On weekends TBB staff tries to keep it light because there are far more important things to do on a summer weekend day! Read to the end to win SPG points!
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Like we all know, nothing is free. This hobby is sure not free, there is always a cost. Sometimes the cost is severe in trying to clear up hiccups that ALWAYS happen, sooner or later! These two blog posts should be a warning that this hobby is not for the faint hearted #beware
Point Princess – MS Woes: $2,000 Stolen Off My Paypal Reload Cards
Travel With Grant – Another Cautionary Tale about US Bank Issued Visa Gift Cards Sold at Ralph’s in SoCal
10 Misconceptions About Things That Kill You. Fantastic…I knew it mom!
12 Most Beautifully Designed Hotels Fantastic lineup…so sad that almost all are not available on hotel points, so sad!

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Yep, an account of mine received another email from the Frugal Travel Guy. Yep, it was time to pump some credit card again. Of course nowhere to be seen how the 70k Marriott offer with no annual fee may be a better deal for the readers! Just pumping non stop. Now reaching scary levels…the gif accompanying the email is just horrific! WTF!!!

And as I was going to press, I saw this Starwood SPG sweepstakes at Loyalty Lobby so I played and already won 5,000 SPG points #winning #literally #nonewbieswerehurt
And I leave you with this…

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Working overnight first FTW
Good post, Buzz. That Points Guy stuff-now they’re eating their own. Shake head.
Have a great Sunday.
Helixcardinal back on top!
“It’s all about conversions” Sam 🙂
About the VGC that BB machine wouldn’t accept.
I had one out of 6 that wouldn’t go last time, I signed up with gowallet, which showed the entire $200 balance was intact. I changed the pin, and started using the card right away till it was depleted. That one card, the cardboard packaging was intact but the sticker on the card was misaligned such that the card number was clearly visible
Yesterday one out of 7 wouldn’t go, same drill, haven’t used it yet. Scares me though. The stickers on all the cards were slightly misaligned such that just a little bit of the numbers were visible. Guess I’ll go out and fill up the truck with gas first thing this morning, hmmm what else so I need ? I wonder if I can use at Costco ?
Also, didn’t know that Ralph’s had $500 VGC available. Still seems like the safest bet is to order online.
Those beautiful hotels, most of them are sort of modernistic, if you like that kind of thing.
Buzz you are definitely going the extra mile, posting on a Sunday !
I would probably not go back to establishments where I have seen “slightly misaligned” cards!
I like modernistic. Heck, I like everything except pumping blogs and country music 🙂
August has been great for TBB, new records (non-Titanic) so I feel more of an obligation to post.
Thanks to all!
The hacking of the GC has nothing to do with the opening of it. I can guess the GC number and the expiration based on the series of numbers visible on the back of the packaging. It might take me 5 or 6 tries but I’d have it. Thats where they are hacking it. Scary part is if its right away after you purchase that means theyve stood near you while you picked them up and bought them at the register then emptied them before you can even get to the next stop to liquidate. Usually the thieves are really lazy and just randomly try at home to guess which one you took off the shelf
Here is something else of interest, premium class fares much cheaper from Canada, this is from FlyerTalk.
Thanks, I prefer using miles 🙂
I don’t know why but I just looked at VIEW FROM MY EGO and in the comment section Gleff used IMHO, now that there is funny!
Hey Silvio, looking for an invite to one of your parties again, they are the best! Heard a rumor…Free pancakes? WOW!
What are “stapoints®”?!?
You had me going all over my post to find the typo…because I am paranoid about these things 🙂
I found it…wow. Typo or is SPG cooking something? notice no R next to it. Hmmm….