Darn San Antonio Spurs – Miami Heat Game 6 went to overtime, looks like another long night bringing to you the latest TBB update!
If you have been a TBB reader you were warned that this was coming: United goes Revenue Based in 2014 by UA Insider at Milepoint And here is more detailed information and FAQ’s at the website United set up: mileageplusupdates
The 1k’s will be true 1k road warriors from now on, not so many of us on el cheapo mileage run fares! The rest will have to pony up the money or spend at least $25k on the Chase UA credit card. Again, nothing new about this, it was coming. You were alerted to it several times here! I know it is tough to adjust to the new reality. At least United will allow partner flights to count (still must be on a United issued ticket!), unlike devilish Delta out to screw you and their partners! Hopefully Delta relents on this partner issue but I doubt it!
TBB saw the writing on the wall late last year and adjusted to this new reality: Became a free agent in 2013 for domestic trips and try to use miles on international trips (preferably First or Business class but not necessarily…with a family of four you can not be the same old elite slut you used to be!).
Why is this happening? Because, simply, it makes business sense and because they can get away with it in today’s business environment. Interestingly, the changes only apply to US based members. I see interesting things happening such as moving to Canada and/or joining the US Armed Forces or other drastic measures! The way the United IT works you could get away with it (not recommended because, simply, you lie!). I read some other hilarious ways on twitter but I will spare you the details, perhaps some other time:-)
American Airlines is next. And then award redemptions will likely move to a revenue based model! And I have this very uncomfortable feeling that Doug Parker will say “shoot, why do this in stages, let’s start with a completely revenue based AAdvantage program from the get go”! And then the era of the elite slut on cheapo fares will indeed be over. The only way out of this is that a black swan descends on us and shocks us back to a brutal depression shock like in late 2008. I am kidding of course, who wants THAT to happen? I am okay not playing up my Platinum elite status on Delta anymore. I have moved on. Will you?
Matthew on live and let’s fly goes on about the effect on Alliances. He wrote “United has now weaponized booking and balkanized loyalty in the Star Alliance”. Very interesting take on the whole alliance concept and, again, Delta started it! He also writes “there are rumors of a Star Alliance systemwide tool under development that would track spending in a uniform manner across Star Alliance.” Interesting.
Down-Under SECRETS They Don’t Want you to Know
Well, you know me by now, I speak my mind. If I was in a room and was asked to not publicly share something I would comply out of courtesy to the presenter. It is also quite ridiculous to expect something to stay a “secret” when it is shared in a public forum like a FF seminar! If someone decides to do it, well, I can’t help it…I did not and will NOT do such a thing! I also think the buildup (so many WOWs) was over the top! Ok, then, let’s talk about the actual deal. I did not know about this (yes, shocking!) but I am not going to go out of my way to research and try to put something together and pull the trigger on a Brazilian website. That whole country is in a state of revolution now and what if there is an issue with the ticket that needs follow up? Or, as this went public, it will likely not survive for too much longer anyway. Besides, it is not that easily replicated as some commenters indicate…I ain’t got time for dat! There is an interesting exchange between Amol of PointstoPointsB and several others in the comments. I really like Amol’s points (and they are certainly not angry lol). First2Board bloggers should take all this criticism better. It appears some of you are being FTGized (sorry I could not resist<smile>) and attacking others for taking the time to comment and criticize some of your content and blogging practices. If someone flat out is nasty with no arguments, in my book, they look bad themselves; shrug it off! This will happen on the internet! If you respond to that with equal venom/name calling, you fall down to their level and you look equally bad, if not worse! Besides, it is NOT good for business you know! It may help short term to generate some clicks and you may feel better but, I imagine, you may lose some readers who would rather not be associated with sites exhibiting such attacking behavior. For most who do have legitimate points to raise (they are not “angries” even thought that stupid term is still trying to stick!), thank them for taking the time to comment and promise you will take their points under consideration and that you will strive to do better going forward! Getting back on point (pun intended), I DO agree with Amol’s points! And I find it sad one of his comments was deleted. I saw the particular message and found nothing to warrant it being censored. At the end of the day, the stuff we are dealing with, it is not that important. Sometimes it is better to stand back for a moment, take in a view from above and hold off from immediately responding to something we see! And at all times I think we all must learn to take criticism better and develop some thicker skin. I can sell you some! One more thing…I have noticed a certain “bias” against BA/FTU related people/events that I think it is unfortunate and does not really make much sense for business purposes too! In addition, should the founder of First2Board be spending her time writing this? “Blogger Secrets Exposed?” I also think the comments by Kool Beans are right on! You should thank them for taking them out of their busy schedule, listen to his/her points and take them under consideration and promise to do better. They comment because they care. I am disappointed at these developments and I am speaking out because, well, at TBB we I review blogs and speak my mind and (at this time) I have no ulterior motive affiliate links:-) I never mean any harm and I never take anything personally! Feel free to attack me with arguments but, if I were in your case, I would spend my time trying to make my sites better instead and try to LEAD the F2B bloggers to keep improving.
