I have featured most of these abandoned places here before but they keep appearing (part 1 and part 2) and I always find some photographs worthy of featuring here again. By Seriously For Real?

Screw Maho beach! ThisΒ final approach by this Typhoon Royal Air Force Jet is even better this past weekend!
The 25 Most Failed States on Earth. Wow, think if you were born here instead next time you complain about your upgrades!

12 Fascinating Gorges Around the World. By The World Geography

Well, it looks like the Office Depot 5x gift card did not even last hours! Cash only. Boo. Frequent Miler has the latest developments. Would someone please email me if that changes, thanks!Β Don’t worry, I will not post here to kill the deal;-)
You know it’s slow when the only deal we got going is the…Southwest cards and, thank God, the Daily Getaway Deals are finally done today, hooray!!
I am going to ask for help for my upcoming trip to Banff Springs and Lake Louise from you. Hopefully next week I can articulate my thoughts. Please hold your ideas por favor.
I am so sick of this Zimmerman trial crap…how can people watch this stuff so much? And all the talking heads on TV opening their mouths non stop. And this Nancy Grace, please go away!
WTF is this Sharknado crap???
15 of the Strangest Deaths. These are strange all right! #7 is about dancing to death, whaaaaat?
Note: This section is intended for long time readers and miles/points addicts who follow the blogs in this space.Β Readers not familiar with this crazy hobby could skip this section!
Oh oh. I see lots of prizes and swag and links by Barclays in the future at The Points Guy! Carnival card link, seriously?
I can’t wait to see who is going to push the Frontier card!
I can go on and on you know but lately I just press delete on the blog entries I originally was going to say something. Give me some time to get through this super busy stretch and next week I should get back on form. Delta Points is probably wondering what is wrong with me lately:-)
You are Number 1!!!!
Blog title dedicated to me!! Let me obsess with myself for the rest of the day π Thanks Buzz. π
I did that just to see if you are paying attention. You obviously are;-)
Agenda Guy is a legend. A legend in his own mind…..But seriously he is the poster child for using birth control…
PS, your mom said to bring home milk and bread. And CLEAN UP YOUR ROOM!
MOM The Meatloaf!!!
Ha, that’s why I am too slow to get the Daily Getaway packages π
You may be slower than me…which is…unthinkable!! π
I was kind of hoping Agenda Guy would get first and show Agenda Gal what’s up. Guess he is too busy obsessing over MMS.
In my mother’s basement no less π Can someone offer me a job please!!! haha
Scott you are an interview graduate correct? I’m jealous!!
Yes, I think I have the distinction of being the only blog interviewee who doesn’t write a points blog??? You probably have to put me in the MMS cheerleader category but I admit that I do not like the turn the blog has taken in the last few months. Removing the chase reconsideration numbers and the TPG-esque affiliate link orgy the other day are very disappointing.
I would have been first but I was watching Nancy Grace…
I may not be making any money from my blog but the entertainment value it brings me is…priceless!
I am still laughing about your comment, good one!
Nancy Grace is hot
@Agenda Guy, do you need any help reading and understanding today’s MMS interview? It’s pretty complicated and full technical facts and equations that will help you in the points/miles world. Let me know,” I’M THERE FOR YOU”………………Did anyone else notice that Grant (Travel with Grant) is all over the MMS comments sections answering questions intended for MMS. Calm down little buddy, leave some for D., but i’m glad to see you are putting your months of experience to good work. He’s a go getter, and has the potential to be the next Noob Traveler!!
I like you better than @Agenda Guy, great points;-)
@Agenda “Gal” -> “Ribs” up your ass f*cking f*ggot.
AgendaGuy: Please no f words. I hear banks do a search for them in blogs they are considering to give affiliate links so I do not want to blow it:-)
Ok. I just found this awesome website to do award searches for hotels! Next blog post is one of my best ever (but I am biased) π
George – really appreciate that you don’t censor, but this is vile. There’s no place for this kind of “talk”.
I added the stars. I know. That was bad. But I still feel bad for censoring. He had a bad day, we all do. And he apologized.
We drove through Verdon Gorge in 1998. While the girls opted to explore gorgeous little towns and do some shopping, the boys took some time off to go river rafting. The river is not as smooth everywhere as in the above photo; there were certainly rapids where they went. To have rapids, of course, there must be rocks in the way.
MrTWA44 was shocked that the guides were 1) drinking, 2) jumping off bridges and rocks into the water at every opportunity and 3) encouraging 11 year old TWA44Boy to jump in too. MrTWA44 is not the family worrier but nevertheless managed to keep TWA44Boy from any harm. I was grateful to be hearing the story in a cafe with a glass of wine in hand, the two of them safe and sound. Amazing the guides can get away with the drinking. I doubt they could here.
TWA44Boy grew up (if you can call 26 grown up) to love adventure and travel, and spent several weeks in Colombia recently exchanging English lessons for learning how to guide river-rafting trips on rivers with crazy rapids. TWA44Girl still likes exploring gorgeous little towns; there are few rapids in either her past or her future. Unless they are Rapid Rewards!
Thanks for personalizing one of my photos.Sounds great. Not sure about them French guides!
Speaking of Rapid Rewards, I need to check if my 50k points posted from the SW Business Visa!
Sharknado may be the best Ian Ziering movie ever made (Has he been in any others?) We watched 5 minutes last night. You know your in for it when your 7 year old says “But Daddy, wouldn’t the sharks die out of water?”
From my 5 minute viewing, I pretty much got the gist of things: Somehow tornados spawn over LA beaches and carry hundreds sharks up in the air (guess no other fish can fly?) The solution? Fly a cheapass helicopter into them while dodging the airborne sharks and drop hand-made bombs into the cyclones. Of course the falling sharks pose a menace unless you’re carrying a pistol or a chainsaw to gut them as they fly past or towards you. The actors have to act serious the whole time – and there are some hilarious shark and human death effects as well. My favorite? The Chainsaw! Y’All gotta see this!
Sounds like a classic:-)
Sounds like a must miss!
Travel Summary wrote up his top 5 favorite blogs.
The comments are great.
JW: “I love Scott from the MileValue, he provides lots of useful redemption skills and he really doesnt push credit card to readers. I found his articles extremely useful.”
TBB replied “I almost choked when I read Milevalue does not push credit cards!!!”
Buzz, you DO REALIZE that JW is MileValue, right??? He’s the most self-promotional blogger out there but he is sneaky, never posting under his own name.
LMAO, TBB doesn’t know anything about self promotional postings at all π Or taking out his frustrations through concocted names.
Well, JW (whoever it is) is going to make my next blog post!
Regarding promotions and such….I was an Accounting major in college:-)
Hey at least we had hot girls in class π
End of the day post.
Sorry to disagree with you and the immediate world, but I think Nancy Grace has Spunk. And while I’m at it, and since TBB mentioned the Trayvon Martin trial, allow me to say that George Zimmerman …
FYI, Piers Morgan had an audience tonight. Most voted to see Zimmerman put in the slammer.
Ok. We disagree on Nancy. It’s okay.Really:-)