We show all new Hyatt Diamond members their benefits, how to book Iberia Awards to save Avios, visit Eritrea and DMZ, learn about the divorce of MMS and Emily which was a huge surprise.
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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Well, since we have numerous Hyatt Diamonds now, how about a reminder of what the Hyatt Diamond Benefits are, shall we?
Interesting post on how you can book on Iberia instead of the BA site & devalued British Airways Avios for short distance awards. Beware the awful change/cancellation policy in place though.
A good comprehensive post about the airline business traveler programs available to earn additional rewards. And a take on the best AA Business Extra program redemptions.
NY to SF in 5 minutes. What a sweet video!
Touring the DMZ? This may interest you.
This is cool. Meet the female pilots who are taking over Zimbabwe and Ethiopia’s skies. #respect
Eritrea is Africa’s North Korea. Great read. So sad as the few Eritreans I know are awesome.
The 13 best jobs for people who hate people. Not for you but maybe for someone you know? Your mother-in-law? 🙂
People around the world show their strength by balancing favorite objects on their heads. Love some of these photos. Lame blogger question to generate clicks: “What is your favorite?” 🙂

I was surprised to read that Travel Is Free just started using Award Wallet, seriously? AW is slowly developing into yet another plastic pumping machine as well lately!
Sad to see Million Mile Secrets and his Emily divorce. Discuss in the comments and please be respectful. Let’s separate the business from the actual persons (hmmm). I would have loved to see some talk on the effect of having a commercially successful blog and pressures from the banks to push more product and how that may have contributed to the breakdown of the relationship. Instead we are told that nothing in the blog is changing, awkward! I wish them the best.
Remember, my site is primarily about entertainment. Titan sites are primarily about pumping their mostly newbie readers to oblivion with plastic #hearditherefirst
P.S. TBB is no hopeless romantic, just a pragmatic one #keepingitrealhere
And I leave you with this…
Thank you for making TBB a part of your life, I am honored! Help bloggers you appreciate & make a positive difference in your life by spreading the word about their blogs, emailing and commenting and using their few $ links.
Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs To Ignore
One word it is.
But is the word “First”?
It is “First” of course!
I guess my FIRST thought on the MMS divorce:
“What card should one use to pay the divorce attorney(s)?”
Followed by:
“Are there any ways to pay alimony and earn points/miles?”
That should lead to a couple dozen pumping links with a plethora of circles, arrows, etc…
Happy Turkey Day!
My first one was: Who is now going to hold Vanilla cards?
I am trying not to get Carrie mad….Thanksgiving and all 🙂
Remember that behind each of these blogger personas, including our dear TBB Buzz Man, there lies a human being, with a heart, feelings, and bad morning breath, just like the rest of us.
What makes you think there’s a human behind every blog? It was probably needed in the beginning. But in some cases you can more or less put CC pumping on autopilot There are enough algorithms and templates to publish articles until the end of time.
Wow….so hard to tell!
For your amusement/entertainment some public forums, don’t shoot the messenger!
Happy Thanksgiving to the TBB community!
No comment on Daraius’ Ashley Madison usage on being the cause of the breakup?
Doesn’t look like he had a CC in there – so didn’t actually contact anyone.
Though 3 different usernames tied to cities he lived in is interesting!
To repeat what they said on FT but with emphasis “CRINGE WORTHY” Sorry, shower pics do not belong on FT unless you are either Tom Brady or Gisele Brady.
I wanted to make a joke here about deflating balls but I will pass just as I am passing on the Ashley Madison stuff…
For now…
Hey, remember when MMS said nothing would change about the blog when he added credit card links? So yea…
My money is on the blog being quietly sold within 3 years.
You forgot the survey asking if they should be added? Lol.
How do you churn WF?
Our resident churning expert, Pedro?
Apply for a second card.
Deep 🙂
OK I just have to ask, what is WF ?
Wells Facko, I mean Fargo.
Unless he forgot to add a “T” in between because I like to churn WTFs here all day long 🙂
Hilton HHonors is getting into the game doing status matches from competitors. No guarantees if they will give you Diamond or Gold (heck, my cat is Gold too!).
Email hhonormystatus@hilton.com with pic showing your status from a competitor (not sure how they define that) and your HHonors # and you will be matched through March 2017. Again, not sure at what level.
Diamonds, commence your bitching, your turn!
DansDeals has been on amazing Amazon link pumping run all day so if you are going to shop there please click my own link too, gracias! The more you do…the more I will consider having my wife pose with the CSP card #joking #relax
Tomorrow’s post will be really short…if I get to it! Going to see Creed like, right NOW!
I’m obviously a couple days behind reading :). But the Eritrea story has been taken down.
When I heard of their impending divorce I thought of TBB’s comment from a few years ago that if they ever get divorced it’s going to be a bitch to get rid of all the Emily photos…
Yeah, poor intern tasked with this…
The brand is so tight that I am not surprised the blog is to carry on as is…until a solution is found.