Mistake Fare JNB-GVA/ZRH OW $513
Once upon a time, stuff like that used to excite me. These days not anymore. There is only a very small subsection of human beings interested in finding a way to South Africa, pay $513 (plus a crapload of travel related expenses) to fly a very good Business Class Fare to Europe and then find a way back home. Sorry, not my cup of tea. So, where am I going with this? There are mistake fares that even if you post they may still stick around for a while and there are other mistake fares that are so so so wrong that the moment they show up on a blog it is a race to them getting killed (and tickets cancelled too perhaps!) This debate of “blogs killing deals” has been going on ever since blogs were created after Flyertalk was established. If you post stuff like that you must be prepared to take the heat! And some of the heat can get out of hand (usually it depends on the scale of the mistake fare!) so the blogger must have really thick skin! At the end of the day, bloggers own their blogs and they post whatever they want (like me!). Would I have posted this? No! My blog is not here to reveal mistake fares. I post once daily in general. These things just fly so fast out of the gate that this is not something this blog will ever do. But I do like to review the blogs and the controversy this brought up was quite huge; therefore, TBB had to chime in with his infinite wisdom to my millions of readers. Please laugh, that was a joke! I admire the kid’s tenacity to not censor anything, bravo for that!
And that’s all he wrote about that. I predict this will come up again:-)
How about we go on a tour of a real favela in Rio de Janeiro? By Points Summary. Timeshares here anyone? 🙂 Another favela post!
Matthew on live and lets’ fly finishes up his Afghanistan series of trip reports with Kabul’s Green Zone and British Cemetery. Glad he made it out alive!
Similan Islands Scuba Diving. Incredible Vimeo video. Found at The Adventure Blog
Golden Eagle Private Train on the Trans-Siberian Railway. By A Luxury Travel Blog. That looks incredible. Last time I checked it cost an arm and a leg though. Maybe Amtrak can get them as a partner lol.
Unkay, Hokkaido Japan. Amazing photos of a resort above the clouds!

Ex-McDonald’s Worker Sues After Allegedly Getting Paid with a Prepaid Debit Card. Class action lawsuit baby! On the basis of “the wages shall be paid in lawful money of the United States or check”. Quite interesting, likely a loser with the attorney hoping to settle for a few bucks to go away. The card was by Chase and check out the fees: “$1.50 for ATM withdrawals, $5 for over-the-counter cash withdrawals, $1 per balance inquiry, $0.75 per online bill payment and $15 for lost/stolen card.” If there was a special bonus on an affiliate link for this card I wonder how much buzz it will have by bloggers touting it as the greatest thing since sliced bread Chase Ink Bold lol. Why post this in this section? If somehow this lawsuit proceeds it could affect the prepaid card market!
Comparison Tables of Top Tier Hotel Stats. By Hack My Trip. Two fantastic tables! Table 1 has Hyatt/Starwood/Kimpton and Table 1 has Hilton/Marriott/IHG/IC. I agree with the comments, Club Carlson belongs!
The Charleston DO information and costs are out! Ouch, the prices are not cheap imho, they remind me Star Mega DO 5 caliber prices lol! Good luck with it. I still prefer the small gatherings and fighting who will pay the restaurant bill with their own credit card:-)
JetBlue points never expire now. Zzzzzzzz
Marriott stays can earn American Airlines miles again. More zzzzzzz
Eva Air joined Star Alliance. Hello Kitty, meow.
Good we had the United news to break up the incredible Chase Ink card assault:-)
Mommy Points wrote what to do with your 65,000 Chase Ultimate Reward points. Its’ the same old ways we have heard a gazillion times: United, Hyatt, British Airways for short haul flight, Priority Club for Pointbreaks and Southwest. The Points Guy had a much more comprehensive post about what to do with the same points but the link fest turned me off so no back link for him (like he cares<smile>).
