We bring you the news by Delta to make in flight entertainment free, an amazing story involving Six Ferraris ordered by the Brunei rolalty, we travel to Sri Lanka, ponder about Money & Happiness, revisit some of legend Muhammad Ali’s best quotes, get you free Club Carlson Hotels elite status, walk through Amsterdam seeing some cool street art, another move by Amex to limit its appeals to us (what’s new?) and some other minor news for YOU!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
Delta does it again. With their move to free in flight entertainment for all, pretty soon passengers won’t bother with earning any Skymiles, it will be something that is just there that nobody cares about anymore. Who will match it first? I say United…#waiting.
Get free Club Carlson Hotel status. Hey, better than nothing! If you want it, read this. No need for pics and arrows, come on, THINK!
22 Things to Know Before You Go to Sri Lanka. This is a lovely post at Roads & Kingdoms.
30 of Muhammad Ali’s Best Quotes. Must read. This is my favorite:
“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”
The Secret Six. Fascinating post showing the absurd wealth of the Brunei royalty. This is the story of the six Ferraris. Made to order. If I ever get a buyout offer from these guys, I am selling out!
Personal Finance fix of the day: You Will Never Have Enough Money. Very interesting post. It is a must read imho. “Keeping up with the Joneses”, can money buy happiness, magic number, hedonic treadmills, comparing paraplegics and lottery winners and more. It ends this way:
For most families making $75,000/year, they have enough to live in a safe home, attend quality schools and have appropriate leisure time. Once these basic needs are met, quality of life has less to do with buying happiness and more to do with individual attitudes. After all, someone who makes $750,000 can buy a faster car than someone who makes $75,000, but their ability to get from point A to point B is not substantially improved. It would seem that once we have our basic financial needs met, the rest is up to us.
Take a look at the secret airplane bedrooms flight attendants sleep on long-haul flights. Sadly, there is one member per bunk. Hmm, I wonder how many times this is violated. Anyways, if you are afraid of close spaces this job is not for you!

Amsterdam Street Art Tour. Cool.
I was surprised my partial trip report of my family trip to Greece in June 2015 was very well received. Hope I finish the next installment by Christmas! Then I look at the revenue and…decide to work on something else #truth 🙂
It looks like Amex sticks another knife to us, no more prorated refunds from canceling its cards, boo!
Apparently, the Doctor of Credit website is getting a much needed facelift. Now if only my own had so much and so good content I would be getting buyout offers involving whole (not partial) Panera gift cards!
I booked two nights at the Doubletree Kuala Lumpur. I even booked a suite hoping for the upgrade to the Terrace suite. Anyways, it will be paid for via BarclayArrival points and then I will cancel the card finally…Before someday getting back to it. I was inspired by reader PedroNY 🙂 I then booked me a return trip to the Intercontinental Hong Kong to spend the last night there before flying to Kuala Lumpur with son. It was a free IHG Rewards Visa night, come on! Trip to Asia is shaping up very nicely.
Looking to buy a new laptop. Going ultrabook, light and easy to carry. The Lenovo Yoga machines look good. Any feedback? I got a really nice discount so it is tempting.
Golden State Warriors…unstoppable, wow!
And I leave you with this…

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Starting the week as only I can do!
Back where you belong!
Advice on a laptop:
No more 24 charecter codes. No more numbing updates. Cool stores where pretty people hang out.
Genuinely confused. You mean Delta charged for IFE?
Yours, from Europe
Saying hello to the medalists!
Two exclamation marks already, what will happen next?
I am not an Apple fan. Based on the article I guess Delta charged for some in flight content…I wouldn’t know 🙂
This blog has brought in $2.32 in June 2016.
Full disclosure: For you aspiring bloggers, get a real job lol.
And hold on to it like a dear life. LOLOL.
Wow, inspired by my comments and email! Thank you. I will be due for another arrival+ soon, will click through your links, unless there is a better offer out there.
You may be the first one it appears…as I am done until returning from Asia trip.
Not sure why the credit cards just stopped dead!
If it it wasn’t for the positive feedback and interacting with you guys TBB would have ceased to exist LONG time ago…
I know you said no Apple, but the new Apple Macbook is really unbelievable! I used to be a PC guy (for 16 years), switched to Mac – and never looked back! Love it!
I am just an Apple guy. Never was. Never will be. I am stubborn 🙂
I’ve had two computers since 2009. One of the aluminum MacBooks that lasted 4 1/2 years which I was able to re-sell for about 35% of original cost (try doing that with a PC) and now I’m entering year 4 with the base MacBook air 11 inch which I love.
Wow, that’s impressive.
I keep my desktop PCs for many years.
I break my laptops…almost always by dropping them!
Ahhhh MAC’s the computer for non-technical hipster douchebags. Take a look at the HP Spectre. Not having to hangout at the Apple store is an added bonus.
Kevin life is short, stop the hate.
Son has the Spectre. Not in love with the keyboard and the 13.3 screen…Prefer 14 but that will be tough to find.
Leaning towards the Yoga…
I needed a lightweight lappy for this trip, and went to the “used” apple store to buy a macbook air.
Ended up buying a macbook pro, it is only 0.5lbs heavier than the air, they had got their hands somehow on a lot of new ones. They also put Office on it for me (freeeee) and would have put parallels if I wanted it, but with office I think I’m OK.
Previous apple products only ipad x 2 and ipod.
Seems no harder to use and very nice, 2.5lbs, 13″ screen is the one I got. Could have left the ipad at home.
Eh what kind of status tier match can CC give me for my Red Roof Inn Redicard?
What’s the “used” Apple Store?
Thanks for the feedback.
Thumbs down on the Sri Lanka article, seems to have been written by someone who jetted in, saw a couple cities, and jetted out (I’m just back from 3 weeks there). Unfortunately this is far too typical of much “travel writing” these days–the market has really taken off, and in the land of the blind the one-eyed travel dilettante is queen.
My other beef with such “travel writing” is the numbering. Seems that one only gets page views if there’s a “top 10” list, or “15 things to know about…”. It’s as if one is only a ‘successful traveler’ (!) if you’ve experienced 7 of 10, or know 9 of the 15 things.
Marketing wisdom says that “TOP 10 Reasons to Jerk Off on the Web” packs more clickbite power than “Jerking Off on the Net Done Right.” This is why.
What Andy said 🙂
I dumped PCs years ago for Apple.
Sometimes I miss Microsoft, so I put a little sign on my desk:
“There are unused Icons on your desktop”.
It’s not the same, but close.
Every time I do this the Apple fans come out…I should have typed a warning 🙂
I detest Apple for the hipster style, overly expensive wares, and inability for me to get down and muck in the details. But I love their product style and, with my iPad/iPhone that they gatekeep their App Store so I don’t need to purchase additional anti- whateverware.
I detest Microsoft because they still use an obsolete 40-yr-old OS, they literally never innovate, I must buy additional software to protect my investment, and they’re too in control. But I love being able to muck in the details of the OS/FS.
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: People, this isn’t a binary world where there should only be two choices! It’s not Apple OR MS, Dems OR Reps, Liberals OR Conservatives. The world is nuanced, reality is multi-variate. Get smarter and get used to it. Because binary thinking is why we get such crappy choices as Trump or Hillary!
I agree.
And especially with the awesome PSA!
if you’re able to spend a bit more, look at the thinkpad model of the yoga (or the T450s). better build AND support is based in the USA.
keyboard comfort and display resolution (minimum 1920×1080) are important factors to consider…
Swtiched to Apple years ago, wonder why I didn’t switch sooner.