight Club the Disney Card! This is almost par territory with the Carnival Card! Come on Miles Momma, PUUULEAAASEEE!!!! By the way, fix your link, it brings up all the other Flex Offers cards, thank God!
Bring tissues and sanitizing wipes. Really? Really? Thanks for the properly placed wipes product placement too! Road Warriorette, you can do better than this!
You are welcome for the hits. Oh boy, the way we are going we will have bloggers take out a contract hit on me! Please wait until my leg can heal so I can run…fast:-)
I criticize because I care…Hmm, that sounds like a great tagline too, doesn’t it?
Is it only me who thinks that this is a really bad idea? Royal Caribbean adds “all-you-can-drink” alcohol plans. Carnival and Norwegian are already testing such plans. You go to a cruise to relax and I can just picture the mayhem with all the drunks! Burned all Capital One Venture Rewards points last year for a Carnival cruise to Western Caribbean, we enjoyed it but we think cruising may not be for us. You add drunks all over the ship and it is definitely NOT cool!
American Airlines has Rudest Employees among domestic carriers, a survey by Airfarewatchdog found. Followed closely by United and then Delta.
The Best Productivity Apps of 2012
I use some of them. Most sound great. Anyone can NOT live without some of the not so well known ones please comment. I need to increase my productivity waaaaay up now with this blogging thing!
You hear the term Quantitative Easing all the time, QE for short. This is what it means. Not fun if you are a Muppet or belong in the “Client Sodomy” category!
In case you were asleep yesterday, Google Maps app is now back on the iphone. You can get it here:
No reason to get lost again!
If you like what you read here, please pass on the link to my blog to family, friends and pets too!
You can follow me on Twitter @FlyerTalkerinA2
You can find me as gpapadop in FlyerTalk and Milepoint. Yeah, I know, not too much great thinking went behind this handle naming thing!
I would love to read your comments below, feel free to give me a shout, a whataboy or an insult. Please make insults colorful and original. Of course I love to answer your questions, anything goes, don’t be shy! And thank you for clicking my credit card links, I sure appreciate it….LOL!
“QUESTION OF THE DAY: What do you think about adoption?”
Reader’s comment: Wouldn’t you like to know? Can you repeat the question please?
I love the “NOT SO BEST OF” section.
You should contact PointsEnvy before giving your kids up for adoption, to make sure you maximize mileage earnings on the transaction
Don’t give Howie too much credit for lack of affiliate links plastered all over his Carlson CC writeup…………..there ARE NO affiliate links for that credit card yet. Granted it was nice that he even suggested it given that they get no affiliate kickback. Probably only did so cuz they expect there will NEVER BE any links for this card since it’s issued by US Bank.
Still better than Lucky, who in his “elite status strategies for each chain” completely ignored CC elite statuses, even though they elite tiers are far better than some of the ones he talked about, including PC who he said was pointless (but still managed to get the CC affiliate link in)
He had some wishy-washy excuse on why he omitted CC, but it was pretty obvious what really motivated the decision
(while I don’t actually know off the top of my head, is it safe to assume that the Choice Privelages and BW credit cards don’t provide affiliate $$$ since he omitted them too?)
Can you use a $25 Chipotle gift card from Office Depot towards the purchase of a $30 Chipotle gift card at Chipotle for the free burrito deal?
You can tell that the Disney card plug was a cut-and-paste because every word was spelled correctly, the punctuation was correct, and there were no sentence fragments. Compare the post of December 13th, which is really nothing more than affiliate links to .. well, everything.
Linking to that blog is like giving an open paint can to a toddler. Sure, they’ll be appreciative and have fun, but nothing good will result.
I appreciate all the comments. It’s been a rough day, another senseless act of violence!
I appreciate the humorous comments, I just don’t feel like saying so today.
gregorygrady: Are u saying that US Bank never has affiliate links? I got an email blast from Howie later today with the same Club Carlson cards and the links sure looked like affilate kind of links to me, hmmm.
I thought about NOT linking to a blog that I roast here. Gary Leff was all over me that it is unfair, people should visit that blog and read for themselves why I criticize it. Maybe I should not link to them and give them the benefit of my humongous traffic.
You can certain whoever pulls out the Disney card will feel the TBB wrath:-)
This whole field is getting way too pimpy, that’s for sure.
Hug your children
If you link to a blog, can’t they tell that the person came through your link/blog to theirs? I think that would be beneficial, though maybe their affiliates don’t like it when people arrive at their blogs through others’ links?
They can tell where traffic to their blog comes from. Then again, my traffic going to them is very very likely miniscule to even register! Affiliates don’t care at all, all they care is successful apps so they can get paid, nada else!
I think you should stop linking back to them. Regardless of the limited traffic that it brings them, Gary in the words of Bender from Futurama can “kiss my shiny metal ass” 🙂
I have gone back and forth on this in my mind many times. I am afraid if I don’t even link back to that this will compromise my physical safety downt the road. This way…they get hits and we are even…which gives me a green light to keep roasting the ones who deserve it…not like I needed a green light to do it anyway. It is my own blog and they can kiss my “shiny titaniume elite ass” 🙂
I wish I can spell tonight, sorry!