Frequent Miler‘s against the herd advice (“Don’t Jump” on the Chase Ink card offer) is a breath in the fresh air and also brilliant from a business sense (I am guessing about this and hope it is true!). He concentrates on the content, tells you not a big deal not to jump on these offers while every other blogger looks like a Jehova’s Witness going door to door selling salvation Chase Ink cards!
Ariana continues the credit card related posts at the Frugal Travel Guy site. This time she assists a newbie to eventually get FOUR credit cards at once! I am getting my web designer involved in the hobby and have been getting her prepared of what is ahead after asking many many questions about her online and spending habits, debt/income levels and way to handle her husband (he is one of “those” people who refuse to even consider, let alone try to “get” it). Getting a newbie on board with four credit cards at once, in my own opinion, is dangerous. I hope the person can handle it. I think getting newbies started with one card and see how they handle it is a much better way to go! People can do some really dumb things with their money, especially when having an extra four credit cards on hand for crying out loud! Thanks for the five affiliate links, do you do those or an FTG staffer jumps in to add them? (we know they jump in to censor comments). Fyi: I had Pointchaser in my Top 10 blogs, not anymore. And I am really sad about that!
With so much going on in Delta, Delta Points asks for food suggestions in airports!!! And I have no idea why “One Flew South” in Atlanta gets so raving reviews. I ate there once and I thought it was okay and definitely overpriced.
Noob Traveler also writes what to with 65,000 Chase Ultimate Reward points! At least Mommy Points was quick to post about the United mega bomb quickly!
By the time I get to this point I am so beat!
By the time I get to this point I feel like a zombie:-)
I am renting my Canadian address out! 10,000 UA miles a year 😛
Windsor is 30 minutes away from me, maybe I can do the same:-)
one flew south is overrated. Give me Manchu Wok any day!
Need to try that Manchu Wok then!
Manchu Wok is an awful chain, really gross.
Never been. I saw Panda Express one time and was turned off, how does it compare to it?
Thanks, George. By the way, you posted and United immediately devaled ANOTHER thing: http://hackmytrip.com/2013/06/united-increases-award-change-fees-for-non-premier-members-effective-immediately/
Yeah, saw that. It is becoming a UA massacre! If this “enhancement” pace continues you better do a post on how to achieve Amtrak Elite status lol!
Hey G-Money, I don’t think that the “Era of Cheapo Fare Mileage Runs” is over, because there will still be cheap fares for a good amount of redeemable miles out there…it is just that they won’t count for elite status if one does not meet the criteria. I hate it as much as the next guy, but getting miles will just be for the sake of hoarding miles for redemption and not necessarily for elite qualifying…one can still purely MR, ya dig? 🙂
You can still MR at 6cpm, you will just need to MR for 200K UA miles to get 1K 😉
Blake, this is exactly what I meant. I think I should edit the heading to make it more clear! Thanks. Oh the end of the game last night was so painful. How do you forget it and come back to win Game 7? So so close!
One must forget it and defeat the dastardly Heat! Take down LeBron first…then Doug Parker!!!
Yes yes both must go down!!!
Time to get an editor…you are rambling. I could care less what you think in painful minutiae.
I like your rambling. And I see the incipient Blog roll. Hooray!
Paul: Thanks for taking the time to comment. Maybe you are right, I need to ramble less and keep it to the point!
guera: Thanks for liking my rambling. My web person showed me how to do this right after I answered a bunch of her questions on how to get the 60k Chase Ultimate Rewards. I will add my affiliate links there one day lol.
Seconded. TL;DR is something to be avoided.
First2Board really is a mess. Generally awful content, inconsistent and rapidly changing policies (no credit cards, no I mean credit cards ok, content restriction I mean NO content restriction) and MrPickles clearly was neglected as a child or something because he sure needs attention today. When Google Reader dies on July 1st I doubt I will visit the site again. The Google Reader death is a timely way of culling the blog content which really has gotten to an all time low recently with so little useful content and just a bunch of twaddle as people try to stand out from the crowd 🙁
Hope you are not attacked as an “angry” lol.
