We show you a comparison guide of Hotel Elite Status in each hotel loyalty program, how to book the best AA economy Awards, visit the top Airbnb properties and more!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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I like these posts by Travel Codex. Comparing Hotel Elite Status in 2016 and the Sweet Spot for Status with Each Hotel Loyalty Program in 2016.
I am not sure I agree with the advice on how to feed them leftover birdies who received a stay of execution. Nobody knows for sure. My only surviving blue bird is laying low.
The Best Economy AAdvantage Awards to Book Soon. It’s unanimous, book off-peak award travel to Europe NOW!
Fifth Freedom Flights. They are weird but can be good scores in our hacking lingo! Why are they called Fifth & not…say 8th or 69th or something?
Warning: New Choice Privileges Points Expiration policy in effect. If no activity, kiss all your points goodbye on August 1, 2017!
Get 1,000 Free Spirit miles. Please don’t judge π
I am finding less quality posts this week, I am not sure why that is. Is it because some blogs are dying? Just too busy working out at the gym due to New Year resolutions? Not sure… #developing
Top 9 Airbnb wishlist properties. Interesting.

So, what the hell, let’s turn psychedelic. Here is a short film, taking a psychedelic trip in films. I think it is totally awesome!
Well, before some of you accuse me of promoting such substances, here is a warning what Meth can do to you #awful
Well, sometime ago I had a little issue with my eyebrows. I just discovered that there is a lady who specializes in grooming eyebrows! So please click my links and I can get one and then do a full review here for you π #lamepumping
Playing for Time. A gut wrenching story about “A Father, a Dying Son, and the Quest to Make the Most Profound Videogame Ever”. Wow.
I love the TBB comments section! Not only because of the latest breaking news by the amazing TBBBreakingNews involving banks and cards and stuff like that but for stuff like:
TBB resident troll made an appearance again to say some good things about me because when you have nothing good to say…you just gotta comment it away in a “dead” blog lol. I am so proud of creating such fierce loyal readers. Post #1,002 #winningΒ It is great when I see the occasional credit card sale come through my site. But you know what is priceless? When I get emails telling me “I used to read and get my cards over at Frugal Travel Guy. Thank you for opening up my eyes to what is really going on in the blogosphere and the work you do to maintain this site daily. And for making it so entertaining!” That folks is priceless to me! #respect #thankYOU!
Waaaaaait, he is back responding, oh Lord the entertainment! We here at TBB (just one & a permanently pissed off intern) stopped posting on Saturdays because Suze psycho the rapist instructed me to do so after going through the Alexa (lol) rankings and decided it is not worth it due to lowest traffic of the week.
This is how you respond when another customer service rep asks if you have big plans for the weekend!
You can let go in the comments. Whine since I am reducing my own whining in 2016. Like these endless surveys that are getting totally out of control, say NO!
I hope Drew at Travel is Free gets healthy soon, no wonder the worthy posts featured here have dropped off lately!
And I leave you with this…

Win an HD Video Camera, United lounge passes and more stuff by subscribing to my blog! Winner will be announced this coming Saturday!
Thank you for making TBB a part of your life, I am honored! Help bloggers you appreciate & make a positive difference in your life by spreading the word about their blogs, emailing and commenting and using their few $ links.
Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs To Ignore
You can subscribe to TBB below, winners only!
Will my prizes be shipped by Fed Ex? The Post Office is closed Monday and I need to get them up on Amazon ASAP.
How much will the luggage tag signed by that Randy guy (smirk) go for? I would try ebay, combine the luggage tag with a $100 bill and then start the bidding at $5.
Winner gets the whole package! The complete package! We are talking a REAL prize, worthy of…subscribing π
It will be shipped the cheapest way possible π
Just checking in.
I missed Rick’s visitation yesterday, but to get caught up, I went over to read his January 11 article on FTG. He went on a rant about issues with his Fidelity cash back card, saying he called Fidelity over and over, and how Fidelity jerked him around. One comment to that article asked why he called Fidelity instead of the card issuer FIA. I guess if I have an issue with my BBVA NBA card, I should call Lebron James.
Speaking of the BBVA NBA card, the troll also said he had applied for that card which has a $500 spend to get a $200 credit. A commentor said the spend is $1,000, which looks right to me. Since there are only four comments on the article, you’d think it would be easy to address the ones asking if the article contains meaningful errors. Nothing yet.
I know, I know-I shouldn’t have gone over there. It’s like turning on the TV and watching Tiger Wood trying to play competitive golf. You just remember what used to be and shake your head.
>>>>>> I guess if I have an issue with my BBVA NBA card, I should call Lebron James.
Lol…good one!
They could care less, management only cares about…”conversions” and the writers getting checks.
