We say the final word on Redbird, do an analysis of the Marriott Rewards Cash & Points option, say bye bye to Amazon Destinations, drive up and down the California coastline, learn some basic car rental tricks, visit Paris and Yucatan and enjoy some magnificent Lorenzo Quinn sculptures and so much more awesome stuff you find nowhere but right here baby!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
You can support TBB by applying for CREDIT CARDS, please consider doing your shopping with our AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK and clicking/forwarding any of our REFERRAL LINKS. Or click on the Amazon Banner on the right side, thank YOU!
Doctor of Credit signs off on the death of Redbird and outlines your available options.
To ALL bloggers: This will be the LAST Redbird aftermath related post, enough! By telegraphing and showing in excruciating detail what to do from here on you are just preparing the next MS grave site. The Hobby belongs underground, enough sacrificing for clicks! There, I feel better! #hopeless
The new United website sucks. Tip: Use Chrome Incognito and surf on over to ual.com (NOT united.com) and the old site should load (HT: MilesToMemories)
Loyalty Traveler analyzes the Marriott Rewards new Cash + Points option and does a reward analysis.
Traveling alone with a minor? You may want to have a consent form with you to avoid potential hassles per The Deal Mommy.
Amazon had a hotel booking business named Amazon Destinations, did you know that? I sure didn’t. Obviously, not many others did either so it was shut down.
Hiking the California Coastline. By AFAR.
Watch out for these 10 car rental tricks. Good general USA Today post for newbies!
Paris Day & Night. A truly super aweome Vimeo video!
A trip into the Tropical Underworld of Yucatan
The Amazing Sculptures of Lorenzo Quinnย He is the son of Anthony Quinn by the way.
14 incredible gyms to work out at in your lifetime

I decided to burn the IHG Rewards Free Night cert at the Intercontinental NYC Times Square before it expired. I used the Live Chat feature to book it as it was not showing up online. Saved me a phone call, listening to dreadful music and chatting with a (usually clueless) rep #winning. Thanks for answering my questions on Twitter on this. Cert must be used but you do not have to stay by cert expiration date. BUT after the cert expires the date of the stay can NOT be changed so beware.
And I leave you with this…

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I gather from reading your blog that first comment is quite an honor.
First first! Golden! Honor is ours ๐
Thanks for the shout-out. Although color me surprised that the parental consent form made the buzz when the Italian Mr. Clean/Bruce Willis wannabe cabbie sticking his tongue in my ear didn’t ๐
Correction- Second!
Italian Mr. Clean/Bruce Willis wannabe cabbie sticking his tongue in my ear – LOL!
You’re welcome
Good choice, thanks.
I had hopes for Amazon Destinations. I wrote about them when they launched and was really hoping they could bring some interesting non-chain hotels to the list over time. Sad to see it never made it that far!
I thought it was going to last at least a year ๐
Redbird epitaph:
“This is all just a tempoary job.”
Marathon Man, writing about MS
True, true
There is a 50k Delta Business card out there, $2k min spend. Remember Amex Bus cards have a 12 month restriction:
There is a Hyatt 50k points offer but highly targeted so check your emails! In case you do not want the regular 2 free night offer.
TBB’s credit cards can be narrowed down after you click on the Menu Tab above and then clicking on the link or banner. To bring up cards by bank, click on “CARD TYPE” on the top and then the bank name and you are there! When in doubt, ask in the comments or email TBB.
“Don’t be a victim, fight Titanism, get MORE miles & points”
Say hello to Kate, be nice to her!
Am I wrong saying we are seeing more and more non affiliate offer credit card offers? Is there a movement slowly phasing out cc plastic pumping bloggers? Discuss!
Will Amex run out of card stock printing all new Sever and BB cards? Just some food for thought.
Thank you for your blog, I still enjoy it, still read it daily.
I expect Amex keep cutting/gutting process to now jump over to the prepaid cards….so many flavors out there, so darn confusing. Brace yourselves ๐
Thank you.
Sorry Buzz, too upset about Lamar O. to write anything today. F those Kardasians!
Me too. He is a good guy deep down. Just a sad waste of so much talent. I have read about his life…If I went through what he did I may have knocked myself out long time ago. Wow, what a super sad ending we have here. And this Kardashian angle at the end makes me barf!
Yeah good job Buzz, this blog keeps me somewhat informed. Who can keep track of all the blogs out there after all and extract the good and important stuff and not be mislead ? I don’t even remember how I stumbled upon this site, weird, huh ?
BTW sent you an email.
PS what do you mean about the Amex 12 month restriction ? ? ? Have to have activity on the card or miles expire ?
Looked this up, not sure what it means. Frequent Traverl, Non Frequent Traveler ? ? ? That’s the thing, they make it so complicated.
Will my Membership Rewards Points expire?
If you are enrolled in the Frequent Traveller Option, your Membership Rewards Points do not expire and you can accumulate Points from year to year. However, if you are enrolled in the Non Frequent Traveller Option, your Membership Rewards Points expire two years after the 12-month “enrollment period” in which they were earned.
If you are an American Express Platinum Travel Credit Cardmember, your Membership Rewards Points expire three years after the 12-month “enrollment period” in which they were earned
Remember the 5/24 restriction of the Chase Ultimate Reward earning cards?
Amex has 1/12….For personal, you get it once and you are done. Period. OUCH. For business, you can wait 12 months and you can get the signing bonus again. Nothing to do with what you thought it was about. So cancel your Amex Business cards….wait 12 months…..rinse/repeat. Better than nothing but so low compared to the good old days!
Been there, done that, wrote about the experience with tonnes of peaks, including my chubby self (avoid). In one sentence: the cenotes were the best thing I did in Riviera Maya. Next time, won’t set a foot in Cancun, which is totally depressing and stay down south!
Cancun…is it really that depressing? Hey, where are your F shower pics??
I gotta say. I like body surfing the waves at Cancun. Pretty good for a popular locale. Usually you gotta travel far out in some places to find good body surfing. That said climbing Coba’s Pyramid and the cenote swim was the highlight of my last trip to the Mayan Riviera. Mexico knows how to do the tourist thing. Lots of beers, table made Guac, chips and activities at their beaches on the East Coast
The city is depressing, the beach and the ocean are beautiful, at least in some places. I’ve been there twice, both times in AIs. My first time around, I was permanently drunk with a couple of Aeroflot pilots and didn’t go out much, second time at TBEX stayed most of the time at an amazing AI outside Cancun, but the first night was at Aloft, right along the main drag. So I was forced to explore the local area and didn’t like what I saw.
No selfies in the shower, sorry. I like you guys too much, to put you through this. ๐
Did you see that Lamar had planned to spend a week at that brothel?
Got me wondering-can you do that on points? Maybe cash and points? Do you think a twenty when you show up will get you an upgrade?
Far as I know, no blogs are covering this market. We need a real Titan for this one.
Miles & Points Brothel niche! Trip Reports, sorry, room reports. With pics and videos. 360 degree videos, like in the cock-pits lol. Then expand to Jamaican resorts like Hedonism II. Upgrades galore I see, can you imagine the treatment if you are the blogger covering this space….OMG, just decided to hell with this busting my ass advising people what to do with their money….moving to Jamaica and rebranding to Travel Baller Buzz woohoo….
Next giveaway at TBallerBuzz: Packs of Magnums. X-L
Ok…..I need to go to bed, got excited there for a moment dreaming about all this.