I am still using Google Reader! I think you are right, July 1st will be a huge day and I expect many blogs will be…forgotten! I should go through my list and delete some that I have given up for so I do not waste my time hoping that one day I will find something worthy. Then again, I may just leave them in there as I may find some stuff worthy of “Blog Buzz”:-)
I need to make the move to Feedly…tomorrow (been saying that for days now!).
Thanks for taking the time to comment and hope TBB makes your Google Reader cut;-)
We need blog factions and blog wars to spice things up. Kudos to Mr P for killing a loophole. Get those readership numbers up and leave other bloggers furious. Let’s thin the herd a bit from time to time. I don’t know why people are getting furious over him now when the exact same thing was done by the bloggers who are established already to get there.
In fact suggestion for Mr. P, Circle and Arrow those pics 🙂 It is kinda difficult otherwise.
Yep, too many blogs and fierce fight to differentiate and get noticed out there! With the way the airline “enhancements” keep coming…I think I should change my focus to Amtrak elite status and such lol.
Timeshares here anyone? Another favela post!
Like a blind squirrel you’ve happened upon a nut, George. There really may soon by timeshares, and that’s not a terribly good thing. Residents of the favelas in Zona Sul in Rio are actually up in arms about this very issue. Now that the zones around Copacabana and Ipanema have been “pacified” with a heavy militarized police presence and new lines of access, real estate developers are moving in to buy up the favela areas to install new hotels and apartments for rent. (Rio has a hotel room shortage.) The government, some feel, is pushing people to live in public housing in other parts of the city that have services but are far from their jobs in the city center and Zona Sul and still unsafe. Eminent domain may be invoked. It almost certainly will be invoked to kick people out of their houses to build new Olympic venues, which is rotten.
See here: http://rioonwatch.org/?p=9116
@Paul: has George ever not rambled? If he rambled less he wouldn’t be able to complain as much about the blog taking up too much time.
@United MileagePlus: So long, United. It was real. Free agency starts soon.
Missing detail: the favelas around Copa and Ipanema are desirable because, as Jamison notes, they’re almost beachfront with stunning views.
Thanks for the insight. My brother lives in Sao Paulo, moved there from Greece in 1995. He put some money in real estate and now lives off it. He thinks he is a genius when he really just got lucky. Everyone think they are genius material when it’s just a bull market:-)
He thinks he should sell most of his properties and buy this luxury condo and I told him he is nuts! With that money his dough can go SO MUCH further in Greece these days buying at severely reduced prices. But he is not a contrarian, what can I say ? lol.
It appears to me Brazil is at a crossroads. It has been blessed with so many natural resources but, my gut feeling is, it is a bubble that will burst at some point. Everyone thinks it will be after the WC and Olympics, I am not so sure. These protests are HUGE.
Time will always tell. I would like to tour these places one day before they disappear.
Welcome to free agency;-)
there’s a rumor the Brazilian government will withdraw from the “pacified” favelas after 2016 as these PPU’s were designed to attract tourists to Rio for the World Cup and Olympics
You are brave for doing that tour! If I was a favela resident I would just wait for the tourists and rob them all at once lol.
Um, George, the gangs that control(led) the favelas allow the tours to continue because they appreciate the support given to social services in “their” community by the tour guides/company, or they get a cut of the tourists’ fees, or probably both. Hence petty crimes like burglary of tourists are very rare as they’re forbidden by higher-ups in the gang.
And yes, the future of the UPPs after 2016 is uncertain.
Buzz, It’s me Jimmy, is it ok to come out of the garage now? Are they gone yet?
You know how much has been spent to find your sorry bones Jimmy? $3 Million!!!!! Enough is enough…either come out man or stay buried once and for all.
No More Dinero 4 Jimmy!!!!!
George, the only point I’d like to address is that none of the Founders of F2B have a “bias” against BA/FTU. If our bloggers do, well, that’s their personal business, I can’t control what any individual says, does or feels. Officially, however, there is no bias against anyone.
Ok, got it! Thanks.
that giraffe is going to give me nightmares….
Yeah, that giraffe was a 1k for years on cheapo fares. Just got the news…look at his sorry face. I thought about reporting this obvious animal abuse to PETA but…came to my senses:-)
The debit card might be a violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act because it reduced compensation below the minimum wage.
You may be right
Can you please do a series on how to use Chase Ultimate Rewards points. Never heard of these Ultimate Rewards points and you could fill a niche gap in the blogsphere.
Lol, I just typed some stuff on exactly this topic for my “Blog Buzz” section tomorrow…I am waiting for one to to do a Top # we haven’t seen before. How about Top 13 lol.
Love how VeryGoodPoints doesn’t actually respond to any criticism on her blog, she chooses instead a snarky off topic response.
As for Mr. Pickels, his Blog with Integrity graphic is just a decoration.
When First 2 Board launched with their much hyped “no credit card links” pledge and content over commissions approach, I had hoped their presence would make other bloggers better and would be beneficial to the points & miles community.
Guess that won’t happen.
Frankly, I prefer the credit card link farm approach of BA and others over the First 2 Board gutter.
The points/miles community will be better off when First 2 Board folds up and goes away.
FWIW, I like your free-form “Ramblin’ Man” approach!
Mr. Karma,
I am terribly sorry to hear how strongly you feel opposed to First2Board, but I guess we can’t win them all over.
As for calling us a gutter – everyone has an opinion and you are clearly proud of yours. What I might call into question is our apparent use of credit card affiliate links. If you can show me one F2B story from any of our bloggers which has affiliate links buried into the content of the story, I would really appreciate it. First2Board, of which I am the business manager, has not received one cent of credit card revenue, so I am unsure of where this perception has come from.
And, for whatever reason you think the points/miles community would be better off without us, I hate to disappoint. We continue to grow, our readership is increasing dramatically, we are adding new bloggers and we are NOT going anywhere.
You are free to turn away and not read First2Board, but rudeness and name calling gets you nowhere.
Mr Karma: No need for name calling. Give them a chance. BA was full of crap when they first started! It takes time to build something. Trial and errors along the way. As long as they keep improving…
Casey: Thanks for posting here. I would like to see the “Deals” part of the site with affiliate links to be differentiated from all other blog entries in the main page. I think it just does not look good. I also understand how TOUGH it must be to build a business AND do it with integrity. Doing it the hard way I think it is tougher, takes longer but it will be more sustainable. Doing it the quick easy way (sell out at first opportunity), well talk to the folks you send your readers for credit cards;-) Best of luck!
No need to respond to reader comments in this manner…gosh, how many times do I have to say this? Look for a nugget I found and I will post tomorrow about this very topic “responding to haters”.
The problem with First2Board isn’t that their “deals” are sucky, and their calling them “deals” undermines credibility.
The real problem with First2Board is that their bloggers aren’t very good.
MrPickles does know some tricks, he’s waaaay too self-promotional and doesn’t deliver up to his own hype. But he’s interesting to watch, even if he’s demonstrated a serious lack of integrity and even less judgment about what’s in the best interest of the miles and points community.
He’s the only one, he doesn’t post enough, and unfortunately the rest of the First2Board bloggers do.
The determinant of a good blog isn’t credit card links or lack of credit card links (although there are good ways and bad ways to do those and most blogs do it badly). A blog is ultimately going to have to rise or fall on the quality of its posts. And it seems like First2Board is a collection of everyone who couldn’t hack it on their own, and they aren’t made better by coming together with other bad bloggers.
MrP just has poor integrity in general. He is currently crowing on Twitter about returning a 5 year-old generator to Costco.
I stick to blogs. TBB is not expanding to Twitter now lol
Everyone can improve…
TBB motto:-)
George, thanks. I agree about the Deals, and you’ll notice that they will be found in a different manner, and not co-mingled with the blog posts any longer. I definitely agree with you that it doesn’t look good. It was solely my decision to add them on the homepage, and mine now to remove them!
I don’t typically respond to reader comments, but just felt compelled this time to air my thoughts.
We strive to maintain the integrity of F2B – though we are a collection of independent writers. Not everyone will agree with them. Not everyone will like them. We are proud of our work, our writers, our unity as a team and our ethics.
Thanks for the luck, George, and thanks for continually keeping us entertained! Keep it up!!!
My motives are good. I believe in continuous improvement in everything! And I primarily look to entertain because laughter is very healthy.