Hey, are you saying that Tiger Wood is not coming back? bwahahaha
The complete list of Hyatt malware affected hotels:
The story here: http://skift.com/2016/01/15/hyatts-malware-breach-infected-at-least-250-hotels-in-2015/
I am sure a Titan will be doing a “post” about it shortly π
I don’t get why anyone will read and comment on a blog they despise, that’s just messed up! I intern for TBB because I feel like I am changing the world and it’s just FUN…hey, it’s in the mission! Now please get me some clicks I am starving overheeear (Ted Cruz NY accent)
Don’t feed the trolls. Ok, feed them #entertainment
5th freedom is explained here: http://www.hyatt.com/protectingourcustomers/hotellist/
rats, wrong link π
5th freedom is explained here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedoms_of_the_air
Great, thanks for the links. Sorry…links π
Re: Drew
I hope he has medical insurance… I suppose not?
Hugest day in Amazon yesterday, the boss is giving me a Panera gift card so I can eat woohoo! Thank you guys!
That’s not Ramsey’s dog, that’s Ramsey.
This is what happens to Walmart when you kill the Bluebirds π
Yep, I got hacked at the Hyatt Regency Boston, I’m pretty sure. $900 that Schwab will be hunting for… or taking out of Hyatt’s pocket… I don’t know who ends up on the hook, I just know it isn’t me. God bless America!
Yikes, $900! I can’t stand all the aggravating hassles that are caused by this crap!
This is no joke, if you can use this information to win a bet with someone or online somewhere please do……First let me get this out of the way, I have never watched The Bachelor and never will. But apparently the girl that grew up around the corner and went to school with my boys won this year’s show. They shot it a couple of months ago and it is running on TV now. Without saying her name here, she is the one currently living in Marina Del Rey, Ca…………………….I would bet my wife for some of that sex El Chapo likes on weekends but she already knows who won too. Ramsey.
The stuff coming out of…El Chapo is getting wilder….Apparently, the dude wanted to buy Chelsea the English football team, had a hard time deciding between the Iphone 6 or Samsung Galaxy, he did have penis enhancement surgery while on the run and lots more….Oh, and his cool shirt is selling like Hyatt pancakes! Would love him to do a talk show from his prison cell. First Guest: Donald Trump woohoo!
Ramsey, I was intrigued by your posting and looked it up at http://abc.go.com/shows/the-bachelor/cast.
I notice is that most of the girls share the same hair stylist. Should have at least one huge afro in the mix.
I have to think lying low with the bluebird is not the way to go. Use it while you can. If you’ve been using it like everyone else, it is just matter of time before they re-run their programs to pick up the ones they skipped the first time. If you put it in a drawer for a couple months out of fear, that’s just a couple months usage you’re missing out on. (Disclaimer: both birds in my family were killed.)
I am going with my gut which says to lie low. Not like I have the time to run around Wal Mart stores, especially now that over a hundred are closing due to our actions lol.
Time will tell…
I’m going to go the middle route. I am going to lie low for a short period of time and then start back small. $500 per month.
Oops, maybe not — things are moving a little slowly down here in Central America on the 3rd Friday of 2016.
Not to be nosy, but my cat is curious: what happened to Drew? Looked at the blog and saw nothing about any health issues?
TGIF to all y’all…
First? Lol…good one!
Bronchitis. Does not appear serious. Hope he is back blogging as this space is missing his stuff lately.
Mad PROPS to “John” in takedown yesterday of Rick. Masterful.
Did anyone catch the debates last night? Rick reminds me of Trump: blustery old guy who cares most about money and his polling numbers.
I am awaiting a takedown of men mowing loans, how little money they make, how angry they are…
Started son really slow in this hobby…Just turned 18. Has had an AU Freedom card from me. Full time college student. Wanted not to risk denial. Applied for DiscoveritForStudents, instant approval. Just $1,000 credit line. When activating the card, paperwork said that FICO score supplied by Transunion was a surprising 751. CSR could not answer the question “if I get my Dad an AU card (asks for his SSN), will his spend affect my credit score or his own?”!! No bonus, only $20 per year for having GPA over 3.0. Plan to use it for the next several months, pay off balance and see how it affects credit score. When he crosses 800 it is time to go for the amazing CSP with my links π
I’ve got to admit I still love dropping in here every so often. So many here with that arrogant better than the next guy attitude yet it’s so obvious their credit scores can’t even support applying for links from the best copy and paster in the hobby. Come on now All together now “feel the Bern”
Busy trying to find another charity to trick my readers to make money off of them…
5 last FTG posts have 3 comments….Yep, just 3. The FTG founder has posted MORE comments HERE in just two posts.
Oh the irony!!!!
Feel the laughs!
Thanks for the entertainment.
