We bring you an epic post about immigration, America’s great divergence, robots humans merging, laugh at protest signs and not much more.
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Lets keep it light again, it is Sunday!
First, thanks to all who made it to the meetup in San Diego, I really enjoyed meeting and chatting with all of you. Sitting outside eating tacos and drinking margaritas. Talking miles and points and travel and blogs. In February! Sometimes I can’t believe more than a few people read my blog. Enjoy the process you guys, I sure am!
All right, lets get serious for a moment and bring you another edition of the 3 Links I Love. Which is never three. But you knew that already. And lets get away from the miles and points stuff for at least a day never forgetting the mission of the blog!
Enjoy and thanks for reading!
To my Jewish, Irish, Asian and Italian friends
Please take five minutes to read this wonderful post. Banning people from the United States of America or building walls is WRONG! Some embarrassing history lessons in the post as well. We are and were all immigrants here, come on! Must read.
American’s Great Divergence
This post, in my humble opinion (warning), absolutely nails what is happening in the US. Why we are so divided. It’s not a pretty picture…We need to do better to help the inland part of the country catch up to the coastal areas…Not easy.
The merging of humans and machines is happening now
I have been fascinated with robotic technology lately. Especially with sex robots but lets not go there today lol! The changes in this area are so breathtaking that, well, who knows what the hell is going to happen. Brace for changes faster than you ever guessed possible. And I am hopeful and optimistic that the best is yet to come.
Best Signs From Muslim Ban Protests

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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
bummed I missed you big fella
Next time!
Numero dos. Good morning
And goodnight soon…Still trying to digest how the Falcons choked so bad #wow
The day I get to Fairmont Grand Del Mar is rainy and this is WRONG!
Go Falcons!
Third !
Awesome meetup with George at Puesto Tacos by the Convention Center in San Diego yesterday !
Question for the Buzz crew — how to make several thousand $$ tax pmt and get FF miles? I think MO is the way to go on this. I have not done them before but got some pretty good tips yesterday.
Frequent Miler had a post in the past 2 weeks or so about paying taxes. I don’t like fees and do not want to get tangled up with the IRS tracking a miscoded payment or something so I avoid this. I used to do with my mvd card. the black one, old timers know…died years ago.
I think Puesto worked out great, I think we all enjoyed it. Get connected with the local hacking crowd, that is where you LEARN the best way!
nice credit DOC gave you today. sucks it was in same sentence w/Leff & his how to be a sellout post.
So Doc credits me for his success and then also speaks highly of Leff. If we were both so highly regarded, you would think that Leff will link to me ONCE. Nope. And for some reason many things that appear in my blog appear in his blog. Maybe a coincidence? If I had a dollar for every time this happened and never got an HT. A whole post about blogging and you would think that credit cards play a tiny role in the whole blog monetization scheme. He appears to make excuses that 7 years wet by not making much income. And then the credit cards affiliate river opened. And the slide began. But hey, conversions.
Im not for a “wall” but what the answer to stopping a country on our southern border from allowing millions to flow illegally into the country without repercussion? E-Verify would be a good start but something has to give to stem the import millions of people illegally and penalizing those who go thru proper channels. Walls/locks/security work. What is the answer? Because what we are currently doing is not a solution.
Yo, 1994 called and it wants its xenophobia back. Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLIzzs2HHgY
Net migration from Mexico has been near zero and even negative for a few years now. Central American migrants are actually a US-created problem (tl;might write another time).
The people coming here illegally live in fear of the police and the state constantly. They pick crops where I come from, back-breaking labor, and get paid illegally low wages. (They also allow for cheap strawberries in January, which blew my mind recently.)
An effective way to decrease the incentive for illegal immigration? Crack down on employers that hire undocumented workers. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the current administration to do this.
Xenophobia? Not here. Whos talking about Mexico dude? I said people coming here illegally.
“Whos talking about Mexico dude?”
Well, mu, you and your apparently drug-addled brain are. Here are your own words: “…what the answer to stopping a country on our southern border from allowing millions to flow illegally into the country…”.
I don’t quite know where to start with you. Somehow you think it’s Mexico’s responsibility to keep the border secure, unilaterally?
I’ve got a tip for you, mu–you’re not very intelligent and the more you write the more it shows.
Does the stupidest person in the room ever realize that he is? No, really, I’m asking you. Because….
“What is a possible answer? ”
What harvson3 said.
“An effective way to decrease the incentive for illegal immigration? Crack down on employers that hire undocumented workers.” AND DON’T PAY TAXES!
What Ronald Reagan said:
“I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally,”
As for the Reagan quote. Im not worried about the people here. I dont see anything thats going to remove them or leaving on their own. Im talking about the next decades of people coming illegally. At some point everyone is going to come to the conclusion that people jumping the line and coming in undocumented is a bad idea for the country as a whole.
Why are we even talking about this? With so many problems out there, it sure gets way too much play. Oh wait, to appeal to voters’ inner fears and prejudices perhaps…Sadly, it worked this time.
The border is too freaking long. And to threaten Mexico, our 2nd largest trading partner, is just plain dumb…threatening border taxes and other moronic crap. It’s economics. As harvon3 pointed out, the last two years has not been much. With Trump it will take care of itself lol.
I do believe immigrants provide a net net win for us here.
Obama deported most than any other President I believe. Maybe give a little more money to the border control so they can do a better job. I say money will be better spent elsewhere though but we must do something to let the inner country that made their voices heard in the election that we are listening to them. And then move to bigger issues…like if Arnold will be good for the Apprentice ratings or if Brady will ever retire and let someone else win 🙂
Greece has lots of the same problem too. When Albania opened up. No walls. After the crisis many went back. And are still going.
In addition, putting up walls sends an awful symbolic message man. Especially for the USA. Not in our DNA to put up walls, it’s just WRONG!
If speaking of our conversation upstream I notice you use the words “immigrants provide a net win”. Im not sure if anyone argues with that or if immigrants are a good thing. They are, of course. I believe the arguement is about illegal immigration. As for the DNA of America? We like to fight. Thats what I see when I look at our history. We are always fighting someone. Have been at war almost constantly in the last 240 yrs
Political debates are normal. But the point in 2017 is Donald Trump. Is. A. Crazy. Person. It is not normal.
Wonder what a Native American will say to Donald Duck! “You are banned”!