Remember, I have not looked into the business side of blogging. So it is easy for me to say this is better or that is bad. I am certain when the $$$ business side comes into play…the whole thing drastically changes. Bills need to be paid so some corners may be cut. If everything is disclosed up front in an open honest and sincere way readers will understand. If done in a way that is done in some blog sites presently well expect some pushback, it is natural. And it is also natural for everything online to attract some rude angry folks….they are easy to spot. They should be thanked and welcomed and “ignored”:-)
If I was managing the business side of things I am CERTAIN my blog content may be different:-)
As I explained in the post, it was ultimately his idea to apply for all those cards. I’d say a grown adult well into his late 20’s who has a FT job and managed what little credit he had well so far, is capable of making his own financial decisions.
Ariana: Thanks for taking the time to comment. Absolutely adults SHOULD be capable of making their own financial decisions. But, sadly, many do and make the wrong ones. I just feel they should NOT be encouraged to do so. Publishing such experiences in a site targeting people new to this hobby, in my own opinion (as always), could mislead them to go nuts with credit cards and could well prove to be dangerous for THEIR financial well being. Why do you think Chase keeps throwing so many bonuses and so much $$$ to bloggers? Because many suckers (reeled in from sites such as FTG) screw up and pay up the wazoo! Their fault? Capitalism? Sure…but as we all found out in 2008…it is not really capitalism when we all bail them out:-)
Questions I would love to ask you in an interview:
-Do you feel pressured to write credit card posts?
-Are you a regular IB employee now?
-Do you edit the affiliate credit card links yourself? (I hope not!)
-Have you almost abandoned Pointchaser?
-How do you feel about offering readers to add their links in the comments and then seeing them deleted? Did you object to that? If no, why not?
-How do you feel about writing for a site that censors comments?
-What did you think of the Uber post? Did you think that was right?
I do not expect a public reply in the comments. You can email me if you want. Everything is on record unless you expressly request it to be OFF the record. I keep my word.
Milevalue did the same thing a few months ago. Told a newbie to get 5 cards at once!!!!
Imho (as always), these types of posts are dangerous and they would not see the light of day if there was no big dinero to the provider by doing so! So, it would be nice if you bloggers are a little bit more sensitive to this issue. MOST people are NOT cut out for this hobby and some DO get in very deep trouble!
TBB reviews blogs and speaks his mind. I make bloggers/businesses angry. If they were restaurants and someone left a bad review they should take that into account and try to get better. This is what TBB does. And I do give out so much praise where I think it is deserved. Some people (not you) just go off dismissing people who take the time to do so as “angries”and go on ridiculous personal attacks. I feel sorry for them thinking they are the center of the universe and beyond critique!
So…how do I get better?
I miss the old Pointchaser stuff. Seeing you throwing out credit card stuff at FTG is like a knife cutting me:-)
I don’t support irresponsible spending or being reckless with one’s credit. In this case, this person wanted to minimize the hit on his credit (which he did), wanted low spending requirements, and his main objective was to improve his credit. He achieved all three (his credit score jumped 20 points). My point is that this person made his own decisions based on knowledge of his own financial situation.
As for credit card related posts, for the most part the one’s I’ve written didn’t contain affiliate links but rather the best offer (yes, there were some exceptions – not intentional). I receive no financial benefit from hawking credit cards, so there is no incentive on my part to promote them. I write about them because they are an essential part of this hobby. Some of my older posts on PointChaser covered credit cards extensively – in fact, I’ve written about the 75k amex card on several occasions and never received flack for them until I began writing for FTG. PointChaser is still alive and kicking – just taking a short hiatus.
Thanks for clarifying the applicant’s situation a bit further. My point was NOT his specific situation. My point was that it is not prudent for the target market of the FTG blog to be encouraged to go for four cards at once. At least it was not five. That’s all. You made your point, I made mine. Let’s move on.
Most of my questions were not answered. But I do understand why. You writing for FTG has diminished your credibility in the community IN MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION (as always).
I am not angry, just sad.
Casey – If you can show me where I said in my comments that First 2 Board has credit card links I really appreciate it.
As for the rest of you comment, I think you would do well to take George’s advice “First2Board bloggers should take all this criticism better.”
You, VeryGoodPoints and Mr. Pickels stay classy!
EEEUGGH: http://milevalue.com/top-nine-credit-card-offers-that-are-about-to-disappear/
Oh look, all the cards that are going to disappear are affiliate links. Cha-ching!
That was the first entry on tomorrow’s Blog Buzz post. Too easy:-)
Love the blog but do have a suggestion. Mix in some paragraphs. The down under secrets was giving me a headache to read. 🙂
You are right, point well taken!