We are not phoning it in here π
But TBB, however will you account for sterling journalism like “7 Things Travel Geeks Love to Do” and “5 Aspirational Hilton Redemptions for 2016”?
Love it George. Take your comment count to Panera to see if that will pay for your coffee, or that $11k tuition check? Do you have any idea how many hours it took the successful, well followed bloggers that did not demean or degrade others to earn that pittance?
Love the interaction buddy. D of C, loyalty lobby and twisted sister getting most of your action? They are writing the content.
According to some psychological research internet trolls have a certain psychological profile, and it’s not pretty. Here are the traits listed, let’s see if they fit FTG.
Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate and deceive others) – Uh, double check there, the dude made a living off of that.
Narcissism (egotism and self-obsession) – Check.
Psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy) – Given his defense of blogging practices and refusal to acknowledge the behavior has certainly gotten people in trouble with credit card debt, I’ll say check.
Sadism (pleasure in the suffering of others) – Check. FTG certainly takes pleasure in insulting and harassing people on this blog.
To summarize FTG is a sadistic self-centered machiavellian psychopath. But I’m sure he is a terrific human being offline.
Epic comment along with an epic Slate article link.
Alexa rankings suck, I am looking for a job!
Loved that attempt. You guys are pros at spinning anything.
1. Never clicked a link for anyone that applied. The defense is one I know you clowns hate: “Personal accountability”
2. My responses here have always been giving George back a little of the medicine he has been dishing out to others. Check the history
3. Funny in 9 years only one person has mentioned that they got in trouble. The majority of NON Whiners accept they are responsible for their own actions. Hundreds of thanks for helping people get into the hobby. But go ahead and spin,spin spin!!!! You guys are the best in the hobby. Whine, Whine Whine. Blame it all on the bloggers
4. Just giving you all back a little of what you all so arrogantly like to dish out.
But nice try again.
Thanks for proving the point. Lol.
I was extremely thankful for you, MMS, TPG when I first got into this “hobby” 2+ years ago. But I learned quickly from others and moved on.
I’ve redeemed tens of thousands of dollars of hotel rooms and flights, and that was just a dent in my points. After a few months I realized that the only thing you guys are good for is lighting the fire, starting the car, loading the gun, insert whatever metaphor you want here. All of those things are extremely dangerous without self control, which is what the US lacks. What you do/did is dangerous in a country that lives on debt. You’re no different than someone pushing drugs on the corner as far as I’m concerned.
You are equating ME with MMS and TPG? Seriously? WTF!!!
My readers are advanced. I do not have direct cc links. I do not do “Ten best cards to wipe yourass with” several times a day. I repeatedly say this is NOT a game for most people. These other guys prey on the total newbies. So equating me with them is just a loads of BS! The resident troll, instead, will say for you to get some accountability/responsibility while pumping plastic to oblivion 24/7.
Red card from TBB, please leave.
Have a nice day.
I think your commenter was talking to FTG, not you.
You are right!
Apologies to Anonymous poster! I take the red card back and you can stay π
Stupid commenting design…thought it was directed at me…and could not understand why…and got a little…angrwy π
And I so agree with that comment.
I need to do a post about how this hobby is NOT for the vast majority of the people, especially the ones all the pumping Titans target!
I was 100% addressing that to Mr. FTG himself. Sorry if I upset you. π
Also, I’m going for the Flexperks Amex, SPG personal/business, and some more Alaska cards next weeks with your links. Keep up the good work!
Also, if you’re going to throw me out, pick and American sport so I understand the reference! π
Ok, the penalty flags have been picked up, huddled with the other refs and we call a “there was no penalty” and we look like morons π
Truly sorry about that and thanks to Scott for pointing to my obvious error!
And thanks for the support!
Page views are exploding whenever you comment so please keep coming back! Must help Alexa ranking numbers only you check WTF!!!
You are part of the mission to entertain with your arrogant demeaning and degrading comments here in a blog you despise. There is something really messed up with that fact.
TBB tagline is: “An eclectic journey through the Travel Miles/Points blogosphere” – Twisted Sifter in Love list, LL & DofC are high in the Like list, FTG is permanently placed in the To Ignore list. It’s a PSA for the benefit of humanity and world peace.
To readers: Any suggestions for additions/deletions to my three lists?
Have a good weekend everyone. Check back for more whining by blog troll π
Hullo, it’s Saturday.
Amex Costco Cardholders Transition Offers + No Hard Pull
I think the lady offered me a $500 statement credit the other day.
Wonder if I oughtn’t to take the other offer for 100,000 MR points instead ? Or wait, someone said there’s a history of offers up to 150K MR points.
Please advise.
Thank you.
PS I like the points, It just seem like there is potential for more value if I can find award seats and transfer the miles. (I can transfer the miles somewhere, right ?) OK I will go read up on it.
OK here’s where they can be transferred: